Dr Alasdair Whyte

  • Lecturer in Celtic Onomastics (Celtic & Gaelic)


[English below]

Thòisich an Dtr Alasdair MacIlleBhàin mar òraidiche ann an Ainm-eòlas Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu san Dàmhair 2024. Ron sin, bha Co-Phàirt Rannsachaidh LKAS aige ann an Ainm-eòlas Ceilteach on Dàmhair 2019. 'S e ainmeannan-àite Mhuile a phrìomh chuspair rannsachaidh ach tha e air rudan a chur an clò air beul-aithris, dual-chainnt, eag-eòlas, litreachas na Gàidhlig agus òrain.

A thuilleadh air a chuid rannsachaidh, tha e na cheòladair, na sheinneadair agus na sgrìobhaiche ciùil. Tha e air grunn òran ùr agus tradaiseanta a ghabhail agus a chlàradh còmhla ri luchd-ciùil eile, nam measg clàr air a cheann fhèin (‘Las’, 2012); trì clàran leis a’ chòmhlan WHYTE (‘Maim’, 2021; ‘Tairm’, 2019; ‘Fairich’, 2016); agus òrain còmhla ri Niteworks (‘A’ Ghrian’, 2022; ‘NW’, 2015) agus Struileag/Shore to Shore (‘Children of the Smoke’, 2014). Tha ceòladairean, còmhlain agus còisirean air òrain ùra Alasdair a rèiteachadh, a ghabhail air àrd-ùrlar agus a chlàradh. Tha e air dà leabhar fhoillseachadh: Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names (Birlinn, 2023), còmhla ri Katherine Forsyth agus Simon Taylor; agus Maim-slè (Theatre Gu Lèor, 2021), leabhar de bhàrdachd agus rosg sean is ùr. Bha e cuideachd na sgrìobhadair agus na chleasaiche anns an dealbh-chluich MAIM (2020).

Chaidh Alasdair ainmeachadh mar Thosgaire na Gàidhlig le Riaghaltas na h-Alba ann an 2019-2020.


Dr Alasdair C. Whyte was appointed as a Lecturer in Celtic Onomastics (Name Studies) at the University of Glasgow in October 2024. Prior to that, he held a Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Research Fellowship in Celtic Onomastics from October 2019. His current research focusses primarily on the place-names of Mull and the surrounding area but his work includes a range of other aspects of Gaelic, Celtic and Scottish Studies, especially ecology, folklore, linguistics, literature and song.

Alongside his academic work, he is heavily involved in the creative arts. Described as ‘one of the most emotionally affecting singers of his generation’ (Tim Chipping, fRoots), he has performed worldwide and recorded original and traditional Gaelic songs on numerous albums, including a solo album (‘Las’, 2012), three albums with the band WHYTE (‘Maim’, 2021; ‘Tairm’, 2019; ‘Fairich’, 2016) and tracks with the likes of Niteworks (‘A’ Ghrian’, 2022; ‘NW’, 2015) and Struileag/Shore to Shore (‘Children of the Smoke’, 2014). A number of his original Gaelic songs have been performed, arranged and recorded by other artists. He has published two books to date: Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names, with Katherine Forsyth and Simon Taylor (Birlinn, 2023); and Maim-slè (Theatre Gu Lèor, 2021), a book of original and traditional poetry and prose in Gaelic and English. He also wrote and performed in the related theatre production MAIM (2020).

He was named Gaelic Ambassador of the Year by The Scottish Government in 2019-2020.

Research interests

[English below]

San fharsaingeachd, rannsachadh na Ceiltis, na Gàidhlig agus na h-Alba; gu sònraichte, ainm-eòlas agus mar a tha rannsachadh air ainmeannan-àite fighte fuaighte le:

  • Àiteachas agus cleachdadh-fearainn
  • An àrainneachd
  • Àrc-eòlas
  • Beul-aithris
  • Bith-iomadachd
  • Cànanachas
  • Dual-chainnt
  • Eachdraidh
  • Geòlas
  • Litreachas
  • Òrain


Broadly, all aspects of Celtic, Gaelic and Scottish Studies; particularly, onomastics and the intersection of place-names with:

  • Agriculture and land use
  • Archaeology
  • Biodiversity
  • Dialectology
  • Environment
  • Folklore
  • Geology
  • History
  • Linguistics
  • Literature
  • Song

Pròiseactan Rannsachaidh / Current Research Projects

[English below]

Ainmeannan-àite Mhuile & Ulbha (2019– )

  • Prìomh-rannsaiche (rannsachadh LKAS)
  • Làn-sgrùdadh air ainmeannan-àite Mhuile agus Ulbha
  • Prìomh amasan:
    • Tuigse reachdmhor fhaighinn air ainmeannan-àite ionadach
    • Riochdan Gàidhlig nan ainmeannan-àite a thoirt am follais
    • A’ chiad làn-sgrùdadh air ainmeannan-àite ann an sgìreachd air a' Ghàidhealtachd fhoillseachadh

Ainm-thìr Idhe: Ainmean-àite agus an dinimigeachd ann an Ì agus a h-àrainn (2020– )

  • Co-rannsaiche
  • Maoinichear: AHRC (£749,785)
  • Làn-sgrùdadh air ainmeannan-àite Idhe agus Stafa le sùil air:
    • Ciad chlàran Idhe
    • Ainmeannan charraighean Idhe
    • An dàimh eadar ainmeannan-àite Idhe agus ainmeannan-àite Mhuile
    • Cùisean co-cheangailte ri ùghdarras agus fìrinneachd a thaobh ainmeannan-àite agus dualchas

Oyster Habitat Suitability Project (2022– )

  • Air a mhaoineachadh le: Natural Environment Research Council & University of Glasgow Institutional Joint Impact Accelerator Account
  • Pròiseact ioma-chuspaireil gus sgrùdadh a dhèanadh air àrainnean iomchaidh do dh'eisirein dùthchasach ann an Alba
  • Còmhla ri co-obraichean ann an: School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine (MVLS); School of Geographical & Earth Sciences (CoSE) & School of Education (CoSS)

Ainmeannan-àite Gàidhlig Ghlaschu (2017– )

  • Rannsaiche
  • Sgrùdadh air ainmeannan-àite agus dualchas na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu
  • Rannsachadh-cùise Buaidh (REF 2021)


The Place-names of Mull & Ulva (2019– )

  • PI (LKAS research)
  • A comprehensive survey of the place-names of Mull and Ulva
  • Principal objectives:
    • Establish a firm understanding of local place-names
    • Establish normative Gaelic name-forms for local place-names
    • Publish the first comprehensive place-name survey of an area within the Gàidhealtachd (Gaelic-speaking area) of Scotland as part of the Survey of Scottish Place-Names

Iona's Namescape: Place-Names and their Dynamics in Iona and its Environs (2020– )

  • Co-I
  • Funder: AHRC (£749,785)
  • A full place-name survey of the islands of Iona and Staffa, including investigation of:
    • The earliest records of Iona
    • The names of its monuments
    • How Iona's place-names relate to the neighbouring island of Mull
    • Issues of authority and authenticity relating to place-names and heritage

Oyster Habitat Suitability Project (2022– )

  • Funder: Natural Environment Research Council & University of Glasgow Institutional Joint Impact Accelerator Account
  • An inter-disciplinary approach to performing a habitat suitability analysis for native oysters
  • With colleagues in: School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine (MVLS); School of Geographical & Earth Sciences (CoSE) & School of Education (CoSS)

Mapping Gaelic Glasgow (2017– )

  • Researcher (UofG Research Affiliate)
  • A study of the Gaelic place-names and wider Gaelic heritage of Glasgow
  • REF 2021 Impact Case Study

Pàipearan Rannsachaidh, Òraidean & Tachartasan / Recent Papers, Talks & Events

  • 'Mu shealg dheirinnich Oisin ann an Co-Chruinneachadh Stafa' ['Mu shealg dheirinnich Oisin in the Staffa Collection'], Gaelic-language talk, Am Màrt / March 2024, UHI Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, seminar series, online
  • 'Ainmeannan-àite Gàidhlig Ghlaschu' ['Glasgow's Gaelic place-names'], Gaelic-language public talk, An Dùbhlachd / December 2023, Comann Gàidhlig Ghlaschu
  • 'Oysters and shellfish in Gaelic songs, stories and sayings', conference paper, An t-Samhain / November 2023, NORA (Native Oyster Restoration Alliance) 5 - 'Scaling-up European Oyster Reef Restoration', Middelburg, The Netherlands
  • 'Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names', conference paper, An t-Samhain / November 2023, Scottish Place-Name Society / Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland joint Autumn 2023 conference
  • 'Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names', seminar talk, An Dàmhair / October 2023, Centre for Scottish & Celtic Studies, University of Glasgow
  • 'Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names', installation, An t-Sultain / September 2023, with designers Dress For The Weather for Explorathon 2023
  • Glasgow's Gaelic Place-Names, in conversation with Catrìona Mhoireach, An t-Sultain / September 2023, Byres Road Book Festival
  • 'Staffa & Iona', conference paper, An t-Iuchar / July 2023, XVII International Congress of Celtic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Place-names in Gaelic song, performance, An t-Ògmhios / June 2023, Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge / Linguistics of the Gaelic Languages, Royal Irish Academy, Baile Átha Cliath / Dublin
  • 'Glasgow Place-Names', workshop, An t-Sultain / September 2023, Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival
  • 'Sgeulachd Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu | The Story of Gaelic Glasgow', performance, Am Faoilleach / January 2023, Cathair-eaglais Ghlaschu / Glasgow Cathedral, for GlasgowLife at Celtic Connections (with associated QR-code walking trail featuring research on Gaelic in Glasgow)
  • 'The Maclaine papers in the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub', An t-Samhain / November 2022, for Mull Museum & Mull Historical & Archaeological Society, Muile/Mull
  • 'Links between bedrock geology and place-names: a case study of the element aoineadh', An t-Samhain / November 2022, Scottish Place-Name Society day conference (online, with Dr John MacDonald)
  • 'Place-names of Mull & Ulva', An Dàmhair / October 2022, Society for Name Studies in Britain & Ireland day conference, Leicester
  • 'Mu shealg dheirinnich Oisin in the Staffa Collection', An t-Ògmhios / June 2022, Finn IV: Fíanaigecht, the fourth International Finn Cycle Conference / Fionn IV: an ceathrú Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta ar an BhFiannaíoch / Fionn IV: ceathramh co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta na Fiannaigheachd; Luimneach/Limerick (with Dr Amiria Salmond)
  • 'Seanchas agus ainmeannan-àite ann an litreachas Muileach / Lore and names in literature from Muile~Mull', An Cèitean / May 2022, Scottish Place-Name Society spring conference, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach~Skye
  • 'Calum Cille: ainmeannan-àite is beul-oideas à Muile / Columban place-names and lore from the island of Muile/Mull', An Dùbhlachd / December 2021, Ulster Place-Name Society Annual Autumn Lecture 2021: Commemorating Colum Cille (air-loidhne / online)
  • 'The importance of song in place-name studies, linguistic research and research impact', An Dùbhlachd / December 2021, Centre for Modern Languages Research seminar, University of Aberdeen


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2016 | 2014
Number of items: 13.


Whyte, A. (2024) Doc Flo: a biographical note. Glasgow Naturalist, 28(Suppl), pp. 63-64. (doi: 10.37208/tgn28S22)

Dalglish, C. and Whyte, A. C. (2024) Gaelic Cultural Experiences in Mull, Iona, Ulva and the Surrounding Islands: Scoping Research. [Research Reports or Papers]

Whyte, A. and Wilson, R. (2024) Òrain Teonaidh Chailein. [Audio]

Whyte, A. (2024) Iain Mac a’ Ghobhainn (edited by Iain MacDhòmhnaill and Moray Watson) Na Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig. Northern Scotland, 15(1), pp. 129-131. (doi: 10.3366/nor.2024.0310)[Book Review]


Whyte, A. C. , Forsyth, K. and Taylor, S. (2023) Glasgow’s Gaelic Place-Names. Birlinn. ISBN 9781839830464


Whyte, A. (2022) Understanding the Norse period through place-names evidence: a case study from the island of Mull. In: Horne, Tom, Pierce, Elizabeth and Barrowman, Rachel (eds.) The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 135-142. ISBN 9781474485852

Whyte, A. (2022) Coastal dogs and wolves in Scottish place-names. In: Onomastications: A Festschrift for Simon Taylor. Clò Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. (Accepted for Publication)


Whyte, A. C. (2021) Maim-slè. Theatre Gu Leòr. ISBN 9781739945305

Whyte, A. C. and Whyte, R. (2021) Maim. [Audio]


Whyte, A. C. (2020) The Cailleach in place-names and place-lore. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 16-58. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.03)

Whyte, A. (2020) MAIM. [Performance]


Whyte, A. C. (2016) Alan Macniven, The Vikings in Islay: the place of names in Hebridean settlement history. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 10, pp. 213-218. [Book Review]


Whyte, A. C. (2014) Gruline, Mull, and other Inner Hebridean things. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 8, pp. 115-152.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 10:35:38 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 13.


Whyte, A. (2024) Doc Flo: a biographical note. Glasgow Naturalist, 28(Suppl), pp. 63-64. (doi: 10.37208/tgn28S22)

Whyte, A. C. (2020) The Cailleach in place-names and place-lore. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 16-58. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.03)

Whyte, A. C. (2014) Gruline, Mull, and other Inner Hebridean things. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 8, pp. 115-152.


Whyte, A. C. , Forsyth, K. and Taylor, S. (2023) Glasgow’s Gaelic Place-Names. Birlinn. ISBN 9781839830464

Whyte, A. C. (2021) Maim-slè. Theatre Gu Leòr. ISBN 9781739945305

Book Sections

Whyte, A. (2022) Understanding the Norse period through place-names evidence: a case study from the island of Mull. In: Horne, Tom, Pierce, Elizabeth and Barrowman, Rachel (eds.) The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 135-142. ISBN 9781474485852

Whyte, A. (2022) Coastal dogs and wolves in Scottish place-names. In: Onomastications: A Festschrift for Simon Taylor. Clò Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. (Accepted for Publication)

Book Reviews

Whyte, A. (2024) Iain Mac a’ Ghobhainn (edited by Iain MacDhòmhnaill and Moray Watson) Na Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig. Northern Scotland, 15(1), pp. 129-131. (doi: 10.3366/nor.2024.0310)[Book Review]

Whyte, A. C. (2016) Alan Macniven, The Vikings in Islay: the place of names in Hebridean settlement history. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 10, pp. 213-218. [Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Dalglish, C. and Whyte, A. C. (2024) Gaelic Cultural Experiences in Mull, Iona, Ulva and the Surrounding Islands: Scoping Research. [Research Reports or Papers]


Whyte, A. (2020) MAIM. [Performance]


Whyte, A. and Wilson, R. (2024) Òrain Teonaidh Chailein. [Audio]

Whyte, A. C. and Whyte, R. (2021) Maim. [Audio]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 10:35:38 2025 GMT.


Iona's Namescape: Place-Names and their Dynamics in Iona and its Environs / Ainm-thìr Idhe: Ainmean-àite agus an dinimigeachd ann an Ì agus a h-àrainn (2020– )

  • AHRC (£749,785)
  • Co-I

Oyster Habitat Suitability Project (2022– )

  • Funder: Natural Environment Research Council; University of Glasgow Institutional Joint Impact Accelerator Account (£42,644)
  • An inter-disciplinary approach to performing a habitat suitability analysis for native oysters
  • PI: Dr Anna McGregor, School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine


Bhithinn toilichte gabhail ri stiùireadh air pròiseact sam bith aig a bheil ceangal dom chuid rannsachaidh fhèin.

I would be happy to supervise students on projects related to any of my research interests.

Lauren Clelland, MRes Ecology & Environmental Biology - 'Place-name analysis to identify and survey Wildcats in the Angus Glens' (2023-24)


[English below]

Tha mi nam stiùiriche air na cùrsaichean seo leanas:

  • Celtic Place-names of Scotland (Urramach)
  • Gaelic Identity from the Middle Ages to the Present (Urramach)

Bidh mi a' cur ri teagasg air na cùrsaichean seo leanas:

  • Seinn sa Ghàidhlig (Urramach)
  • Introduction to Scottish Culture (JYA)
  • Celtic Civilisation 1A
  • Celtic Civilisation 1B
  • Celtic Civilisation 2B
  • Gàidhlig 1 Adhartach
  • Gàidhlig 1 Eadar-mheadhanach
  • Gàidhlig 1 Luchd-tòiseachaidh
  • Gàidhlig 1 Adhartach
  • Gàidhlig 1 Eadar-mheadhanach
  • Gàidhlig 1 Luchd-tòiseachaidh
  • Clasaichean do luchd-obrach


I convene the following courses:

  • Celtic Place-names of Scotland (Honours)
  • Gaelic Identity from the Middle Ages to the Present (Honours)

I contribute / have contributed to teaching on the following courses:

  • Gaelic Song in Performance (Honours)
  • Introduction to Scottish Culture (JYA)
  • Celtic Civilisation 1A
  • Celtic Civilisation 1B
  • Celtic Civilisation 2B
  • Gaelic 1 Advanced
  • Gaelic 1 Intermediate
  • Gaelic 1 Beginners
  • Gaelic 2 Advanced
  • Gaelic 2 Intermediate
  • Gaelic 2 Beginners
  • Gaelic classes for staff

Additional information

[English below]

Dreuchdan & dleastanasan eile

  • Bàrd Urramach: An Comunn Oiseanach (2022-2023)
  • Stiùiriche: Dòrlach (2020- )
  • Stiùiriche: Comann Mhuile & Idhe (2016- )
  • Stiùiriche: Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Mhuile & Idhe (2020- )
  • Ball-comataidh: Comann Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (2020- )
  • Ball-comataidh: Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (às leth Comann Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba) (2020-)
  • Labhraiche: SQA (2014- )
  • Oide na Gàidhlig: Bùrach (còisir) (2013- )
  • Comhairliche Gàidhlig: Clan Maclean Heritage Trust (2024- )
  • Britheamh: An Comunn Gàidhealach (2011- )
  • Ceann-suidhe: Comann Mhuile is Idhe (2019-2022)
  • Cathraiche: Ceòl is Craic (2022-2024)
  • Cathraiche: Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Mhuile & Idhe (2022-24)
  • Cathraiche: An Lòchran (2018-2019)


  • Tosgaire na Gàidhlig 2019-2020 (Riaghaltas na h-Alba)
  • Clàr '40 Under 40' Comann Crann na h-Alba (2023)
  • Duais Ealain is Chultarach 2019, Duaisean Gàidhlig na h-Alba (leis a' chòmhlan WHYTE)
  • Bonn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich (2006)


Other roles and responsibilities

  • Honorary Bard: An Comunn Oiseanach (2022-2023)
  • Director: Dòrlach (2020- )
  • Director: Comann Mhuile & Idhe / The Mull and Iona Association (2016- )
  • Director: Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Mhuile is Idhe / The Mull and Iona Gaelic Partnership (2020- )
  • Committee member: Scottish Place-Name Society (2020- )
  • Committee member: Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (Scottish Place-Name Society representative) (2020- )
  • Speaker: SQA (2014- )
  • Gaelic reader: Bùrach Gaelic Choir (2013- )
  • Gaelic advisor: Clan Maclean Heritage Trust (2024- )
  • Adjudicator: An Comunn Gàidhealach (2011- )
  • President: Comann Mhuile is Idhe / Mull and Iona Association (2019-2022)
  • Chair: Ceòl is Craic (2022-2024)
  • Chair: Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Mhuile & Idhe / The Mull and Iona Gaelic Partnership (2022-24)
  • Chair: An Lòchran (2018-2019)


  • Scottish Government Gaelic Ambassador of the Year 2019-2020
  • Inaugural Saltire Society '40 Under 40' List (2023)
  • Arts & Culture Award 2019, Scottish Gaelic Awards (with the band WHYTE)
  • Men's Gold Medal, The Royal National Mòd (unaccompanied solo singing in Gaelic) (2006)