Number of items: 16.
Barrowman, R.
Eilean Donan Castle. Exploring a Highland Icon, Archaeological Investigations 2009–2017
By Cecily Shakespeare, Jonathan Clark, Justin Garner-Lahire, Richard Oram and Nicola Toop. 22 × 29 cm. x + 118 pp, 67 colour and b and w pls and figs, 17 tables. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2023. ISBN 978-8-88857-054-8; epub: 978-8-88857-055-5. Price: £25.00 hb.
Medieval Archaeology, 68(1),
pp. 185-186.
(doi: 10.1080/00766097.2024.2348313)[Book Review]
Barrowman, R. C.
'Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations': chapel-sites in the Isle of Lewis.
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 152,
pp. 147-191.
(doi: 10.9750/PSAS.152.1376)
Horne, T., Pierce, E. and Barrowman, R. (Eds.)
The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781474485821
Morris, C. D. and Barrowman, R. C. (Eds.)
The Birsay Bay Project Volume 3: The Brough of Birsay, Orkney: Investigations 1954-2014.
Oxbow Books: Oxford.
ISBN 9781789256079
Barrowman, R. C.
Chapel-sites on the Isle of Lewis: Results of the Lewis Coastal Chapel-sites Survey.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Barrowman, R.
“A Cultural Backwater”: the “Localness” of Dùn Èistean, Ness and its place in the wider maritime world of Northwest Scotland.
Journal of the North Atlantic, 12(Spec.),
pp. 32-43.
Barrowman, R. C.
A local response to a wider situation: the archaeology of the clan stronghold of Dùn Èistean, Isle of Lewis.
Post-Medieval Archaeology, 49(1),
pp. 37-56.
(doi: 10.1179/0079423615Z.00000000070)
Barrowman, R. C.
Dùn Èistean, Ness: The Excavation of a Clan Stronghold.
Acair, Ltd.: Stornaway.
ISBN 9780861525393
Barrowman, R. C. and Poller, T.
Area C results.
In: Barrowman, Rachel C. (ed.)
Dùn Èistean, Ness: the excavation of a clan stronghold.
Acair Ltd: Stornoway, pp. 137-145.
ISBN 9780861525393
Barrowman, R.C.
The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian's Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present.
Series: Society for medieval archaeology monographs, 32.
Society for Medieval Archaeology: Wakefield, UK.
ISBN 9781907975462
Barrowman, R. and Innes, L.
A Bronze Age Burial from Pabay Mor, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Barrowman, R.C.
Splendid isolation? Changing perceptions of Dùn Èistean, an island on the north coast of the Isle of Lewis.
In: Noble, Gordon, Poller, Tessa, Raven, John and Verrill, Lucy (eds.)
Scottish Odysseys: The Archaeology of Islands.
Tempus: Stroud, pp. 95-111.
ISBN 9780752441689
Barrowman, R.
Lewis Coastal Chapel-Sites Survey 2007-8.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morris, C.D. and Barrowman, R.C.
The Shetland Chapel-Sites Project: further investigations and résumé.
In: Paulsen, Caroline and Michelsen, Helgi D. (eds.)
Símunarbók: Heiðursrit til Símun V. Arge á 60 á ra degnum.
Fróðskapur: Tórshavn, pp. 166-192.
ISBN 9789991865188
Barrowman, R.C. , Batey, C.E. and Morris, C.D.
Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990-1999.
Series: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London (74).
Society of Antiquaries of London: London, UK.
ISBN 9780854312863
Barrowman, R. C. and Hooper, J.
Lewis Coastal Chapel-Sites Survey: Topographic Survey 2005.
[Research Reports or Papers]
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