Winners of iii Green Challenge 2021 announced

Published: 3 March 2021

iii Green Challenge 2021 winners are announced. Congratulations to all those who took part.

iii Green challenge winners announced!

Green Challenge and the winners are ii.png


Winning Floor - Level 3

The winning floor was Level 3 with entries from the Edgar Group, Willison group, Carmody group and the Perona-Wright Group. Great effort, everyone. A pizza night is coming your way - watch this space!

We also had great efforts from levels 4 and 5, who both get a special mention.


Most Innovative - Level 5

The award for 'Most Innovative' goes to Level 5, who have stopped unnecessary autoclaving of bovine waste tissue, which was destined for incineration anyway.


Greenest PI - Ruaidhri Carmody

With the most votes, Greenest PI is awarded to Ruaidhri Carmody. Well done, Ruaidhri!


Green Champion - Gemma Hourigan (L5)/Jennifer Barrie (L3)

And, finally, the award for Green Champion was split between Gemma Hourigan (L5) and Jennifer Barrie (L3). Congratulations to you both - your efforts are heroic!


Congratulations to everyone who took part and our winners. We will be in touch with the winners soon to hand out prizes!

First published: 3 March 2021