Number of items: 55.
Terras, M., Anzinger, B., Gooding, P. , Mühlberger, G., Nockels, J., Romein, C. A., Stauder, A. and Stauder, F.
The artificial intelligence cooperative: READ-COOP, Transkribus, and the benefits of shared community infrastructure for automated text recognition.
Open Research Europe, 5,
(doi: 10.12688/openreseurope.18747.1)
Nockels, J., Terras, M. and Gooding, P.
A Digital Engagement Framework for Handwritten Text Recognition. How can libraries harness automated transcription to develop audiences?
Digital Humanities 2024, Washington, DC, USA, 6-9 August 2024.
Callaghan, S., Bouich, A., Gooding, P. , Spooner, R. , Thorpe, K., Booker, L., Wright, R. and Galassi, M.
iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges.
RSLondonSouthEast 2024, London, UK, 16th July 2024.
Gooding, P. , Booker, L., Bouich, A., Callaghan, S., Spooner, R. and Thorpe, K.
iREAL: Indigenising Requirements Elicitation for Artificial Intelligence in Libraries.
LUSTRE Workshop 4: The Future of AI to Unlock Digital Records, London, UK, 27-28 June 2024.
Terras, M., Nockels, J., Ames, S., Gooding, P. , Stauder, A. and Mühlberger, G.
On automating editions: the affordances of handwritten text recognition platforms for scholarly editing.
Scholarly Editing, 41,
(doi: 10.55520/W257A74E)
Jaillant, L., Warwick, C., Gooding, P. , Aske, K., Layne-Worthey, G. and Downie, J. S. (Eds.)
Navigating AI for Cultural Heritage Organisations.
UCL Press.
(In Press)
Gooding, P. and Nockels, J.
Case study: the adoption of handwritten text recognition at the National Library of Scotland.
In: Jaillant, Lise, Warwick, Claire, Gooding, Paul, Aske, Katherine, Layne-Worthey, Glen and Downie, J. Stephen (eds.)
Navigating AI for Cultural Heritage Organisation.
UCL Press.
(In Press)
Nockels, J., Gooding, P. and Terras, M.
The implications of handwritten text recognition for accessing the past at scale.
Journal of Documentation, 80(7),
pp. 148-167.
(doi: 10.1108/JD-09-2023-0183)
Nockels, J., Gooding, P. and Terras, M.
Are Digital Humanities platforms facilitating sufficient diversity in research? A study of the Transkribus Scholarship Programme.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,
(doi: 10.1093/llc/fqae018)
(Early Online Publication)
Almutairi, H. N., Gooding, P. and Redhead, A.
Female Academics’ Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in a Gender Non-Mixed Work Environment.
In: 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-08 Sep 2023,
pp. 1684-1688.
ISBN 9781914587733
(doi: 10.34190/eckm.24.2.1224)
Nockels, J., Terras, M. and Gooding, P.
A Speculative Design for Future Handwritten Text Recognition: HTR Use, and its Impact on Historical Research and the Digital Record.
Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria, 10-14 July 2023.
Winters, J., Donnay, M., Edmond, J., Murphy, O., Tupman, C., Gooding, P. , Schuster, K., Ciula, A. and Tonra, J.
Enhancing Research and Teaching Capacity through Collaboration: Building a UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association.
Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria, 10-14 July 2023.
Gooding, P.
Libraries, archives, and the born-digital humanities.
In: Galina Russell, Isabel and Layne-Worthey, Glen (eds.)
Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities.
Series: Routledge companions to the digital humanities.
(Accepted for Publication)
Gooding, P.
Informational abundance and material absence in the digitised early modern press: the case for contextual digitisation.
In: Brownlees, Nicholas (ed.)
The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation 1640–1800.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781474499170
(In Press)
Havens, L., Gooding, P. , Lingstadt, K., Forrest, A., MacDonald, A. and Terras, M.
The Library Catalogue as Dataset: Exploring Data Science Approaches to Analyse Collections at Scale.
Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK, 08-11 Sep 2022.
Nockels, J., Terras, M., Gooding, P. and Ames, S.
Understanding the application of handwritten text recognition technology in heritage contexts: a systematic review of Transkribus in published research.
Archival Science, 22(3),
pp. 367-392.
(doi: 10.1007/s10502-022-09397-0)
Nockels, J., Terras, M., Gooding, P. , Muehlberger, G. and Stauder, A.
Are Digital Humanities Platforms Sufficiently Facilitating Diversity in Research? A Study of Transkribus Free Processing Requests.
Digital Humanities 2022 (DH2022), 25-29 Jul 2022.
Gow, A. , Gooding, P. , Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Simpson, K.
Changing Curriculums for a Changing World? Living in Interesting Times: Digital Preservation Education, Pedagogy and Skills.
18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022.
(In Press)
Brazier, D., Ryan, B. and Gooding, P.
Evaluation of Inequalities of Access in UK Online Digital Collections: a Systematic Review.
ASIS&T 24-Hour Global Conference, 26-27 Apr 2022.
Ciula, A. et al.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity in DH in Ireland and the UK. Fourth Discussion Paper of the UK-Ireland DH Network.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gooding, P.
Towards critically addressable data for digital library user studies.
In: Jaillant, Lise (ed.)
Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitized Archival Collection.
Series: Digital Humanities Research, 2 (2).
Bielefeld University Press, pp. 109-130.
ISBN 9783837655841
(doi: 10.1515/9783839455845-005)
Cannelli, B. et al.
Next Generation Careers in and from Digital Humanities: Third Discussion Paper of the UK-Ireland DH Network.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gambell, S. et al.
Communicating the Value and Impact of Digital Humanities in Teaching, Research, and Infrastructure Development.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L.
Identifying the future direction of legal deposit in the United Kingdom: the Digital Library Futures approach.
Journal of Documentation, 77(5),
pp. 1154-1172.
(doi: 10.1108/JD-09-2020-0159)
Romanova, N. et al.
Capacity Enhancement in Digital Humanities in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Training and Beyond.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lewis, S., Gooding, P. and Furlough, M.
Investigations into a Global Digitisation Dataset.
Digital Archive and Kanon, 10 Mar 2021.
Benatti, F., Gooding, P. and Sillence, M.
Learning digital humanities in a community of practice: the DEAR model of postgraduate research training.
Digital Humanities Quarterly, 15(3),
Gooding, P. and Terras, M. eds.
Electronic Legal Deposit: Shaping the Library Collections of the Future.
Series: Facet studies in information science (1).
Facet Publishing: London.
ISBN 9781783303779
Gooding, P. and Terras, M.
‘An ark to save learning from deluge’? Reconceptualising legal deposit after the digital turn.
In: Gooding, Paul and Terras, Melissa (eds.)
Electronic Legal Deposit: Shaping the Library Collections of the Future.
Series: Facet studies in information science (1).
Facet Publishing: London, pp. 203-228.
ISBN 9781783303779
Gooding, P.
The library in digital humanities: interdisciplinary approaches to digital materials.
In: Schuster, Kristen and Dunn, Stuart (eds.)
Routledge Handbook on Research Methods in Digital Humanities.
Series: Routledge international handbooks.
Routledge: Oxon, UK, pp. 137-152.
ISBN 9781138363021
(doi: 10.4324/9780429777028-11)
Gooding, P. and Fulkerson, N.
Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: Final Report of the Global Digitised Dataset Network.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gooding, P.
Spotting Clouds on the Horizon: User-Centric Evaluation after the Digital Archival Turn.
Archives, Access and AI, London, UK, 15-17 Jan 2020.
Gooding, P.
The GDD Network: Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts.
DCDC 2019, Birmingham, UK, 12-14 Nov 2019.
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L.
User-Centric Evaluation of Non-Print Legal Deposit in the United Kingdom: the Digital Library Futures Approach.
In: 13th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, Aberystwyth, Wales, 23-25 Jul 2019,
Benatti, F., Gooding, P. and Sillence, M.
Developing a Community of Practice: The CHASE Model for Digital Humanities Researcher Training.
Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9-12 July 2019.
Gooding, P. , Terras, M., Berube, L., Bennett, M. and Hadden, R.
Subjectifying Library Users to the Macroscope Using Automatic Classification Matching.
Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9-12 July 2019.
Gooding, P.
Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: The GDDNetwork.
OCLC Mini-Symposium on the Discovery and Use of Open Collections, Leiden, The Netherlands, 19 Jun 2019.
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L.
Towards User-Centric Evaluation of UK Non-Print Legal Deposit.
Digital Library Futures: Symposium on Non-Print Legal Deposit, Cambridge, UK, 21 May 2019.
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L.
Towards User-Centric Evaluation of UK Non-Print Legal Deposit: a Digital Library Futures White Paper.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gooding, P. , Smith, J. and Mann, J.
The forensic imagination: interdisciplinary approaches to tracing creativity in writers' born-digital archives.
Archives and Manuscripts, 47(3),
pp. 374-390.
(doi: 10.1080/01576895.2019.1608837)
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L.
Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities: a Universe of Lost Opportunity?
Digital Humanities 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, 26-29 Jun 2018.
pp. 590-592.
Gooding, P. , Smith, J. and Mann, J.
The Forensic Imagination: Co-Developing Interdisciplinary Approaches to Writers' Born-Digital Archives.
After the Digital Revolution, London, UK, 25-26 Jan 2018.
Gooding, P. and Terras, M.
Inheriting library cards to Babel and Alexandria: contemporary metaphors for the digital library.
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 18(3),
pp. 207-222.
(doi: 10.1007/s00799-016-0194-2)
Gooding, P. M.
"A Trace of this Journey": Citations of Digitised Newspapers in UK History PhD Theses.
In: Digital Humanities 2017, Montréal, QC, Canada, 08-11 Aug 2017,
pp. 455-456.
Gooding, P.
Historic Newspapers in the Digital Age: 'Search All About It!'.
Series: Digital research in the arts and humanities.
Routledge: Abingdon.
ISBN 9781472463388
(doi: 10.4324/9781315586830)
Gooding, P. , Benatti, F. and Sillence, M.
Collaborative Digital Humanities Training: the CHASE Arts and Humanities in the Digital Age Programme.
Digital Humanities Congress 2016, Sheffield, UK, 08-10 Sep 2016.
Gooding, P.
Exploring the information behaviour of users of Welsh newspapers online through web log analysis.
Journal of Documentation, 72(2),
pp. 232-246.
(doi: 10.1108/JD-10-2014-0149)
Gooding, P. and Bennett, S.
"A Link to the Past": Remastered Videogames and the Material Archive.
Objects in Motion: Material Culture in Transition, Cambridge, UK, 18-20 Jun 2015.
Gooding, P.
Exploring Usage of Digital Newspaper Archives through Web Log Analysis: a Case Study of Welsh Newspapers Online.
Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 07-12 Jul 2014.
Coutinho, C. and Gooding, P.
Applying the TIMBUS Approach to Preserving Context in Digital Libraries.
In: 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2014), Melbourne, Australia, 06-10 Oct 2014,
pp. 326-327.
ISBN 9780642278814
Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Warwick, C.
The myth of the new: mass digitization, distant reading, and the future of the book.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(4),
pp. 629-639.
(doi: 10.1093/llc/fqt051)
Gooding, P.
Mass digitization and the garbage dump: the conflicting needs of quantitative and qualitative methods.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(3),
pp. 425-431.
(doi: 10.1093/llc/fqs054)
Gooding, P.
The Digitized Divide: Mapping Access to Subscription-Based Digitized Resources.
Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, NE, USA, 16-19 Jul 2013.
Gooding, P. M. , Terras, M. and Warwick, C.
The Myth of the New: Mass Digitization, Distant Reading, and the Future of the Book.
Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, Germany, 16-22 Jul 2012.
Gooding, P. and Terras, M.
'Grand Theft Archive': a quantitative analysis of the state of computer game preservation.
International Journal of Digital Curation, 3(2),
pp. 19-41.
(doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v3i2.56)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 13:31:35 2025 GMT.