Number of items: 54.
MacCoinnich, A.
Clanship, Faith and Jacobitism: a Scottish Gaelic poetry collection, 1688-93.
In: Davis, Leith and James, Kevin (eds.)
Shaping Jacobitism: Memory, Culture, Networks.
Edinburgh University Press.
(Accepted for Publication)
MacCoinnich, A.
Fiddling, dancing, the Presbytery of Lewis and the ‘Merry people at Shabost’
in 1759. A note and a query.
West Highland Notes and Queries,
(Accepted for Publication)
MacCoinnich, A.
All-utterly barbarous? Gille-Chaluim Garbh, laird of Raasay, and a 16th century Gaelic poem from the Fernaig Manuscript.
Northern Studies, 55,
pp. 52-78.
MacCoinnich, A.
Gabhsann: Eachdraidh a’ bhaile, 1573-1851.
[Research Reports or Papers]
MacCoinnich, A.
Macquarrie and Green (eds), The Poems of Roderick MacLean (Ruairidh MacEachainn MhicIllEathain).
Scottish Historical Review, 102(3),
pp. 457-458.
(doi: 10.3366/shr.2023.0628)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Murchadh Mòr MacCoinnich, Fear Aicheallaidh (c. 1610–c. 1689): Am Bàrd agus a Shaoghal.
Aiste, 6,
pp. 1-50.
MacCoinnich, A.
Vincent McKee, Gaelic Neighbours: Scotland and Northern Ireland, 1918-2021: comparative politics of language and culture – worlds apart! (Takahe Publishing, Coventry, 2022). ISBN 978-1-908837-25-7, ga reic aig £19.95.
Stornoway Gazette, 26 Jan,
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Looking for a Gàidhealtachd in the south-west. Identifying Gaels in the historical record, c. 1400-1805.
In: Cowan, E.J., Ansell, M. and Black, R. (eds.)
Galloway: The Lost Province of Gaelic Scotland.
John Dewar Publishers: Aberdeen, pp. 125-172.
ISBN 9781399926928
MacCoinnich, A.
Rachel Barrowman, ed., Eachraidh le Càirdeas is Cridhe. Ainmean-àite Ceann a Tuath Leòdhais, Nis gu Baile an Truiseil = History with Heart and Soul. The Place-names of North Lewis, Ness to Ballantrushal.
West Highland Notes and Queries, 50(3),
pp. 30-32.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Fraser, Mr John (Mgr Iain Friseal), Dean of the Isles and minister of Tiree, Coll and Iona, born, c. 1647. Died c.1702.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
MacFarlane, Malcolm (Calum MacPàrlain), born Dalvaich, Argyll, 1853, died Greenock, 1931, Gaelic writer and poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Mackenzie, Alexander, of Achilty (Alasdair mac Mhurchaidh), Ross-shire & Lewis, d. c. 1642, Gaelic poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Mackenzie, Murdo, of Achilty (Murchadh Mòr mac mhic Mhurchaidh), Ross-shire & Lewis, c. 1689, Gaelic poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Mackenzie, William (Uilleam MacCoinnich, Bàrd Chnoc Chùsbaig), Lewis & Canada, 1857-1907, Gaelic poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
MacRae, Duncan (Donnchadh ‘nam Pìos’ MacRath), Inverinate, Kintail, c. 1640-c.1700, Gaelic poet and verse collector.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Monro [or Munro], Donald, Archdeacon of the Isles (Dòmhnall Rothach), born, Kiltearn parish, Ross-shire, c. 1505; died c. 1575. Priest, Church of Scotland minister, writer in Scots.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Monro, Alexander/Sandy (Alasdair/Sandaidh Rothach), born Inverness c. 1605, died, Durness, 1653. Schoolteacher, catechist, minister and Gaelic religious poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Morrison [or Morison], Donald (Dòmhnall Bàn Sgoileir / Dòmhnall MacGilleMhuire), clan tradition bearer and historian (in English), born, Dirisgil, Loch Reasort, Isle of Harris, c. 1787, died, Stornoway 1834.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Morrison [or Morison], John (Iain mac Mhurch’ ’ic Ailein / Iain MacGilleMhoire), tacksman of Bragar, born, Isle of Lewis, c. 1630; died, Bragar, Lewis, 1708. Tacksman, poet & songmaker (Gaelic), writer (in English).
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Morrison, Angus Rev. (Aonghas Dubh MacGilleMhoire), b. Lewis, c. 1665, died 1740, Castle Leoid. Minister of Contin and Gaelic poet.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
Rev. John MacRae (alias Mgr Iain MacRath). Minister at Dingwall, born c. 1640, died, Dingwall, 1704.
In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers.
Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9780748641598
(In Press)
MacCoinnich, A.
James Petre, Tiree and the Dukes of Argyll, 1674–1922.
Innes Review, 71(1),
pp. 127-129.
(doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0257)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Why was Hector Maclean, 11th Laird of Coll (1689-1754) a Hanoverian?
West Highland Notes and Queries, 4(13),
pp. 21-22.
MacCoinnich, A.
The maritime dimension to Scotland's "Highland Problem", ca. 1540-1630.
Journal of the North Atlantic, 12(Spec.),
pp. 44-72.
(doi: 10.3721/037.012.sp1210)
Pons-Sanz, S. and MacCoinnich, A.
The languages of Scotland.
In: Royan, Nicola (ed.)
The International Companion to Scottish Literature, 1400-1650.
Series: International companions to Scottish literature (6).
Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 19-37.
ISBN 9781908980236
MacCoinnich, A.
Rex-Dollars in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland during the 17th century.
West Highland Notes and Queries, 4(2),
pp. 19-23.
MacCoinnich, A. and Domhnallach, G.
Gaidheil Oilthigh Ghlaschu (3): An Comunn Oiseanach agus na Gaidheil a' dèanamh adhartas.
MacCoinnich, A. and Domhnallach, G.
Gaidheil Oilthigh Ghlaschu: (2), Seumasaich, Cumhachd agus Eilthireachd.
MacCoinnich, A. and Domhnallach, G.
Gaidheil Oilthigh Ghlaschu: (1) Toiseach-tòiseachaidh.
MacCoinnich, A.
Dùn Èistean: the historical background, c. 1493 – c.1700.
In: Barrowman, R.C. (ed.)
Dùn Èistean, Ness: The Excavation of a Clan Stronghold.
Acair Press: Stornoway, UK, 41-68 ; 84-85.
ISBN 9780861525393
MacCoinnich, A.
Plantation and Civility in the North Atlantic World: The Case of the Northern Hebrides, 1570-1639.
Series: The northern world, 71.
Brill: Leiden.
ISBN 9789004226289
MacCoinnich, A.
Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu = [The Gaelic Story at the University of Glasgow].
MacCoinnich, A.
É. Ó Ciardha & M. Ó Siochrú, eds., The Plantation of Ulster: Ideology and practice.
History Scotland, 14(4),
p. 57.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Long, fìon agus fine. Dàn le Alasdair mac Mhurchaidh, fear Aicheallaidh, c. 1639 x 1643.
In: O Baoill, C. and McGuire, N.R. (eds.)
Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 6. Papers read at the conference Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 6 held at the University of Aberdeen, 23-26 August 2010.
An Clò Gàidhealach: Aberdeen, UK, pp. 121-159.
ISBN 9780952391180
MacCoinnich, A.
‘Scribis le pen de shenchis.’ Criomagan de Ghàidhlig ann an Eachdraidhean Beurla Chlann Choinnich, c. 1550-1711.
In: Nilsen, K. (ed.)
Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 5 = 5th Scottish Gaelic Research Conference.
Cape Breton University Press, pp. 149-194.
ISBN 9781897009468
MacCoinnich, A.
Strathconon and the Mackenzies in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
In: Marshall, M. (ed.)
Strathconon, the History and Archaeology of a North East Highland Glen.
North of Scotland Archaeological Society: Inverness, UK, pp. 28-37.
ISBN 9780956878601
MacCoinnich, A.
From Clan to Regiment. Six Hundred Years in the Outer Hebrides, 1400–200; By Nicholas MacLean-Bristol.
Northern Scotland, 1(1),
pp. 106-111.
(doi: 10.3366/nor.2010.0015)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Daltachas, Fineachan agus Alba anns an t-siathamh agus an t-seachdamh linn deug.
In: Munro, G. and Cox, R.A.V. (eds.)
Cànan agus Cultur: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4, Proceedings of the Scottish Gaelic Studies Conference, Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Skye, July 2006.
Dunedin: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 37-53.
ISBN 9781903765869
MacCoinnich, A.
Strathconon, Scatwell and the Mackenzies in the written record c. 1463-c.1700.
A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire. Report of Phase Three: Loch Meig to Dalbreac.
North of Scotland Archaeological Society: Conon Bridge, UK, pp. 11-32.
MacCoinnich, A.
M. Watson & M. Macleod, eds., The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language.
Scottish Gaelic Studies, 27,
pp. 113-118.
[Book Review]
Strang, T., Mac a' Ghobhainn, D. I. and MacCoinnich, A.
Cùrsa matamataig. Ìre D.
Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig: Stornoway.
ISBN 9781904730996
MacCoinnich, A.
Sìol Torcail and their lordship in the sixteenth
Crossing the Minch: Exploring the Links Between Skye and the Outer Hebrides.
The Islands Book Trust: Callicvol, Isle of Lewis, pp. 7-32.
ISBN 9780955542039
MacCoinnich, A.
Scottish Gaelic, 1750-.
In: Stearns, P.N. (ed.)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 411-413.
ISBN 9780195176322
MacCoinnich, A.
Where and how was Gaelic written in late medieval and early modern Scotland? Orthographic practices and cultural identities.
Scottish Gaelic Studies, XXIV,
pp. 309-356.
Strang, T., MacAmhlaigh, D. I. and MacCoinnich, A.
Cùrsa matamataig. Ìre E.
Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig: Stornoway.
ISBN 9781904730903
MacCoinnich, A.
F.A. Macdonald, Missions to the Gaels. Reformation and Counter Reformation in Ulster and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, 1560-1760.
History Scotland, 6(6),
pp. 54-56.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Review essay: Divided Gaels: Gaelic cultural identities in Scotland and Ireland, c. 1220-1650.
History Scotland, 6(5),
pp. 50-53.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
R. Gibson; Plaids & Bandanas: From Highland Drovers to Wild West Cowboy.
History Scotland, 6(4),
pp. 55-56.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
Julian Goodare, The Government of Scotland, 1560–1625.
Innes Review, 57,
pp. 102-104.
(doi: 10.3366/inr.2006.57.1.102)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
'Cleiffis of Irne:' Clann Choinnich agus gnìomhachas iarainn, c. 1569-1630.
In: McLeod, W., Fraser, J.E. and Gunderloch, A. (eds.)
Cànan & Cultar: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 3.
Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 137-152.
ISBN 9781903765609
MacCoinnich, A.
'Mar Phòr san t-Uisge:' Ìomhaigh Sìol Torcail an Eachdraidh.
In: Byrne, M., Clancy, T.O. and Kidd, S. (eds.)
Litreachas agus Eachdraidh: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2002, Glaschu 2002 / Literature and History: Papers from the Second Conference of Scottish Gaelic Studies, Glasgow 2002.
Roinn na Ceiltis, Oilthigh Ghlaschu (Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow), pp. 214-231.
ISBN 9780903204224
MacCoinnich, A.
K. Branigan, From Clan to Clearance. History and Archaeology on the Isle of Barra.
Scottish Gaelic Studies, 22,
pp. 237-242.
[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A.
"Kingis rabellis" to Cuidich 'n' Rìgh; the emergence of Clann Choinnich, c. 1475-1508.
In: Boardman, S. and Ross, A. (eds.)
The Exercise of Power in Medieval Scotland, 1200-1500.
Four Courts Press: Dublin, pp. 175-200.
ISBN 1851827498
MacCoinnich, A.
"His spirit was given only to warre": conflict and identity in the Scottish Gàidhealtachd, c. 1580- c. 1630.
In: Murdoch, S. and Mackillop, A. (eds.)
Fighting for Identity: Scottish Military Experience, c. 1550-1900.
Brill: Boston, pp. 133-162.
ISBN 9789004128231
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 14:36:21 2025 GMT.