
Emailing staff and students

Emailing staff:

Emailing students:

A-Z School directory

Advertising (staff recruitment - see Human Resources below) Fiona Bell
Administrative resourcing Heather Keating
Affiliate appointments (see also Honorary appointments below) Fiona Bell
Appeals Head of Subject
Applications for postgraduate research study Elison Roberts
Budgets Heather Keating
Building maintenance and repairs Estates & Buildings
Commercial Contracts Heather Keating
Committees (see individual entries under School Management Group, Graduate Studies, Learning and Teaching, Research)  
Complaints Heather Keating
Diary - Head of School Isla Johnston
Employability UG Karin Bowie
Employability PG Lisa Hau
Endowments Heather Keating
Equality & Diversity Maud Bracke
Equipment bid Fiona Bell
Estates - maintenance Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Estates - resources Heather Keating
Ethics Ben Colburn
Iain Banks
Michael Brady
External examiners - appointment and expenses Heads of Subject
Finance - budgets Heather Keating
Finance - general purchasing (also see General Requisition and Request for Travel and Accommodation) Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Finance - staff expenses claims / Student expenses claims Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Furniture requests Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Head of School Professor Ian Forrest 
Head of School Professional Services Heather Keating
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Heather Keating
Honorary appointments (see also Visitors) Fiona Bell
Human Resources (initial enquiries) Fiona Bell
Internationalisation Officer Christine Whyte
I.T. (support) Arts & Humanities IT Support
Joint PhD Graduate School
Keys (for staff and student offices) Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Knowledge Transfer Heather Keating
Learning & Teaching Committee Alan McConnell
Marketing (marketing activity/budgets) Heather Keating

Mobility officers (JYA/Erasmus)

Archaeology - Claudia Glatz
Celtic – Geraldine Parsons
Classics – Costas Panayotakis
Information Studies – Maria Economou
History – Julia McClure
Philosophy - Stephan Leuenberger

Office refurbishment Isabel Jones or Ross Crammond
Performance & Development Review (P&DR - see Human Resources above)  
PGR Committee Elison Roberts
PGT Committee Claire Flanagan and Gabriele Bergamelli
PIP (see Programme approval process below)  
Postgraduate Convener (Research) Ben White
Postgraduate Convener (Taught) Tanya Cheadle
Postgraduate Research Student queries (status, funding, progression) Elison Roberts
Postgraduate study space (allocation of School resources) Heather Keating
Programme approval process (undergraduate and postgraduate) Alan McConnell
Progress Reviews (postgraduate research) Elison Roberts
Project Approval Forms (PAFs - see Research grant management)  
Promotions (see Human Resources above)  
Publicity (see Marketing above)  
Recognition & Reward (see Human Resources above)  
Recruitment (students - see Marketing above)  
Recruitment (staff - see Human Resources above)  
Research Committee Christelle Le Riguer
Research Convener Andrew MacKillop
Research grant management College Research Office
Research leave Fiona Bell
Research Project - costings, budgets (see College of Arts & Humanities)  
Research Project - recruitment Fiona Bell
School Engagement Lead David McMenemy
School Impact Officer Sarah Cook
School Management Team Isla Johnston
School Meetings Isla Johnston
School Quality and Enhancement Officer Bryan Pickel
Scholarship availability/School ranking process Elison Roberts
Sickness absence reporting Line manager / Fiona Bell
Social media Christelle Le Riguer
Student - course and programme enquiries Programme administrator
Student - data (student numbers, stats etc) Heather Keating
U.K. Borders Agency matters (staff - see Human Resources above)  
U.K. Borders Agency matters (students) Heather Keating
Vivas (postgraduate research) Elison Roberts
Website Christelle Le Riguer


Undergraduate programme administrators


Levels 1+2 and Honours

Sarah Finlayson/
Julie Cairns
+44 (0)141 330 7778

Celtic and Gaelic

Celtic Civ 1+2

Kirsti-Ann Kerr 
+44 (0)141 330 4576

  Gaelic 1+2

Samuel Harrison


Ruth Burke
+44(0)141 330 4222
Classics Class Civ 1+2
Greek 1+2
Latin 1+2

Eileen Ritchie 
+44 (0)141 330 5695


Level 1+2

Sara Murdoch
+44 (0)141 330 2370



Heather Shannon
+44 (0) 141 330 5692

Information Studies Levels 1+2 Kirsti-Ann Kerr
+44 (0)141 330 4576

  Honours Sara Murdoch
+44 (0)141 330 2370


Levels 1+2 Ruth Burke
+44(0)141 330 4222



Samuel Harrison 

Postgraduate programme administrators

Archaeology (MSc)
Ancient Cultures (MSc)
Classics (MSc)
Museum Studies (MSc)
Information Management and Preservation (MSc)


 Gabriele Bergamelli 
+44 (0)141 330 7766

Celtic & Gaelic (MSc)
History (MSc)
History: War Studies (MSc)
History: Gender History (MSc)
History: Reparatory Justice (MSc)
Philosophy (MSc)

Claire Flanagan
+44 (0) 0141 330 4325

All research programmes (MPhil by Research, MRes, PhD)

Elison Roberts 
+44 (0) 141 330 4007

Programme Conveners


Celtic & Gaelic



Information Studies


School Management Team

Head of School Professor Ian Forrest
Deputy Head of School
Head of School Professional Services Mrs Heather Keating
Head of Subject: Archaeology Professor Nicki Whitehouse
Head of Subject: Celtic and Gaelic
Dr Geraldine Parsons
Head of Subject: Classics Dr Lisa Hau
Head of Subject: Information Studies
Professor Sarah Cook 
Head of Subject: History Professor Steven Reid 
Head of Subject: Philosophy Professor Glen Pettigrove
Learning and Teaching Convenor 
Dr Robert Cowan
Postgraduate Research Convener
Dr Ben White
Postgraduate Taught Convener Dr Tanya Cheadle
Research Convenor
Dr Andrew MacKillop
Disability Officer Dr Gareth Beale
Impact and KE Officer Professor Sarah Cook
Equality & Diversity Convener Professor Maud Bracke
Internationalisation Officer Dr Christine Whyte
School Engagement Officer Dr David McMenemy
Exams Officer Professor Stephan Leuenberger
Quality Assuranve Officer Dr Bryan Pickel
Widening Participation Officer Dr Robert Cowan

Further details on admin support

The School of Humanities provides administrative support across all of its key areas in learning and teaching, research, and operations.  

A summary of the SoH MPA structure, is outlined below:

Head of School Administration: Jenny Hutcheson

  • Responsibility for the, overall organisation, planning, management and governance of all administrative services across the School; responsibility for:
    • Financial management, planning and governance re all School budgets
    • Financial resourcing of strategic areas
    • Organisation and planning of learning and teaching support
    • Organisation and planning of research Support
    • Organisation and planning of operational support
    • Development of MPA Staff

Teaching and Student Support Administrator: Leigh-Ann Dragsnes

  • To support the Head of School Administration in the provision of an efficient and effective teaching support service across the School, specifically through the support of undergraduate and taught postgraduate activity.
  • The TSSA leads the teaching support team within the School, and also acts as clerk to the School Learning and Teaching Committee.

HR/Operations Administrator: Patricia MacLaren

  • To support the Head of School and Head of School Administration in the provision of administrative support in the key support functions of human resources and operations. 

Finance Administrator / Web Publisher: Christelle Le Riguer

  • To support the Head of School and Head of School Administration in the provision of administrative support in the key support function of finance and Web pages/Social Media
  • To clerk to the School Graduate Studies Committee and the School Research Committee.

School Administrators

How to find us

The School of Humanities is housed in several buildings, and our main office is located in room 206, 1 University Gardens - opposite the Main Gate on University Avenue. 

  • Archaeology - Molema Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ
  • Celtic & Gaelic - 3 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ
  • Classics - 65 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LP
  • Information Studies - George Service House, 11 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QJ
  • History - 1 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ
  • Philosophy - 67 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LP

As parking is limited on the university campus, it is recommended that you arrive by taxi or public transport. There are a number of busses that stop near the Main Building and Kelvinbridge and Hillhead subway stations are both within walking distance of the Adam Smith Business School.

Get directions (also includes accessible routes)