Curiox HT2000

Our Curiox Laminar Wash HT2000 System can be used for sample preparation for flow cytometry and for omics applications. It is particularly useful for fragile cells as the gentle laminar washing procedure causes less mechanical stress on cells and less cell loss compared to conventional centrifugation.

Advantages of the system are: 

  • Reduce the amount of aerosolisation compared to a centrifugation
  • Increase Cell Retention  
  • Gives higher percentages of viable cells after processing compared to centrifugation.
  • Speed – The system completely washes 96 samples in 4 minutes
  • Reduced background with more thorough washing.
  • No Pelleting of Cells – reducing doublets and clumping.
  • Higher Stain Index – For better resolution of populations
  • Cleaner Data – Improved cell segregation and resolution; Reduces debris and aggregation of cells


Curiox plates and large volume adapters areavailable at cost price from Flow Core staff.

We offer instrument training, and assistance with adapting staining protocols for the curiox.  

Check out view the video below for an overview of the technology.