Information for current archaeology students

SERF team 2013

These pages contain a range of useful information for current students of archaeology at the University of Glasgow: 

What are your Graduate Attributes?

Graduate attributes describe the sort of person you are when you graduate - the academic abilities, personal qualities and transferable skills you will have developed during your time here. See the university's webpages on Graduate Attributes for a breakdown of generic graduate attributes, and think about whether you (will) have them or not...

It's also worth thinking about the specific attributes you gain through doing archaeology, as opposed to other degrees: teamwork, problem solving, practical work, health and safety awareness, outreach skills, determination to keep going in spite of challenging conditions... Look through the Guardian's list of 'ten skills students really need when they graduate', and think about how you can acquire them as part of your archaeology degree. 

As John Schofield argues, 'archaeology degrees are among the best, the most enriching and the most useful one can take'.

If you're thinking about life after your degree, there's also lots of helpful information and support available from the Careers Service. You can attend events to communicate with University of Glasgow alumni, including archaeologists. The Council for British Archaeology has some useful links on archaeological training and careers, and University Archaeology UK has useful information about the benefits of studying archaeology. Prospects is always worth a look as well. 

Here's something encouraging (November 2016): 'Urgent need for more trained archaeologists!'

The Hunterian

The Hunterian is the University of Glasgow’s museum and gallery service. As Scotland’s oldest public museum it is home to the largest collection outside the National Museums. The Hunterian Museum in the Gilbert Scott building houses extensive displays of British and international archaeology, including a gallery devoted to The Antonine Wall: Rome’s Final Frontier

The Hunterian collections are available for all degree-related study by University of Glasgow students. The Hunterian also contributes sessions to various University of Glasgow undergraduate courses including MA Hons Archaeology (Fieldwork). The Hunterian also welcomes those students undertaking the MLitt in Material Culture and Artefact Studies and the MSc in Museum Studies to join the Hunterian Exhibition Work Placements course. 

New Hunterian Learning Plan programmes are being piloted this year and will be rolled out on a wider basis after evaluation. 

Join the Arch Soc! 

The long-running University of Glasgow Archaeology Society is run by current students but all are welcome to join the fun! We run field trips, host movie nights and share the archaeology love around town. It's not as messy as it sounds. Except when we're out digging. Check out our Social Media for all the upcoming events:




About the MSc Material Culture and Artefact Studies

About the MSc in Archaeology