Office recycling bins
Can be recycled:
- Rinsed bottles
- Small paper/cardboard packaging (large items can be placed in the cardboard recycling bins in front of the goods lift)
- Cans
- Clean plastic waste
Cannot be recycled
- Items with food on them
- Plastic bags
- Blue roll/paper towels
- Polystyrene (see below for polystyrene recycling)
Lab Recycling bins
Can be recycled:
- Glove Boxes
- Paper
- Plastic/Paper Wrapping
- Uncontaminated and clean plastics i.e. syringe barrels that have not been used
- Rinsed and Scored Out Media Bottles (scratch or score through label with a pen).
Cannot be recycled:
- Blue Roll
- Tissue Paper
- Contaminated Waste
- Polystyrene (see below for polystyrene recycling)
Designated cardboard recycling spots are located in the corridor outside main labs, across from the cargo lift.
Please flatten boxes to avoid creating a fire hazard.
Glass recycling is available outside on the car park ramp. Items able to be recycled include safe break glass bottles and uncontaminated microscope slides.
Please click HERE for more details on what glass can safely be recycled. PLEASE NOTE: Pyrex items cannot be recycled.
Polystyrene recycling is also available on the car park ramp. Iceboxes can be placed here.
Disposal of unwanted chemicals
All details on how to dispose of unwanted chemicals can be found on the SEPS webpage.
If chemicals are still in date, usable and been stored correctly, you could consider offering it to another group in 3Is.
Ensure your lab is signed up to ChemInventory, a chemical sharing software which allows you to see chemicals in other labs to save . Contact Anne McKenna (anne.mckenna@glasgow.ac.uk) for details on signing up.
Electrical laboratory equipment recycling
If you are disposing of any equipment that is heavily contaminated - please contact Anne McKenna (anne.mckenna@glasgow.ac.uk).
If the equipment is refrigerated a CCL (North) disposal form should be completed and a decontamination form attached to equipment prior to disposal. As a charge is made for disposal of all refrigerated items, a project code is required to cross charge this against.
All forms for disposal of electrical laboratory equipment can be found on the SEPS webpage.
Porter’s cages are always available for the disposal of small lab equipment. Either ask your floor co-ordinator or Anne McKenna to access them.
Computers and associated IT equipment
- Computers and associated IT equipment can also be disposed via CCL (North). Again, the item needs to be logged on a disposal form.
- Old laptops can be donated to Malaptop charity for schools in Malawi via Alex MacKay in room B5-10, SGDB or email Alex.Mackay@glasgow.ac.uk.
- PAT numbers of discarded electrical items should be logged on the waste equipment list attached to the porter’s cage.
Toner cartridges
Put in box in Common room. Cartridges should be left in original cardboard box.
Soft plastics
There is a bin for soft plastics such as crisp packets in the common room.
The facilities at the CVR are building and lab specific:
Level 3/4 Sir Michael Stoker Building
There is a box for battery recycling on the shelf that stores the L broth and L agar
There are 2 glass recycling boxes, one at each end of the primary lab
You can find recycling boxes for both Starlab and Greiner tip holders in the primary lab.
Level 3/4 Henry Wellcome Building:
There is cardboard recycling, glass bins and Starlab tip box recycling in both TC and main lab.
In the main lab there are 2 general recycling boxes at each end of the lab that are labelled for paper, plastic and tins but drinks cans should not go in these bins.
Level 2 Henry Wellcome Building:
There is battery recycling and printer cartridge recycling outside the admin hub on L2 HWB.
Soft plastics
Unfortunately we can no longer recycle soft plastics and crisp packets must go into general waste.