Dr Zoe Bartliff

  • Research Associate (Information Studies)
  • Lecturer in Digital Humanities (School of Humanities Administration)


Zoe Bartliff is currently a lecturer on the Media Culture and Society PGT program, teaching a range of Information Studies courses. She is also a researcher on the Participatory Harm Auditing Workbench and Methodologies (PHAWM) project. Her research and teaching focuses on computational digital humanities methods and how these can transform access and engagement for users with various needs, particularly within a cultural heritage setting.

Her PhD thesis involved manually encoding a corpus of medieval Welsh law texts and investigating how this encoding adds value in understanding the relationships between these texts. She then built on this research in several post-doctoral positions as well as in teaching practices by shifting focus towards archival and the wider cultural heritage sector. 

Research interests

Zoe Bartliff is a PDRA on the Responsible AI UK funded 'Participatory Harm Auditing Workbench Methodologies (PHAWM)' project, Zoe brings her expertise in identifying user needs, data usage in cultural heritage and data analysis to the wider project aims of providing tools and methods to support non-AI experts (in this case cultural heritage professionals and users) to effectively audit generative AI tools.

She has a first class MA (Hons) degree in Classical and Celtic studies, specialising in the analyses of mytho-histories and in the evolutions of the Welsh and Latin language. These interests led naturally into her PhD thesis topic: an investigation into the efficacy of computer based methodologies for the analysis of the Medieval Welsh law texts Cyfraith Hywel. Having completed her PhD, she has broadened her early interests by incorporating Digital Humanities research methodologies and specifically how these methodologies can be combined to access, process and analyse textual data.

In previous research roles, she has worked primarily on the extraction and analysis of data and its presentation in a way that accounts for various user needs. As a part of the Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin's Personal Cinema (LSDPC) project, she employed digital forensics tools and combined these with data exploration techniques. She works closely with the Archive and Special Collections team at the University of Reading to enhance access to the digital archival record through the use of these methodologies. Similarly, she has been working with the other branches of the project to fold in Digital Humanities methodologies with theoretical and historical approaches.

She has also worked on the AHRC and Irish Research Council funded IIIF4Research network project, working to deliver project workshops and conducting data analysis on the project survey as well as the Our Heritage, Our Stories (TaNC) project, synthesising project outcomes into publications.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 18.


Hughes, L. , Alexander, M. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Our Heritage, Our Stories. One step up: the importance of failure in a large-scale DH project at the crossroads of disciplines and institutions. DH2024, Washington, D.C., USA, 05-10 Aug 2024.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2024) Towards privacy-aware exploration of archived personal emails. International Journal on Digital Libraries, (doi: 10.1007/s00799-024-00394-5)

Kim, Y. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Privacy for Data Explorers in the 21st Century. University of Koblenz Guest Lecture, Online, 01 Feb 2024.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2022) A survey on email visualisation research to address the conflict between privacy and access. Archival Science, 22(3), pp. 345-366. (doi: 10.1007/s10502-022-09387-2)

Bartliff, Z. (2022) Lessons learnt from exploring Cyfraith Hywel through a digital lens. International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages 2022, Leeds, UK, 07 Jul 2022.

Gow, A. , Gooding, P. , Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Simpson, K. (2022) Changing Curriculums for a Changing World? Living in Interesting Times: Digital Preservation Education, Pedagogy and Skills. 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022. (In Press)

Hughes, L. , Bartliff, Z. and Prescott, A. (2022) IIIF Survey Results. IIIF4Research Network Workshop 4, Online and University of Durham, 09 May 2022.

Bartliff, Z. , Scott, D. and Hughes, L. (2022) IIIF4Research website. [Website]

Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F., Bartliff, Z. and Pal, M. (2022) The Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin’s Personal Cinema: Project as Testbed for Digital Humanities Research. University of Reading Digital Humanities Community of Practice, Online and University of Reading, 23 Feb 2022.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2021) Dwoskin's Digital Footprints in the Archive. University of Sheffield Workshop, Online, 07 June 2021.

Bartliff, Z. (2021) First steps towards an UnEdition of Cyfraith Hywel. Dark Archives 2021 - Birth of the Unedition, Online, 18 Mar 2021.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2020) Leveraging digital forensics and data exploration to understand the creative work of a filmmaker: a case study of Stephen Dwoskin’s digital archive. Information Processing and Management, 57(6), 102339. (doi: 10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102339)

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Baxter, G. (2020) Visualisation of Hard Drive Content to Support Archival Processes for Personal Digital Archives. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2020), 22 Oct - 01 Nov 2020. e329. (doi: 10.1002/pra2.329)

Bartliff, Z. (2020) Using Semantic Textual Encoding to Support the Navigation and Analysis of Medieval Texts. Dark Archives 2020, Online, 8-10 Sep 2020.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2019) Exploration of Dwoskin’s Digital Legacy. Screen Studies Conference (SSC2019), Glasgow, UK, 28-30 Jun 2019.


Bartliff, Z. (2017) The Language of Othering in Medieval Wales, Pre- and Post-Conquest. International Medieval Conference 2017, Leeds, UK, 03-06 Jul 2017.


Bartliff, Z. (2016) The Otherworldly Lure: Supernatural Aspects of the Hunt in Medieval Welsh Literature. International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, UK, 04-07 Jul 2016.


Bartliff, Z. (2015) The barbaric myth – an overview of the mythic presentation of the Celtic peoples in Greek literature and the role played by this myth in evolving Greek identity. Polifemo, 2015(9-10), pp. 157-171.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 21:51:32 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 18.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2024) Towards privacy-aware exploration of archived personal emails. International Journal on Digital Libraries, (doi: 10.1007/s00799-024-00394-5)

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2022) A survey on email visualisation research to address the conflict between privacy and access. Archival Science, 22(3), pp. 345-366. (doi: 10.1007/s10502-022-09387-2)

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2020) Leveraging digital forensics and data exploration to understand the creative work of a filmmaker: a case study of Stephen Dwoskin’s digital archive. Information Processing and Management, 57(6), 102339. (doi: 10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102339)

Bartliff, Z. (2015) The barbaric myth – an overview of the mythic presentation of the Celtic peoples in Greek literature and the role played by this myth in evolving Greek identity. Polifemo, 2015(9-10), pp. 157-171.

Conference or Workshop Item

Hughes, L. , Alexander, M. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Our Heritage, Our Stories. One step up: the importance of failure in a large-scale DH project at the crossroads of disciplines and institutions. DH2024, Washington, D.C., USA, 05-10 Aug 2024.

Kim, Y. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Privacy for Data Explorers in the 21st Century. University of Koblenz Guest Lecture, Online, 01 Feb 2024.

Bartliff, Z. (2022) Lessons learnt from exploring Cyfraith Hywel through a digital lens. International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages 2022, Leeds, UK, 07 Jul 2022.

Gow, A. , Gooding, P. , Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Simpson, K. (2022) Changing Curriculums for a Changing World? Living in Interesting Times: Digital Preservation Education, Pedagogy and Skills. 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022. (In Press)

Hughes, L. , Bartliff, Z. and Prescott, A. (2022) IIIF Survey Results. IIIF4Research Network Workshop 4, Online and University of Durham, 09 May 2022.

Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F., Bartliff, Z. and Pal, M. (2022) The Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin’s Personal Cinema: Project as Testbed for Digital Humanities Research. University of Reading Digital Humanities Community of Practice, Online and University of Reading, 23 Feb 2022.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2021) Dwoskin's Digital Footprints in the Archive. University of Sheffield Workshop, Online, 07 June 2021.

Bartliff, Z. (2021) First steps towards an UnEdition of Cyfraith Hywel. Dark Archives 2021 - Birth of the Unedition, Online, 18 Mar 2021.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Baxter, G. (2020) Visualisation of Hard Drive Content to Support Archival Processes for Personal Digital Archives. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2020), 22 Oct - 01 Nov 2020. e329. (doi: 10.1002/pra2.329)

Bartliff, Z. (2020) Using Semantic Textual Encoding to Support the Navigation and Analysis of Medieval Texts. Dark Archives 2020, Online, 8-10 Sep 2020.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2019) Exploration of Dwoskin’s Digital Legacy. Screen Studies Conference (SSC2019), Glasgow, UK, 28-30 Jun 2019.

Bartliff, Z. (2017) The Language of Othering in Medieval Wales, Pre- and Post-Conquest. International Medieval Conference 2017, Leeds, UK, 03-06 Jul 2017.

Bartliff, Z. (2016) The Otherworldly Lure: Supernatural Aspects of the Hunt in Medieval Welsh Literature. International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, UK, 04-07 Jul 2016.


Bartliff, Z. , Scott, D. and Hughes, L. (2022) IIIF4Research website. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 21:51:32 2025 GMT.


The National Archives Testbed project - Co-investigator in conjunction with University of Reading


Zoe Bartliff has worked within several subject areas in the University, teaching first as a GTA across Classical Civilisation, Comparative Literature and Information Studies courses and then as an LTS lecturer in Information Studies. As well as this, she has taught within schools through her work with the Widening Participation scheme and with her previous employment for a well-known social enterprise. 

Courses include:

Media Culture and Society PGT course - Introduction to Digital Humanities; History of ICT

Information Studies – Honours Dissertation course; Data Analysis, Visualisation and Communication; Introduction to Digital Humanities; DMIS 1A and 1B; Multi-media Analysis and Design A&B; DMIS 2A and 2B; Document Encoding (Hons. and PGT); Description, Cataloguing, & Navigation (Hons. and PGT); Management, Curation & Preservation of Digital Materials, PGT dissertation suppervision for IMP and Museum Studies

Classical Civilisation – Classical civilisation 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B and 1A&B BOLD          

Comparative Literature – Comparative literature 1A and 1B   

Research datasets

Jump to: 2023
Number of items: 1.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2023) A survey on email visualisation research to address the conflict between privacy and access. [Data Collection] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 22:55:18 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Zoe Bartliff is currently holding the role of Fixed-Term Contract staff representative for the School of Humanities School Management Team, working with fixed-term staff within the school to ensure that their needs and interests are met.

She has been involved with the planning, organisation and management of a several academic events such as the Three Minute Thesis competition in her role as the PGR office intern. She played a key role in developing and delivering the Alt+Shift+Archive symposium for The Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin's Personal Cinema project and supported delivery of two workshops for the IIIF4R AHRC and Irish Research Council Network project. In addition to this, through her job with a well known social enterprise, she was responsible for planning and implementing several high profile corporate and celebrity events, including work with Glasgow Life for National Poetry Day, Aye Write. She worked with local schools, high security establishments and certain Glasgow University societies implementing and delivering a series of awareness raising workshops. Also in this role, she practiced conflict management and networking on an almost daily basis and she was instrumental in the design, implementation and staff training of the new digital administrative system of a new company-wide administrative system.