Disposal of waste chemicals and solvents

How to obtain a quotation for the disposal of waste chemicals (Veolia - March 2004-February 2007)

Disposal of flammable substances

Small quantities of water-miscible solvent may be flushed down the sink provided there is a sufficient accompanying flow of water to produce a high dilution. For solvents immiscible with water, each laboratory should have two containers clearly labelled 'flammable' and 'non-flammable'. Each container must carry a label which details the individual substances which it contains.

Ethidium bromide stained gels

Special arrangements are in place for disposal of gels stained with this (carcinogenic) compound. Gels must be only disposed into plastic drums labelled 'Ethidium Gels' and carrying a Biohazard sign. These drums must be removed when full by technical staff to the disposal point agreed with the Divisional Safety Co-ordinator.


Waste solvents can be disposed via Alex James / Ted Easdon at the Chemistry Department,
Joseph Black Building Ext. 4388. For procedures, see also SEPS note 96-010 'Disposal of redundant and waste chemicals.

Important Notice

Please ensure that chemicals in your laboratory remain clearly and securely labelled with their contents - it is very difficult to dispose of unknown chemicals.