Number of items: 36.
Jackson, P. and Imlay, T.
International relations theory and the practice of international history.
In: Bukovansky, Mlada, Keene, Edward, Reus-Smit, Christian and Spanu, Maja (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of History and International Relations.
Oxford University Press, pp. 137-158.
ISBN 9780198873457
(doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198873457.013.10)
Jackson, P. and Mulligan, W.
The crisis of power politics.
In: Jackson, Peter, Mulligan, William and Sluga, Glenda (eds.)
Peacemaking and International Order After the First World War.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 114-150.
ISBN 9781108907750
(doi: 10.1017/9781108907750.006)
Jackson, P. , Mulligan, W. and Sluga, G.
In: Jackson, Peter, Mulligan, William and Sluga, Glenda (eds.)
Peacemaking and International Order After the First World War.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 1-34.
ISBN 9781108907750
(doi: 10.1017/9781108907750.001)
Jackson, P. , Mulligan, W. and Sluga, G. (Eds.)
Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
(In Press)
Jackson, P.
Christopher Andrew and the study of intelligence.
Intelligence and National Security, 37(2),
pp. 328-330.
(doi: 10.1080/02684527.2021.2005810)
Jackson, P. and Mulligan, W.
The Great War and the political conditions of internationalism.
In: Ingram, Norman and Bouchard, Carl (eds.)
Beyond the Great War: Peacemaking in a Disordered World.
University of Toronto Press: Toronto.
ISBN 9781487542740
Jackson, P.
Political culture and intelligence culture: France before the First World War.
In: Ball, Simon, Gassert, Philipp, Gestrich, Andreas and Neitzel, Sonke (eds.)
Cultures of Intelligence in the Era of the World Wars.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 37-64.
Jackson, P.
Political culture and intelligence culture: France before the Great War.
In: Ball, Simon, Philipp, Gassert, Gestrich, Andreas and Neitzel, Sönke (eds.)
Cultures of Intelligence.
Series: Studies of the German Historical Institute London.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198867203
Imlay, T. and Jackson, P.
Dépasser la la dialectique de l’individu et de la structure: propositions des historians français et britanniques après 1945.
In: Badel, Laurence (ed.)
Histoire et Relations Internationales.
Éditions de la Sorbonne: Paris, pp. 273-285.
ISBN 9791035105587
Jackson, P.
Great Britain in French policy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
In: McKercher, B.J.C. and Goldstein, Erik (eds.)
Aspects of British Policy and the Treaty of Versailles.
Routledge: London, pp. 163-204.
ISBN 9780367856403
Jackson, P. , Gorman, D., Wertheim, S., Mueller, J., Hathaway, O. A. and Shapiro, S. J.
The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World.
H-Diplo, XXI(15),
[Book Review]
Jackson, P.
Great Britain in French policy conceptions at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
Diplomacy and Statecraft, 30(2),
pp. 358-397.
(doi: 10.1080/09592296.2019.1619039)
Jackson, P.
La conception Transatlantique de sécurité du gouvernement Clemenceau à la Conférence de Paix de Paris, 1919.
Histoire, economie et societe, 38(4),
pp. 65-87.
(doi: 10.3917/hes.194.0065)
Jackson, P.
In: Williams, Maude and Wilkin, Bernard (eds.)
French Soldiers' Morale in the Phoney War, 1939-1940.
Series: Routledge studies in the modern history of France.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, viii-x.
ISBN 9781138232747
Dylan, H., Goodman, M. S., Jackson, P. , Jansen, P. T., Maiolo, J. and Pedersen, T.
The way of the Norse Ravens: merging profession and academe in Norwegian national intelligence higher education.
Intelligence and National Security, 32(7),
pp. 944-960.
(doi: 10.1080/02684527.2017.1328833)
Jackson, P.
La France et la menace nazie : Renseignement et politique 1933-1939.
Nouveau Monde éditions.
ISBN 9782369425953
Scott, L. and Jackson, P.
Dr Chikara Hashimoto 24 October 1975 – 22 September 2016.
Intelligence and National Security, 32(1),
pp. 126-127.
(doi: 10.1080/02684527.2016.1258468)
Jackson, P.
Cry Havoc: The Arms Race and the Second World War, 1931–41, by Joe Maiolo.
English Historical Review, 130(547),
pp. 1604-1606.
(doi: 10.1093/ehr/cev285)[Book Review]
Jackson, P.
The outbreak of war in Europe: a failure of diplomacy?
In: Bosworth, R.J.B. and Maiolo, Joseph (eds.)
The Cambridge History of the Second World War: Politics and Ideology.
Series: The Cambridge history of the second world war:, I2 (2).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 217-252.
ISBN 9781107034075
(doi: 10.1017/CHO9781139524377)
Jackson, P.
A Tran-Atlantic Condominium of Democratic power: the grand design for a post-war order in french policy at the Paris Peace Conference.
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 16(2),
pp. 179-207.
Jackson, P.
Beyond the Balance of Power: France and the politics of national security in the era of the First World War.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107039940
Jackson, P.
Deterrence, coercion, and enmeshment: French grand strategy and the German problem after World War.
In: Taliaferro, J.W., Ripsman, N.M. and Lobell, S.E. (eds.)
The Challenge of Grand Strategy: The Great Powers and the Broken Balance between the World Wars.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 37-62.
ISBN 9781107022522
Jackson, P.
French security and a British continental commitment after the First World War: a reassessment.
English Historical Review, 126(519),
pp. 345-385.
(doi: 10.1093/ehr/cer074)
Jackson, P.
Politics, culture and the security of France: a reinterpretation of French foreign and security policy after the First World War.
French Historical Studies, 34(4),
pp. 577-610.
(doi: 10.1215/00161071-1422856)
Jackson, P.
Tradition and adaptation: the French foreign ministry in the era of the First World War.
French History, 24(2),
pp. 164-196.
(doi: 10.1093/fh/crq031)
Jackson, P.
British power and French security, 1919-1939.
In: Neilson, K., Kennedy, G. and French, D. (eds.)
The British Way in Warfare: Power and the International System, 1856-1956: Essays in Honour of David French.
Ashgate: Farnham, UK, pp. 101-134.
ISBN 9780754665939
Jackson, P.
Le maréchal foch et la politique de sécurité française, 1919-1924: une première forme de dissuasion.
In: Porte, R. and Cochet, F. (eds.)
Ferdinand Foch, 1851-1929: Apprenez à Penser: Actes Du Colloque International, École Militaire, Paris, 6-7 Novembre 2008.
Soteca: Paris, France, pp. 333-347.
ISBN 9782916385433
Jackson, P.
On uncertainty and the limits of intelligence.
In: Johnson, L.K. (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook on Intelligence.
Series: Oxford handbooks: Oxford handbooks of political science.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9780199704699
Jackson, P.
The assessment that never was: British joint intelligence and the threat from Iraq, 2002.
In: Laurent, S. (ed.)
Politiques Du Renseignement.
Series: Espace public: histoire.
Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux: Pessac, France, pp. 309-328.
ISBN 9782867815485
Jackson, P.
Pierre Bourdieu.
In: Edkins, J. and Vaughan-Williams, N. (eds.)
Critical Theorists and International Relations.
Series: Interventions.
Routledge: New York, NY, USA, pp. 89-101.
ISBN 9780415474658
Jackson, P.
Pierre Bourdieu, the “Cultural Turn” and the practice of
international history.
Review of International Studies, 34(1),
pp. 155-181.
(doi: 10.1017/S026021050800795X)
Hughes, R.G., Jackson, P. and Scott, L.V.
Exploring Intelligence Archives: Enquiries Into The Secret State.
Series: Studies in intelligence series.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9780415349987
Jackson, P.
L’absence de réception des idées militaires du Charles de Gaulle en Grande Bretagne.
In: Cochet, F. (ed.)
De Gaulle Et Les "Jeunes Turcs" Dans Les Armées Occidentales (1930-1945).
Series: Actes académiques.
Riveneuve: Paris, France, pp. 97-109.
ISBN 9782914214506
Jackson, P. and Siegel, J. (Eds.)
Intelligence and Statecraft: The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society.
Praeger: Westport, CT.
ISBN 9780275972950
Scott, L.V. and Jackson, P.D. (Eds.)
Understanding Intelligence in the Twenty-First Century: Journeys in Shadows.
Series: Studies in Intelligence.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780714655338
Jackson, P.
France and the Nazi Menace: Intelligence and Policy Making, 1933-1939.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9780198208341
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:35:40 2025 GMT.