Number of items: 46.
Mullen, S. , Mundell, C. and Newman, S. P.
Black runaways in eighteenth-century Britain.
In: Gerzina, G. (ed.)
Britain's Black Past.
Liverpool University Press: Liverpool.
ISBN 9781789621600
Bollettino, M. A., Dziennik, M. P. and Newman, S. P.
‘All spirited likely young lads’: free men of colour, the defence of Jamaica, and subjecthood during the American War for Independence.
Slavery and Abolition, 41(2),
pp. 187-211.
(doi: 10.1080/0144039X.2020.1714110)
Newman, S.
Popularizing a database of resistance: freedom-seekers in eighteenth century Britain.
Enslaved Edited Collection.
Michigan State University Press.
(Accepted for Publication)
Newman, S. P.
Freedom-seeking slaves in England and Scotland, 1700-1780.
English Historical Review, 134(570),
pp. 1136-1168.
(doi: 10.1093/ehr/cez292)
Newman, S. P.
Escaping enslavement in eighteenth-century Scotland.
In: von Mallinckrodt, R. (ed.)
Negotiating Status and Scope of Action: Interrelations between Slavery and Other Forms of Dependency in Early Modern Europe.
Brill: Leiden.
(In Press)
Newman, S.
Breaking free: digital history and escaping from slavery.
William and Mary Quarterly, 76(1),
pp. 33-40.
Mullen, S. and Newman, S.
Slavery, abolition and the University of Glasgow. Report and recommendations of the University of Glasgow History of Slavery Steering Committee.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Newman, S. P.
Disney’s American revolution.
Journal of American Studies, 52(3),
pp. 682-715.
(doi: 10.1017/S0021875817000391)
Newman, S.
Hidden in plain sight: Long-term escaped slaves in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century Jamaica.
William and Mary Quarterly,
Wulf, K. and Newman, S.
Missing the target: the UK scholarly communications license.
Newman, S. P.
Rethinking runaways in the British Atlantic world: Britain, the Caribbean, West Africa and North America.
Slavery and Abolition, 38(1),
pp. 49-75.
(doi: 10.1080/0144039X.2016.1220582)
Newman, S. P.
Societies remove cost barrier to publication for young historians.
Research Fortnight(476),
p. 22.
Newman, S.
A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia.
ISBN 9780812223620
Newman, S. P.
In great slavery and bondage; white labor and the development of plantation slavery in British America.
In: Gallup-Diaz, I., Shankman, A. J., Silverman, D. and Murrin, J. M. (eds.)
Anglicizing Americans: Empire, Revolution, Republic.
Series: Early American studies.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, pp. 59-82.
ISBN 9780812246988
Newman, S. P.
"In great slavery and bondage": white labor and the development of plantation slavery in British America.
In: Gallup-Diaz, I., Shankman, A. and Silverman, D. J. (eds.)
Anglicizing America: Empire, Revolution, Republic.
Series: Early American Studies.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, pp. 59-82.
ISBN 9780812246988
Burnard, T., Nagler, J., Newman, S. and Živojinović, D.
Teaching in Europe and researching in the United States.
American Historical Review, 119(3),
pp. 771-779.
(doi: 10.1093/ahr/119.3.771)
Newman, S. P. and Onuf, P. S. (Eds.)
Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions.
University of Virginia Press: Charlottesville, VA.
ISBN 9780813934761
Newman, S. , Deason, M., Pitsiladis, Y., Salas, A. and Macaulay, V.
The West African ethnicity of the enslaved in Jamaica.
Slavery and Abolition, 34(3),
pp. 376-400.
(doi: 10.1080/0144039X.2012.734054)
Newman, S.P.
A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic.
Series: Early modern Americas.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, PA.
ISBN 9780812245196
Newman, S.
Paine, Jefferson, and the strange career of revolutionary radicalism in early national America.
In: Newman, S. and Onuf, P. (eds.)
Thomas Paine and the Age of Revolutions.
University of Virginia Press: Charlottesville, Virginia.
DEASON, M., Salas, A., Newman, S.P. , Macaulay, V.A. , Morrison, E.Y. and Pitsiladis, Y.P.
Interdisciplinary approach to the demography of Jamaica.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12(24),
(doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-24)
Newman, S. and Smith, B.
Incarcerated innocents: inmates, conditions, and survival strategies in Philadelphia's almshouse and jail.
In: Tarter, M.L. and Bell, R. (eds.)
Buried Lives: Incarcerated in Early America.
University of Georgia Press: Athens, Georgia, USA, pp. 60-84.
ISBN 9780820341194
Newman, S.
Agli amici dei Diritti dell’Uomo: Thomas Paine e le origini della politica Americana.
In: Sioli, M. and Battistini, M. (eds.)
L'età di Thomas Paine: Dal Senso Comune alle Libertà Civili Americane.
FrancoAngeli: Milan, Italy, pp. 113-123.
ISBN 9788856840353
Newman, S.P.
La Révolution française vue de loin: la célébration de Valmy à Boston, en janvier 1793.
Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 58(1),
pp. 80-99.
Elliott, J., Newman, S. and McFarlane, A.
Revolutions! U.S. and Spanish-American Independence Movements Compared.
British Library: London, UK.
ISBN 071234456X
Newman, S.P.
Benjamin Franklin and the leather-apron men: the politics of class in eighteenth-century Philadelphia.
Journal of American Studies, 43(2),
pp. 161-175.
(doi: 10.1017/S0021875809990089)
Chesterton, G.
What I Saw in America.
[Scholarly Editions]
Newman, S.P.
What I Saw in America [new ed.].
Series: Anthem popular American history.
Anthem Press: London, UK.
ISBN 9781843313007
Newman, S.P.
Losing the faith: British historians and the last best hope.
Comparative American Studies, 6(2),
pp. 161-178.
Newman, S.
A new world: England's first view of America.
William and Mary Quarterly, 65(1),
pp. 187-191.
Newman, S.P.
"Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?": myth and meaning in American representations of the Vietnam war.
American Studies Today,
Newman, S.P.
Making sense of atlantic world histories: a British perspective.
Nuevo Mundo: Mundos Nuevos,
Newman, S.P.
Theorizing class in Glasgow and the Atlantic world.
In: Middleton, S. and Smith, B.G. (eds.)
Class Matters: Early North America and the Atlantic World.
Series: Early American studies.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 16-34.
ISBN 9780812240634
Newman, S.P.
One nation under God: making historical sense of evangelical protestantism in contemporary American politics.
Journal of American Studies, 41(3),
pp. 581-597.
(doi: 10.1017/S0021875807004008)
Newman, S.
Brave new worlds: beyond the English Atlantic.
William and Mary Quarterly, 63(2),
pp. 380-384.
Newman, S.P. (Ed.)
Europe's American Revolution.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
ISBN 9781403989970
Newman, S.P.
British historians and the changing significance of the American revolution.
In: Newman, S.P. (ed.)
Europe's American Revolution.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 72-93.
ISBN 9781403989970
Newman, S.P.
"The friends of equality and of the French Revolution": toasts and popular opposition to George Washington's foreign policy.
In: Rossignol, M.J. and Bergamasco, L. (eds.)
L'Amerique: des Colonies aux Republiques: les Cahiers Charles V.
Institut d'Etudes Anglophones, pp. 131-162.
ISBN 2902937393
Newman, S.P.
The protestant republic: evangelicalism and American political life.
In: Groundwork: Space and Place in American Cultures: Annual conference of the American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 3-6 Nov 2005,
Newman, S.P.
Dead bodies: poverty and death in early national Philadelphia.
In: Smith, B.G. (ed.)
Down and Out in Early America.
Pennsylvania State University Press: Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 41-62.
ISBN 9780271023168
Newman, S.P.
Embodied History: the Lives of the Poor in Early Philadelphia.
Series: Early American studies.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, PA..
ISBN 0812218485
Pencak, W., Dennis, M. and Newman, S.P. (Eds.)
Riot and Revelry in Early America.
Pennsylvania State University Press: Pennsylvania, USA.
ISBN 9780271021416
Branson, S. and Newman, S.P.
American women and the French revolution: gender and partisan festive culture in the early Republic.
In: Pencak, W., Dennis, M. and Newman, S.P. (eds.)
Riot and Revelry in Early America.
Pennsylvania State University Press: Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 229-254.
ISBN 9780271021416
Newman, S.P.
Writing the history of the American revolution.
In: Stokes, M. (ed.)
The State of U.S. History.
Berg: Oxford, UK, pp. 23-44.
ISBN 9781859735961
Newman, S.P.
American political culture and the French and Haitian revolutions: Nathaniel Cutting and the Jefferson republicans.
In: Geggus, D.P. (ed.)
The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World.
Series: The Carolina lowcountry and the Atlantic world.
University of South Carolina: Columbia, USA, pp. 72-89.
ISBN 9781570034169
Newman, S.P.
American political culture and the French and Haitian Revolutions: Nathaniel Cutting and the Jeffersonian Republicans.
In: Geggus, D.P. (ed.)
The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World.
University of South Carolina Press: Columbia, S.C., pp. 72-89.
ISBN 1570034168
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 17:09:58 2025 GMT.