Development and Preservation


Preserving battlefieldsA collection of links relating to preservation and protection of battlefield sites in the UK and USA.

Severn Barrage and Archaeology
A collection of links surrounding the proposals to construct a huge tidal power station across the Severn Estuary, which will inevitably impact on the surrounding environment including the archaeological heritage.

Tara and the M3
A collection of links associated with proposals to route the M3 motorway through the archaeologically sensitive area of the Hill of Tara and its surroundings.

Govan Parish Church
This listed building and scheduled ancient monument has been declared redundant by the Church of Scotland - but what can be legitimately done with it?

Thornborough Henges complex
A collection of links relating to proposals to extend some quarries in the area of a unique series of Neolithic monuments. As is often the case, the immediate site itself is not threatened, but the environment and other sites around it are affected by the development proposals...

Lewis Windfarm
Over several years, the Scottish Executive considered a proposal to build 234 large wind turbines in the north of Lewis. On the one hand, these would affect a significant area of natural beauty, as well as the archaeological environment and in some cases the sites themselves - on the other, the power generated would represent 40% of Scotland's renewable energy target ...

The public inquiry held in 2004 into the proposed road developments around Stonehenge, including the planned development of a road tunnel beneath the site was by no means the last word on proposals for dealing with the environment of this World Heritage Site, and was simply another stage on a lengthy series of discussions, disputes and disagreements about how best to look after the site.

The Newport Ship
The remains of one of the most complete fifteenth century ships was found during development work on the banks of the River Usk. This website describes the circumstances and controversies surrounding its discovery, partial excavation and recovery.

Heritage Protection Reform
England has seen a raft of new proposals and papers about heritage protection in recent years, although the Heritage Protection Bill has yet to make any progress. It's been a long process - back in 2003 the then Department of Culture, Media and Sport launched a Review of Heritage Protection in England and Wales
containing proposals for major reforms to the system by which heritage - including historic buildings, ancient monuments and historic areas - are protected.

The Secret Treasures of Zeugma
A BBC Horizon programme about the the Birecek dam in Turkey, which has flooded the valley where the Roman city of Zeugma is buried. More information about Zeugma can be found here.

The RESCUE British Archaeological Trust - a charity and an independent organisation committed to the protection, conservation, recording and interpretation of archaeological evidence

Archaeology Today
A short article in Assemblage by Geoffrey Wainwright, formerly Chief Archaeologist at English Heritage.

Archaeology and the Polluter Pays Principle
A short paper in Assemblage on politics, archaeology, and developers by Paul Graves-Brown.

Roads to Nowhere?
A paper in Assemblage on archaeology, landscape, and the planning process by Bill Bevan.

ALGAO is the Associated of Local Government Archaeological Officers - their website includes a useful summary of the role of Archaeology in local government, as well as a collection of their responses to a range of government consultations.

The Lincolnshire Archaeological Handbook (pdf)
Lincolnshire County Council have produced and recently extensively revised and updated their Handbook which includes chapters on Archaeology and the Law (covering the 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act, the role of English Heritage and the Royal Commission, Town and Country Planning), Archaeology and the Planning process (archaeology and development control, and standard archaeological conditions for planning permissions), and the range of archaeological responses to the planning process (covering appraisal, desk-based assessment, field evaluations, mitigation, watching briefs, and preservation by record). Note that only the latter applies across the UK in one form or another - all the other sections refer to English practice.

National Planning Policy Guidelines NPPG5 - Archaeology and Planning. As applicable in Scotland.

Scottish Historic Environment Policy
The Scottish Historic Environment Policy (SHEP) sets out the vision and strategies for the historic environment in Scotland. It includes details of the scheduling policy for the identification and designation of nationally important ancient monuments as well as the process of Scheduled Monuments Consent which concerns the protection of nationally important sites and control of work that might affect them.

Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment 
Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) is English Heritage's guidelines covering the whole process from initiation of a project through assessment, report preparation and dissemination.

Planning Policy Statement 5

PPS 5 defines the approach to planning and conservation in England; published in 2010, it is the successor to the Planning Policy Guidance Note 16 (PPG 16) which transformed archaeology over the last 20 years.

York Links
A collection of links to this historic city, with a focus on the proposed developments on the riverside in the city centre ...

  • The Castle Area Campaign pages, including a petition against the redevelopment.
  • Search the York Evening Press - the local online newspaper - for stories about the Coppergate proposals
  • Coppergate Riverside - a page from York.Townplan.Org, which aims to create a larger public awareness of proposed and past town developments although it is no longer updated.
  • York's Castle Precinct - a green and civic space. A detailed collection of pages relating to the Coppergate II development proposals

Seahenge LinksA huge controversy blew up over the discovery and subsequent treatment of this timber circle. These links will enable you to follow the arguments.

Site Watch
Links to a range of sites in the UK currently under threat - the emphasis is very much on stone circles. Not updated for several years now :-(