"Public Engagement is a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit." NCCPE
Public Engagement
Public Engagement is an important part of our activities. We try to make our research accessible to as wide an audience as possible.
We aim to:
- let interested parties know about our progress and key developments. We want to show why our research is important and how it can or might impact people’s lives.
- stimulate conversation and debate about our research and encourage our audiences to contribute their own ideas.
- inspire and enthuse the public, particularly young people, about science in general.
We work with many groups and organisations to deliver our public engagement activities locally, nationally and overseas.
Dr Tansy Hammarton (Public Engagement Champion) works closely with the public engagement teams at the Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology and Centre for Virus Research, as well as with members of staff who are active in public engagement, our Management Committee, and a number of partner organisations to develop, coordinate, deliver and spread the word about our activities.
Public Engagement Tracker
As part of the school’s commitment of providing public engagement events we have developed a public engagement tracker. We would appreciate any feedback from these events.
This tracker is intended to be completed for events regarding social, community and cultural engagement with members of the public. You can access this form here: PE Tracker.xlsx
Could we please ask that once you have carried out any public engagement activities that you fill this form out as accurately as possible.
Please contact sii-enquiries@glasgow.ac.uk with any questions you may have.