Dr Daniel Calderbank

  • Lecturer (Archaeology)

email: Daniel.Calderbank@glasgow.ac.uk

Room 315, Molema Building, Lilybank Gardens, G12 8RZ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8273-526X

Research interests

My research focuses on ancient Mesopotamian craft traditions to assess the complex ways in which ancient states and communities materially reproduced themselves. My main research interests include:

  • Late Chalcolithic
  • Middle-Late Bronze Age
  • The archaeology of the Sealand Dynasty
  • Technologies and chaîne opératoires
  • Pottery production and use
  • Ancient state power and localised political developments
  • Food, drink, and cultural identity
  • Wetlands as marginal places
  • Community engagement and archaeological storytelling
  • Archaeological Heritage and Wetland Awareness Research network (AHWAR). Director.

I have worked on archaeological excavation, survey, and cultural heritage projects in southern Iraq, Iraqi-Kurdistan, Cyprus, and Scotland, and am currently involved with the following projects:



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
Number of items: 12.


Glatz, C. et al. (2025) There and back again: local institutions, an Uruk expansion and the rejection of centralisation in the Sirwan/Upper Diyala region. Antiquity, 99(403), pp. 48-63. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.189) (Early Online Publication)


Glatz, C. , Calderbank, D. , Chelazzi, F., Sameen, S. M., Erskine, N., Del Bravo, F., Abdullatif, N., Hald, M. M., Miglio, A. E., Perruchini, E., Ali, M., Hamdan, S., Sorotou, A., Jensen, E., Palyvos, A., Gravdal Heimvik, S., Bendrey, R., Pearson, J., Lauinger, J., Moscone, D., Squitieri, A., Baysal, E. and Twiss, K. (2024) Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age. Series: Sirwan regional project publications. Sidestone Press Academics: Leiden. (doi: 10.59641/oo367ra)


Calderbank, D. (2023) The pottery: a typological and technological overview. In: Tell Khaiber: A Fortified Centre of the First Sealand Dynasty. Series: Archaeology of ancient Iraq (2). Moonrise Press: Ludlow, pp. 123-162. ISBN 9781910169049

Calderbank, D. (2023) Lagash I: The Ceramic Corpus from Al-Hiba, 1968–1990. A Chrono-Typology of the Pottery Tradition in Southern Mesopotamia during the 3rd and Early 2nd Millenium BCE. By Steve Renette. ARATTA I. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Pp. xxiv + 450 + 228 black and white illustrations + 1 color illustration + 366 tables. €95 (paper). Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 82(2), [Book Review] (In Press)


Calderbank, D. (2021) Pottery from Tell Khaiber: A Craft Tradition of the First Sealand Dynasty. Series: Archaeology of Ancient Iraq. Moonrise Press Ltd: Ludlow. ISBN 9781910169025

Calderbank, D. (2021) What's in a vessel's name? A relational text-object approach to the uses of Mesopotamian pottery. American Journal of Archaeology, 125(1), pp. 29-64. (doi: 10.3764/aja.125.1.0029)


Calderbank, D. (2020) Dispersed communities of practise during the First Dynasty of the Sealand: the pottery from Tell Khaiber, Southern Iraq. In: Paulus, Susanne and Clayden, Tim (eds.) Babylonia Under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties. De Gruyter, pp. 58-79. ISBN 9781501517068 (doi: 10.1515/9781501510298-004)

Calderbank, D. (2020) Gulf connections at Tell Khaiber. Interpreting standardised pottery styles in the Sealand period. In: Otto, Adelheid, Herles, Michael, Kaniuth, Kai, Korn, Lorenz and Heidenreich, Anja (eds.) Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Harrassowitz, pp. 31-42. ISBN 9783447113670


Glatz, C. et al. (2019) Babylonian encounters in the Upper Diyala Valley: contextualizing the results of regional survey and the 2016-2017 excavations at Khani Masi. American Journal of Archaeology, 123(3), pp. 439-471. (doi: 10.3764/aja.123.3.0439)


Calderbank, D. (2018) Ancient states and infrastructural power: Europe, Asia, and America. European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 25(6), pp. 1081-1083. (doi: 10.1080/13507486.2018.1434046)[Book Review]


Campbell, S., Moon, J., Killick, R., Calderbank, D. , Robson, E., Shepperson, M. and Slater, F. (2017) Tell Khaiber: An administrative centre of the Sealand period. Iraq, 79, pp. 21-46. (doi: 10.1017/irq.2017.1)

Calderbank, D. and Moon, J. (2017) A ceramic assemblage of the early literate periods from Sumer. In: Heffron, Yağmur, Stone, Adam and Worthington, Martin (eds.) At the Dawn of History: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Eisenbrauns, pp. 73-84. ISBN 9781575064710

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 23:39:37 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 12.


Glatz, C. et al. (2025) There and back again: local institutions, an Uruk expansion and the rejection of centralisation in the Sirwan/Upper Diyala region. Antiquity, 99(403), pp. 48-63. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.189) (Early Online Publication)

Calderbank, D. (2021) What's in a vessel's name? A relational text-object approach to the uses of Mesopotamian pottery. American Journal of Archaeology, 125(1), pp. 29-64. (doi: 10.3764/aja.125.1.0029)

Glatz, C. et al. (2019) Babylonian encounters in the Upper Diyala Valley: contextualizing the results of regional survey and the 2016-2017 excavations at Khani Masi. American Journal of Archaeology, 123(3), pp. 439-471. (doi: 10.3764/aja.123.3.0439)

Campbell, S., Moon, J., Killick, R., Calderbank, D. , Robson, E., Shepperson, M. and Slater, F. (2017) Tell Khaiber: An administrative centre of the Sealand period. Iraq, 79, pp. 21-46. (doi: 10.1017/irq.2017.1)


Glatz, C. , Calderbank, D. , Chelazzi, F., Sameen, S. M., Erskine, N., Del Bravo, F., Abdullatif, N., Hald, M. M., Miglio, A. E., Perruchini, E., Ali, M., Hamdan, S., Sorotou, A., Jensen, E., Palyvos, A., Gravdal Heimvik, S., Bendrey, R., Pearson, J., Lauinger, J., Moscone, D., Squitieri, A., Baysal, E. and Twiss, K. (2024) Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age. Series: Sirwan regional project publications. Sidestone Press Academics: Leiden. (doi: 10.59641/oo367ra)

Calderbank, D. (2021) Pottery from Tell Khaiber: A Craft Tradition of the First Sealand Dynasty. Series: Archaeology of Ancient Iraq. Moonrise Press Ltd: Ludlow. ISBN 9781910169025

Book Sections

Calderbank, D. (2023) The pottery: a typological and technological overview. In: Tell Khaiber: A Fortified Centre of the First Sealand Dynasty. Series: Archaeology of ancient Iraq (2). Moonrise Press: Ludlow, pp. 123-162. ISBN 9781910169049

Calderbank, D. (2020) Dispersed communities of practise during the First Dynasty of the Sealand: the pottery from Tell Khaiber, Southern Iraq. In: Paulus, Susanne and Clayden, Tim (eds.) Babylonia Under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties. De Gruyter, pp. 58-79. ISBN 9781501517068 (doi: 10.1515/9781501510298-004)

Calderbank, D. (2020) Gulf connections at Tell Khaiber. Interpreting standardised pottery styles in the Sealand period. In: Otto, Adelheid, Herles, Michael, Kaniuth, Kai, Korn, Lorenz and Heidenreich, Anja (eds.) Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Harrassowitz, pp. 31-42. ISBN 9783447113670

Calderbank, D. and Moon, J. (2017) A ceramic assemblage of the early literate periods from Sumer. In: Heffron, Yağmur, Stone, Adam and Worthington, Martin (eds.) At the Dawn of History: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Eisenbrauns, pp. 73-84. ISBN 9781575064710

Book Reviews

Calderbank, D. (2023) Lagash I: The Ceramic Corpus from Al-Hiba, 1968–1990. A Chrono-Typology of the Pottery Tradition in Southern Mesopotamia during the 3rd and Early 2nd Millenium BCE. By Steve Renette. ARATTA I. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Pp. xxiv + 450 + 228 black and white illustrations + 1 color illustration + 366 tables. €95 (paper). Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 82(2), [Book Review] (In Press)

Calderbank, D. (2018) Ancient states and infrastructural power: Europe, Asia, and America. European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 25(6), pp. 1081-1083. (doi: 10.1080/13507486.2018.1434046)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 23:39:37 2025 GMT.


Archaeological Pasts and Sustainable Futures in Iraq’s Marshlands (Glasgow Centre for International Development)

2024-2025: A historiographic investigation of the archaeology of Iraq’s marshes, combined with a participatory research program of interviews with local communities in the region (£13,020). PI.

Life at the Margins of Power: the reach of Mesopotamian states during the 2nd millennium BCE (British Academy)

2019-2022: This fellowship utilised a range of scientific, textual, and anthropological approaches to Mesopotamian pottery assemblages with the aim of transforming our current conceptual models of everyday crafts in early complex societies. (£322,353.35) PI.

Tepe Kalan and the Political Landscape of the Middle Bronze Age Sirwan/Upper Diyala (British Institute for the Study of Iraq)

2019: Directed a short season of excavations at Middle-Late Bronze Age Tepe Kalan, a large settlement located close to the Sirwan/Diyala river, Iraqi-Kurdistan (£6,890) PI.


I welcome proposals for postgraduate research in the following areas:

  • Chalcolithic/Bronze Age Mesopotamia
  • Craft traditions and political production
  • Pottery analysis (production and use)
  • Contemporary issues in Southwest Asian archaeology
  • Archaeological practice, public engagement and sustainability
  • Alsheikh Hasan Awwad, Tareq
    Syrian Archaeological Excavations after the Independence of 1946 to the Present: Colonial Legacies and Decolonial Ambitions
  • Stone, Emma Elizabeth Porter
    The Use and Transportation of Amber in the Egyptian New Kingdom: Connecting International Late Bronze Age Trade and Cultural Identities