Research & Teaching
Abrams, Professor Lynn
(Chair in Modern History)
Anderson, Dr Ian
(Senior Lecturer)
Angus, Dr Sonny
(University Lecturer in Modern/Late-Modern Scottish History)
Antoniou, Dr Alex
(Lecturer in Classics)
Arvaniti, Miss Maria
(Research Assistant)
Bain, Dr David
Banks, Dr Iain
(Senior Lecturer in in History/Battlefield Archaeology)
Barratt, Dr Phil
(Research Associate)
Bartliff, Dr Zoe
(Research Associate)(Lecturer in Digital Humanities)
Beale, Dr Gareth
(Lecturer in Digital Archaeology)
Belton, Dr Lloyd
(British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship – Research Associate (History))
Bestel, Dr Sheahan
(Research Associate)
Blomkvist, Dr Andrea
(British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow)
Bowie, Professor Karin
(Professor of Early Modern Scottish History)
Boylan, Dr David
(Lecturer in Logic)
Bracke, Professor Maud
(Professor of Modern European History)
Brady, Professor Michael
(Professor of Philosophy)
Brophy, Dr Kenny
(Senior Lecturer)
Broun, Professor Dauvit
(Professor of Scottish History, Dean of Research)
Brown, Dr Derek
Bruce, Mr Fergus
(Research Associate)
Brunache, Dr Peggy
(Lecturer in Public History and Archaeology)
Byrne, Dr Michel
Calderbank, Dr Daniel
Campbell, Dr Ewan
(Senior Lecturer)
Campbell, Dr Louisa
(Lecturer in Heritage Materials Science)
Carter, Professor J Adam
(Professor of Philosophy)
Carter, Dr Matilda
(Research Associate)
Charbonneau, Dr Oli
(Lecturer in American History)
Cheadle, Dr Tanya
Chin, Dr Rachel
(Lecturer in War Studies)
Chingono, Ms Paidamoyo
(Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD Fellow - Changing Land Use over the Holocene: Southern Africa)
Clancy, Professor Thomas
(Professor of Celtic)
Cockram, Dr Sarah
(Lecturer in Medieval History)
Cohn, Professor Samuel
(Professor of Medieval History)
Colburn, Professor Ben
(Professor of Political Philosophy)
Cook, Professor Sarah
(Professor in Museum Studies)
Corns, Dr Jennifer
(Senior Lecturer)
Costantini, Dr Valentina
(Research Associate)
Cote, Mr Nicolas
(Lecturer in Applied Ethics)
Cousens, Dr Chris
(Lecturer in Moral and Political Philosophy)
Cowan, Dr Robert
(Senior Lecturer)
Craig, Dr Michelle
(Lecturer in Information Studies)(Lecturer in Information Studies)
Dee, Dr Henry
(British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award – Research Associate)
Donaldson, Dr John
(Graduate Tutor Philosophy)
Draycott, Dr Jane
Driscoll, Professor Stephen
(Professor of Historical Archaeology)
Duguid, Dr Tim
(Senior Lecturer)
Dunstan, Dr Sarah
(Lecturer in the International History of Modern Human Rights)
Economou, Professor Maria
(Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage)
Evemalm Graham, Dr Sofia
(Research Associate, Lecturer in Celtic & Gaelic)
Finlay, Dr Nyree
(Senior Lecturer)
Forrest, Professor Ian
(Professor, Head of School, Humanities)
Forsyth, Professor Katherine
(Professor of Celtic Studies)
Fox, Professor Matthew
Fraser, Mr Conor
(Research Assistant)
George, Dr Shantel
Given, Professor Michael
(Professor of Landscape Archaeology)
Glatz, Professor Claudia
(Professor of Archaeology)
Gooding, Professor Paul
(Professor of Library Studies and Digital Scholarship)
Gordon, Dr Emma
(Lecturer in Applied Ethics)
Gow, Professor Ann
(Professor of Information Studies)
Hardy, Professor Karen
(Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology)
Harris, Dr Susanna
(Senior Lecturer)
Harrison, Dr Stephen
(Senior Lecturer)
Hau, Dr Lisa Irene
(Senior Lecturer)
Hicks, Dr Michael
(Lecturer in Philosophy of Science / Technology)
Hughes, Professor Lorna
(Professor of Digital Humanities)
Innes, Dr Marta
(Lecturer in Archaeology)
Innes, Dr Sim
(Senior Lecturer)
Jackson, Professor Peter
(Chair in Global Security)
Jamieson, Dr Callum
(Tutor - Pre-Honours History Courses)
Jenkins, Professor Katharine
(Professor of Philosophy)
Jessee, Dr Erin
(Senior Lecturer)
Johnstone, Dr Amy
(Lecturer in Museum Studies)
Kasten, Dr Megan
(Research Assistant)
Kelp, Professor Christoph
(Professor of Philosophy)
Kemp, Dr Gary
(Senior Lecturer)
Kidd, Dr Sheila
(Senior Lecturer)
Kim, Dr Yunhyong
Larbey, Dr Cynthia
(Research Associate)
Larsen, Dr Daniel
(Lecturer in Intelligence and War Studies)
Leuenberger, Professor Stephan
(Professor of Philosophy)
Lin, Dr Sihong
(Lecturer in Early Medieval History)
Lindsay, Dr Chris
Lloyd, Dr Katherine
(Senior Lecturer in Museum Studies)
Lyons, Professor Jack
(Chair of Logic and Rhetoric)
MacArthur, Dr Mairi
(Research Associate)
MacCoinnich, Dr Aonghas
(Senior Lecturer)
Macdonald, Dr Catriona M M
(Reader in Late Modern Scottish history)
Mace, Dr Lilith
(University Lecturer in Philosophy, Research Associate)
Macgregor, Dr Martin
(Senior Lecturer in Scottish History)
MacIntyre, Mr Ruaraidh
Mackillop, Professor Andrew
MacLeod, Dr Catriona
Macmillan, Mr Gillebride
(Senior Lecturer)
Macpherson, Professor Fiona
(Professor of Philosophy)
Marritt, Dr Stephen
Marshall, Dr Alexander
(Senior Lecturer)
Martin, Dr Annalisa
(Research Associate - Leverhulme Early Careers Fellowship)
Matthews, Dr Alan
(Research Associate in Virtual Museum Curation)
McClure, Dr Julia
(Senior Lecturer)
McDonald, Dr Angela
(Senior Lecturer)
McDonnell, Professor Neil
(Professor of Philosophy and XR Technology)
McMenemy, Dr David
McMillan, Dr Keava
(Lecturer in Gender History)
Mili, Dr Maria
(Lecturer in Ancient History and Culture)
Moreira Basques Junior, Dr Messias
(Lecturer for Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies (LTS))
Morrison, Professor Andrew
(MacDowell Chair in Greek)
Mullen, Dr Stephen
(Lecturer in History)
Neyzi, Dr Leyla
(Lecturer (Oral History and Memory Studies), Research Fellow)
Noone, Dr Rebecca
(Lecturer in Information Studies)
O Maolalaigh, Professor Roibeard
(Professor of Gaelic)
O'Driscoll, Dr James
(Lecturer in Geospatial Archaeology)
Omissi, Dr Adrastos
Ottonello, Dr Luca
(Lecturer in Digital Cultural Heritage)
Panayotakis, Professor Costas
(Professor of Latin)
Parsons, Dr Geraldine
(Senior Lecturer)
Paulson, Mr Spencer
(Research Associate)
Peacock, Dr Timothy
Petrizzo, Dr Francesca
(Lecturer in Medieval History)
Pettigrove, Professor Glen
(Chair of Moral Philosophy)
Phillips, Dr Edgar
Pickel, Dr Bryan
(Senior Lecturer)
Pittock, Dr Anne
Pollard, Professor Tony
(Professor of Conflict History and Archaeology)
Poller, Dr Tessa
Porteous, Ms Rachel
(Lecturer in Digital Humanities)
Rapport, Dr Michael
(Reader in Modern European History)
Reddy, Dr Kathleen
Redhead, Dr Adele
(Senior Lecturer)
Reid, Professor Steven
(Professor of Early Modern Scottish History and Culture)
Richardson, Professor Sarah
Roach, Dr Andrew
(Senior Lecturer)
Ruffell, Professor Isabel
(Professor of Greek Drama and Culture)
Rutherford, Dr Sam
(Lecturer in LGBTQ+ History or the History of Sexuality)
Schenk, Dr Jochen
Scoti, Ms Bianca
(Tutor- Pre-Honours History Courses)
Scroop, Dr Daniel
(Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Citizenship)
Shepard, Professor Alex
(Professor of Gender History)
Simion, Professor Mona
(Professor of Philosophy)
Slater, Dr Joe
(Lecturer in Moral or Political Philosophy)
Spaeth, Dr Donald
(Senior Lecturer)
Spooner, Dr Rosie
Steel, Professor Catherine
(Professor of Classics)
Strickland, Professor Matthew
(Professor of Medieval History)
Taylor, Dr Simon
Tucker, Dr Joanna
Vasileva, Miss Aleksandra
(Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD Fellow - Land cover changes and formation of cultural landscapes)
Verschuren, Dr Lynn
(University Lecturer in Museum Studies)(Research Associate in Digital Heritage)
Vos, Dr Jelmer
(Senior Lecturer)
White, Dr Benjamin Thomas
(Senior Lecturer)
Whitehouse, Professor Nicki
(Professor of Archaeological Science)
Whyte, Dr Alasdair
(Lecturer in Celtic Onomastics)
Whyte, Dr Christine
(Senior Lecturer)
Tutors & Demonstrators
Aiken, Mr Peter
(GTA - History)
Andrieux, Mr Guillaume
(Graduate Teaching Assistant in Philosophy)
Angelici, Ms Victoria
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
Archambaud, Mr Thomas
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Arnaud, Mr James
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Bain, Mr David
(Graduate Teaching Assistant in Archaeology)
Banks, Ms Susanne
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Barrie, Miss Danielle
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Bekesi, Miss Anna
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Archaeology)
Bertoli, Miss Maria Elena
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Archaeology)
Brown, Mrs Ashley
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Bulloch, Miss Anna
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Burrows, Ms Erin
(GTA - History)
Carty, Miss Taylar
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Chatzitheodorou, Ms Christina
(GTA - History)
Chou, Ms Jean Tzu-Yin
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Cochran-Yu, Mr David
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Cockell, Mr Arron
(GTA - History)
Constantinou, Mr Alexandros
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Cormack, Miss Eilidh
Cralli, Ms Valentina
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Cumming, Miss Nicole
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Darling, Ms Frances
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Dobbie, Ms Sam
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Edgoose, Mx Han
(GTA - Philosophy)
Engler, Ms Carina
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Farrell, Mrs Alexandra
(GTA - Archaeology)
Ford, Miss Heather
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Celtic & Gaelic)
Foti, Ms Giorgia
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Fyfe, Miss Chloe
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Golinucci, Ms Marianna
(GTA - History)
Gopal, Mr William
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
Hanna, Mr Stephen
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Hanson, Mr Thomas
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Harber, Mr Jacob
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Hayes, Mr Patrick
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Healey, Mr Euan
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Heitler, Ms Sarah
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Holt, Miss Bethan
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Ige, Mr Ayodele
(Graduate Teaching Assistant in History)
Ingham, Mr Niall
(GTA - History)
Johnson, Mx Dan
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Korpi Kardell, Mr Viktor
Kraft, Ms Larissa
(Graduate Teaching Assistant in History)
Lawal Agoro, Ms Amina
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Lee, Mr Felix
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Classics)
Leeper, Mrs Jessica
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Loudon, Ms Nysa
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Luo, Mr Jinxi
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Macfie, Mr Scott
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
MacKenzie, Mrs Valerie
(GTA - History)
MacNeil, Ms Claire Frances
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Magyaricsova, Miss Arianna
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Archaeology)
McClelland, Mr Neil
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
McGowan, Dr Fraser
McNulty, Dr Erin
(PhD Student (Tutor))
McPake, Ms Alana Rachel
(GTA - History)
Millar, Miss Rachel
(GTA - History)
Miller, Miss Jodi
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Miragoli, Mr Martin
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
Morris, Ms Gala
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Muscolo, Ms Annalisa
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Nabati Mazloumi, Ms Yasaman
(PhD Student (Tutor))(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Napier, Mr Aylwyn
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Nash, Ms Sophia
(Graduate Teaching Assistant in History)
Nunziante, Ms Allison
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
O'Docherty, Dr Neil
(Tutor in History)
Ondruskova, Miss Karolina
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Otto, Miss Amina
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Celtic & Gaelic)
Ottonello, Mrs Natalia
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Palankasova, Ms Bilyana
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Parker-Banks, Miss Alexandria
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Pocock, Mr Aaron
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Classics)
Quinn, Mr Michael
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
Rathburn, Ms Rhonda
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Robertson, Ms Elizabeth
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Rose, Mr Simon
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Classics)
Sladen, Mr Thomas
(GTA - History)
Smith, Miss Cassidy
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Speed, Mrs Hannah
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Stone, Miss Emma
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Archaeology)
Stylianopoulou, Ms Pinelopi
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Philosophy)
Stylianou, Mr Constantinos
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Tarrant, Miss Rachael
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Vallius, Miss Julia
(GTA - History)
van den Hurk, Mr Tom
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Classics)
van Lit, Ms Meike
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Archaeology)
Williamson, Miss Rebecca
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Wright, Miss Grace
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Yue, Miss Mengyuan
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History)
Zabri, Ms Rini
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Information Studies)
Professional, Administrative & Support
Arvaniti, Miss Maria
(Support Assistant – Classics)
Barrett, Mr Stephen
(Research Systems Developer)
Becker, Ms Christina
(Student Staff Partner)
Bell, Ms Fiona
(Operations Administrator)
Bergamelli, Mr Gabriele
(Teaching Support Administrator)
Burke, Mrs Ruth
(Teaching Support Administrator)
Cairns, Mrs Julie
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Cooke, Mr Garry
(DASG Corpus Assistant)
Crammond, Mr Ross
(School Administrative Assistant)
Diack, Dr Alison
(Gaelic Transcriber)
Edgoose, Mx Han
(Administration Assistant: Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy)
Esperanza Eldridge, Miss Caitlyn
(Student Staff Partner)
Flanagan, Mrs Claire
(Administrator (Learning and Teaching))
Grady, Mr Eamonn
(3D Optimisation Technician)
Harrison, Mr Samuel
(Administrator (Learning and Teaching))
Jingar, Miss Yashasvi
(Lab Technician)
Johnston, Mrs Isla
(Executive Support Assistant to Head of School)
Jones, Miss Isabel
(School Administrator)
Keating, Mrs Heather
(Head of Professional Services)
Kerr, Mrs Kirsti-Ann
(Teaching Support Administrator)
Kewell, Miss Morag
(Administrative Support Assistant)
Le Riguer, Miss Christelle
(Research Administrator)
McClelland, Mr Neil
(Project Administrative Assistant)
McConnell, Mr Alan
(Learning & Teaching and Student Experience Manager)
McEwan, Miss Lorraine
Morris, Mr Ben
(3D Optimisation Technician)
Munro, Mr Stuart
(Geospatial Technician - Archaeology)
Murdoch, Mrs Sara
(Teaching Support Administrator)
Muscolo, Ms Annalisa
(Administration Assistant: Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy)
NicGriogair, Ms Anna
(DASG Corpus Assistant)
Palyvos, Mr Aristotelis
(Archaeology Chief Technician)
Park, Ms Jennifer
(Project Co-ordinator)
Ritchie, Ms Eileen
(Administrative Assistant)
Ritchie, Mr Steven
(DASG Senior Corpus Assistant)
Roberts, Mrs Elison
(Administrator (Learning and Teaching))
Robertson, Ms Sara
(Gaelic Administrator and Community Engagement Co-ordinator for the Gaelic immersion Year)
Shannon, Miss Heather
(Administrative Assistant)
Viney, Mr Christopher
Abrahams, Mr Daniel
(Affiliated Researcher in Philosophy)
Armitage, Miss Charlotte
(Affiliate Researcher)
Ashby, Dr Brandon
Bain, Professor George
Baldwin, Mr Eamonn
Banaszek, Mr Lukasz
Barclay, Dr Gordon
(Research affiliate)
Barratt, Dr Phil
(Research Affiliate)
Berryman, Dr Jim
Biholar, Dr Ramona
Bujokova, Ms Eliska
Burns, Dr Ewan
(Affiliate Philosopher)
Cardoso, Dr Tarcísio
Carty, Miss Taylar
(Project assistant for Recaptured Childhoods project)
Chadha, Dr Zara
Chapman, Dr Roslyn
(Affiliate - Humanities)
Chelazzi, Dr Francesca
(Affiliate Humanities)
Cochran-Yu, Mr David
(Affiliate Researcher)
Conner, Mr Craig
(CSCS intern)
Cooper, Dr Jon
Cuesta De la Rosa, Mr Octavio
Currie, Ms Amy
(Information Studies DPC Affiliate)
Damian-Grint, Dr Peter
Davies, Dr John
(Affiliated Researcher in School of Humanities)
Davis, Dr Mary
(Honorary Researcher (Archaeology))
Dear, Ms Caroline
(Honorary Researcher (Archaeology))
Erskine, Dr Neil
(Affiliate Researcher (Archaeology))
Fink, Dr Sascha-Michael Benjamin
Fleming, Dr Linda
(Affiliate, Humanist History Project)
Fontaine, Dr Janel
Gardner, Dr Lin
Gardner, Dr Owain
Gillies, Professor William
Grillo, Dr Francesco
(Affiliate in Classics)
Hanson, Professor William
Hornett, Dr William
Hunter, Professor John
Iman, Dr Naja
Innes, Dr Marta
(Affiliate Researcher)
Inniss, Dr Tara
Jackson, Mr Andrew
Jones, Dr Rebecca
Kelly, Dr Jamie
Kilpatrick, Dr Kelly
Knapp, Professor A Bernard
(Affiliate - Humanities)
Kuenzler, Dr Sarah
(Affiliate in Celtic & Gaelic)
Kurzenkova, Dr Alla
(British Academy Researcher)
Lawson, Mr Finlay
(Casual Worker Grade 4)
Lee, Dr Matthew
(Project assistant)
Lewin, Dr Christopher
Li, Professor Jialian
Linson, Dr Adam
(Digital Humanities Lead (Consultant))
Lynch, Dr Charlie
(Research Affiliate)
MacAilpein, Dr Tomas
(Editor, Faclair na Gàidhlig)
MacLean, Dr Alasdair
Maldonado, Dr Adrian
Mandic, Mr David
Markus, Mr Gilbert
Mason, Dr Rebecca
Mathis, Dr Kate
Mayrdorfer, Mx Jacqueline
(Affiliate Researcher)
McElroy, Dr Ian
(Research Affiliate)
McEwan, Ms Anna
(Affiliated member - CGH)
McMeekin, Miss Sharon
McNicol, Miss Nella
Miller, Professor Alex
(Affiliate Researcher Philosophy)
Miller, Mr Stephen
Mitcham, Ms Jenny
Moffat, Dr Ralph
Moskowitz, Dr Marina
Myers, Mr Nicholas
Nolfo, Dr Fabio
O Leary, Mx Eleanor
(Digital Preservation Coalition)
Palarea, Dr Aina
Parrish, Dr David
Paterson, Mrs Caroline Ann
Pierce, Dr Elizabeth
(Affiliate Researcher)
Pollock, Professor Susan
(Affiliate Researcher (Archaeology))
Romera Figueroa, Dr Elia
Runge, Dr Roan
(Celtic and Gaelic Research Affiliate)
Schmueck, Ms Hanna
Scott, Dr Diane
Scott, Miss Jade
Serna, Dr Alejandro
Sheffield, Dr Edwin
(Research Affiliate)
Simpson, Dr Kate
(Associate Lecturer)
Smith, Dr Margaret
(Affiliate Research Fellow (Archaeology))
Stewart, Mr Eddie
(Affiliate Researcher)
Szczesnowicz, Mrs Olga
(Affiliate - Celtic & Gaelic)
Thorpe, Dr Joshua Rowan
Topini, Dr Carolina
(International Funded Visiting Academic, History)
Valdez-Tullett, Dr Joana
(Affiliate Researcher (Archaeology))
Watson, Dr Andrew
(Affiliate Researcher (Archaeology))
Weir, Professor Alan
Williamson, Dr Eila
(Affiliate in Celtic & Gaelic)
Williamson, Miss Karyn
Wright, Dr Valerie
(Affiliate in Centre for Gender History)
Xenofontos, Dr Sophia
Yates, Dr Donna
Young, Mr Jamie
Honorary & Visiting
Airlie, Dr Stuart
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Baird N'Diaye, Dr Diana
(Honorary Professor)
Ball, Professor Simon
(Honorary Research Fellow in School of Humanities)
Barrowman, Dr Rachel
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Black, Professor Christopher
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Braber, Dr Ben
(Honorary Research Fellow)(Honorary Research Fellow (History))
Broadie, Professor Alexander
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Brooks, Dr Colin
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Brown, Professor Callum
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Brownsey, Mr Paul
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Campbell, Dr Louisa
(Honorary Research Associate)
Chapman, Dr John
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Chowdhury, Professor Gobinda
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Cowley, Mr David
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Currall, Dr James
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Dobreva, Dr Milena
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Downie, Professor Robert
(Honorary Prof Research Fellow)
Dunn, Dr Marilyn
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Edwards, Dr James
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Glassey, Dr Lionel
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Green, Professor Roger
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Hale, Mr Alexander
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Hall, Dr Allan
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Hall, Mr Mark
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Huggett, Dr Jeremy
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Hunter, Dr Fraser
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Jones, Dr Richard
(Honorary Lecturer)
Kamulayike, Mr Mabvuto
(Visiting Commonwealth Professional Fellow)
Kilbride, Dr William
(Honorary Professor)
Knox, Dr Ronald
(Honorary Teaching Fellow)
Leslie, Dr Alan
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Lock, Dr Suzanne
(Honorary Research Associate)
Macgregor, Dr Gavin
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Mackie, Dr Euan
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Macquarrie, Dr Alan
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Maddra, Dr Sam
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Marshall, Dr Richard
(Honorary Lecturer)
Maver, Dr Irene
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Mawdsley, Professor Evan
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
McDonald, Professor Andrew
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Mcomish, Dr David
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Megaw, Professor Vincent
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Meikle, Dr Scott
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Miller, Dr Jennifer
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Moignard, Professor Elizabeth
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Morris, Professor Christopher
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Moss, Professor Michael
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Munck, Professor Thomas
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Newman, Professor Simon
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
O'Neill, Dr Mark
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Oliver, Dr Gillian
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Peters, Mrs Victoria
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Photos-Jones, Dr Effie
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Platchias, Dr Dimitris
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Ramsay, Dr Susan
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Rauber, Dr Andreas
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Rawles, Dr Stephen
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Reid Baxter, Dr James
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Rieger, Dr Adam
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Ross, Professor Seamus
(Honorary Professor)
Santini, Dr Marina
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Schnitker, Dr Adniknus
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Shaw, Mr Patrick
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Smith, Professor Alan
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Stalley, Professor Richard
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Stuart, Dr Susan
(Honorary Lecturer)
Telfer, Ms Elizabeth
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Thomson, Dr George
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Waugh, Dr Maureen
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Whitaker, Mr Graham
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Wilkinson, Ms Jo
(Honorary Research Fellow)