Policy : injury and dangerous occurrence reporting

Policy : injury and dangerous occurrence reporting

An accident can be defined as "the unplanned but foreseeable consequence of unsafe acts in combination with hazardous circumstances". Implicit in this definition is the concept that accidents are not due solely to human or mechanical factors, but to a sequence of events and circumstances often involving both. A 'dangerous occurrence' differs in definition only by the fact that there is no personal injury involved. Both types of situation should be recorded on the Injury and Dangerous Occurrence report form.

Serious Accidents and Personal Injury

The Director, relevant Head of Division, safety co-ordinator and relevant senior staff (eg academic supervisor) should be informed immediately. An accident report form must be completed as close to the timing of the event as possible. In the case of life-threatening accidents, always dial 4444 before summoning other help. This will reach the Secruity staff who will send for, and direct, the appropriate emergency services.


It is vital in the case of any dangerous incident or near-incident that the Injury and Dangerous Occurrence report form is completed as soon as possible and given to the Safety Co-ordinator, or deputy.

It is also vital that any remedial action recommended by the Safety Co-ordinator, or deputy, is carried out as soon as possible after the incident. Failure to do so could breach our legal obligations.