Number of items: 36.
Finlay, N. et al.
Bronze Age burials on Kirkcaldy High Street: revisiting the 1980 legacy excavations.
Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal, 30,
pp. 1-22.
Campbell, L. and Hack, C.
pXRF and polychromy: identifying pigments on limestone statuary from the Roman limes, preliminary results.
Heritage, 7(3),
pp. 1701-1726.
(doi: 10.3390/heritage7030080)
Campbell, L.
Tracking trajectories: projecting polychromy onto a Roman relief from a Scottish castle.
Heritage, 6(4),
pp. 3722-3744.
(doi: 10.3390/heritage6040197)
Campbell, L.
The Vindolanda vessel: pXRF and microphotography of an enamel-painted Roman gladiator glass.
Heritage, 6(4),
pp. 3638-3672.
(doi: 10.3390/heritage6040194)
Campbell, L. and Smith, M.
Multi-technique analysis of pigments on sandstone sculptures: Renaissance re-painting of a Roman relief.
Heritage Science, 10,
(doi: 10.1186/s40494-022-00790-7)
Campbell, L.
Memories, monumentality and materiality in Iron Age Scotland.
In: Stoddart, S., Aines, E. and Malone, C. (eds.)
Gardening Time. Monuments and Landscape from Sardinia, Scotland and Central Europe in the Very Long Iron Age.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 37-45.
ISBN 9781913344047
Campbell, L.
Flipping the script on colonial narratives: replicating Roman reliefs from the Antonine Wall.
Public Archaeology, 20(1-4),
pp. 3-31.
(doi: 10.1080/14655187.2021.1961438)
Campbell, L. and Jones, R.
Testing Composition by pXRF Analysis against Ceramic Shape, Style and
Stamp: A Case Study from Samian Found on Hadrian’s Wall.
In: Hegewisch, M., Daszkiewicz, M. and Schneider, G. (eds.)
Using pXRF for the Analysis of Ancient Pottery: An Expert Workshop in Berlin 2014.
Series: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (75).
Edition Topoi: Berlin, pp. 63-90.
ISBN 9783981968590
(doi: 10.17171/3-75)
Campbell, L.
Polychromy on the Antonine Wall Distance sculptures: non-destructive Identification of pigments on Roman reliefs.
Britannia, 51,
pp. 175-201.
(doi: 10.1017/S0068113X20000124)
Soler, L. , Sproul, C. and Campbell, L.
Researchers of the Lost Pigments: A Multidisciplinary Student-developed Teaching Resource to Support Chemistry Students Using Genuine Archaeological Research.
vVICEPHEC20: Variety in Chemistry Education and Physics Higher Education Conference, 17-21 Aug 2020.
Sproul, C., Soler, L. and Campbell, L.
Science of the Lost Pigments: Using Roman Pigments to Teach Heritage Science.
MICER: Methods in Chemistry Education Research, 09 Jun 2020.
Sproul, C., Soler, L. and Campbell, L.
A POGIL Inspired Student-developed Teaching Resource (“Using Roman Pigments to Teach Heritage Science”) to Support Chemistry Pupils by Using Sequential Game-based, Small-group Problem-solving Exercises, Underpinned by Genuine Archaeological Research.
13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 01 Apr 2020.
Campbell, L.
Monuments on the margins of Empire: the Antonine Wall sculptures.
In: Breeze, D. J. and Hanson, W. S. (eds.)
The Antonine Wall: Papers in Honour of Professor Lawrence Keppie.
Series: Archaeopress Roman archaeology (64).
Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 96-109.
ISBN 9781789694505
Sproul, C., Soler, L. and Campbell, L.
Science of The Lost Pigments – Using Roman Pigments to Teach Heritage Science.
Let's Talk About X 2020, Glasgow, UK, 25-26 Feb 2020.
Campbell, L.
Reading the writing on the wall: discovering new dimensions to the Antonine Wall distance stones.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 7(2),
pp. 46-75.
Campbell, L.
Decorating the Distance Stones: pXRF and Portable Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Pigments on the Antonine Wall Distance Stones.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L. , Wright, D. and Hall, N. A. (Eds.)
Roots of Nationhood: The Archaeology and History of Scotland.
Archaeopress: Oxford.
ISBN 9781784919825
Campbell, L.
Culture contact and the maintenance of cultural identity in Northern Britain: a theoretical approach.
In: Campbell, L., Wright, D. and Hall, N. A. (eds.)
Roots of Nationhood: the Archaeology and History of Scotland.
Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 75-92.
ISBN 9781784919825
Campbell, L. and Wright, D.
In: Campbell, L., Wright, D. and Hall, N. A. (eds.)
Roots of Nationhood: The Archaeology and History of Scotland.
Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 9781784919825
Campbell, L.
The Pottery in Mithras in Scotland: a Mithraeum at Inveresk (East Lothian).
Britannia, 47,
p. 152.
(doi: 10.1017/S0068113X16000295)
Pierce, E. , Russell, A., Maldonado, A. and Campbell, L. (Eds.)
Creating Material Worlds: the uses of identity in archaeology.
Oxbow Books Ltd.: Oxford.
ISBN 9781785701801
Campbell, L.
Proportionalising practices in the past: fragments beyond the frontier.
In: Pierce, E., Russell, A., Maldonado, A. and Campbell, L. (eds.)
Creating Material Worlds: The Uses of Identity in Archaeology.
Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 215-239.
ISBN 9781785701801
Jones, R.E. and Campbell, L.
Non-destructive analysis of Samian ware from Scottish military sites.
In: Peacock, D. P.S., Sibbesson, E., Jervis, B. and Coxon, S. (eds.)
Insight from Innovation: New Light on Archaeological Ceramics : Papers Presented in Honour of Professor David Peacock's Contributions to Archaeological Ceramic Studies.
Series: Southampton monographs in archaeology (6).
Highfield Press, pp. 118-136.
ISBN 9780992633646
Campbell, L.
Interfacing with the Empire: materiality matters.
In: Breeze, D. J., Jones, R. H. and Oltean, I. A. (eds.)
Understanding Roman Frontiers: A Celebration for Professor Bill Hanson.
John Donald: Edinburgh, pp. 167-181.
ISBN 9781906566852
Campbell, L.
Negotiating identity on the edge of empire.
In: Popa, C.N. and Stoddart, S. (eds.)
Fingerprinting the Iron Age.
Oxbow Books: Oxford, UK, pp. 211-222.
ISBN 9781782976752
Campbell, L.
Samian pottery.
In: Armit, I. and McKenzie, J. (eds.)
An Inherited Place: Broxmouth Hillfort and the South-East Scotland Iron Age.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 249-250.
ISBN 9781908332059
Campbell, L.
Beyond the confines of empire: a reassessment of the Roman coarsewares from Traprain law.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, 15,
pp. 1-25.
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Blar na Leine.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Dunbar I.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Dunkeld.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Glenlivit.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Inverlochy I.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Loudoun Hill.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Inventory of Scottish Battlefields: Roslin.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Campbell, L.
Modifying material: social biographies of Roman material culture.
In: Jervis, B. and Kyle, A. (eds.)
Make Do and Mend: The Archaeologies of Compromise, Repair and Reuse.
Series: BAR international series (2408).
Archaeopress: Oxford, UK, pp. 13-26.
ISBN 9781407310060
Campbell, L.
Roman objects from northern Britain.
In: Andrews, P. (ed.)
Scotland and Rome: Centuries of Enrichment.
Italian Cultural Institute: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 13-17.
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 01:43:49 2025 GMT.