AMW: Key web sites

These are sites with extensive collections of links to a wide range of resources associated with Archaeology. They are normally regularly updated...

The Council for British Archaeology
The CBA works to promote the study and safeguarding of Britain's historic environment, to provide a forum for archaeological opinion, and to improve public interest in, and knowledge of, Britain's past. Their web site includes links to news, political, and archaeological issues and has a handy collection of links to UK Archaeology

Archaeology Data Service
The Archaeology Data Service has been created to collect, describe, catalogue, preserve, and provide user support for digital resources that are created as a product of archaeological research. Apart from a broad range of archived datasets, a library with a large number of archaeological texts and some archaeological journals, it is most popular for its huge catalogue of over a million known archaeological sites and interventions across the UK.

ArchNet serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology, and provides access to archaeological resources available on the Internet categorised by geographic region and subject.

The About.Com Guide to Archaeology
An excellent series of links with a large number of relevant categories, maintained by K. Kris Hirst. Includes a World Atlas of Archaeology.

Archaeology blogs
A convenient collection of a wide range of blogs relating to archaeology, ranging from those from organisations through to those from individuals.

British Archaeological Jobs Resource
A site which is much more than its name suggests. BAJR is an archaeological resource centre maintained by Dave Connolly, with guides to archaeology, links to software, online magazines, web databases and lists of curators, universities and colleges, as well as UK employment opportunities and a section for CVs. There are also maps, archaeological games, and help for developers and planners. BAJR also hosts The Digger  archive - this was a regular newsletter produced by a digger somewhere in the UK which got right into the nitty gritty of field archaeology ...

The Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology. Serious and not-so-serious articles about a wide range of aspects of archaeology. If this version isn't accessible, the Archaeology Data Service maintain an archive copy.

Internet Archaeology
A heavyweight archaeology journal. Aims "to present the results of archaeological research in a readable manner and yet make it possible for readers to explore the data upon which conclusions are based". Requires a subscription to access beyond the front pages of issues, but is free within the University.

Current Archaeology
The web site for a popular British archaeology magazine.

Archaeology News Online
News stories from the Archaeology Magazine, published by the Archaeological Institute of America. Back issues of the magazine are online and searchable.

Archaeology: an Introduction
The electronic companion to Kevin Greene's book of the same name, with a host of links usefully categorised under chapters and subheadings.

Archaeology Expert
Contains over 140 articles all written by a team of experts, with around 10 new articles added each month. A useful set of themes are provided with plenty of additional of information.

An archaeology magazine for kids ... If you're stuck with your essay, you could always ask Dr Dig?