Who can I contact if...?
I'm looking for academic support or information concerning a course
Contact either your course convenor, administrator, or tutor. Details of all of these can be found on Course Moodles.
Student Learning and Development (SLD) provide in-course teaching, optional classes and one-to-one appointments on a range of topics related to the subject specific content of the University’s degrees. Students can access support with a variety of issues including academic writing, critical analysis and study skills.
I need information or advice on degree progression or course choices
Team of experienced staff who can provide information and advice on academic choices concerning your degree. Based at 6 University Gardens. You can book appointments or attend drop-in sessions.
arts-advising@glasgow.ac.uk (UG) arts-pgt-advising@glasgow.ac.uk (PG)
Course or programme convenors
They can also provide advice. For contact information, see elsewhere on Moodle.
I'm feeling more anxious, sad or stressed than usual.
- In a crisis: if you are concerned about your own or someone else's mental health, you can contact:
You can also access the University crisis support team 24/7 via Campus Security: Tel: +44 (0) 141 330 4444
In the case of an emergency, please call 999 which will put you straight through to emergency services -
You can chat with Student Listeners who have been trained to provide support
The Counselling Service offers short term, focussed blocks of therapy, subject to assessment. Dependant on demand, the waiting times can vary but tend to be between 2 and 10 weeks from assessment to ongoing counselling (compared with 3-9 months for NHS services). The service also offers single session consultations to allow students a listening ear on specific issues. The Counselling service is not a crisis service, it is designed to support those with mild to moderate need to manage their mental health and build strategies that will help them to successfully complete their course of study. A student can book themselves in via the website.
- Interfaith Chaplaincy: the University Interfaith Chaplaincy welcomes all students, offering pastoral care and a calm space at the heart of Campus. Chaplains can provide support and advice at times of stress and crisis but are also available to explore spirituality, or simply if students need someone independent to talk to in confidence.
- Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. They empower students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.
- Togetherall (formerly Big White Wall) provides access to self-assessment and self-help tools as well as confidential online chat forums, to all at the university.
- Disability Services: Students who have a mental health diagnosis may be eligible for support via the Disability Service. They can be matched with a mental health advisor who works with them regularly throughout the academic year, to help them manage their condition alongside the demands of their course. This tends to be most suitable for those with significant or long-term mental health difficulties.
- GP and NHS Services: Students can access support via their GP and that even if they are registering with the counselling service at the university, their GP may be able to offer additional support and/or medication to assist them. Useful information on mental health problems can be found on the NHS Inform site.
- Nightline: a confidential, anonymous, non-judgemental listening service run by students for students at the university of Glasgow.
Other Health and Wellbeing Resources:
I'm experiencing issues that are affecting my ability to study.
Advising and Wellbeing Team
Team of experienced staff who can provide help with problems you might experience which affect your ability to study. Based at 6 University Gardens. You can book appointments or attend drop-in sessions.
arts-advising@glasgow.ac.uk (UG) arts-pgt-advising@glasgow.ac.uk (PG)
Counselling & Wellbeing Services
You can book appointments and there are self-help resources on their website. Have an enquiry desk on Level 1 of the Fraser Building.
Crisis Team
Call +44 (0) 141 330 4444
Call if you are concerned about your own or another student’s mental health.
I need support with my studies due to disability or a long-term health condition
Complete a Study Support Request Form
Completion of this is required to access the support you are entitled to.
Disability Services
They offer advice and assessments by appointment.
Even if you haven’t completed the request form, you can talk to them at their enquiry desk on Level 1 of the Fraser Building.
I need information or support related to my status as an international student
International student support offers advice and information for international students on a wide range of subjects including immigration and visa advice, support for dependants, welfare issues, consumer and finance issues and more. They can be contacted at internationalstudentsupport@glasgow.ac.uk.
Based on level 2 of the Fraser Building.
I need advice from a student-led organisation
The SRC Advice Centre provides advice, information and representation to students on a variety of issues. They will do their best to offer assistance on any difficulties students are experiencing and if they can’t help, they will match students to appropriate advice and support.
I need financial support
- Cost of living: a support guide
- The Financial Aid Team is responsible for the management and administration of funds that are provided to University of Glasgow students from a variety of sources including the UK Government and United States Department of Education. The funds available via the Financial Aid Team are intended to benefit as many eligible students as possible and allow them to complete. The team can be contacted at reg.finaid@glasgow.ac.uk
- Tuition fees
- Scholarships
- Refunds
I'm looking for information about student accommodation
Resident Life
Provide support for students in student halls. They are available 6pm-8am on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends for email, phone and meetings.
Contact information for hall wardens can be found on their website.
SRC Advice on Accommodation
Contains useful information about private renting in Glasgow.
I need support with my exams
I'd like information or advice on careers and internships
- Careers, Employability & Opportunity can provide advice and guidance on CVs, applications, interviews, finding jobs, further study and work experience. The service also offers one to one appointments, workshops and events.
I'm still unsure where to go!
The Student Services Enquiry Team (SSET) can assist with a variety of queries including council tax exemptions, student campus cards, certifying letters, personal information updates, bank letters and a range of other topics. Most requests can be raised using the UofGHelpdesk or you can drop-in at the Student Services Desk on Level 2 of the Fraser Building.
Contact us
- Who does what
- Our postal address:
School of Humanities
University of Glasgow
1 University Gardens (Room 205)
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel 0141 330 5690
Mail you send to this address will be forwarded to the member of staff you are trying to reach - or please email us.