Dr Kathleen Reddy

  • Lecturer (Celtic & Gaelic)

email: Kathleen.Reddy@glasgow.ac.uk

Celtic and Gaelic, 3 University Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-6201-5211

Research interests

Tha an rannsachadh PhD agam stèidhichte air ceanglaichean eadar cleachdaidhean creideimh ionadail agus dualchas nan Gàidheal Caitligeach anns na h-Eileanan Siar mu dheas bho dheireadh an 19mh linn gus an latha an-diugh.

Tha ùidh mhòr agam ann an seanchas nan Gàidheal an dà chuid air Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba agus ann an coimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach ann an Alba Nuadh agus tha seanchas agus dualchas nan Gàidheal a' nochdadh gu tric san teagasg agam, eadar sgeulachdan, seanfhaclan, agus creideamhan. 

My PhD research is concerned with exploring links between local religious practices and cultural expression in Catholic communities in the Southern Western Isles from the nineteenth century to the present.

I have an interest in Gaelic oral tradition both in Scotland and Nova Scotia and regularly incorporate material on traditional Gaelic tales, proverbs and beliefs into my teaching practice.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2022 | 2020
Number of items: 4.


Reddy, K. (2025) S. Karly Kehoe, Chris Dalglish and Annie Tindley (editors), Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)


Reddy, K. (2022) Tha an Ceò air Èirigh / The Fog has Lifted; Uisge / Rain. In: NicEòghainn, Eimilidh and NicDhòmhnaill, Seoige (eds.) Òr a Mhaireas / Lasting Gold. Bradan Press: Halifax. ISBN 9781988747996


Reddy, K. (2020) Alasdair Roberts, The people and Gentry of Morar. Innes Review, 71(2), pp. 296-297. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0273)[Book Review]

Reddy, K. (2020) Betraying beetles and guarding geese: animal apocrypha in Scottish and Nova Scotian Gaelic folklore. In: Sumner, Natasha and Doyle, Aidan (eds.) North American Gaels: Speech, Story, and Song in the Diaspora. Series: McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history (2.49). McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago, pp. 400-423. ISBN 9780228003786

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:56:12 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 4.

Book Sections

Reddy, K. (2022) Tha an Ceò air Èirigh / The Fog has Lifted; Uisge / Rain. In: NicEòghainn, Eimilidh and NicDhòmhnaill, Seoige (eds.) Òr a Mhaireas / Lasting Gold. Bradan Press: Halifax. ISBN 9781988747996

Reddy, K. (2020) Betraying beetles and guarding geese: animal apocrypha in Scottish and Nova Scotian Gaelic folklore. In: Sumner, Natasha and Doyle, Aidan (eds.) North American Gaels: Speech, Story, and Song in the Diaspora. Series: McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history (2.49). McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago, pp. 400-423. ISBN 9780228003786

Book Reviews

Reddy, K. (2025) S. Karly Kehoe, Chris Dalglish and Annie Tindley (editors), Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

Reddy, K. (2020) Alasdair Roberts, The people and Gentry of Morar. Innes Review, 71(2), pp. 296-297. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0273)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:56:12 2025 GMT.


Tha mi nam stiùiriche agus nam phrìomh òraidiche air a' Bliadhna Bhogaidh ann an Celtis na Gàidhlig. Tha cùrsaichean aig dà ìre sa phrògram seo:

I am course convenor and primary lecturer for the Gaelic Immersion Year in Celtic and Gaelic. Courses for this programme are at two levels:

Gàidhlig le Bogadh (CertHE)

  • GAELIC1015: Leughadh is Sgrìobhadh
  • GAELIC1018: Èisteachd is Labhairt
  • GAELIC2012: Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig

Bogadh sa Ghàidhlig (MA)

  • GAELIC3011: Leughadh is Sgrìobhadh
  • GAELIC3013: Èisteachd is Labhairt
  • GAELIC3014: Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig

Additional information

Ann an 2019, chuir mi crìoch air an Duais ann am Foghlam Diadhaidh Caitligeach tro Sgìre-Àrd-Easbaig Ghlaschu. Bidh mi gu tric a' nochdadh anns na meadhanan craolaidh Gàidhlig gus smuaintean a thoirt seachad air gnothaichean ceangailte ri creideamh.

In 2019, I completed the Award in Catholic Theological Education through the Archdiocese of Glasgow. I regularly appear in Gaelic broadcast media to offer reflections and comment on religious matters.