Professor Alexander Broadie

  • Honorary Professorial Research Fellow (School of Humanities)


R409 Level 4, History, 2 University Gardens

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Number of items: 51.


Broadie, A. (2022) Philosophy and the Scottish Reformation: some key aspects. In: Hazlett, W. I. P. (ed.) A Companion to the Reformation in Scotland, ca.1525-1638: Framework of Change and Development. Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition (100). Brill: Leiden, pp. 204-230. ISBN 9789004335950 (doi: 10.1163/9789004335950_010)


Broadie, A. (2021) The four Philosophical Orations of Thomas Reid. In: Wood, P. (ed.) Thomas Reid and the University. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 41-135. ISBN 9780748617128


Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2020) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198769842

Broadie, A. (2020) The Declaration of Arbroath in the shadow of Scotus. In: Müller, K. P. (ed.) Scotland and Arbroath: 700 Years of Fighting for Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence. Series: Scottish studies international. Peter Lang, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9783631818619

Broadie, A. (2020) James Dundas, the first Lord Arniston, on the idea of moral philosophy and the concept of will. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 158-173. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0010)

Broadie, A. (2020) Robert Baron’s Metaphysica generalis on the nature of free judgment. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 127-139. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0008)

Broadie, A. (2020) William Chalmers (Gulielmus Camerarius) (1596-c.1678): A Scottish Catholic voice on the best and the worst. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 191-207. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0012)


Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2019) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Second Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781108420709

Broadie, A. (2019) The reformed scholasticism of James Dundas. In: Fergusson, D. and Elliott, M. W. (eds.) The History of Scottish Theology, Volume I: Celtic Origins to Reformed Orthodoxy. Oxford University Press, pp. 253-264. ISBN 9780198759331 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198759331.003.0018)


Broadie, A. (2018) Reid making sense of moral sense. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16(2), pp. 163-174. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2018.0195)


Broadie, A. (2017) The role of reason in the assent of faith: Pascal, Shestov and the late medieval background. Lev Shestov Journal = Cahiers Léon Chestov, 17, pp. 57-71.

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2017) History of Universities: Volume XXIX / 2. Series: History of Universities. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198803621

Broadie, A. (2017) Introduction: Seventeenth-century Scottish philosophers and their Universities. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) History of Universities. Series: History of Universities (XXIX/2). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9780198803621

Broadie, A. (2017) James Dundas (c.1620-1679) on the sixth commandment. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) History of Universities. Series: History of Universities (XXIX/2). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 143-165. ISBN 9780198803621


Broadie, A. (2016) James Dundas on Seneca, Descartes and the Fall. In: Reid, S. J. and McOmish, D. (eds.) Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland. Series: Brill's Sudies in intellectual history (260). Brill: Leiden, pp. 247-263. ISBN 9789004330719 (doi: 10.1163/9789004330733_012)

Broadie, A. (2016) Francis Hutcheson, George Turnbull and the intersection of aesthetics and morals. Journal of Scottish Thought, 7, pp. 1-14.


Broadie, A. (2015) Scotland's 'science of man'. In: Dunyach, J.-F. and Thomson, A. (eds.) The Enlightenment in Scotland: National and International Perspectives. Series: Oxford University Studies in Enlightenment. Voltaire Foundation: Oxford, pp. 85-105. ISBN 9780729411660

Broadie, A. (2015) John Mair on the writing of theology. In: Slotemaker, J. T. and Witt, J. C. (eds.) A Companion to the Theology of John Mair. Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition. Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 25-40. ISBN 9789004218765

Broadie, A. (2015) Adam Ferguson on human nature and enlightened governance. In: Demetriou, K. N. and Loizides, A. (eds.) Scientific Statesmanship, Governance and the History of Political Philosophy. Series: Routledge innovations in political theory. Routledge: New York, pp. 137-151. ISBN 9780415729758


Broadie, A. (2014) Robert Baron on the assent of faith. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 12(2), pp. 231-242. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2014.0073)

Broadie, A. (2014) Being embodied and being towards death. In: Fotiade, R., Jasper, D. and Salazar-Ferrer, O. (eds.) Embodiment: Phenomenological, Religious and Deconstructive Views on Living and Dying. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 143-153. ISBN 9781472410528

Broadie, A. (2014) Assentiment et volonté: la pré-Réforme écossaise. In: Croit-On Comme On Veut? Histoire d'une Controverse. Series: Analyse et philosophie. Librairie Philosophique Vrin: Paris, pp. 103-115. ISBN 9782711625222


Broadie, A. (2013) James Dundas on the Hobbesian state of nature. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 11(1), pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2013.0043)

Broadie, A. (2013) Philosophy, revealed religion, and the Enlightenment. In: Harris, J.A. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. Series: Oxford handbooks in philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 621-637. ISBN 9780199549023


Broadie, A. (2012) Adam Ferguson, classical republicanism and the imperative of modernity. In: Walker, N. (ed.) MacCormick's Scotland. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Law (10). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 107-127. ISBN 9780748643806

Broadie, A. (2012) Agreeable Connexions: Scottish Enlightenment Links with France. John Donald: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781906566517

Broadie, A. (2012) Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Theology in Scotland, 19(2), pp. 19-34.

Broadie, A. (2012) John Mair on divine creation and conservation. In: Houwen, L.A.J.R. (ed.) Literature and Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland. Series: Mediaevalia Groningana (18). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 167-176. ISBN 9789042925823

Broadie, A. (2012) The rise (and fall?) of the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Devine, T.M. and Wormald, J. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Modern Scottish History. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 370-385. ISBN 9780199563692


Broadie, A. (2011) The place of religion in civil society: Thomas Reid, philosophical rhetoric, and the role of the preacher. In: Storrar, W.F., Casarella, P.J. and Metzger, P.L. (eds.) A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theory and Trinitarian Theology. W.B. Eerdmans: Cambridge, UK, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9780802827425


Broadie, A. (2010) Aristotle, Adam Smith and the virtue of propriety. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 8(1), pp. 79-89. (doi: 10.3366/E1479665109000529)

Broadie, A. (2010) Scotistic metaphysics and creation ex nihilo. In: Burrell, D.B., Cogliati, C., Soskice, J.M. and Stoeger, W.R. (eds.) Creation and the God of Abraham. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 53-64. ISBN 9780521518680


Broadie, A. (2009) Hutcheson on connoisseurship and the role of reflection. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 17(2), pp. 351-364. (doi: 10.1080/09608780902761737)

Broadie, A. (2009) Early Scottish thinkers on the idea of political freedom. In: Pittock, M. (ed.) Scotland in Europe. Series: Litteraria Pragensia, 19 (38). Univ. Karlova, pp. 48-59.

Broadie, A. (2009) A History of Scottish Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748616275

Broadie, A. (2009) James Dundas and his concept of moral philosophy. Journal of Scottish Thought, 2(1), pp. 99-111.

Broadie, A. (2009) John Mair's Dialogus de materia theologo tractanda: introduction, text and translation. In: Vanderjagt, A.J., MacDonald, A.A., von Martels, Z.R.W.M. and Veenstra, J.R. (eds.) Christian Humanism: Essays in Honour of Arjo Vanderjagt. Series: Studies in medieval and reformation traditions (142). Brill: Leiden, Netherlamds, pp. 419-430. ISBN 9789004176317


Broadie, A. (2008) Scottish philosophers in France: the earlier years. Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, 2(1), pp. 1-12.


Broadie, A. (2007) John Duns Scotus and the idea of independence. In: Cowan, E.J. (ed.) The Wallace Book. John Donald: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780859766524

Broadie, A. (2007) Thomas Reid, Jules Laforgue et l'art de peindre des impressions. In: Malherbe, M. and Arosio, E. (eds.) La philosophie Écossaise et la Philosophie Française 1750-1850. Vrin, pp. 179-193. ISBN 9782711618958


Broadie, A. (2006) Sympathy and the impartial spectator. In: Haakonssen, K. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 158-188. ISBN 9780521770590


Broadie, A. (2005) Duns Scotus on ubiety and the fiery furnace. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13(1), pp. 3-20.

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2005) The Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy: Philosophical Works and Correspondence of George Turnbull. Series: Natural law and enlightenment classics. Liberty Fund: Indianapolis, USA. ISBN 9780865974555

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2005) Thomas Reid on Logic, Rhetoric, and the Fine Arts: Papers on the Culture of the Mind. Series: The Edinburgh edition of Thomas Reid. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748616848


Broadie, A. (2004) Reid in context. In: Cuneo, T. and Woudenberg, R.V. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 31-52. ISBN 0521012082


Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2003) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0521003237

Broadie, A. (2003) Art and aesthetic theory. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 280-297. ISBN 9780521802734

Broadie, A. (2003) The human mind and its powers. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 60-78. ISBN 9780521802734


Broadie, A. (2002) The association of ideas: Thomas Reid's context. Reid Studies, 5(2), pp. 31-51.


Broadie, A. (2001) Duns Scotus and William Ockham. In: Evans, G.R. (ed.) The Medieval Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Medieval Period. Blackwell: Oxford, UK, pp. 250-265. ISBN 9780631212027

Broadie, A. (2001) The Scottish Enlightenment: The Historical Age of the Historical Nation. Birlinn: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781841581514

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 19:59:35 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 51.


Broadie, A. (2018) Reid making sense of moral sense. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16(2), pp. 163-174. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2018.0195)

Broadie, A. (2017) The role of reason in the assent of faith: Pascal, Shestov and the late medieval background. Lev Shestov Journal = Cahiers Léon Chestov, 17, pp. 57-71.

Broadie, A. (2016) Francis Hutcheson, George Turnbull and the intersection of aesthetics and morals. Journal of Scottish Thought, 7, pp. 1-14.

Broadie, A. (2014) Robert Baron on the assent of faith. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 12(2), pp. 231-242. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2014.0073)

Broadie, A. (2013) James Dundas on the Hobbesian state of nature. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 11(1), pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2013.0043)

Broadie, A. (2012) Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Theology in Scotland, 19(2), pp. 19-34.

Broadie, A. (2010) Aristotle, Adam Smith and the virtue of propriety. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 8(1), pp. 79-89. (doi: 10.3366/E1479665109000529)

Broadie, A. (2009) Hutcheson on connoisseurship and the role of reflection. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 17(2), pp. 351-364. (doi: 10.1080/09608780902761737)

Broadie, A. (2009) James Dundas and his concept of moral philosophy. Journal of Scottish Thought, 2(1), pp. 99-111.

Broadie, A. (2008) Scottish philosophers in France: the earlier years. Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, 2(1), pp. 1-12.

Broadie, A. (2005) Duns Scotus on ubiety and the fiery furnace. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13(1), pp. 3-20.

Broadie, A. (2002) The association of ideas: Thomas Reid's context. Reid Studies, 5(2), pp. 31-51.


Broadie, A. (2012) Agreeable Connexions: Scottish Enlightenment Links with France. John Donald: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781906566517

Broadie, A. (2009) A History of Scottish Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748616275

Broadie, A. (2001) The Scottish Enlightenment: The Historical Age of the Historical Nation. Birlinn: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781841581514

Book Sections

Broadie, A. (2022) Philosophy and the Scottish Reformation: some key aspects. In: Hazlett, W. I. P. (ed.) A Companion to the Reformation in Scotland, ca.1525-1638: Framework of Change and Development. Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition (100). Brill: Leiden, pp. 204-230. ISBN 9789004335950 (doi: 10.1163/9789004335950_010)

Broadie, A. (2021) The four Philosophical Orations of Thomas Reid. In: Wood, P. (ed.) Thomas Reid and the University. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 41-135. ISBN 9780748617128

Broadie, A. (2020) The Declaration of Arbroath in the shadow of Scotus. In: Müller, K. P. (ed.) Scotland and Arbroath: 700 Years of Fighting for Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence. Series: Scottish studies international. Peter Lang, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9783631818619

Broadie, A. (2020) James Dundas, the first Lord Arniston, on the idea of moral philosophy and the concept of will. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 158-173. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0010)

Broadie, A. (2020) Robert Baron’s Metaphysica generalis on the nature of free judgment. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 127-139. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0008)

Broadie, A. (2020) William Chalmers (Gulielmus Camerarius) (1596-c.1678): A Scottish Catholic voice on the best and the worst. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, pp. 191-207. ISBN 9780198769842 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198769842.003.0012)

Broadie, A. (2019) The reformed scholasticism of James Dundas. In: Fergusson, D. and Elliott, M. W. (eds.) The History of Scottish Theology, Volume I: Celtic Origins to Reformed Orthodoxy. Oxford University Press, pp. 253-264. ISBN 9780198759331 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198759331.003.0018)

Broadie, A. (2017) Introduction: Seventeenth-century Scottish philosophers and their Universities. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) History of Universities. Series: History of Universities (XXIX/2). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9780198803621

Broadie, A. (2017) James Dundas (c.1620-1679) on the sixth commandment. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) History of Universities. Series: History of Universities (XXIX/2). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 143-165. ISBN 9780198803621

Broadie, A. (2016) James Dundas on Seneca, Descartes and the Fall. In: Reid, S. J. and McOmish, D. (eds.) Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland. Series: Brill's Sudies in intellectual history (260). Brill: Leiden, pp. 247-263. ISBN 9789004330719 (doi: 10.1163/9789004330733_012)

Broadie, A. (2015) Scotland's 'science of man'. In: Dunyach, J.-F. and Thomson, A. (eds.) The Enlightenment in Scotland: National and International Perspectives. Series: Oxford University Studies in Enlightenment. Voltaire Foundation: Oxford, pp. 85-105. ISBN 9780729411660

Broadie, A. (2015) John Mair on the writing of theology. In: Slotemaker, J. T. and Witt, J. C. (eds.) A Companion to the Theology of John Mair. Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition. Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 25-40. ISBN 9789004218765

Broadie, A. (2015) Adam Ferguson on human nature and enlightened governance. In: Demetriou, K. N. and Loizides, A. (eds.) Scientific Statesmanship, Governance and the History of Political Philosophy. Series: Routledge innovations in political theory. Routledge: New York, pp. 137-151. ISBN 9780415729758

Broadie, A. (2014) Being embodied and being towards death. In: Fotiade, R., Jasper, D. and Salazar-Ferrer, O. (eds.) Embodiment: Phenomenological, Religious and Deconstructive Views on Living and Dying. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 143-153. ISBN 9781472410528

Broadie, A. (2014) Assentiment et volonté: la pré-Réforme écossaise. In: Croit-On Comme On Veut? Histoire d'une Controverse. Series: Analyse et philosophie. Librairie Philosophique Vrin: Paris, pp. 103-115. ISBN 9782711625222

Broadie, A. (2013) Philosophy, revealed religion, and the Enlightenment. In: Harris, J.A. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. Series: Oxford handbooks in philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 621-637. ISBN 9780199549023

Broadie, A. (2012) Adam Ferguson, classical republicanism and the imperative of modernity. In: Walker, N. (ed.) MacCormick's Scotland. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Law (10). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 107-127. ISBN 9780748643806

Broadie, A. (2012) John Mair on divine creation and conservation. In: Houwen, L.A.J.R. (ed.) Literature and Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland. Series: Mediaevalia Groningana (18). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 167-176. ISBN 9789042925823

Broadie, A. (2012) The rise (and fall?) of the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Devine, T.M. and Wormald, J. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Modern Scottish History. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 370-385. ISBN 9780199563692

Broadie, A. (2011) The place of religion in civil society: Thomas Reid, philosophical rhetoric, and the role of the preacher. In: Storrar, W.F., Casarella, P.J. and Metzger, P.L. (eds.) A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theory and Trinitarian Theology. W.B. Eerdmans: Cambridge, UK, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9780802827425

Broadie, A. (2010) Scotistic metaphysics and creation ex nihilo. In: Burrell, D.B., Cogliati, C., Soskice, J.M. and Stoeger, W.R. (eds.) Creation and the God of Abraham. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 53-64. ISBN 9780521518680

Broadie, A. (2009) Early Scottish thinkers on the idea of political freedom. In: Pittock, M. (ed.) Scotland in Europe. Series: Litteraria Pragensia, 19 (38). Univ. Karlova, pp. 48-59.

Broadie, A. (2009) John Mair's Dialogus de materia theologo tractanda: introduction, text and translation. In: Vanderjagt, A.J., MacDonald, A.A., von Martels, Z.R.W.M. and Veenstra, J.R. (eds.) Christian Humanism: Essays in Honour of Arjo Vanderjagt. Series: Studies in medieval and reformation traditions (142). Brill: Leiden, Netherlamds, pp. 419-430. ISBN 9789004176317

Broadie, A. (2007) John Duns Scotus and the idea of independence. In: Cowan, E.J. (ed.) The Wallace Book. John Donald: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780859766524

Broadie, A. (2007) Thomas Reid, Jules Laforgue et l'art de peindre des impressions. In: Malherbe, M. and Arosio, E. (eds.) La philosophie Écossaise et la Philosophie Française 1750-1850. Vrin, pp. 179-193. ISBN 9782711618958

Broadie, A. (2006) Sympathy and the impartial spectator. In: Haakonssen, K. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 158-188. ISBN 9780521770590

Broadie, A. (2004) Reid in context. In: Cuneo, T. and Woudenberg, R.V. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 31-52. ISBN 0521012082

Broadie, A. (2003) Art and aesthetic theory. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 280-297. ISBN 9780521802734

Broadie, A. (2003) The human mind and its powers. In: Broadie, A. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 60-78. ISBN 9780521802734

Broadie, A. (2001) Duns Scotus and William Ockham. In: Evans, G.R. (ed.) The Medieval Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Medieval Period. Blackwell: Oxford, UK, pp. 250-265. ISBN 9780631212027

Edited Books

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2020) Scottish Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198769842

Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2019) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Second Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781108420709

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2017) History of Universities: Volume XXIX / 2. Series: History of Universities. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198803621

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2005) The Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy: Philosophical Works and Correspondence of George Turnbull. Series: Natural law and enlightenment classics. Liberty Fund: Indianapolis, USA. ISBN 9780865974555

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2005) Thomas Reid on Logic, Rhetoric, and the Fine Arts: Papers on the Culture of the Mind. Series: The Edinburgh edition of Thomas Reid. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748616848

Broadie, A. (Ed.) (2003) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0521003237

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 19:59:35 2025 GMT.