Dr Alex Antoniou

  • Lecturer in Classics (Classics)

telephone: 01413304404
email: Alex.Antoniou@glasgow.ac.uk

Classics, Room 204, 65 Oakfield Avenue, University of Glasgow

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-7077-0703


I joined the University of Glasgow in September 2023. Before that, I taught Roman history for Lincoln, Trinity, Balliol, Oriel and Regent's Park Colleges, at the University of Oxford, and was a Lecturer in Learning Development and Support at St Hugh's College, Oxford. I did my doctorate at the University of Oxford (Faculty of Classics and University College), and have an M.Phil in Classics, Archaeology and Ancient History, and Bachelors of Arts and of Laws from the University of Adelaide, Australia.

Research interests

My research is broadly driven by a focus on understanding individuals, relationships, and power dynamics as they were lived and perceived in ancient Rome and its provinces in the republic and early empire. I currently have a number of research projects in progress, many of which concern aspects of Roman religion and its priesthoods.

One of my principal research interests is to re-evaluate social perspectives on Roman priests and priesthoods in the republic and early empire. Building on my doctoral research (2018-2022) at the University of Oxford (Faculty of Classics, and University College), I am principally working towards the publication of a monograph on this topic. This monograph offers a significant reconceptualisation of priests and priesthoods in ancient Rome and demonstrates, for the first time, that Romans constructed, promoted, and negotiated a distinctive socio-ethical ethos and a particular modus operandi for their priesthoods.

I am also in the midst of an ongoing project which seeks to catalogue and examine the evidence for the phenomenon of emperor worship in the Italian peninsula, and which seeks to understand this complex religious phenomenon as part of the ways in which Italian individuals, communities, and collectives sought to understand their identity within the world of the Roman principate. 

Building on a collaboration with colleagues from the University of Oxford in 2020, I am also in the process of co-editing a volume on the magistracy of the Roman Censorship, to be published with De Gruyter.

Further, I am an ongoing collaborator with the ISicily Project (https://isicily.org/), having contributed to the digital encoding of 700+ Latin and Greek inscriptions from Sicily, which range from the archiac period to late antiquity. Having spent two summers in museums and sites in northern Sicily (in 2022 and 2023), I am currently working on new digital editions of the inscriptions from Thermae Himeraeae (modern Termini Imerese).

My published research largely concerns the intersections between religion and identity in the Roman provinces during the empire (Mnemosyne 2019; Latomus 2021; Greece & Rome 2023), and treats under-appreciated Latin writers, notably the moralist Valerius Maximus (Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2022).

I also have an ongoing commitment to the joint excavation (Universities of Oxford and Messina) of the ritual complex on the northern acropolis of Halaesa (northern Sicily).



List by: Type | Date


I teach and convene a variety of Latin courses, namely Latin 1A, Latin 1B, Latin 2A, Latin Unseen Translation, and Latin versions of Rhetoric at Rome, and Religions of Rome.

I teach on the team taught pre-honours courses, Classical Civilisation 1B and Classical Civilisation 2B.

For Honours and Postgraduate Students, I convene a variety of specialised courses in Roman history and literature, namely Religions of Rome, From the Gracchi to Sulla, Rome in Transition 49-27 BC, and Rhetoric at Rome.

I contribute to the teaching of the postgraduate course Theories and Methods for Classics and Ancient History.