SII’s Internal Peer Review Process
The School has revamped its procedures for internal review of grant applications. The main purpose is to enhance grant award success rates that will benefit not just the individuals involved, but all in the School. All research applications submitted from the School will need to be peer reviewed. The only exceptions are grants of less than £100,000 and grants in which the University of Glasgow are not the lead institution. The process will be managed by the Research Management team in consultation with the Director and Deputy Director of the School as well as Heads of Research Area. The process is as follows:
1) PI sends a well-formed draft including the scientific proposal and proposed budget to the Project Coordinator (PC) four weeks prior to the funder’s deadline.
2) The team will send the application to two reviewers, according to the following criteria:
- No conflict of interest
- Within reviewer’s area of expertise
- Reviewer is or has been a member on a related external funding panel.
The time since last review/number of reviews already done by the reviewer will be taken into consideration to maintain an even workload.
PI’s will be given the opportunity to suggest two reviewers to review their document.
Reviewers will be given two weeks to complete their assessment. They will be asked to comment on the scientific proposal and proposed budget taking into consideration importance, scientific potential, and research plans.
Comments will be anonymised unless the reviewer is happy for their identity to be shared.
3) Once assessment has been received the PC will forward the comments to the PI.