Research interests
- Genocide and related mass atrocities
- Transitional justice
- Rwandan history; African history
- Symbolic violence
- Gender history
- Oral history ethics and methods
Current Projects:
- ‘“Silent Hills” No Longer: Revitalising Post-Genocide Communities in Western Rwanda Through Cultural Heritage Studies and Tourism’
- ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage Studies’
- ‘Oral Historians Working on/in Political Violence’
Freund, A., Jessee, E. and Thomson, A. (Eds.) (2025) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Oral History. Bloomsbury. (Accepted for Publication)
Jessee, E. , Mwambari, D. and Purdeková, A. (Eds.) (2025) The Routledge Handbook of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)
Jessee, E. and Pohlman, A. (2025) Oral Histories of Genocide in Bosnia, Indonesia and Rwanda: Symbolic Violence and Social Death. Oxford University Press. (Accepted for Publication)
Williams, T. and Jessee, E. (2024) Perpetrators as victims? inclusivity and proximity in post-genocide Cambodia and Rwanda. Journal of Genocide Research, (doi: 10.1080/14623528.2024.2411879) (Early Online Publication)
Watkins, S. E., Jessee, E. and Brunton, E. (2022) Women in Rwanda. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190277734 (doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.522)
Jessee, E. (2022) On the margins: role shifting in atrocity. In: Holá, B., Brehm, H. N. and Weerdesteijn, M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 329-350. ISBN 9780190915629 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190915629.013.14)
Jessee, E. (2022) The micro-politics of remembering “the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi” in Rwanda. In: Rauschenbach, M., Viebach, J. and Parmentier, S. (eds.) Localising Memory in Transitional Justice: The Dynamics and Informal Practices of Memorialisation after Mass Violence and Dictatorship. Routledge: London, pp. 83-106. ISBN 9780367344573 (doi: 10.4324/9780429330841-6)
Jessee, E. and Mwambari, D. (2022) Memory law and the duty to remember the “1994 genocide against the Tutsi” in Rwanda. In: Barkan, E. and Lang, A. (eds.) Memory Laws and Historical Justice: The Politics of Criminalizing the Past. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030949136 (Accepted for Publication)
Vos, J. , Ellison, M., Jessee, E. , Mbowa, S., Morris, J. and Nakazi, F. (2022) Uganda’s Black Gold. [Audio]
Vos, J. , Opolot, M., Jessee, E. , Mbowa, S., Morris, J. and Nakazi, F. (2022) Understanding Uganda’s Domestic Coffee Consumption. [Audio]
Jessee, E. (2021) Commemorating genocide in Rwanda. In: Elcheroth, G. and De Mel, N. (eds.) In the Shadow of Transitional Justice: Cross-national Perspectives on the Transformative Potential of Remembrance. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9780367765101 (doi: 10.4324/9781003167280-4)
Jessee, E. (2021) Managing Conflict and Trauma in Oral Historical Research. Research and Innovation Services, Glasgow, UK, 17 January 2021.
Jessee, E. (2021) Managing Conflict and Trauma in Qualitative Research. Research and Innovation Services, Glasgow, UK, 15 January 2021.
Jessee, E. , Irankunda, J. and Mafigiri, C. (2021) Nyiragitwa. Mudacumura Publishing House: Kigali, Rwanda.
Jessee, E. (2020) Seeing monsters, hearing victims: The politics of perpetration in post-genocide Rwanda. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 67-90. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. and Anderson, K. (2020) Conclusion: Toward a code of practice for qualitative research among perpetrators. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 199-220. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. and Anderson, K. (2020) Introduction. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. (2020) On the “Democratising” Potential of Oral History Research in Rwanda: Power, Voice, and Authority after Genocide. 7th International Symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN, 26-27 Nov 2020.
Jessee, E. (2020) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Reflections on a Graphic Novel Approach. Oral History Association Annual Meeting 2020, 19-24 Oct 2020.
Jessee, E. , Cline, D., Mackay, N. and Valk, A. (2020) Book Publishing Lives! A Conversation with Oral History Series Editors. Oral History Association Annual Meeting 2020, 19-24 Oct 2020.
Jessee, E. (2020) Review: Amy Sodaro’s 'Exhibiting Atrocity: Memorial Museums and the Politics of Past Violence'. Memory Studies, 13(5), pp. 896-898. (doi: 10.1177/1750698020943009c)[Book Review]
Neyzi, L. and Jessee, E. (2020) Oral Histories of the Disappeared. Archives of the Disappeared: Discipline and Method Amidst Ruin, 20 May 2020.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Barton, L. and Chand, A. (2020) Advanced Oral History: Individual and Collective Memory. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Spring into Methods Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 May 2020.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Barton, L. and Chand, A. (2020) Advanced Oral History: Navigating Psychological Harm. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Spring into Methods Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 May 2020.
Jessee, E. (2020) ‘There Are No Other Options?’: Rwandan gender norms and family planning in historical perspective. Medical History, 64(2), pp. 219-239. (doi: 10.1017/mdh.2020.4)
Jessee, E. (2020) Women and genocide in Africa. In: Spear, T. (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Series: Oxford research encyclopedias. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190277734 (doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.552)
Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (Eds.) (2020) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI. ISBN 9780299329709
Watkins, S. E. and Jessee, E. (2020) Legacies of Kanjogera: women political elites and the transgression of gender norms in Rwanda. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 14(1), pp. 84-102. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2019.1711313)
Jessee, E. (2019) ‘Be a Good Umushakashatsi (Researcher)’: At the Interfaces of Oral History and Ethnography in Post-genocide Rwanda. American Anthropology Association, Vancouver, Canada, 20-24 Nov 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Writing Society: Ethics and the Politics of Research in Precarious Times. Rwanda for British Academy Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 09-12 Sep 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Kristin Conner Doughty, Remediation in Rwanda: grassroots legal forums. Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press (hb US$65 – 978 0 812 24783 1). 2016, 283 pp.Bert Ingelaere, Inside Rwanda's Gacaca Courts: seeking justice after genocide. Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press (hb US$64.95 – 978 0 299 30970 1; pb US$21.95 – 978 0 299 30974 9). 2017, 234 pp. Africa, 89(3), pp. 608-610. (doi: 10.1017/S0001972019000548)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2019) New Directions in Perpetrator Studies. International Association of Genocide Scholars, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 14-19 Jul 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Oral Historical Research under Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Post-genocide Rwanda. Scottish Oral History Centre Postgraduate Conference on Oral Histories of Structural Violence, Glasgow, UK, 06 Jun 2019.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A. and Barton, L. (2019) Advanced Oral History: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 08-10 Apr 2019.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A. and Barton, L. (2019) Advanced Oral History: Navigating Psychological Harm. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 08-10 Apr 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Oral history and the Rwandan genocide. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 25(2), pp. 169-184.
Jessee, E. (2019) Beyond perpetrators: complex political actors surrounding the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. In: Smeulers, A., Weerdesteijn, M. and Hola, B. (eds.) Perpetrators of International Crimes: Theories, Methods, and Evidence. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198829997 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198829997.003.0009)
Jessee, E. (2019) The life history interview. In: Liamputtong, P. (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer, pp. 425-441. ISBN 9789811052507
Jessee, E. (2018) Analysis and Dissemination. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Introduction to Oral History. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Writing a Scientific Article. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. , Irankunda, J. and Mugarura, C. (2018) Nyiragitwa, Daughter of Sacyega: A Graphic Novel. Advanced Research Methods Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 11 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. and Mwizerwa, S. (2018) Rwandan Intimacies in Historical Perspective. Advanced Research Methods Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 11 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Decolonizing the Study of Early Rwandan History: The Rwandan Intimacies Project. African Studies Association, 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Oral History: Analysis and Dissemination. Masterclasses for the Centre of Oral History, National Academy of the Sciences and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 08-09 Nov 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Oral History: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Masterclasses for the Centre of Oral History, National Academy of the Sciences and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 08-09 Nov 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Researching Trauma in the Arts. Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 19 Oct 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Symbolic Violence and Social Death in the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda: Considering Violence Against Tutsi Children. Oral History Association, 10-13 Oct 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: The Life History of Nyiramuzungu, c. 1915 to Present. African Studies Association UK, 11-13 Sep 2018.
Jessee, E. and Brunton, E. (2018) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Revisiting Women’s Agency—Past and Present—Using Rwandan Oral Traditions. Rwandan Stories of Change Conference, St. Andrews, UK, 06 Jul 2018.
Jessee, E. and Bryson, A. (2018) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Research: From the Field to Archive and Beyond. Oral History Society and Oral History Network of Ireland conference on Dangerous Oral Histories: Risks, Responsibilities and Rewards, Belfast, UK, 28-29 Jun 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Conceptualizing Trauma in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. International Oral History Association, 18-21 Jun 2018.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Abrams, L. and Barton, L. (2018) Oral History Theory and Practice. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 25-27 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. and Ellison, M. (2018) Qualitative Fieldwork in Conflict-affected Settings. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) “There Are No Other Options?” Rwandan Gender Norms and Family Planning in Historical Perspective. European Social Science History Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 04-07 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Introduction to Oral History: Theory and Methods. Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 23 Mar 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Negotiating Genocide? What’s to Negotiate?: The Ethics of Cultural Memory Research in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Cultural Memory Group Speaker Series, St. Andrews, UK, 21 Feb 2018.
Jessee, E. (2017) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Marriage and the Rejection of Marriage in Early Oral Traditions and Present-day Recollections. African Studies Association, 16-18 Nov 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) On burnout, trauma, and self-care with Erin Jessee. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2017) Six questions to ask before you hit record. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2017) Memory and Transitional Justice: From a Duty to Remember to Pluralistic Memory Scapes. Leuven Institute of Criminology International Expert Seminar, Leuven, Belgium, 25-26 Oct 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Fieldwork. Oral History Association, 04-07 Oct 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Challenging Narratives of Challenging Times: Oral Historical Approaches to Understanding Personal Experiences of Political Violence. Conference on Famine Stories and Survival Legends: Legacies to the Following Generations, Uppsala, Sweden, 28 Sep 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Fieldwork. Workshop for the National Centre for Research Methods, Economic and Social Research Council, Edinburgh, UK, 06 Sep 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Oral Histories of Collective Trauma. Workshop for the University of Lausanne Transitional Justice Summer School, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 Jun 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) The danger of a single story: Iconic stories in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Memory Studies, 10(2), pp. 144-163. (doi: 10.1177/1750698016673236)
Jessee, E. (2017) Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis. By Mark Cave and Stephen Sloan (eds.). Oral History Review, 44(1), pp. 168-172. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohw121)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda by Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel. Journal of Modern African Studies, 55(01), pp. 166-168. (doi: 10.1017/S0022278X16000720)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Book Review: From War to Genocide: Criminal Politics in Rwanda, 1990-1994. Genocide Studies and Prevention, 11(2), pp. 116-117. (doi: 10.5038/1911-9933.11.2.1476)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing danger in oral historical fieldwork. Oral History Review, 44(2), pp. 322-347. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohx038)
Jessee, E. (2017) Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda: the Politics of History. Series: Palgrave studies in oral history. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783319451947 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45195-4)
Jessee, E. (2017) Reconciliation. In: Pető, A. (ed.) Gender: War. Series: Macmillan interdisciplinary handbooks. Macmillan Reference USA: Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 229-246. ISBN 9780028663227
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. (2016) King Kagame? Echoes of Monarchy in Present-Day Rwanda. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 1-3 Dec 2016.
Jessee, E. and Lorimer, H. (2016) Oral History and Animated Archive. When Methods Meet, Edinburgh, UK, 28 Nov 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Toward an Oral History of ‘Silent Discrimination’: Investigating Community Persecution of LGBTI Individuals in Rwanda. Finnish Oral History Network Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 24-25 Nov 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Complex Political Actors and the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. On Collective Violence: Actions, Roles, Perceptions, Marburg, Germany, 20-22 Oct 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Iconic Stories in the Aftermath of Genocide. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2016) Same-Sex Intimacies in Rwanda in Historical Perspective. African Studies Association UK Conference, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 Sep 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) From Perpetrators to Victims? Social Dynamics and the Politics of Transitional Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda. International Network of Genocide Scholars Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 26-29 Jun 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Navigating Gatekeepers in Research with Convicted War Criminals in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2016.
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. (2015) Legacies of Kanjogera: Rwandan Female Political Elites and the Transgression of Gender Norms in Historical Perspective. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 19-22 Nov 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Seeing Monsters, Hearing Victims: Génocidaires and the Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA, 14-18 Oct 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Approaching Perpetrators in Post-genocide Rwanda: Victimhood and Social Death in the Narratives of Convicted Génocidaires. The Twelfth Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Yerevan, Armenia, 8-12 Jul 2015.
Jessee, E. and Bouka, Y. (2015) Negotiating ‘the Enemy’ in Post-genocide Rwanda: Dilemmas in Research Among Génocidaires, Political Opponents, and Other Undesirables. 6th European Conference on African Studies, Paris, France, 8-10 Jul 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Introduction: Approaching perpetrators. Conflict and Society, 1(1), pp. 4-8. (doi: 10.3167/arcs.2015.010102)
Jessee, E. (2015) Rwandan women no more: female génocidaires in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Conflict and Society, 1(1), pp. 60-80. (doi: 10.3167/arcs.2015.010106)
Jessee, E. and Wagner, S. (2015) Among the Anonymous Dead: Exhumations and the Emotive Materiality of Deceased Victims of Mass Violence. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2015) Between Monsters and Victims: The Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Speaker Series, Edinburgh, UK, 30 Jan 2015.
Jessee, E. (2014) Seeing Monsters, Hearing Victims: Female Génocidaires and the Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Centre for Global Studies, Victoria, Canada, 8 Dec 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Exhumations as ‘Articles of Faith’: Considering the Cases of Post-Genocide Rwanda and Post-Civil War Uganda. 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., USA, 3-7 Dec 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) 'Let Me Tell You about Rwanda': Iconic Stories and the Democratization of History in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, USA, 10-14 Oct 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) On Exhumations and Their Absence: Lessons from Post-Genocide Rwanda and Post-Civil War Uganda. 48th Annual Meeting of the Oral History Association, Madison, WI, USA, 8-12 Oct 2014.
Reeves, T., Tyler-Richards, C. and , (2014) "Confessing Animals," Redux: a conversation between Alexander Freund and Erin Jessee. Oral History Review, 41(2), pp. 314-324. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohu028)
Jessee, E. , Opinia, S., Alexander, K. and Ojok, B. (2014) The Right to Know: Policy recommendations for addressing the rights of the missing and their families in northern Uganda. Justice and Reconciliation Project Policy Brief Series. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jessee, E. (2014) Democratizing History in Conflicted and Post-Conflict Settings. International Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 Jul 2014.
Freund, A. and Jessee, E. (2014) ‘Storytelling’ in oral history: an exchange, part 2. [Website]
Freund, A. and Jessee, E. (2014) ‘Storytelling’ in oral history: an exchange. [Website]
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. E. (2014) Good Kings, Bloody Tyrants, and Everything In Between: Representations of the Monarchy in Post-Genocide Rwanda. History in Africa, 41, pp. 35-62. (doi: 10.1017/hia.2014.7)
Jessee, E. (2014) On Exhumations and Their Absence: Lessons from Rwanda and Uganda. Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, Newcastle, UK, 3-4 Apr 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Bodies of Evidence, Bodies of Resistance: The Many Political Lives of the Anonymous Victims of the 1994 Genocide. Centre of African Studies, Edinburgh, UK, 12 Feb 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Apprenticeship in Critical Ethnographic Practice * Returns to the Field: Multitemporal Research and Contemporary Anthropology. Oral History Review, 41(1), pp. 166-170. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohu007)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2014) Review of: Whispering Truth to Power: Everyday Resistance to Reconciliation in Postgenocide Rwanda by Susan Thomson. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 4(2), pp. 163-166. (doi: 10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.4.2.163)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2013) Rwanda's subtle forms of intimidation. Times Higher Education,
Jessee, E. (2013) Rwandan Women No More: Female Génocidaires in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. 112th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 20-24 Nov 2013.
Jessee, E. (2013) Oral History and Contemporary Mass Atrocities: Through the Lens of Post-Genocide Rwanda. Scottish Oral History Centre, Glasgow, UK, 4 Nov 2013.
Jessee, E. (2013) Digital Media and Dangerous Narratives: Ethical and Methodological Considerations. Digital Testimonies on War and Trauma Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 12-14 Jun 2013.
Jessee, E. (2013) Considering silence. In: Sheftel, A. and Zembrzycki, S. (eds.) Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice. Series: Palgrave studies in oral history. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY. ISBN 9781137339638
Jessee, E. (2013) Forensic investigations. In: Stan, L. and Nedelsky, N. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9780521196277
Jessee, E. (2013) Serbian Dreambook: National Imaginary in the Time of Milošević. Oral History Review, 40(1), pp. 204-206. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/oht007)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. and Pohlman, A. (2013) Introduction – Confronting mass atrocities in oral historical practice. Oral History Forum = D'histoire orale, 33, pp. 1-6.
Jessee, E. (2012) Bodies of Evidence; Bodies of Resistance: The Many Political Lives of the Anonymous Victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 14-18 Nov 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) Promoting Reconciliation through Exhuming and Identifying Victims in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jessee, E. (2012) Incensing the Spirits: Survivor Perspectives on International Forensic Investigations in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence, Montreal, QC, Canada, 22-25 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) Among the Anonymous Dead: Past, Present and Future Efforts Toward Identifying and Repatriating the Victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 21 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) The Limits of Qualitative Research: Ethics and Methodology Amid Highly Politicized Research Settings. Liu Institute for Global Issues Speaker Series on Ethics and Methodology in Settings of Violence, Vancouver, Canada, 9 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E.
Review of Macek, Ivana, Sarajevo under Siege: Anthropology in Wartime.
Narrating chaos: the 'normal lives' of Sarajevans during the Bosnian War.
H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences,
[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2012) Conducting fieldwork in Rwanda. Canadian Journal of Development Studies = Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 33(2), pp. 266-274. (doi: 10.1080/02255189.2012.687356)
Jessee, E. (2012) Promoting Reconciliation through Exhuming and Identifying Victims in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jessee, E. (2011) Rwandan State-Funded Genocide Memorials: The Micro-Politics of Remembering the ‘1994 Genocide of the Tutsi’. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 17-19 Nov 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) Rwandan Genocide Memorials: The Politics of Remembering the ‘1994 Genocide of the Tutsi’. Search for Common Ground Great Lakes Policy Forum, 17 Nov 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) The Limits of Oral History: Rwanda in the Aftermath of Genocide. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 12-16 Oct 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) The Limits of Oral History: Ethics and Methodology Amid Highly Politicized Research Settings. University of Ottawa “Making History” Speaker Series, Ottawa, Canada, 5 Oct 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) The limits of oral history: ethics and methodology amid highly politicized research settings. Oral History Review, 38(2), pp. 287-307. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr098)
Jessee, E. (2011) Negotiating Genocide: The Ethics of Oral History in the Aftermath of the Bosnian War. Off the Record: Unspoken Negotiations in the Practice of Oral History, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28-30 Apr 2011.
Zembrzycki, S., Jessee, E. , Beattie, E., Bean, A., Landry, M. and Baines, S. (2011) Oral history and adult community education: notes from the field. Oral History Review, 38(1), pp. 120-135. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr047)
Jessee, E. (2011) Review of: Zachary M. Schrag, Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences. The John Hopkins University Press, 2010. Oral History Review, 38(1), pp. 228-230. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr027)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2011) On the Record: Negotiating Survivor and Perpetrator Life Histories in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. University of Western Ontario Speaker Series, London, ON, Canada, 11 Feb 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) On the Record: Negotiating Survivor and Perpetrator Life Histories in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. University of Ottawa “Making History” Series, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 27 Jan 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) Memory, War, and Trauma. Oral History Review, 38(2), pp. 393-395. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr074)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. , Zembrzycki, S. and High, S. (2011) Stories matter: Conceptual challenges in the development of oral history database building software. Forum: Qualitative Social Research = Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 12(1), 1.
Jessee, E. (2010) Inscribed Intent: Genocidal Symbolic Violence and Social Death in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 18-21 Nov 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Introducing Stories Matter: Oral History Database Building Software. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 27-31 Oct 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Among the Anonymous Dead: The Fate of International Forensic Exhumations in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia. Norman Patterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 19 Oct 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Difficult Narratives: Negotiating Survivor, Perpetrator and Ex-Combatant Life Histories in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28 May - 1 Jun 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) From Symbolic Violence to Social Death: Healing the Wounds of Genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28 May - 1 Jun 2010.
Jessee, E. (2009) The Ethics of Oral History and Ethnography Among Conflicted Communities: Lessons from Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Remembering War, Genocide and Other Human Rights Violations: Oral History, New Media and the Arts, Montreal, QC, Canada, 5-8 Nov 2009.
Jessee, E. (2009) People and Their Pasts by Paul Ashton and Hilda Kean. Oral History Forum = D'histoire orale, 29, [Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2007) Inscribed Intent: A Case for Increased Interdisciplinarity in the Investigation and Prevention of Genocide. The International Association of Genocide Scholars Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9-13 Jul 2007.
Jessee, E. and Skinner, M. (2005) A typology of mass grave and mass grave-related sites. Forensic Science International, 152(1), pp. 55-59. (doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2005.02.031)
Williams, T. and Jessee, E. (2024) Perpetrators as victims? inclusivity and proximity in post-genocide Cambodia and Rwanda. Journal of Genocide Research, (doi: 10.1080/14623528.2024.2411879) (Early Online Publication)
Jessee, E. (2020) ‘There Are No Other Options?’: Rwandan gender norms and family planning in historical perspective. Medical History, 64(2), pp. 219-239. (doi: 10.1017/mdh.2020.4)
Watkins, S. E. and Jessee, E. (2020) Legacies of Kanjogera: women political elites and the transgression of gender norms in Rwanda. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 14(1), pp. 84-102. (doi: 10.1080/17531055.2019.1711313)
Jessee, E. (2019) Oral history and the Rwandan genocide. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 25(2), pp. 169-184.
Jessee, E. (2017) The danger of a single story: Iconic stories in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Memory Studies, 10(2), pp. 144-163. (doi: 10.1177/1750698016673236)
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing danger in oral historical fieldwork. Oral History Review, 44(2), pp. 322-347. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohx038)
Jessee, E. (2015) Introduction: Approaching perpetrators. Conflict and Society, 1(1), pp. 4-8. (doi: 10.3167/arcs.2015.010102)
Jessee, E. (2015) Rwandan women no more: female génocidaires in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Conflict and Society, 1(1), pp. 60-80. (doi: 10.3167/arcs.2015.010106)
Reeves, T., Tyler-Richards, C. and , (2014) "Confessing Animals," Redux: a conversation between Alexander Freund and Erin Jessee. Oral History Review, 41(2), pp. 314-324. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohu028)
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. E. (2014) Good Kings, Bloody Tyrants, and Everything In Between: Representations of the Monarchy in Post-Genocide Rwanda. History in Africa, 41, pp. 35-62. (doi: 10.1017/hia.2014.7)
Jessee, E. (2013) Rwanda's subtle forms of intimidation. Times Higher Education,
Jessee, E. and Pohlman, A. (2013) Introduction – Confronting mass atrocities in oral historical practice. Oral History Forum = D'histoire orale, 33, pp. 1-6.
Jessee, E. (2012) Conducting fieldwork in Rwanda. Canadian Journal of Development Studies = Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 33(2), pp. 266-274. (doi: 10.1080/02255189.2012.687356)
Jessee, E. (2011) The limits of oral history: ethics and methodology amid highly politicized research settings. Oral History Review, 38(2), pp. 287-307. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr098)
Zembrzycki, S., Jessee, E. , Beattie, E., Bean, A., Landry, M. and Baines, S. (2011) Oral history and adult community education: notes from the field. Oral History Review, 38(1), pp. 120-135. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr047)
Jessee, E. , Zembrzycki, S. and High, S. (2011) Stories matter: Conceptual challenges in the development of oral history database building software. Forum: Qualitative Social Research = Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 12(1), 1.
Jessee, E. and Skinner, M. (2005) A typology of mass grave and mass grave-related sites. Forensic Science International, 152(1), pp. 55-59. (doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2005.02.031)
Jessee, E. and Pohlman, A. (2025) Oral Histories of Genocide in Bosnia, Indonesia and Rwanda: Symbolic Violence and Social Death. Oxford University Press. (Accepted for Publication)
Jessee, E. , Irankunda, J. and Mafigiri, C. (2021) Nyiragitwa. Mudacumura Publishing House: Kigali, Rwanda.
Jessee, E. (2017) Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda: the Politics of History. Series: Palgrave studies in oral history. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783319451947 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45195-4)
Book Sections
Watkins, S. E., Jessee, E. and Brunton, E. (2022) Women in Rwanda. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190277734 (doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.522)
Jessee, E. (2022) On the margins: role shifting in atrocity. In: Holá, B., Brehm, H. N. and Weerdesteijn, M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 329-350. ISBN 9780190915629 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190915629.013.14)
Jessee, E. (2022) The micro-politics of remembering “the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi” in Rwanda. In: Rauschenbach, M., Viebach, J. and Parmentier, S. (eds.) Localising Memory in Transitional Justice: The Dynamics and Informal Practices of Memorialisation after Mass Violence and Dictatorship. Routledge: London, pp. 83-106. ISBN 9780367344573 (doi: 10.4324/9780429330841-6)
Jessee, E. and Mwambari, D. (2022) Memory law and the duty to remember the “1994 genocide against the Tutsi” in Rwanda. In: Barkan, E. and Lang, A. (eds.) Memory Laws and Historical Justice: The Politics of Criminalizing the Past. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030949136 (Accepted for Publication)
Jessee, E. (2021) Commemorating genocide in Rwanda. In: Elcheroth, G. and De Mel, N. (eds.) In the Shadow of Transitional Justice: Cross-national Perspectives on the Transformative Potential of Remembrance. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9780367765101 (doi: 10.4324/9781003167280-4)
Jessee, E. (2020) Seeing monsters, hearing victims: The politics of perpetration in post-genocide Rwanda. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 67-90. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. and Anderson, K. (2020) Conclusion: Toward a code of practice for qualitative research among perpetrators. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 199-220. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. and Anderson, K. (2020) Introduction. In: Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (eds.) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Series: Critical Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9780299329709
Jessee, E. (2020) Women and genocide in Africa. In: Spear, T. (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Series: Oxford research encyclopedias. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190277734 (doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.552)
Jessee, E. (2019) Beyond perpetrators: complex political actors surrounding the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. In: Smeulers, A., Weerdesteijn, M. and Hola, B. (eds.) Perpetrators of International Crimes: Theories, Methods, and Evidence. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198829997 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198829997.003.0009)
Jessee, E. (2019) The life history interview. In: Liamputtong, P. (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer, pp. 425-441. ISBN 9789811052507
Jessee, E. (2017) Reconciliation. In: Pető, A. (ed.) Gender: War. Series: Macmillan interdisciplinary handbooks. Macmillan Reference USA: Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 229-246. ISBN 9780028663227
Jessee, E. (2013) Considering silence. In: Sheftel, A. and Zembrzycki, S. (eds.) Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice. Series: Palgrave studies in oral history. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY. ISBN 9781137339638
Jessee, E. (2013) Forensic investigations. In: Stan, L. and Nedelsky, N. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9780521196277
Book Reviews
Jessee, E. (2020) Review: Amy Sodaro’s 'Exhibiting Atrocity: Memorial Museums and the Politics of Past Violence'. Memory Studies, 13(5), pp. 896-898. (doi: 10.1177/1750698020943009c)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2019) Kristin Conner Doughty, Remediation in Rwanda: grassroots legal forums. Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press (hb US$65 – 978 0 812 24783 1). 2016, 283 pp.Bert Ingelaere, Inside Rwanda's Gacaca Courts: seeking justice after genocide. Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press (hb US$64.95 – 978 0 299 30970 1; pb US$21.95 – 978 0 299 30974 9). 2017, 234 pp. Africa, 89(3), pp. 608-610. (doi: 10.1017/S0001972019000548)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis. By Mark Cave and Stephen Sloan (eds.). Oral History Review, 44(1), pp. 168-172. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohw121)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda by Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel. Journal of Modern African Studies, 55(01), pp. 166-168. (doi: 10.1017/S0022278X16000720)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2017) Book Review: From War to Genocide: Criminal Politics in Rwanda, 1990-1994. Genocide Studies and Prevention, 11(2), pp. 116-117. (doi: 10.5038/1911-9933.11.2.1476)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2014) Apprenticeship in Critical Ethnographic Practice * Returns to the Field: Multitemporal Research and Contemporary Anthropology. Oral History Review, 41(1), pp. 166-170. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohu007)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2014) Review of: Whispering Truth to Power: Everyday Resistance to Reconciliation in Postgenocide Rwanda by Susan Thomson. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 4(2), pp. 163-166. (doi: 10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.4.2.163)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2013) Serbian Dreambook: National Imaginary in the Time of Milošević. Oral History Review, 40(1), pp. 204-206. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/oht007)[Book Review]
Jessee, E.
Review of Macek, Ivana, Sarajevo under Siege: Anthropology in Wartime.
Narrating chaos: the 'normal lives' of Sarajevans during the Bosnian War.
H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences,
[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2011) Review of: Zachary M. Schrag, Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences. The John Hopkins University Press, 2010. Oral History Review, 38(1), pp. 228-230. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr027)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2011) Memory, War, and Trauma. Oral History Review, 38(2), pp. 393-395. (doi: 10.1093/ohr/ohr074)[Book Review]
Jessee, E. (2009) People and Their Pasts by Paul Ashton and Hilda Kean. Oral History Forum = D'histoire orale, 29, [Book Review]
Edited Books
Freund, A., Jessee, E. and Thomson, A. (Eds.) (2025) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Oral History. Bloomsbury. (Accepted for Publication)
Jessee, E. , Mwambari, D. and Purdeková, A. (Eds.) (2025) The Routledge Handbook of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)
Anderson, K. and Jessee, E. (Eds.) (2020) Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI. ISBN 9780299329709
Research Reports or Papers
Jessee, E. , Opinia, S., Alexander, K. and Ojok, B. (2014) The Right to Know: Policy recommendations for addressing the rights of the missing and their families in northern Uganda. Justice and Reconciliation Project Policy Brief Series. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jessee, E. (2012) Promoting Reconciliation through Exhuming and Identifying Victims in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jessee, E. (2012) Promoting Reconciliation through Exhuming and Identifying Victims in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference or Workshop Item
Jessee, E. (2021) Managing Conflict and Trauma in Oral Historical Research. Research and Innovation Services, Glasgow, UK, 17 January 2021.
Jessee, E. (2021) Managing Conflict and Trauma in Qualitative Research. Research and Innovation Services, Glasgow, UK, 15 January 2021.
Jessee, E. (2020) On the “Democratising” Potential of Oral History Research in Rwanda: Power, Voice, and Authority after Genocide. 7th International Symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN, 26-27 Nov 2020.
Jessee, E. (2020) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Reflections on a Graphic Novel Approach. Oral History Association Annual Meeting 2020, 19-24 Oct 2020.
Jessee, E. , Cline, D., Mackay, N. and Valk, A. (2020) Book Publishing Lives! A Conversation with Oral History Series Editors. Oral History Association Annual Meeting 2020, 19-24 Oct 2020.
Neyzi, L. and Jessee, E. (2020) Oral Histories of the Disappeared. Archives of the Disappeared: Discipline and Method Amidst Ruin, 20 May 2020.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Barton, L. and Chand, A. (2020) Advanced Oral History: Individual and Collective Memory. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Spring into Methods Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 May 2020.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Barton, L. and Chand, A. (2020) Advanced Oral History: Navigating Psychological Harm. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Spring into Methods Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 May 2020.
Jessee, E. (2019) ‘Be a Good Umushakashatsi (Researcher)’: At the Interfaces of Oral History and Ethnography in Post-genocide Rwanda. American Anthropology Association, Vancouver, Canada, 20-24 Nov 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Writing Society: Ethics and the Politics of Research in Precarious Times. Rwanda for British Academy Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 09-12 Sep 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) New Directions in Perpetrator Studies. International Association of Genocide Scholars, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 14-19 Jul 2019.
Jessee, E. (2019) Oral Historical Research under Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Post-genocide Rwanda. Scottish Oral History Centre Postgraduate Conference on Oral Histories of Structural Violence, Glasgow, UK, 06 Jun 2019.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A. and Barton, L. (2019) Advanced Oral History: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 08-10 Apr 2019.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A. and Barton, L. (2019) Advanced Oral History: Navigating Psychological Harm. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 08-10 Apr 2019.
Jessee, E. (2018) Analysis and Dissemination. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Introduction to Oral History. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Writing a Scientific Article. ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop, Kigali, Rwanda, 10-14 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. , Irankunda, J. and Mugarura, C. (2018) Nyiragitwa, Daughter of Sacyega: A Graphic Novel. Advanced Research Methods Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 11 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. and Mwizerwa, S. (2018) Rwandan Intimacies in Historical Perspective. Advanced Research Methods Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 11 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Decolonizing the Study of Early Rwandan History: The Rwandan Intimacies Project. African Studies Association, 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Oral History: Analysis and Dissemination. Masterclasses for the Centre of Oral History, National Academy of the Sciences and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 08-09 Nov 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Oral History: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Masterclasses for the Centre of Oral History, National Academy of the Sciences and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 08-09 Nov 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Researching Trauma in the Arts. Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 19 Oct 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Symbolic Violence and Social Death in the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda: Considering Violence Against Tutsi Children. Oral History Association, 10-13 Oct 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: The Life History of Nyiramuzungu, c. 1915 to Present. African Studies Association UK, 11-13 Sep 2018.
Jessee, E. and Brunton, E. (2018) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Revisiting Women’s Agency—Past and Present—Using Rwandan Oral Traditions. Rwandan Stories of Change Conference, St. Andrews, UK, 06 Jul 2018.
Jessee, E. and Bryson, A. (2018) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Research: From the Field to Archive and Beyond. Oral History Society and Oral History Network of Ireland conference on Dangerous Oral Histories: Risks, Responsibilities and Rewards, Belfast, UK, 28-29 Jun 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Conceptualizing Trauma in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. International Oral History Association, 18-21 Jun 2018.
Jessee, E. , McIvor, A., Abrams, L. and Barton, L. (2018) Oral History Theory and Practice. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 25-27 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. and Ellison, M. (2018) Qualitative Fieldwork in Conflict-affected Settings. Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Spring into Method Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) “There Are No Other Options?” Rwandan Gender Norms and Family Planning in Historical Perspective. European Social Science History Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 04-07 Apr 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Introduction to Oral History: Theory and Methods. Workshop for the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture, Kigali, Rwanda, 23 Mar 2018.
Jessee, E. (2018) Negotiating Genocide? What’s to Negotiate?: The Ethics of Cultural Memory Research in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Cultural Memory Group Speaker Series, St. Andrews, UK, 21 Feb 2018.
Jessee, E. (2017) Writing Women Back into Rwandan History: Marriage and the Rejection of Marriage in Early Oral Traditions and Present-day Recollections. African Studies Association, 16-18 Nov 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Memory and Transitional Justice: From a Duty to Remember to Pluralistic Memory Scapes. Leuven Institute of Criminology International Expert Seminar, Leuven, Belgium, 25-26 Oct 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Fieldwork. Oral History Association, 04-07 Oct 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Challenging Narratives of Challenging Times: Oral Historical Approaches to Understanding Personal Experiences of Political Violence. Conference on Famine Stories and Survival Legends: Legacies to the Following Generations, Uppsala, Sweden, 28 Sep 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Managing Danger in Oral Historical Fieldwork. Workshop for the National Centre for Research Methods, Economic and Social Research Council, Edinburgh, UK, 06 Sep 2017.
Jessee, E. (2017) Oral Histories of Collective Trauma. Workshop for the University of Lausanne Transitional Justice Summer School, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 Jun 2017.
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. (2016) King Kagame? Echoes of Monarchy in Present-Day Rwanda. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 1-3 Dec 2016.
Jessee, E. and Lorimer, H. (2016) Oral History and Animated Archive. When Methods Meet, Edinburgh, UK, 28 Nov 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Toward an Oral History of ‘Silent Discrimination’: Investigating Community Persecution of LGBTI Individuals in Rwanda. Finnish Oral History Network Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 24-25 Nov 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Complex Political Actors and the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. On Collective Violence: Actions, Roles, Perceptions, Marburg, Germany, 20-22 Oct 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Same-Sex Intimacies in Rwanda in Historical Perspective. African Studies Association UK Conference, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 Sep 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) From Perpetrators to Victims? Social Dynamics and the Politics of Transitional Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda. International Network of Genocide Scholars Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 26-29 Jun 2016.
Jessee, E. (2016) Navigating Gatekeepers in Research with Convicted War Criminals in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2016.
Jessee, E. and Watkins, S. (2015) Legacies of Kanjogera: Rwandan Female Political Elites and the Transgression of Gender Norms in Historical Perspective. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 19-22 Nov 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Seeing Monsters, Hearing Victims: Génocidaires and the Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA, 14-18 Oct 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Approaching Perpetrators in Post-genocide Rwanda: Victimhood and Social Death in the Narratives of Convicted Génocidaires. The Twelfth Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Yerevan, Armenia, 8-12 Jul 2015.
Jessee, E. and Bouka, Y. (2015) Negotiating ‘the Enemy’ in Post-genocide Rwanda: Dilemmas in Research Among Génocidaires, Political Opponents, and Other Undesirables. 6th European Conference on African Studies, Paris, France, 8-10 Jul 2015.
Jessee, E. (2015) Between Monsters and Victims: The Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Speaker Series, Edinburgh, UK, 30 Jan 2015.
Jessee, E. (2014) Seeing Monsters, Hearing Victims: Female Génocidaires and the Politics of Perpetration in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Centre for Global Studies, Victoria, Canada, 8 Dec 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Exhumations as ‘Articles of Faith’: Considering the Cases of Post-Genocide Rwanda and Post-Civil War Uganda. 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., USA, 3-7 Dec 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) 'Let Me Tell You about Rwanda': Iconic Stories and the Democratization of History in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, USA, 10-14 Oct 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) On Exhumations and Their Absence: Lessons from Post-Genocide Rwanda and Post-Civil War Uganda. 48th Annual Meeting of the Oral History Association, Madison, WI, USA, 8-12 Oct 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Democratizing History in Conflicted and Post-Conflict Settings. International Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 Jul 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) On Exhumations and Their Absence: Lessons from Rwanda and Uganda. Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, Newcastle, UK, 3-4 Apr 2014.
Jessee, E. (2014) Bodies of Evidence, Bodies of Resistance: The Many Political Lives of the Anonymous Victims of the 1994 Genocide. Centre of African Studies, Edinburgh, UK, 12 Feb 2014.
Jessee, E. (2013) Rwandan Women No More: Female Génocidaires in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. 112th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 20-24 Nov 2013.
Jessee, E. (2013) Oral History and Contemporary Mass Atrocities: Through the Lens of Post-Genocide Rwanda. Scottish Oral History Centre, Glasgow, UK, 4 Nov 2013.
Jessee, E. (2013) Digital Media and Dangerous Narratives: Ethical and Methodological Considerations. Digital Testimonies on War and Trauma Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 12-14 Jun 2013.
Jessee, E. (2012) Bodies of Evidence; Bodies of Resistance: The Many Political Lives of the Anonymous Victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 14-18 Nov 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) Incensing the Spirits: Survivor Perspectives on International Forensic Investigations in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence, Montreal, QC, Canada, 22-25 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) Among the Anonymous Dead: Past, Present and Future Efforts Toward Identifying and Repatriating the Victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 21 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E. (2012) The Limits of Qualitative Research: Ethics and Methodology Amid Highly Politicized Research Settings. Liu Institute for Global Issues Speaker Series on Ethics and Methodology in Settings of Violence, Vancouver, Canada, 9 Mar 2012.
Jessee, E. (2011) Rwandan State-Funded Genocide Memorials: The Micro-Politics of Remembering the ‘1994 Genocide of the Tutsi’. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 17-19 Nov 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) Rwandan Genocide Memorials: The Politics of Remembering the ‘1994 Genocide of the Tutsi’. Search for Common Ground Great Lakes Policy Forum, 17 Nov 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) The Limits of Oral History: Rwanda in the Aftermath of Genocide. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 12-16 Oct 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) The Limits of Oral History: Ethics and Methodology Amid Highly Politicized Research Settings. University of Ottawa “Making History” Speaker Series, Ottawa, Canada, 5 Oct 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) Negotiating Genocide: The Ethics of Oral History in the Aftermath of the Bosnian War. Off the Record: Unspoken Negotiations in the Practice of Oral History, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28-30 Apr 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) On the Record: Negotiating Survivor and Perpetrator Life Histories in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. University of Western Ontario Speaker Series, London, ON, Canada, 11 Feb 2011.
Jessee, E. (2011) On the Record: Negotiating Survivor and Perpetrator Life Histories in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. University of Ottawa “Making History” Series, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 27 Jan 2011.
Jessee, E. (2010) Inscribed Intent: Genocidal Symbolic Violence and Social Death in the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 18-21 Nov 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Introducing Stories Matter: Oral History Database Building Software. Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 27-31 Oct 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Among the Anonymous Dead: The Fate of International Forensic Exhumations in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia. Norman Patterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 19 Oct 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) Difficult Narratives: Negotiating Survivor, Perpetrator and Ex-Combatant Life Histories in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28 May - 1 Jun 2010.
Jessee, E. (2010) From Symbolic Violence to Social Death: Healing the Wounds of Genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 28 May - 1 Jun 2010.
Jessee, E. (2009) The Ethics of Oral History and Ethnography Among Conflicted Communities: Lessons from Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Remembering War, Genocide and Other Human Rights Violations: Oral History, New Media and the Arts, Montreal, QC, Canada, 5-8 Nov 2009.
Jessee, E. (2007) Inscribed Intent: A Case for Increased Interdisciplinarity in the Investigation and Prevention of Genocide. The International Association of Genocide Scholars Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9-13 Jul 2007.
Vos, J. , Ellison, M., Jessee, E. , Mbowa, S., Morris, J. and Nakazi, F. (2022) Uganda’s Black Gold. [Audio]
Vos, J. , Opolot, M., Jessee, E. , Mbowa, S., Morris, J. and Nakazi, F. (2022) Understanding Uganda’s Domestic Coffee Consumption. [Audio]
Jessee, E. (2017) On burnout, trauma, and self-care with Erin Jessee. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2017) Six questions to ask before you hit record. [Website]
Jessee, E. (2016) Iconic Stories in the Aftermath of Genocide. [Website]
Jessee, E. and Wagner, S. (2015) Among the Anonymous Dead: Exhumations and the Emotive Materiality of Deceased Victims of Mass Violence. [Website]
Freund, A. and Jessee, E. (2014) ‘Storytelling’ in oral history: an exchange, part 2. [Website]
Freund, A. and Jessee, E. (2014) ‘Storytelling’ in oral history: an exchange. [Website]
- 2021-2022 PI (with Jerome Irankunda, Jerome Karangwa, Sylvere Mwizerwa, and Vedaste Ngarambe)
Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Networking Grant for ‘“Silent Hills” No Longer: Revitalising Post-Genocide Communities in Western Rwanda Through Cultural Heritage Studies and Tourism,’ (19,980 GBP). - 2021 CoI (with Jelmer Vos, Jonathan Morris, and Swaibu Mbowa)
Scottish Funding Council / Global Challenges Research Fund (SFC-GCRF) Research Project Grant for ‘African Coffee Histories, African Coffee Futures’ (61,113 GBP). - 2020-2021 PI (with Modeste Nsanzabaganwa)
SFC-GCRF Capacity Strengthening Grant for ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage, Part III’ (18,000 GBP). - 2019-2021 CoI (with Lynn Abrams and Leyla Neyzi)
RSE Workshop Grant for ‘Oral Historians Working on/in Political Violence: A Research Workshop Series’ (9,990 GBP). - 2019-2020 PI (with James Vuningoma and Modeste Nsanzabaganwa)
SFC-GCRF Capacity Strengthening Grant for ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage, Part II’ (39,908 GBP). - 2019-2020 PI (with Timothy Williams)
British Academy ‘Tackling the UK’s International Challenges Research Grant’ for ‘Perpetrators’ Reflections on Kwibuka25: Justice and Accountability Surrounding the 25th Commemoration of the “1994 Genocide of the Tutsi”’ (49,839 GBP). - 2019-2020 PI
Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship for Prof Leyla Neyzi (89,990 GBP). - 2018-2019 PI (with James Vuningoma and Modeste Nsanzabaganwa).
SFC-GCRF Capacity Strengthening Grant for ‘Reviving Rwandan Cultural Heritage’ (13,980 GBP). - 2018 PI
RSE Research Grant for ‘Writing Women Back Into Rwandan History’ (7,499 GBP). - 2017 PI RSE Research Grant for ‘Rwandan Intimacies in Historical Perspective’ (7,497 GBP).
- 2016-17 Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant, ‘Rwandan Intimacies in Historical Perspective: A Scoping Project’.
- 2015 With Mary Heimann and Catherine Baker. Centre for Russian, Central and Eastern European Studies Workshop Grant, ‘Democratizing History in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings’.
- 2014-2015 Carnegie Trust Small Research Grant, ‘Among the anonymous dead: A digital media exploration of living among deceased atrocity victims in northern Uganda’.
- 2014 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant, ‘Approaching Perpetrators: Ethnographic Insights on Ethics, Methods, and Theory’.
- 2014 Wenner-Gren Foundation Workshop Grant, ‘Approaching Perpetrators: Ethnographic Insights on Ethics, Methods, and Theory’.
- 2011-2012 Centre for International Governance Innovation Africa Initiative Research Grant, ‘Among the Anonymous Dead: Toward the Location, Identification and Repatriation of the Victims of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide’.
I welcome opportunities to supervise postgraduate research projects in the fields of African history (especially Rwanda and the Great Lakes region), oral histories of political violence, and genocide studies and transitional justice, among other topics that relate to my research interests.
- Lorna Barton, ‘An Oral History of American Trans Lives: 1950 to Present.’
- Katherine Mackinnon, ‘Oral Histories of Refugee Lives in Scotland 1970–Present.’
- Mirjana Gavrilović Nilsson, ‘From State Ideology to Individual Criminal Actions: Testimony and Evidence from the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda,’ University of Edinburgh, Law School (Joint University of Glasgow and University of Edinburgh PhD Scholarship).
- Keo Duong, ‘"Friendly neighbour, fierce enemy or fraternal overlord ? Contested memory and diverging perceptions of the Vietnamese in Cambodian history,’ Bundeswehr University, Munich, Peace and Conflict Studies.
- McLean, Hannah
Memory and materiality in British-colonial detention camps in Kenya - Moore, Casey
Archiving oral histories in the wake of 21st century mass shootings
Honours courses:
- Genocide in the modern world
- Oral History Theory and Methods
- Rwanda: Peace, Conflict and the Politics of History (Special Subject)
Postgraduate courses:
Additional information
- Member of the Board of Editors, The Oral History Review
- Member of the Centre for Gender History
- Member of the Scottish Centre for War Studies
- Series editor for Oxford University Press’ Oral History series