Dr Donald Spaeth

  • Senior Lecturer (History)

telephone: 01413303580
email: Don.Spaeth@glasgow.ac.uk

History, School of Humanities, 2 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6063-0221

Research interests

  • Social history of religion in 16th and 17th century England
  • Material culture of domestic possessions
  • Active learning approaches and environments

I am currently working on a book provisionally titled, Parish Stories: The Place of Religion in Elizabethan England.

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2008 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 7.


Spaeth, D. (2016) ‘Orderly made’: re-appraising household inventories in seventeenth-century England. Social History, 41(4), pp. 417-435. (doi: 10.1080/03071022.2016.1215101)


Spaeth, D. (2015) Culture wars: religious and cultural conflict in revel, riot and rebellion. Cultural and Social History, 12(3), pp. 337-342. (doi: 10.1080/14780038.2015.1050892)


Spaeth, D. (2014) Words and deeds: gender and the language of abuse in Elizabethan Norfolk. History Workshop Journal, 78(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1093/hwj/dbt039)


Spaeth, D.A. (2008) Representations of sources and data: working with exceptions to hierarchy in historical documents. In: Hughes, L. and Greengrass, M. (eds.) Virtual Representations of the Past. Series: Digital research in the arts and humanities. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754672883


Spaeth, D.A. (2004) Representing text as data: the analysis of historical sources in XML. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 37(2), pp. 73-85. (doi: 10.3200/HMTS.37.2.73-86)


Spaeth, D.A. (2003) Research and representation: the M.Phil in history and computing. Computers and the Humanities, 37(1), pp. 119-127. (doi: 10.1023/A:1021826802727)

Spaeth, D.A. (2003) "The enemy within": the failure of reform in the Diocese of Salisbury in the eighteenth century. In: Gregory, J. and Chamberlain, J.S. (eds.) The National Church in Local Perspective: the Church of England and the Regions 1660-1800. Series: Studies in modern British religious history (5). Boydell Press: Woodbridge, pp. 121-144. ISBN 0851158978

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 14:31:33 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 7.


Spaeth, D. (2016) ‘Orderly made’: re-appraising household inventories in seventeenth-century England. Social History, 41(4), pp. 417-435. (doi: 10.1080/03071022.2016.1215101)

Spaeth, D. (2015) Culture wars: religious and cultural conflict in revel, riot and rebellion. Cultural and Social History, 12(3), pp. 337-342. (doi: 10.1080/14780038.2015.1050892)

Spaeth, D. (2014) Words and deeds: gender and the language of abuse in Elizabethan Norfolk. History Workshop Journal, 78(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1093/hwj/dbt039)

Spaeth, D.A. (2004) Representing text as data: the analysis of historical sources in XML. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 37(2), pp. 73-85. (doi: 10.3200/HMTS.37.2.73-86)

Spaeth, D.A. (2003) Research and representation: the M.Phil in history and computing. Computers and the Humanities, 37(1), pp. 119-127. (doi: 10.1023/A:1021826802727)

Book Sections

Spaeth, D.A. (2008) Representations of sources and data: working with exceptions to hierarchy in historical documents. In: Hughes, L. and Greengrass, M. (eds.) Virtual Representations of the Past. Series: Digital research in the arts and humanities. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754672883

Spaeth, D.A. (2003) "The enemy within": the failure of reform in the Diocese of Salisbury in the eighteenth century. In: Gregory, J. and Chamberlain, J.S. (eds.) The National Church in Local Perspective: the Church of England and the Regions 1660-1800. Series: Studies in modern British religious history (5). Boydell Press: Woodbridge, pp. 121-144. ISBN 0851158978

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 14:31:33 2025 GMT.


I am interested in supervising projects on topics associated with my research and teaching, including

  • Any aspect of religion in England from 1550 to 1700, including 'popular religion', the reception of the Reformation, religion and gender, and parish religion.
  • Material culture and the meanings of personal goods in early modern England.
  • English parishes and their regulation.
  • Research relying upon the analysis of historical data.

I am currently co-supervising, or have recently co-supervised, the following research students and projects:

  • Mary Jacobs, Independent men: radical manhood during the English Revolution (2018)
  • Joseph Saunders, Networks of Print in England c.1623-41 (in progress)



My teaching focuses primarily on religion and culture in early modern England:

  • Saints and Sinners: Religions of the People in England 1530-1660
  • Culture Wars: Reformation and Religion in England (Special Subject)

As a specialist in the application of computers to history, I also teach

  • An Introduction to Computing for Historians

I also contribute to the History Level 2 course, History 2A: People, Things, and Ideas: The Making of Modern Societies.


My teaching emphasises that history is not just about the past, but is constructed in the present.  I incorporate active approaches to learning, in which students collaborate in interrogating primary sources, interpretations, data, and online materials, as well as traditional forms of teaching.

In 2018 I was honoured to receive a Student Teaching Award for Best Feedback from the SRC.

Research datasets

Jump to: 2016
Number of items: 1.


Spaeth, D. (2016) Thame Inventories Database. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 00:35:10 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Current University roles include:

  • Chair, VLE Development Board
  • Member, Learning, Teaching, and Study Space Workstream, reporting to Learning and Teaching Hub Project Delivery Board

Past roles have included Dean of Learning and Teaching, College of Arts (2014-2017); Senate Assessor on Court (2011-2015); Head of Department of History (2005-2009); Director, LTSN Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology (2000-2002); Director, TLTP Courseware for Historians (2004-2008).