Core Hours Policy
The Institute has a Core meeting hours policy. Core meeting hours are 10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday. All meetings, seminars, workshops and social gatherings within the Institute, which staff are required to attend, or may wish to attend, are held within core hours unless there is a clear reason why it is not possible. If one-off events need to be organised out with core hours, e.g. a PI research day, staff will be given at least 6 weeks notice so that they can make alternative arrangements to cover their responsibilities at home.
Activities that are not relevant to all staff, such as lab meetings, may be arranged outwith core hours provided the time suits all of those involved. Teaching activities are not included in this policy as they are outwith the control of the Institute.
Bench & Bairns
Bench & Bairns (B&B) is a forum for discussions around the topic of balancing family life with managing a successful career.
B&B activities take various formats including information sessions with HR on University leave policies and informal get togethers for staff and their families.
Everyone is welcome whether you have kids, are planning a family or you are just curious about the future.
Mentorship Scheme
The aim of the Athena SWAN Mentorship Scheme is to improve career development for all staff within the Institute. This developmental mentoring scheme aims for mentors to assist mentees to make the best decisions for their future and to aid the mentee’s growth and skills development.
Communication Drop-in Sessions
The drop-in sessions will provide an opportunity for staff to speak in confidence with Iain McInnes and Gerry Graham. You are welcome to bring your line-manager and/or mentor to the meetings.
The 2019 drop-in session dates for the surgery are as follows; further details from Alison Wallace:
- 4th June level 5 meeting room
- 2nd July level 5 meeting room
- 6th August level 5 meeting room
- 3rd September level 5 meeting room
- 1st October level 5 meeting room
- 5th November level 5 meeting room
- 3rd December level 5 meeting room
All dates are on Tuesdays between 10am - 11am.
The 2019 dates for the townhall meetings are as follows:
Date | Time |
Location | |
Support Staff | Thursday 30th May | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Support Staff | Wednesday 4th September | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Bacteriology | Wednesday 5th June | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Bacteriology | Wednesday 18th September | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Parasitology | Tuesday 18th June | 02pm - 02:30pm | L2b SGDB |
Parasitology | Tuesday 24th September | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Immunology | Wednesday 19th June | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Immunology | Thursday 19th September | 10am - 11:30am | L2b SGDB |
Athena SWAN email
We have a designated email address where Institute staff can confidentially raise Athena SWAN related issues: iii-ins-athenaswan@glasgow.ac.uk
Career Progression
- The Network for Early career Researcher Development (NERD) provides a source of support, information and advice for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in iii and ICAMS. Check out previous and upcoming events on the NERD website.
- Check out the Academy of Medical Sciences SUSTAIN Mentorship programme.
- Career Mapping Scheme: for grade 8-9 iii staff. A series of meetings with senior University academics to help you plan your career development. The 2019-2020 trial scheme is currently running and updates will follow in spring 2020.
Promotion Guidance
- Each year we run promotion information sessions led by the Institute Deputy Director, Professor Gerry Graham, and a representative from HR. These sessions explain the promotion form and the promotion process. Dates for 2019 will follow. In the meantime, please see university HR webpages and helpful ‘roadmap' for more details: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/humanresources/all/pay/promotion/acpromotion/
- The iii Promotion Guidance Group is comprised of senior staff with in-depth knowledge of the promotion process and/or recent promotion success. If you would like some additional input into your promotion form from a member of the Promotion Guidance Group, please email Alison Wallace at least three weeks before the promotion deadline.