Recent publications


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Number of items: 3.


Johnstone, A. (2025) Visualising Learning: Facilitating Hybrid Learning Using a Visualizer. INTED2025, the 19th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 3-5 March 2025. (doi: 10.21125/inted.2025) (Accepted for Publication)

Johnstone, A. and Lloyd, K. (2025) Picking Out the Seams: Collaborative Professional Education. 18th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference Co-creation and Collaboration, Glasgow/Online, 8th April. (Accepted for Publication)


Terras, M., Anzinger, B., Gooding, P. , Mühlberger, G., Nockels, J., Romein, C. A., Stauder, A. and Stauder, F. (2025) The artificial intelligence cooperative: READ-COOP, Transkribus, and the benefits of shared community infrastructure for automated text recognition. Open Research Europe, 5, 16. (doi: 10.12688/openreseurope.18747.1)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:36 2025 GMT.


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Number of items: 55.


Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2024) Towards privacy-aware exploration of archived personal emails. International Journal on Digital Libraries, (doi: 10.1007/s00799-024-00394-5)

Berryman, J. (2024) Arnold Hauser: The Social History of Art and beyond. In: Tunali, Tijen and Winkenweder, Brian (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Marxisms in Art History. Series: Routledge art history and visual studies companions. Routledge. ISBN 9780367650094 (In Press)

Berryman, J. (2024) Creativity and style in GAN and AI art: Some art-historical reflections. Philosophy and Technology, 37, 61. (doi: 10.1007/s13347-024-00746-8)

Berryman, J. (2024) Too close to nature: on the representational problems of death masks and life casts. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, (doi: 10.1093/jaac/kpae009) (Early Online Publication)

Boersma, S., Kist, C., Mucha, F., Zwart, I. and Economou, M. (2024) Shifting from ‘inside-out’ to ‘outside in’: Envisioning ways of structurally integrating participatory principles in museums. In: Koch, Gertraud and Smith, Rachel Charlotte (eds.) Future Memory Practices: Across Institutions, Communities, and Modalities. Series: Participatory memory practices. Routledge, pp. 23-39. ISBN 9781032597324 (doi: 10.4324/9781003459163-3)


Callaghan, S., Bouich, A., Gooding, P. , Spooner, R. , Thorpe, K., Booker, L., Wright, R. and Galassi, M. (2024) iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges. RSLondonSouthEast 2024, London, UK, 16th July 2024.

Cheadle, T. , Brunache, P. , Lloyd, K. , McColl, M., Plaquevent, B. and Pickens, C. (2024) Radical collaboration: co-creating feminist online graduate courses through a university and museum partnership. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 9(1), 1696. (doi: 10.55370/dsj.v9i1.1696)

Cook, S. (2024) Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg: Machine Auguries. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2024) Artificial Intelligence and Artistic Research. at Hurricanes and Scaffolding: Symposium on Artistic Research, Umeå, Sweden, 4-6 December 2024. (Accepted for Publication)

Cook, S. (2024) The patchy history of artists and electronics: typewriter, telephone, television, telecommunications. In: Ravaglia, Val (ed.) Electric Dreams: Art and Technology Before the Internet. Tate Publishing. (Accepted for Publication)

Cook, S. (2024) The production, exhibition, and interpretation of art after new media. In: Kang, Yumi (ed.) Digital Culture and Art Museums. Series: Seo-Seoul Museum of Art Research Series. Seoul Metropolitan Government. (Accepted for Publication)

Cook, S. (2024) The wicked problem of generated art and the terms and conditions of art-making in an age of AI. Open Symposium on Wicked Problems and AI, Umeå, Sweden, 17-18 October 2024.

Craig, M. H. (2024) Editing and collecting Mary, Queen of Scots in the eighteenth century: James Anderson (1662–1728) and Dr William Hunter (1718–83). In: Reid, Steven J. (ed.) The Afterlife of Mary, Queen of Scots. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9781399523530 (doi: 10.1515/9781399523554-010)

Craig, M. H. (2024) William Hunter’s library at the University of Glasgow: use and borrowing in the early nineteenth century. Library and Information History, 40(3), pp. 219-230. (doi: 10.3366/lih.2024.0184)


Duguid, T. (2024) Minstrels of maelstroms: Mary's musical afterlives. In: Reid, Steven J. (ed.) The Afterlife of Mary, Queen of Scots. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399523530

Duguid, T. (2024) Polish Digital Scores; Konik, Marcin, Craig Sapp, Jacek Iwaszko, Marcelina Chojecka, and Emilia Ziętek, creators. Review of Polish Digital Scores Project. Renaissance and Reformation, 47(1), pp. 176-183. (doi: 10.33137/rr.v47i1.43448)

Duguid, T. (2024) Special issue / Numéro special: Digital Research and Early Modern Music. Introduction: Introduction: Digital Research and Early Modern Music. Renaissance and Reformation, 47(1), pp. 169-172. (doi: 10.33137/rr.v47i1.43446)

Duguid, T. (2024) Transforming Norton: Thomas Norton and the impact of Geneva. Reformation and Renaissance Review, 26(3), pp. 164-189. (doi: 10.1080/14622459.2025.2464985)


Eagleton, C., Oles, K., Economou, M. , Waters, S. and Curtis, N. (2024) Online Teaching and Learning with Digitised Collections in Higher Education Contexts, during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Working Paper. University Museums in Scotland.

Economou, M. and Kist, C. (2024) Practice architectures for bridging the semantic gap in museum documentation. Museum Management and Curatorship, (doi: 10.1080/09647775.2024.2426799) (Early Online Publication)


Ginsberg, A.D., Witaszczyk, P., Aurelia Soundworks, , Mustill, L. and Cook, S. (2024) Machine Auguries: Umeå. [Artefact]

Gooding, P. , Booker, L., Bouich, A., Callaghan, S., Spooner, R. and Thorpe, K. (2024) iREAL: Indigenising Requirements Elicitation for Artificial Intelligence in Libraries. LUSTRE Workshop 4: The Future of AI to Unlock Digital Records, London, UK, 27-28 June 2024.

Gooding, P. and Nockels, J. (2024) Case study: the adoption of handwritten text recognition at the National Library of Scotland. In: Jaillant, Lise, Warwick, Claire, Gooding, Paul, Aske, Katherine, Layne-Worthey, Glen and Downie, J. Stephen (eds.) Navigating AI for Cultural Heritage Organisation. UCL Press. (In Press)


Hannaford, E. D. et al. (2024) Our heritage, our stories: developing AI tools to link and support community-generated digital cultural heritage. Journal of Documentation, 80(5), pp. 1133-1147. (doi: 10.1108/JD-03-2024-0057)

Hughes, L. (2024) Co-creation and the digital Archive: unlocking Historic Archives and Records through new Approaches to mass Digitisation. In: Goudarouli, Eirini and Prescott, Andrew (eds.) Materialities of the Archive in a Digital Age. Special Issue of the Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford University Press. (In Press)

Hughes, L. , Alexander, M. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Our Heritage, Our Stories. One step up: the importance of failure in a large-scale DH project at the crossroads of disciplines and institutions. DH2024, Washington, D.C., USA, 05-10 Aug 2024.

Hughes, L. M. (2024) The digital Centenary. In: Noakes, Lucy, Pennell, Catriona, Hanna, Emma, Hughes, Lorna and Wallace, James (eds.) Capturing Commemoration: Reflections on the First World War Centenary in Britain. Berghahn Books: New York. (Accepted for Publication)

Hughes, L. M. (2024) Museums, heritage, and the Centenary. In: Noakes, Lucy, Pennell, Catriona, Hanna, Emma, Hughes, Lorna and Wallace, James (eds.) Capturing Commemoration: Reflections on the First World War Centenary in Britain. Berghahn Books: New York. (Accepted for Publication)


Johnstone, A. L. (2024) Exhibiting Learning – Learning Exhibitions. Royal Anthropological Society: Anthropology and Education 2024, London, 25-28 June 2024.


Kim, Y. (2024) Berkeley Sutcliffe Inspires AI-generated Pantomime. [Website]

Kim, Y. (2024) Diving into Desert Island Discs: Part 1 - Curating Data. [Website]

Kim, Y. (2024) Diving into Desert Island Discs: Part 2 - Changes Over Time. [Website]

Kim, Y. (2024) Knowledge in Crisis: “Recalling the Generosity”. [Website]

Kim, Y. (2024) Paving a Path to Napoleon’s Selfie. [Website]

Kim, Y. (2024) Searching for Decolonisation with Generative AI. [Website]

Kim, Y. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Privacy for Data Explorers in the 21st Century. University of Koblenz Guest Lecture, Online, 01 Feb 2024.

Kist, C. and Economou, M. (2024) User-centred collection metadata: from images as information to facilitating socio-affective connections. Journal of Documentation, 80(6), pp. 1626-1644. (doi: 10.1108/JD-02-2024-0031)


McCue, K. and Hughes, L. (2024) BOSLIT - The Blog. [Website]

McMenemy, D. (2024) REVEAL Project: Promoting Practical Library Advocacy. Cynhadledd CILIP Cymru Wales 2024: Empower, Educate, Evolve; Library and information professionals Leading the Way Forward, Cardiff, 17th May 2024.


Nockels, J., Gooding, P. and Terras, M. (2024) Are Digital Humanities platforms facilitating sufficient diversity in research? A study of the Transkribus Scholarship Programme. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, (doi: 10.1093/llc/fqae018) (Early Online Publication)

Nockels, J., Gooding, P. and Terras, M. (2024) The implications of handwritten text recognition for accessing the past at scale. Journal of Documentation, 80(7), pp. 148-167. (doi: 10.1108/JD-09-2023-0183)

Nockels, J., Terras, M. and Gooding, P. (2024) A Digital Engagement Framework for Handwritten Text Recognition. How can libraries harness automated transcription to develop audiences? Digital Humanities 2024, Washington, DC, USA, 6-9 August 2024.

Noone, R. (2024) Location Awareness in the Age of Google Maps. Routledge. (doi: 10.4324/9781003251569) (In Press)

Noone, R. and Bhandari, A. (2024) Hacks, fakes, and hot takes: moderating “bad actors” on Google Maps Local Guides platform. In: Sanfilippo, Madelyn R. and Ocepek, Melissa G. (eds.) Governing Misinformation in Everyday Knowledge Commons. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009255158 (In Press)

Noone, R. and Jacob, A. (2024) Bad boundaries: geofences and the intimacies of location data. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 48, pp. 76-92. (doi: 10.3138/topia-2023-0035)


Palankasova, B. (2024) Art-as-content: a proposition for value shifts between the feed and the institution. Peer-reviewed Newspaper, 13(1), pp. 3-4.

Palankasova, B. (2024) Between the archive and the feed: feminist digital art practices and the emergence of content value. A Peer-Reviewed Journal About, 13(1), pp. 37-60. (doi: 10.7146/aprja.v13i1.151231)

Palankasova, B. (2024) World-Building Through Techno-Scientific Creative Practice: A Case Study of Workshops as Material Discursive Curatorial Tools. In: 29th International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA): Everywhen, Brisbane, Australia, 21 Jun - 29 Jun 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Palankasova, B. and Cook, S. (2024) Historicising media arts: the role of documentation and records of festivals. Media | Archive | Performance, 14,

Paton, C. and McMenemy, D. (2024) The influences of communitarian philosophy in public policy: mapping the discourse of Scottish public library strategy. Journal of Documentation, 80(1), pp. 73-100. (doi: 10.1108/JD-02-2023-0020)


Spooner, R. (2024) Critical Interweavings: Walking as Decolonial Heritage Practice. In: Heritages: Past and Present – Built and Social, Prague, Czech Republic, 28-30 Jun 2023, pp. 450-459.

Spooner, R. (2024) Every Blade of Grass, Every Rock: A Heritage Trail Uncovering Kelvingrove Park’s History of Slavery, Colonialism and Imperialism. [Artefact]

Spooner, R. (2024) Interweaving and intervening: Walking-with “hidden” histories of empire in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow. Radical History Review, 152, (Accepted for Publication)


Terras, M., Nockels, J., Ames, S., Gooding, P. , Stauder, A. and Mühlberger, G. (2024) On automating editions: the affordances of handwritten text recognition platforms for scholarly editing. Scholarly Editing, 41, (doi: 10.55520/W257A74E)


Zhao, M., Harvey, M., Cameron, D. and Hopfgartner, F. (2024) The Effect of Simulated Contextual Factors on Recipe Rating and Nutritional Intake Behaviour. In: 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, Sheffield, UK, 10-14 Mar 2024, pp. 97-107. ISBN 9798400704345 (doi: 10.1145/3627508.3638328)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:37 2025 GMT.


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Number of items: 32.


Almutairi, H. N., Gooding, P. and Redhead, A. (2023) Female Academics’ Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in a Gender Non-Mixed Work Environment. In: 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-08 Sep 2023, pp. 1684-1688. ISBN 9781914587733 (doi: 10.34190/eckm.24.2.1224)


Berryman, J. (2023) Wollheim on art's historicity: an intersection of theoretical art history and the philosophy of art. British Journal of Aesthetics, (doi: 10.1093/aesthj/ayad024) (Early Online Publication)

Bhandari, A. and Noone, R. (2023) Support local: Google Maps’ local guides platform, spatial power and constructions of “the local”. Communication, Culture and Critique, 16(3), pp. 198-207. (doi: 10.1093/ccc/tcad018)


Cook, S. (2023) The Lives of Net Art. [Artefact]

Cook, S. (2023) Net art at Tate: ‘Always under review’. [Website]

Cook, S. and Palankasova, B. (2023) Communicating research to the public: creative publics, cross-disciplinary engagement and para-academic practices. In: King, Brad (ed.) New Directions for University Museums. Series: A lord cultural resources book. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland, pp. 207-220. ISBN 9781538157725


Economou, M. , Lloyd, K. and Spooner, R. (2023) Trends in museum studies programs: supporting critical thinkers and critical doers. In: King, Brad (ed.) New Directions for University Museums. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland, pp. 139-157. ISBN 9781538157725

Economou, M. and McConway, N. (2023) Beyond Reach: Reassessing ‘Best Practice’ for Digital Audience Engagement. In: MuseWeb 2023, Washington, D.C., USA, 3-5 April 2023,


Gooding, P. (2023) Informational abundance and material absence in the digitised early modern press: the case for contextual digitisation. In: Brownlees, Nicholas (ed.) The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation 1640–1800. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474499170 (In Press)

Gooding, P. (2023) Libraries, archives, and the born-digital humanities. In: Galina Russell, Isabel and Layne-Worthey, Glen (eds.) Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities. Series: Routledge companions to the digital humanities. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)

Gow, A. (2023) Collaborative Online International Learning: A Case Study. In: International Conference on Education and New Developments (END 2023), Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 Jun 2023, pp. 23-26. ISBN 9789893510643


Hannaford, E. , Alexander, M. , Hughes, L. and Lewis, R. (2023) Our Heritage, Our Stories: Democratising the UK National Collection. Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, 10-14 Jul 2023. p. 565.

Hicks, A. and Noone, R. (2023) Information in crisis mode? A conceptual analysis of the information crisis discourse. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 603-607. (doi: 10.1002/pra2.824)

Hughes, L. , Alexander, M. , Barker, H., Batista-Navarro, R., Hannaford, E. D. , Nenandic, G. and Willcox, P. (2023) Second Report - Our Heritage, Our Stories: Linking and Searching Community-Generated Digital Content to Develop the People's National Collection. Project Report. Zenodo, University of Glasgow, University of Manchester. (doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.8010441).


Kist, C. , Economou, M. , St Clair Inglis, C., Babes, P., Kneale, A. and Norfolk, H. (2023) Surfacing the National Collections: adapting image cataloguing standards to transform access to National Museums Scotland's online collections. Project Report. University of Glasgow and National Museums Scotland. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.302242).


McCue, K. and Hughes, L. (2023) Bibliography of Scottish Literature in Translation: a new beginning. Bottle Imp, Sup. 9, 1-1o.

McMenemy, D. (2023) Ethics And Values-Driven Advocacy and Libraries: Exploring Key Concepts. Discussion Paper. CILIPS, Glasgow.

McMenemy, D. (2023) Lex Informatica and Freedom of Expression: Reflections on the Regulation of Internet Trolling Behaviors. In: iConference 2023, Virtual, 13-17 March 2023, pp. 242-255. ISBN 9783031280344 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28035-1_17)

McMenemy, D. , Robinson, E. and Ruthven, I. (2023) The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on public libraries in the UK: findings from a national study. Public Library Quarterly, 42(1), pp. 92-110. (doi: 10.1080/01616846.2022.2058860)


Nockels, J., Terras, M. and Gooding, P. (2023) A Speculative Design for Future Handwritten Text Recognition: HTR Use, and its Impact on Historical Research and the Digital Record. Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria, 10-14 July 2023.


Oltmann, S., Knox, E., McMenemy, D. and Hamilton, S. (2023) Neutrality in library and information ethics: a debate in alternative foundations. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 821-824. (doi: 10.1002/pra2.869)


Palankasova, B. (2023) The Future Everything Story: Assembling a Timeline Part 1. Discover the history and current significance of FutureEverything. [Website]

Palankasova, B. (2023) The Future Everything Story: Assembling a Timeline Part 2. Charting the transition from a festival to a novel model of arts and innovation agency. [Website]

Palankasova, B. (2023) How Can Artists Carve Opportunities for Themselves? Webinar: Opportunities for Artists in Northern Ireland, Online, 29 Nov 2023. (Unpublished)

Palankasova, B. and Cook, S. (2023) Art Documentation in the Context of Festival Activity. Transformation Digital Art 2023 Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 16-17 March 2023. (Unpublished)

Palankasova, B. and Cook, S. (2023) Incubators: a conversation and critique. Brooklyn Rail, 2023, May.


Rankin, M., King, K., Paterson, C., Redhead, A. and Convery, S. (2023) Lesley Marion Richmond (1956-2022). Archives and Records, 44(2), pp. 245-249. (doi: 10.1080/23257962.2023.2169265)

Robinson, E., Ruthven, I. and McMenemy, D. (2023) Delivering services in the new normal: recording the experiences of UK public library staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55(3), pp. 617-633. (doi: 10.1177/09610006221093371)

Ruthven, I., Robinson, E. and McMenemy, D. (2023) The value of digital and physical library services in UK public libraries and why they are not interchangeable. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55(4), pp. 1143-1154. (doi: 10.1177/09610006221127027)


Spooner, R. (2023) Critical Interweavings: Walking as Critical Heritage Practice. Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy Seminar Series, Stirling, UK, 31 January 2023.

Spooner, R. (2023) Critical Interweavings: Walking as Decolonial Heritage Practice. Heritages: Past and Present – Built and Social, Prague, Czech Republic, 28-30 June 2023.


Winters, J., Donnay, M., Edmond, J., Murphy, O., Tupman, C., Gooding, P. , Schuster, K., Ciula, A. and Tonra, J. (2023) Enhancing Research and Teaching Capacity through Collaboration: Building a UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association. Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria, 10-14 July 2023.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:39 2025 GMT.


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Number of items: 38.


Bartliff, Z. (2022) Lessons learnt from exploring Cyfraith Hywel through a digital lens. International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages 2022, Leeds, UK, 07 Jul 2022.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2022) A survey on email visualisation research to address the conflict between privacy and access. Archival Science, 22(3), pp. 345-366. (doi: 10.1007/s10502-022-09387-2)

Bartliff, Z. , Scott, D. and Hughes, L. (2022) IIIF4Research website. [Website]

Beale, G. , Smith, N. , Wilkins, T., Schofield, G., Hook, J. and Masinton, A. (2022) Digital creativity and the regional museum: experimental collaboration at the convergence of immersive media and exhibition design. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(4), 78. (doi: 10.1145/3527620)

Berryman, J. (2022) Frederick Antal and the Marxist challenge to art history. History of the Human Sciences, 35(2), pp. 55-76. (doi: 10.1177/09526951211003779)

Berryman, J. (2022) V. Gordon Childe and Arnold Hauser on the social origins of the artist. Thesis Eleven, 168(1), pp. 21-36. (doi: 10.1177/07255136211053384)

Brazier, D., Ryan, B. and Gooding, P. (2022) Evaluation of Inequalities of Access in UK Online Digital Collections: a Systematic Review. ASIS&T 24-Hour Global Conference, 26-27 Apr 2022.


Ciula, A. et al. (2022) Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity in DH in Ireland and the UK. Fourth Discussion Paper of the UK-Ireland DH Network. Discussion Paper. UK/Ireland Digital Humanities Network. (doi: 10.31219/

Cook, S. (2022) Browser Interactions (Has Curating Killed Redux). In: Kristensen, L. and Essvik, O. (eds.) The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age. Rojal Publishing: Gothenberg.

Cook, S. (2022) How are digital artworks curated. Back to the Future: Arts in a Digital Age, University of East Anglia, 10 May 2022.

Cook, S. (2022) Political preoccupations and media art: games and rules of engagement. In: Fields, Alison (ed.) Resistance, Memory, and Play: The work of Joseph DeLappe. Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art: Norman, Oklahoma, pp. 11-20. ISBN 9780578396002

Cook, S. and Hunter, R. (2022) Networked art practice after digital preservation. In: Horáková, Jana, Kupková, Marika and Szűcsová, Monika (eds.) The Black Box Book. Archives and Curatorship in the Age of Transformation of Art Institutions. Masaryk University Press: Brno, pp. 195-227. ISBN 9788028002251 (doi: 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M280-0225-2022-9)

Cook, S. , Laurenson, P. and Webb, K. (2022) The Lives of Artwork. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. , Laurenson, P., Webb, K. and Mind the Film, (2022) What are internet artworks and how do we care for them? [Audio]


Daly, A., McMenemy, D. and Robinson, E. (2022) Staying safe and secure: cybersecurity, surveillance and journalism in Scotland. ILPC Annual Conference 2022, London and Virtual, 17 - 18 November 2022.

Daly, A., Robinson, E. and McMenemy, D. (2022) Cyber security, surveillance and journalism in Scotland. Project Report. Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science, Dundee.


Gooding, P. (2022) Towards critically addressable data for digital library user studies. In: Jaillant, Lise (ed.) Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitized Archival Collection. Series: Digital Humanities Research, 2 (2). Bielefeld University Press, pp. 109-130. ISBN 9783837655841 (doi: 10.1515/9783839455845-005)

Gow, A. , Gooding, P. , Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Simpson, K. (2022) Changing Curriculums for a Changing World? Living in Interesting Times: Digital Preservation Education, Pedagogy and Skills. 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022. (In Press)

Gow, A. and Hutcheson, J. (2022) Pedagogy and Governance: A Perfect Match. In: The International Conference on Education and New Developments, Maderia, Portugal, 17-20 Jun 2022, pp. 215-219. ISBN 9789895361458


Havens, L., Gooding, P. , Lingstadt, K., Forrest, A., MacDonald, A. and Terras, M. (2022) The Library Catalogue as Dataset: Exploring Data Science Approaches to Analyse Collections at Scale. Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK, 08-11 Sep 2022.

Hughes, L. , Alexander, M. , Barker, H., Batista-Navarro, R., Hannaford, E. D. , Nenandic, G. and Willcox, P. (2022) First Report - Our Heritage, Our Stories: Linking and searching community-generated digital content to develop the people's national collection. Project Report. Zenodo. (doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.7152510).

Hughes, L. , Bartliff, Z. and Prescott, A. (2022) IIIF Survey Results. IIIF4Research Network Workshop 4, Online and University of Durham, 09 May 2022.


Jayemanne, D., Daly, A. and McMenemy, D. (2022) Global playgrounds: young people, digital citizenship and loot boxes. In: Flew, Terry, Holt, Jennifer and Thomas, Julian (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of the Digital Media Economy. SAGE Publications: London. ISBN 9781526497994


Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F., Bartliff, Z. and Pal, M. (2022) The Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin’s Personal Cinema: Project as Testbed for Digital Humanities Research. University of Reading Digital Humanities Community of Practice, Online and University of Reading, 23 Feb 2022.

Kist, C. and Mucha, F. (2022) Platforms as bridging digitally enabled participation with exhibitions. In: Carius, Hendrikje and Fackler, Guido (eds.) Exponat – Raum – Interaktion: Perspektiven für das Kuratieren digitaler Ausstellungen. Series: DHetCS - Schriften des Netzwerks für digitale Geisteswissenschaften und Citizen Science (2). V&R unipress: Göttingen, pp. 229-238. ISBN 9783847112587 (doi: 10.14220/9783737012584.229)


McManus, R., Boden, L., Weir, W. , Viora, L. , Barker, R., Kim, Y. , McBride, P. and Yang, S. (2022) Thermography for Disease Detection in Livestock. In: European College of Veterinary Public Health Annual Scientific Conference 2022, Athens, Greece, 28-30 September 2022,

McManus, R., Boden, L., Weir, W. , Viora, L. , Barker, R., Kim, Y. , McBride, P. and Yang, S. (2022) Thermography for disease detection in livestock: a scoping review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 965622. (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.965622) (PMID:36016809) (PMCID:PMC9395652)

McManus, R., Weir, W. , Viora, L. , Barker, R., Kim, Y. , McBride, P. , Yang, S. and Boden, L. (2022) Investigating Gaps For Novel Animal Health Surveillance Data Within Scotland. European Commission for control of foot-and-mouth disease (EUFMD) Open Session (OS22), Marseille, France, 26-28 October 2022.

McMenemy, D. (2022) Information Ethics: Towards a Communitarian Model. Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries Spring Conference, Cardiff, UK, 07-09 Apr 2022.

McMenemy, D. (2022) Internet access and bridging the digital divide: the crucial role of universal service obligations in telecom policy. In: Smits, Malte (ed.) Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (13192). Springer: Cham, pp. 122-134. ISBN 9783030969561 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_12)

McMenemy, D. (2022) Tensions between intellectual property law and freedom of expression: a UK perspective. In: Smits, Malte (ed.) Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (13192). Springer: Cham, pp. 177-184. ISBN 9783030969561 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_16)

More, M. and Spooner, R. (2022) Telling a fuller story: Scottish design, empire and transnational heritage at V&A Dundee. In: Bond, Emma and Morris, Michael (eds.) Scotland's Transnational Heritage: Legacies of Empire and Slavery. Edinburgh University Press1: Edinburgh, pp. 136-154. ISBN 9781474493505


Nockels, J., Terras, M., Gooding, P. and Ames, S. (2022) Understanding the application of handwritten text recognition technology in heritage contexts: a systematic review of Transkribus in published research. Archival Science, 22(3), pp. 367-392. (doi: 10.1007/s10502-022-09397-0)

Nockels, J., Terras, M., Gooding, P. , Muehlberger, G. and Stauder, A. (2022) Are Digital Humanities Platforms Sufficiently Facilitating Diversity in Research? A Study of Transkribus Free Processing Requests. Digital Humanities 2022 (DH2022), 25-29 Jul 2022.


O'Keefe, E., McMenemy, D. and Poole, N. (2022) Pandemic and Beyond Podcast: Episode 23 Libraries in Lockdown. [Audio]


Robinson, E. and McMenemy, D. (2022) Communicating patron rights and responsibilities transparently: creating a model internet acceptable use policy for UK public libraries. Public Library Quarterly, 41(4), pp. 381-405. (doi: 10.1080/01616846.2021.1936883)


Simpson, K. and Ball, H. (2022) Editing to avoid exclusion. Scholarly Editing, 39, (doi: 10.55520/62f8a3m1)


Takele, Y., Adem, E., Ursula Franssen, S., Womersley, R., Kaforou, M., Levin, M., Müller, I., Cotton, J. A. and Kropf, P. (2022) Impaired in vitro Interferon-γ production in patients with visceral leishmaniasis is improved by inhibition of PD1/PDL-1 ligation. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(6), e0010544. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010544) (PMID:35749568) (PMCID:PMC9262188)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:41 2025 GMT.


Jump to: B | C | D | E | G | H | K | L | M | N | R | Z
Number of items: 37.


Bartliff, Z. (2021) First steps towards an UnEdition of Cyfraith Hywel. Dark Archives 2021 - Birth of the Unedition, Online, 18 Mar 2021.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2021) Dwoskin's Digital Footprints in the Archive. University of Sheffield Workshop, Online, 07 June 2021.

Benatti, F., Gooding, P. and Sillence, M. (2021) Learning digital humanities in a community of practice: the DEAR model of postgraduate research training. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 15(3),

Berryman, J. (2021) Bernard Smith and Robert Hughes: A critical dialogue. Journal of Art Historiography, 25,

Bradley, L. , Kim, Y. and Selvaretnam, G. (2021) Using Opinion Mining to Understand Student Evaluation of Teaching. In: Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching and Student Experience (LTSE) 2021, 29-30 Jun 2021, pp. 52-58.


Cannelli, B. et al. (2021) Next Generation Careers in and from Digital Humanities: Third Discussion Paper of the UK-Ireland DH Network. Discussion Paper. Digital Humanities Research Network.

Castriota, B. (2021) Object trouble: constructing and performing artwork identity in the museum. ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History(SI 1), pp. 12-22.

Castriota, B. and Marçal, H. (2021) Always already fragment: integrity, deferral, and possibility in the conservation of cultural heritage. In: Schädler-Saub, Ursula and Weyer, Angela (eds.) Das Fragment im digitalen Zeitalter: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Techniken in der Restaurierung. Series: Schriften des Hornemann Instituts (21). Hendrik Baßler Verlag: Berlin, pp. 63-78. ISBN 9783945880692

Cook, S. (2021) Afterword to Re@ct: Social Change Art Technology. NMC Media-N, 17(2), pp. 173-176.

Cook, S. (2021) Curating data-driven information-based art: outlive or let die. In: Muller, Lizzie and Seck Langill, Caroline (eds.) Curating Lively Objects: Exhibitions Beyond Disciplines. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9780367148027

Cook, S. (2021) The ‘Lives' of Artworks: Networks of Care in Collections. Invited Lecture, Hospitalfield (Unpublished)

Cook, S. (2021) A note to introduce Joanna Walsh’s 9 1/2 EXEMPLARY THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS. NMC Media-N, 17(2), pp. 155-156.

Cook, S. (2021) A note to introduce Steve Lambert’s Art and Fear of Propaganda. NMC Media-N, 17(2), pp. 142-143.

Cook, S. (2021) Sleep Mode. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. , Black, S., Carre, M. and Kothe, J. (2021) New Forms of Togetherness. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. , DeLappe, J. and Leuzzi, L. (2021) Special Issue: Re@ct: Social Change Art Technology [guest editor]. NMC Media-N, 17(2),

Cook, S. , Ginsberg, A. D. and Barker, T. (2021) Programmable Nature: Conversations with Artists. Digital Departures Lab and the Dear Green Bothy, University of Glasgow, 26 October 2021 – 17 January 2022.


Duguid, T. (2021) Before and after: reforming Scottish liturgical music. In: Hazlett, Ian (ed.) A Companion to the Reformation in Scotland, c.1525–1638: Frameworks of Change and Development. Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition (100). Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 286-312. ISBN 9789004329720 (doi: 10.1163/9789004335950_013)

Duguid, T. (2021) Behind the times? Digital research methods and the music classroom. Notes, 77(4), pp. 519-538. (doi: 10.1353/not.2021.0037)

Duguid, T. (2021) Early modern Scottish metrical psalmody: origins and practice. Yale Journal of Music and Religion, 7(1), 1. (doi: 10.17132/2377-231x.1150)


Eagleton, C., Oles, K., Economou, M. , Curtis, N., Collinson, L. and Waters, S. (2021) Turning a pivot into a ‘new normal’? Online teaching and learning with digitised collections in higher education contexts. ICOM Voices, 29 Jun.

Economou, M. , Simpson, A., Lourenço, M. C., Nyst, N. and Soubiran, S. (2021) UMAC-Universeum Annual Conference Proceedings 2021 [Co-Edited]. University Museums and Collections Journal, 13(1),

Economou, M. , Simpson, A., Lourenço, M. C., Nyst, N. and Soubiran, S. (2021) Universities, museums, collections and heritage: A time of challenge and change. University Museums and Collections Journal, 13(1), pp. 5-7.


Gambell, S. et al. (2021) Communicating the Value and Impact of Digital Humanities in Teaching, Research, and Infrastructure Development. Project Report. Digital Humanities Research Network. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5643727).

Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L. (2021) Identifying the future direction of legal deposit in the United Kingdom: the Digital Library Futures approach. Journal of Documentation, 77(5), pp. 1154-1172. (doi: 10.1108/JD-09-2020-0159)


Hanna, E., Hughes, L. M. , Noakes, L., Pennell, C. and Wallis, J. (2021) Reflections on the Centenary of the First World War: Learning and Legacies for the Future. Project Report. AHRC.


Kist, C. (2021) Museum Social Media Practices: In Need of Repair? In: First International Conference, RISE IMET 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2-4 June 2021, pp. 282-293. ISBN 9783030836467 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-83647-4_19)

Kist, C. (2021) Repairing online spaces for "safe" outreach with older adults. Museums and Social Issues, 15(1-2), pp. 98-112. (doi: 10.1080/15596893.2022.2064983)

Kist, C. and Tran, Q.-T. (2021) Breaking boundaries, creating connectivities: enabling access to digitized museum collections. In: Rauterberg, Matthias (ed.) Culture and Computing. Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts: 9th International Conference, C&C 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (12794). Springer: Cham, pp. 406-422. ISBN 9783030774103 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77411-0_26)


Lewis, S., Gooding, P. and Furlough, M. (2021) Investigations into a Global Digitisation Dataset. Digital Archive and Kanon, 10 Mar 2021.


McCue, K. and Duguid, T. (2021) Singing about Mary: the story of Donizetti's Maria Stuarda. [Website]

McMenemy, D. (2021) No longer “neutral among ends” – liberal versus communitarian ethics in library and information science. In: Toeppe, Katharina, Yan, Hui and Chu, Samuel Kai Wah (eds.) Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue: 16th International Conference, iConference 2021, Beijing, China, March 17–31, 2021, Proceedings, Part II. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (12646). Springer: Cham, pp. 207-214. ISBN 9783030713041 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_16)

Mucha, F. (2021) Participation in Cultural Heritage Hackathons: ‘Carsharing’ Between ‘Meaningful Nonsense’ and ‘Unromantic’ Networking. In: First International Conference, RISE IMET 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2-4 June 2021, pp. 269-281. ISBN 9783030836467 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-83647-4_18)


Noone, R. (2021) Locating Embodied Forms of Urban Wayfinding: An Exploration. In: iConference 2021, Beijing, China, 17-31 Mar 2021, pp. 635-644. ISBN 9783030712914 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-71292-1_49)


Robinson, E., McMenemy, D. and Ruthven, I. (2021) Downloading the New Normal: Exploring Public Library Digital Service Use During COVID: Some Preliminary Findings from Scottish Data. CILIPS Annual Conference 2021 (CILIPS 2021), 07-08 Jun 2021.

Romanova, N. et al. (2021) Capacity Enhancement in Digital Humanities in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Training and Beyond. Discussion Paper. Digital Humanities Research Network. (doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.5105938).


Zwart, I., Boersma, S., Mucha, F. and Kist, C. (2021) Book review essay: Care-ful Participation in Museums: a review of The Museum as a Space of Social Care by Nuala Morse. Museum Worlds, 9(1), pp. 208-214. (doi: 10.3167/armw.2021.090115)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:43 2025 GMT.


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Number of items: 24.


Bartliff, Z. (2020) Using Semantic Textual Encoding to Support the Navigation and Analysis of Medieval Texts. Dark Archives 2020, Online, 8-10 Sep 2020.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Baxter, G. (2020) Visualisation of Hard Drive Content to Support Archival Processes for Personal Digital Archives. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2020), 22 Oct - 01 Nov 2020. e329. (doi: 10.1002/pra2.329)

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. , Hopfgartner, F. and Baxter, G. (2020) Leveraging digital forensics and data exploration to understand the creative work of a filmmaker: a case study of Stephen Dwoskin’s digital archive. Information Processing and Management, 57(6), 102339. (doi: 10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102339)

Berryman, J. (2020) Human remains as documents: implications for repatriation. Journal of Documentation, 76(1), pp. 258-270. (doi: 10.1108/JD-04-2019-0060)

Burke, L. and Simpson, K. (2020) Neither literature nor object: children’s writings in the digital public realm. Magazén, 1(2), pp. 249-270. (doi: 10.30687/mag/2724-3923/2020/02/005)


Cook, S. (2020) Sleep Mode. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. and Hunter, R. (2020) Networked Art Practice After Digital Preservation. Digital Curator, Brno, Czech Republic, 02-03 Dec 2020.


De Rycker, M. et al. (2020) Setting our sights on infectious diseases. ACS Infectious Diseases, 6(1), pp. 3-13. (doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00371) (PMID:31808676) (PMCID:PMC6958537)

Duguid, T. (2020) The Forgotten Classroom? Bringing Music Encoding to a New Generation. In: Music Encoding Conference 2020, 26-29 May 2020, (doi: 10.17613/fbqn-s474)


Gooding, P. (2020) The library in digital humanities: interdisciplinary approaches to digital materials. In: Schuster, Kristen and Dunn, Stuart (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Research Methods in Digital Humanities. Series: Routledge international handbooks. Routledge: Oxon, UK, pp. 137-152. ISBN 9781138363021 (doi: 10.4324/9780429777028-11)

Gooding, P. (2020) Spotting Clouds on the Horizon: User-Centric Evaluation after the Digital Archival Turn. Archives, Access and AI, London, UK, 15-17 Jan 2020.

Gooding, P. and Fulkerson, N. (2020) Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: Final Report of the Global Digitised Dataset Network. Project Report. GDDNetwork, Glasgow and Ann Arbor, MI.

Gooding, P. and Terras, M. (2020) ‘An ark to save learning from deluge’? Reconceptualising legal deposit after the digital turn. In: Gooding, Paul and Terras, Melissa (eds.) Electronic Legal Deposit: Shaping the Library Collections of the Future. Series: Facet studies in information science (1). Facet Publishing: London, pp. 203-228. ISBN 9781783303779


Hughes, L. , Benardou, A. and Gow, A. (2020) English language and digital cultural heritage. In: Adolphs, Svenja and Knight, Dawn (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138901766

Hughes, L. M. and Anderson, I. G. (2020) Centenary (Internet). In: Daniel, Ute, Gatrell, Peter, Janz, Oliver, Jones, Heather, Keene, Jennifer, Kramer, Alan and Nasson, Bill (eds.) 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin. (doi: 10.15463/ie1418.11490)

Hunter, R. and Cook, S. (2020) Networked Art Practice After Digital Preservation. ISEA 2020, Montreal, Canada, 13-18 Oct 2020.


Kim, Y. (2020) Being Privately Open and Openly Private: a Call for Sustainable AI in the Archives. AURA Network Workshop: Open Data Versus Privacy, 16-17 Nov 2020.

Kist, C. (2020) Museums, challenging heritage and social media during COVID-19. Museum and Society, 18(3), pp. 345-348. (doi: 10.29311/mas.v18i3.3539)


McMenemy, D. (2020) Governance of public library services: how philosophical approaches to a public service impact on practice. In: Abbott-Halpin, Edward and Rankin, Carolynn (eds.) Public Library Governance: International Perspectives. Series: IFLA publications (176). De Gruyter Saur, pp. 63-77. ISBN 9783110533323 (doi: 10.1515/9783110533323-006)


Robertson, C. and McMenemy, D. (2020) The hollowing out of children's public library services in England from 2010-2016. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), pp. 91-105. (doi: 10.1177/0961000618771139)

Robinson, E. and McMenemy, D. (2020) ‘To be understood as to understand’: a readability analysis of public library acceptable use policies. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(3), pp. 713-725. (doi: 10.1177/0961000619871598)


Spooner, R. (2020) Critical Heritage Walk: Kelvingrove Park. [Website]

Spooner, R. (2020) What's in a name? Empire Museum: Scottish Museum of Empire, Slavery, Colonialism and Migration,


Walter, E. (2020) Predating the ‘Glasgow Miracle’: the 1990s avant-garde art of Diane Torr at Franklin Furnace. Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History, 25, pp. 24-30.

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Number of items: 44.


Badzmierowska, K. et al. (2019) D3.9 – Pilot experience(s) based on platform final release. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Bartliff, Z. , Kim, Y. and Hopfgartner, F. (2019) Exploration of Dwoskin’s Digital Legacy. Screen Studies Conference (SSC2019), Glasgow, UK, 28-30 Jun 2019.

Benardou, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2019) A world of immersive experiences. History Scotland, 19(2), pp. 8-9.

Benatti, F., Gooding, P. and Sillence, M. (2019) Developing a Community of Practice: The CHASE Model for Digital Humanities Researcher Training. Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9-12 July 2019.

Berryman, J. (2019) A comparison of the German and Russian literary intelligentsia in Arnold Hauser’s Social History of Art. Studies in East European Thought, 71, pp. 141-155. (doi: 10.1007/s11212-019-09327-4)

Bradley, L. , Selvaretnam, G. and Kim, Y. (2019) Using Opinion Mining to Understand and Respond to Student Feedback on Teaching. BAFA Accounting Education SIG Annual Conference 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 22-24 May 2019. (Unpublished)


Clark, H.-L. , Gambell, S., Mucha, F. , MacLean, R. , Rankin, M. and Rowan, R. (2019) Global History Hackathon Playbook Version 1.1: Practical Guidance for Hosting a Hackathon for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Cook, S. (2019) 2019 NEoN Digital Arts Festival: React. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2019) 24/7: a Wake-up Call for our Non-Stop World. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2019) Foreword. In: Robinson, Alistair and Kennedy, Madeleine (eds.) Kelly Richardson: Pillars of Dawn. Series: Kerber art. Kerber Verlag: Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 7-10. ISBN 9783735605443

Cook, S. (2019) Structural subjectivities. In: Trevor Paglen: From Apple to Anomaly Catalogue. Barbican: London. ISBN 9780995708266


Duguid, T. C. , Feustle, M., Giannetti, F. and Grumbach, E. (2019) Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): a research environment for a more democratic digital musicology. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 13(1),


Economou, M. , Ruthven, I., Galani, A., Dobreva, M. and de Niet, M. (2019) Special Issue on Evaluation of Digital Cultural Resources [Guest Editors]. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 12(1),

Economou, M. , Ruthven, I., Galani, A., Dobreva, M. and de Niet, M. (2019) Editorial note for Special Issue on the Evaluation of Digital Cultural Resources—January 2019. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 12(1), 1e. (doi: 10.1145/3307313)

Economou, M. , Young, H. and Sosnowska, E. (2019) Ebutius’s Dilemma. [Website]

Economou, M. , Young, H. and Sosnowska, E. (2019) Evaluating emotional engagement in digital stories for interpreting the past. The case of the Hunterian Museum’s Antonine Wall EMOTIVE experiences. In: 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress, San Francisco, CA, USA, 26-30 Oct 2018, ISBN 9781728102924 (doi: 10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2018.8810043)

Economou, M. et al. (2019) D9.4 Summative Evaluation of Final release (platform and experiences). Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Gil-Fuentetaja, I. and Economou, M. (2019) Communicating museum collections information online: Analysis of the philosophy of communication extending the constructivist approach. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 12(1), 3. (doi: 10.1145/3283253)

Ginsberg, A.D., Witaszczyk, P., Aurelia Soundworks, , Mustill, L., Reekie, J. and Cook, S. (2019) Machine Auguries: London. [Artefact]

Gooding, P. (2019) The GDD Network: Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts. DCDC 2019, Birmingham, UK, 12-14 Nov 2019.

Gooding, P. (2019) Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: The GDDNetwork. OCLC Mini-Symposium on the Discovery and Use of Open Collections, Leiden, The Netherlands, 19 Jun 2019.

Gooding, P. , Smith, J. and Mann, J. (2019) The forensic imagination: interdisciplinary approaches to tracing creativity in writers' born-digital archives. Archives and Manuscripts, 47(3), pp. 374-390. (doi: 10.1080/01576895.2019.1608837)

Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L. (2019) Towards User-Centric Evaluation of UK Non-Print Legal Deposit. Digital Library Futures: Symposium on Non-Print Legal Deposit, Cambridge, UK, 21 May 2019.

Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L. (2019) Towards User-Centric Evaluation of UK Non-Print Legal Deposit: a Digital Library Futures White Paper. Project Report. Digital Library Futures.

Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L. (2019) User-Centric Evaluation of Non-Print Legal Deposit in the United Kingdom: the Digital Library Futures Approach. In: 13th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, Aberystwyth, Wales, 23-25 Jul 2019,

Gooding, P. , Terras, M., Berube, L., Bennett, M. and Hadden, R. (2019) Subjectifying Library Users to the Macroscope Using Automatic Classification Matching. Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9-12 July 2019.

Gow, A. (2019) Sometimes Students Make the Best Teachers: Developing and Enhancing Graduate Skills. In: International Conference on Education and New Development (END 2019), Porto, Portugal, 22-24 Jun 2019, pp. 26-28. ISBN 9789895431250


McMenemy, D. and Buchanan, S. (2019) Character building in children's online information behaviours: applying a virtue epistemology perspective to information literacy. In: Kurbanoğlu, Serap, Špiranec, Sonja, Ünal, Yurdagül, Boustany, Joumana, Huotari, Maija Leena, Grassian, Esther, Mizrachi, Diane and Roy, Loriene (eds.) Information Literacy in Everyday Life: 6th European Conference, ECIL 2018, Oulu, Finland, September 24–27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Series: Communications in computer and information science (989). Springer: Cham, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9783030134716 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-13472-3_7)

Mucha, F. (2019) Das Stadtlabor Digital – partizipative und digitale Museumspraxis. Museumskunde, 84, pp. 42-47.

Mucha, F. (2019) Digital Museum Practice #18 – Decoding Objects. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2019) Digitale Museumspraxis: Eine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise. Manual. Verband der Museen der Schweiz, Zurich.

Mucha, F. (2019) Ein ganzes Museum verändern. Interview mit Susanne Gesser und Angela Jannelli über Partizipation am Historischen Museum Frankfurt. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2019) Was ist Digitale Museumspraxis = [What is digital museum practice]. In: Gerchow, J. and Gessers, S. (eds.) Digitale Museumspraxis. Series: CURA (19). Historisches Museum Frankfurt: Frankfurt, pp. 14-21. ISBN 9783892820680

Mucha, F. (2019) Wir wollen in die Köpfe.“ Interview mit Stephan Bartholmei über den Kultur-Hackathon Coding Da Vinci. [Website]


Oliva, R. and Kim, Y. (2019) Understanding Sensitivity: a First Step Towards Automating Sensitivity Review. Archives, Access and AI: Working with Born-Digital and Digitised Archival Collections, London, UK, 15-17 Jan 2020.


Perry, S., Economou, M. and Young, H. (2019) D1.8 Guidelines for Societal Acceptance and Ethical considerations – Third Release. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Prescott, A. , Scott, D. , Ali, S. and Guariento, L. (2019) A Digital Blast. University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9781527247857


Redhead, A. (2019) The Archivist and the Priest: Reflections on Ideas of Memory and Community in the Celebration of the Eucharist. Scottish Church History Society Spring Conference, Dundee, UK, 16th March 2019. (Unpublished)

Redhead, A. (2019) Thirty Years of Online Archives - A Look Back Before Moving Forward. Archive Inspirations: Using New Technologies to Exploit Archive Collections, Glasgow, UK, 25th April 2019. (Unpublished)


Spooner, R. (2019) Day-tripping: Urban excursions and the architecture of international exhibitions. Architectural Theory Review, 23(3), pp. 326-344. (doi: 10.1080/13264826.2019.1698398)

Spooner, R. (2019) Deconstructing Empire: Robert Weir Schultz’s Anglican Cathedral, Khartoum. Transnational Scotland: Reconnecting Heritage Stories through Museum Object Collections, V&A Museum of Design, Dundee, 6 August 2019.

Spooner, R. (2019) Hidden in Plain Sight: Tracing Histories of Empire in Glasgow. Association for Art History 2019 Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 04-06 Apr 2019.

Spooner, R. (2019) Learning through Doing, Learning through Sharing: Linking Museum Theory and Practice through Professional Work Placements. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Szprot, J., Arpagaus, B., Ciula, A., Clivaz, C., Gabay, S., Honegger, M., Hughes, L. , Immenhauser, B., Jakeman, N. and Lhotak, M. (2019) D3.4 Final Report: Regularly Monitor Country-Specific Progress in Enabling New DARIAH Membership. Other. DARIAH ERIC.

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Number of items: 44.


Anderson, I. G. (2018) Understanding the digital legacy of the World War One: Cymru1914. Cultural Trends, 27(2), pp. 99-118. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2018.1453443)


Barr, M. (2018) A game-based approach to developing graduate attributes: reflections on a cross-disciplinary project. Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology Inaugural Conference, Birmingham, UK, 06-07 June 2018.

Barr, M. (2018) Student attitudes to games-based skills development: learning from video games in higher education. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, pp. 283-294. (doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.11.030)

Benardou, A., Champion, E., Dallas, C. and Hughes, L. (2018) Introduction: a critique of digital practices and research infrastructures. In: Benardou, Agiatis, Champion, Erik, Dallas, Costis and Hughes, Lorna (eds.) Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities. Series: Digital research in the arts and humanities. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9781472447128

Berryman, J. (2018) Art as document: on conceptual art and documentation. Journal of Documentation, 74(6), pp. 1149-1161. (doi: 10.1108/JD-01-2018-0010)

Berryman, J. (2018) The Blockbuster’s ‘Alibi’: The Exhibition Catalogue and Legitimacy. The Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 5-7 December 2018.


Cook, S. (2018) 2018 NEoN Digital Arts Festival: Lifespans. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2018) Semantic analysis: the art of parsing found text. In: Andersson, Andrea (ed.) Postscript: Writing After Conceptual Art. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, pp. 186-196. ISBN 9781442649842

Craig, M. H. (2018) The library. In: Campbell, Mungo and Flis, Nathan (eds.) William Hunter and the Anatomy of the Modern Museum. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300236651


Economou, M. (2018) The Hunterian hosts UNIVERSEUM 2018. [Website]

Economou, M. , Young, H. , Katifori, A., Perry, S., Mili, S., Mohammed, R., Sosnowska, E. , Roussou, M., Adami, M. and McKinney, S. (2018) D9.3 - Summative Evaluation of Beta release (platform and experiences). Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Gooding, P. , Smith, J. and Mann, J. (2018) The Forensic Imagination: Co-Developing Interdisciplinary Approaches to Writers' Born-Digital Archives. After the Digital Revolution, London, UK, 25-26 Jan 2018.

Gooding, P. , Terras, M. and Berube, L. (2018) Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities: a Universe of Lost Opportunity? Digital Humanities 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, 26-29 Jun 2018. pp. 590-592.

Gow, A. and Redhead, A. (2018) Theory and Practice: The Professional Placement as a Learning Experience. In: 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018,

Green, J. M.E. (2018) Digital manuscripts as sites of touch: using social media for 'hands-on' engagement with medieval manuscript materiality. Archive Journal, 6,


Mason, R., Galani, A., Lloyd, K. and Sayner, J. (2018) Experiencing mixed emotions in the museum: empathy, affect, and memory in visitors' responses to histories of migration. In: Smith, Laurajane, Wetherell, Margaret and Campbell, Gary (eds.) Emotion, Affective Practices, and the Past in the Present. Series: Key issues in cultural heritage. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 124-148. ISBN 9780815370024 (doi: 10.4324/9781351250962-8)

McBride, P. (2018) Recovery of electronic documents: time for guidance? Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 63(7), pp. 20-22.

McRostie, D. and Konstantelos, L. (2018) Supporting digital scholarship and the digital humanities: a collaboration on concept, space and services between the Library and Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. In: Atkinson, Jeremy (ed.) Collaboration and the Academic Library: Internal and External, Local and Regional, National and International. Chandos Publishing: Kidlington, pp. 117-129. ISBN 9780081020845 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102084-5.00011-0)

Mucha, F. (2018) Digitale Museumspraxis #12 – Inreach! [Website]

Mucha, F. (2018) Digitale Museumspraxis #13 – Stop-Motion. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2018) Digitale Museumspraxis #14 – Gamification. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2018) Digitale Museumspraxis #15 – Collection. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2018) Digitale Museumspraxis #17 – Hackathons. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2018) Use the Museum! Five Suggestions How Museums Can Connect with Digital Culture. [Website]


Nic Craith, M., Kockel, U. and Lloyd, K. (2018) The convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: absentees, objections and assertions. In: Akagawa, Natsuko and Smith, Laurajane (eds.) Safeguarding Intangible Heritage: Practices and Politics. Series: Key issues in cultural heritage. Routledge: London ; New York, NY, pp. 118-132. ISBN 9781138580756 (doi: 10.4324/9780429507137-8)


O'Malley, B., Badzmierowska, K., O hOisin, N., Katifori, A., McKinney, S., Dennis, M., Perry, S., Economou, M. , Young, H. and Adami, M. (2018) D3.8 – Pilot experience(s) based on platform beta release. Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Perry, S., Economou, M. , Young, H. , Katifori, A. and Roussou, M. (2018) D9.2 – Formative Evaluation Results. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Perry, S., Katifori, A., Economou, M. and Young, H. (2018) D3.2 – User Requirements and Scenarios - Beta. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Perry, S., Roussou, M., Economou, M. , Pujol-Tost, L. and Young, H. (2018) Moving Beyond the Virtual Museum: Engaging Visitors Emotionally. In: 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 31 Oct - 04 Nov 2017, ISBN 9781538644959 (doi: 10.1109/VSMM.2017.8346276)

Phiri, M. J. and Tough, A. G. (2018) Managing university records in the world of governance. Records Management Journal, 28(1), pp. 47-61. (doi: 10.1108/RMJ-11-2016-0042)

Prescott, A. and Hughes, L. M. (2018) Why do we digitize? The case for slow digitization. Archive Journal,

Pujol, L., Perry, S., Katifori, A., Economou, M. , Young, H. and Stefanou, H. (2018) D1.6 - Guidelines for Societal Acceptance and Ethical considerations. Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Smith, N. , Beale, G. , Richards, J. and Scholma-Mason, N. (2018) Maeshowe: the application of RTI to Norse runes (data paper). Internet Archaeology, 47, (doi: 10.11141/ia.47.8)

Sosnowska, E. (2018) Sensoryscapes: multisensory media art by Masaki Fujihata. In: Fujihata, Masaki (ed.) Augmenting the World: Masaki Fujihata and Hybrid Space-Time Art. Laznia Center for Contemporary Art: Gdansk. ISBN 9788361646105

Spooner, R. (2018) Connecting Canada and Glasgow, Second City of Empire. [Audio]

Spooner, R. (2018) Showing and Telling: Object Lessons at International World’s Fairs. Association for Art History Annual Conference, London, UK, 5-7 Apr 2018.

Spooner, R. (2018) Whose Footsteps? Mapping Glasgow’s Imperial Past in Kelvingrove. [Performance]

Spooner, R. (2018) 'Prime Minister in the Home Department': female gendered identity in Colonial Upper Canada. In: Dias, Rosie and Smith, Kate (eds.) British Women and Cultural Practices of Empire, 1770-1940. Series: Material culture of art and design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London, pp. 193-214. ISBN 9781501332159

Spooner, R. (2018) Working Beyond Nine to Five: Reflections from an Early Career Academic. Association for Art History Careers Day, Glasgow, UK, 6 Dec 2018.

Stuart, S. A.J. (2018) Enkinaesthesia: proto-moral value in action-enquiry and interaction. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 17(2), pp. 411-431. (doi: 10.1007/s11097-017-9509-z)


Todorova, E. and Barr, M. (2018) Practical Applications of Game-Based Learning in the HE Classroom. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018. (Unpublished)

Tough, A. G. (2018) The scope and appetite for technology-assisted sensitivity reviewing of born-digital records in a resource poor environment: a case study from Malawi. In: Ngulube, Patrick (ed.) Handbook of Research on Heritage Management and Preservation. Series: Advances in religious and cultural studies. IGI Global, pp. 175-182. ISBN 9781522531371 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3137-1.ch009)

Tough, A. G. (2018) White British diasporas in East and Central Africa: Resources for study and future heritage provision. In: Ngulube, Patrick (ed.) Handbook of Research on Heritage Management and Preservation. Series: Advances in religious and cultural studies. IGI Global, pp. 114-125. (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3137-1.ch006)


Williams, N., McMenemy, D. and Smith, L. (2018) Scottish Chilling: Impact of Government and Corporate Surveillance on Writers. Project Report. Scottish PEN.

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Jump to: A | B | C | D | E | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | V | W
Number of items: 54.


Acar, E., Hopfgartner, F. and Albayrak, S. (2017) A comprehensive study on mid-level representation and ensemble learning for emotional analysis of video material. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(9), pp. 11809-11837. (doi: 10.1007/s11042-016-3618-5)


Barr, M. (2017) Playing Games at University: the Role of Video Games in Higher Education and Beyond. Games and Simulation enhanced Learning (GSeL) Conference, Plymouth, UK, 03 Nov 2017.

Barr, M. (2017) Press Start: the value of an online student-led, peer-reviewed game studies journal. Research in Learning Technology, 25, 1982.

Barr, M. (2017) Video games can develop graduate skills in higher education students: a randomised trial. Computers and Education, 113, pp. 86-97. (doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2017.05.016)

Bartliff, Z. (2017) The Language of Othering in Medieval Wales, Pre- and Post-Conquest. International Medieval Conference 2017, Leeds, UK, 03-06 Jul 2017.

Berryman, J. (2017) Gombrich’s critique of Hauser’s Social History of Art. History of European Ideas, 43(5), pp. 494-506. (doi: 10.1080/01916599.2017.1373372)

Berryman, J. (2017) The theme of civilization in Manning Clark’s History of Australia. History Australia, 14(1), pp. 82-98. (doi: 10.1080/14490854.2017.1286706)

Berryman, J. and Stone, C. (2017) Australian national anthologies: A study of poems and poets. Journal of Australian Studies, 41(1), pp. 47-64. (doi: 10.1080/14443058.2016.1272477)


Cook, S. (2017) 2017 NEoN Digital Arts Festival: Media Archaeology. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2017) Media Archaeology: Excavations. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. and de Wild, K. (2017) New media art and canonization: a round-robin conversation. In: Iskin, Ruth E. (ed.) Re-envisioning the Contemporary Art Canon: Perspectives in a Global World. Routledge: London, pp. 171-186. ISBN 9781138192683

Costis, D. et al. (2017) European Survey on Scholarly Practices and Digital Needs in the Arts and Humanities. Project Report. DARIAH; DIMPO. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.260101).


Da Cunha, R., Bernardo, N., Wong, A., Economou, M. , Chaffardon, C., Birchall, D. and van der Zouwe, W. (2017) Interview with Spokes: 'Lookout: Digital Storytellers. Six professionals on what it means to tell stories using digital technologies'. Spokes: The Science Engagement Magazine, 29,


Economou, M. (2017) Use And Impact Of Digital In Cultural Heritage: Insights From The Scottish Network Of Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation. MW17: Museums and the Web 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA, 19-22 April 2017.

Economou, M. , Gaston, H., Capaldi, E., Keen, A. and Gullotta, A. (2017) ‘Beauty in Hell: Culture in the Gulag’ [Virtual Exhibition]. [Exhibitions]

Economou, M. , Perry, S., Young, H. , Katifori, A. and Roussou, M. (2017) D9.1 –Evaluation Framework and Guidelines. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Economou, M. and Young, H. (2017) Showcasing EMOTIVE storytelling about Romans at the Antonine Wall at European Researchers’ Night – Explorathon 2017. [Website]

Economou, M. , Young, H. and Pujol Tost, L. (2017) EMOTIVE Experience Design Workshop – How do museum professionals design new digital experiences for their visitors? [Website]


Gooding, P. and Terras, M. (2017) Inheriting library cards to Babel and Alexandria: contemporary metaphors for the digital library. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 18(3), pp. 207-222. (doi: 10.1007/s00799-016-0194-2)

Gooding, P. M. (2017) "A Trace of this Journey": Citations of Digitised Newspapers in UK History PhD Theses. In: Digital Humanities 2017, Montréal, QC, Canada, 08-11 Aug 2017, pp. 455-456.

Gow, A. and Barr, M. (2017) Sometimes Students Make the Best Teachers: Developing and Enhancing Graduate Skills. 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Mar 2017.

Grispos, G., Glisson, W. B., Bourrie, D., Storer, T. and Miller, S. (2017) Security Incident Recognition and Reporting (SIRR): An Industrial Perspective. 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), Boston, MA, USA, 10-12 Aug 2017. ISBN 9780996683142


Hopfgartner, F. , Gurrin, C. and Joho, H. (2017) Enabling research and innovation beyond continental borders: a case for satellite events in evaluation campaigns. ERCIM News, 108, pp. 54-55.

Hopfgartner, F. and Schoeffmann, K. (2017) Interactive Search in Video & Lifelogging Repositories. In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR), Oslo, Norway, 7-11 March 2017, pp. 421-423. ISBN 9781450346771 (doi: 10.1145/3020165.3022161)

Hughes, L. (2017) Infrastructures for digital research: new opportunities and challenges. In: Orlandi, Silvia, Santucci, Raffaella, Mambrini, Francesco and Liuzzo, Pietro Maria (eds.) Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context: Proceedings of the EAGLE 2016 International Conference. Sapienza Università Editrice: Rome, pp. 37-53. ISBN 9788893770217


Joho, H., Gurrin, C. and Hopfgartner, F. (2017) Second Interaction and Engagement on Information Research and Learning with Lifelogging Devices. In: iConference 2017, Wuhan, China, 22-25 Mar 2017, ISBN 9780988490048 (doi: 10.9776/17100)


Kille, B., Lommatzsch, A., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M. and Brodt, T. (2017) CLEF 2017 NewsREEL Overview: Offline and Online Evaluation of Stream-based News Recommender Systems. In: CLEF 2017: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Dublin, Ireland, 11-14 Sept 2017,

Kille, B., Lommatzsch, A., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M. and de Vries, A. P. (2017) A Stream-Based Resource for Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Recommender Algorithms. In: The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017), Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 Aug 2017, pp. 1257-1260. ISBN 9781450350228 (doi: 10.1145/3077136.3080726)


Liarokapis, F., Pujol-Tost, L., Killintzis, V., Sylaiou, S., Mania, K. and Paliokas, I. (2017) Exploring the educational impact of diverse technologies in online virtual museums. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 10(1), p. 58. (doi: 10.1504/IJART.2017.10004738)

Lommatzsch, A. , Kille, B., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M., Brodt, T., Seiler, J. and Özgöbek, Ö. (2017) CLEF 2017 NewsREEL Overview: A Stream-based Recommender Task for Evaluation and Education. In: 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction (CLEF 2017), Dublin, Ireland, 11-14 Sept 2017, pp. 239-254. ISBN 9783319658124 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-65813-1_23)

Lorenz, F., Yuan, J., Lommatzsch, A., Mu, M., Race, N., Hopfgartner, F. and Albayrak, S. (2017) Countering Contextual Bias in TV Watching Behavior: Introducing Social Trend as External Contextual Factor in TV Recommenders. In: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (TVX 2017), Hilversum, The Netherlands, 14-16 Jun 2017, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9781450345293 (doi: 10.1145/3077548.3077552)


McBride, P. (2017) The "new public" criterion after Svensson: the (ir)relevance of website terms and conditions. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2017(3), pp. 262-285.

Meder, M., Rapp, A., Plumbaum, T. and Hopfgartner, F. (2017) Data-Driven Gamification Design. In: Academic MindTrek, Tampere, Finlanc, 20-21 Sept 2017, pp. 255-258. ISBN 9781450354264 (doi: 10.1145/3131085.3131116)

Meder, M., Rapp, A., Plumbaum, T. and Hopfgartner, F. (2017) First International Workshop on Data-Driven Gamification Design (DDGD2017). In: Meder, Michael, Rapp, Amon, Plumbaum, Till and Hopfgartner, Frank (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Data-Driven Gamification Design co-located with 21st International Academic MindTrek Conference. Series: CEUR workshop proceedings (1978). CEUR.

Mucha, F. (2017) Digitale Museumspraxis #10 – Brainstorming Bar rocks! [Website]

Mucha, F. (2017) Digitale Museumspraxis #11 – Cooperation! [Website]

Mucha, F. (2017) Digitale Museumspraxis #8 – This was 2016, hello 2017! [Website]

Mucha, F. (2017) Digitale Museumspraxis #9 – Use the Museum. [Website]

Mucha, F. (2017) Stadtlabor Digital – Stadtlabor goes online. In: Gerchow, J. and Gesser, S. (eds.) Frankfurt Jetzt! und das Stadtlabor – Historisches Museum Frankfurt, CURA 2017. Historisches Museum Frankfurt: Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 22-25. ISBN 9783892820635


Ntamkarelou, L., Bantimaroudis, P. and Economou, M. (2017) Testing the uses and gratifications approach to museum visiting: adopting a mediated perspective in the cultural domain. Visitor Studies, 20(1), pp. 56-71. (doi: 10.1080/10645578.2017.1297131)


O'Malley, B., Badzmierowska, K., O hOisin, N., Katifori, A., Tzouganatou, A., Mirashrafi, S., Economou, M. and Young, H. (2017) D3.7 – Pilot Experience Prototypes. Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Perry, S., Economou, M. , Young, H. , Pujol, L., Karvounis, E., Katifori, A., Roussou, M., O hOisin, N., O'Malley, B. and Stefanou, H. (2017) D3.4 – User Workshop #1. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Perry, S., Katifori, A., Karvounis, E., Pujol, L., Roussou, M., Young, H. , Economou, M. and Courte, R. (2017) D5.1 - Conceptual Framework and Guide. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Perry, S., Katifori, A., Karvounis, M., Economou, M. , Young, H. , Pujol-Tost, L. and Roussou, M. (2017) D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha. Documentation. EMOTIVE.

Perry, S., Katifori, A., Karvounis, M., Economou, M. , Young, H. , Pujol-Tost, L. and Roussou, M. (2017) D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha ANNEX. Documentation. EMOTIVE.


Rapp, A., Cena, F., Kay, J., Kummerfeld, B., Hopfgartner, F. , Plumbaum, T., Larsen, J. E., Epstein, D. A. and Gouveia, R. (2017) New Frontiers of Quantified Self 3: Exploring Understudied Categories of Users. In: ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp/ISWC 2017, Maui, HI, USA, 11-15 Sept 2017, pp. 861-864. ISBN 9781450351904 (doi: 10.1145/3123024.3124456)


Smith, L. N. and McMenemy, D. (2017) Young people's conceptions of political information: insights into information experiences and implications for intervention. Journal of Documentation, 73(5), pp. 877-902. (doi: 10.1108/JD-03-2017-0041)

Spooner, R. (2017) Inclusion, Pedagogy and Precarity. Diversity and Inclusion in Scottish Cultural/Creative Industries, Glasgow, UK, 7 Dec 2017.

Spooner, R. (2017) Trans-Atlantic Connections and Artist Networks in Glasgow and Toronto, 1890s-1920s. 18th and 19th Century Art, Design and Architecture Research Seminar Series, Glasgow, UK, 3 May 2017.

Spooner, R. (2017) "Wild and Luxuriantly": Exhibiting Canada at International World’s Fairs, 1880s-1930s. Universities Art Association of Canada Annual Conference, Banff, Canada, 12-15 Oct 2017.

Spooner, R. (2017) Inclusions and omissions: imaginings of Canadian nation-ness. In: Hunter, Andrew (ed.) Every. Now. Then: Reframing Nationhood. Art Gallery of Ontario: Toronto, pp. 126-130. ISBN 9781894243957

Stuart, S. A.J. (2017) Feeling our way: enkinaesthetic enquiry and immanent intercorporeality. In: Meyer, Christian, Streeck, Jurgen and Jordan, J. Scott (eds.) Intercorporeality: Emerging Socialities in Interaction. Oxford University Press, pp. 104-140. ISBN 9780190210465


Verwayen, H. et al. (2017) Impact Playbook for Museums, Libraries, Archives and Galleries. Manual. Europeana Foundation, The Hague.


Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. , France, D. , Tang, P. L. and Richmond, L. (2017) Authenticating Turkey Red Textiles through Material Investigations by FTIR and UHPLC. In: ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 Sept 2017,

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Jump to: A | B | C | D | E | G | H | J | K | L | M | P | R | S | T | Z
Number of items: 74.


Acar, E., Hopfgartner, F. and Albayrak, S. (2016) Breaking down violence detection: combining divide-et-impera and coarse-to-fine strategies. Neurocomputing, 208, pp. 225-237. (doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2016.05.050)

Allan, R. et al. (2016) Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth. WIREs Climate Change, 7(2), pp. 164-174. (doi: 10.1002/wcc.379)

Antoniou, A., Katifori, A., Roussou, M., Vayanou, M., Karvounis, M., Kyriakidi, M. and Pujol-Tost, L. (2016) Capturing the Visitor Profile for a Personalized Mobile Museum Experience: an Indirect Approach. In: 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalisation (UMAP 2016), Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments (HAAPIE), Halifax, Canada, 13-17 July 2016, (Unpublished)


Barr, M. (2016) Press Start – A Student-Led Game Studies Journal. sparqs (Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland) Conference 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 23 Mar 2017.

Barr, M. (2016) Using Video Games to Develop Communication Skills in Higher Education. In: Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning (iGBL), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 1-2 Sept 2016,

Barr, M. (2016) Using Video Games to Develop Graduate Attributes: a Pilot Study. In: 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK, 6-7 Oct 2016, pp. 41-49. ISBN 9781911218098

Barr, M. , Munro, K. and Hopfgartner, F. (2016) Increasing Engagement with the Library via Gamification. In: Third International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR'16), Pisa, Italy, 17-21 Jul 2016, ISBN 9781450340694

Barr, M. , Murray, L., Berry, L., Butt, M.-A., Dunne, D., Scott, M. J., de Wildt, L., Ecenbarger, C. and Evans, S. (2016) Press Start and Press On – Navigating Postgraduate Research in Game Studies. 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG, Dundee, UK, 1-6 Aug 2016.

Bartliff, Z. (2016) The Otherworldly Lure: Supernatural Aspects of the Hunt in Medieval Welsh Literature. International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, UK, 04-07 Jul 2016.

Berryman, J. (2016) Breaking fresh ground: New Impulses in Australian Poetry, an anthology. Queensland Review, 23(2), pp. 246-257. (doi: 10.1017/qre.2016.32)

Berryman, J. (2016) Nationalism, Britishness and the ‘souring’ of Australian national art. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 44(4), pp. 573-591. (doi: 10.1080/03086534.2016.1210250)

Berryman, J. (2016) The colour treatment: a convergence of art and medicine at the Red Cross Russell Lea Nerve Home. Health and History, 18(1), pp. 5-21. (doi: 10.5401/healthhist.18.1.0005)

Berryman, J. (2016) Documenting art: Bernard Smith, academic art history and the role of the curator. In: Anderson, Jaynie, Marshall, Christopher R. and Yip, Andrew (eds.) The Legacies of Bernard Smith : Essays on Australian Art, History and Cultural Politics. Power Publications. ISBN 9780994306432

Berryman, J. (2016) The young Menzies: the student and legal notebooks of Robert Menzies. University of Melbourne Collections, 19, pp. 9-15.


Cook, S. (2016) 2016 NEoN Digital Arts Festival: The Spaces We Are In. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. (2016) From Insider Knowledge to Anecdote to Apocrypha: Reflections On How Media Art Has Been and Could be Historicised. 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2016), Hong Kong, 16-22 May 2016. p. 402. ISBN 9789624423976

Cook, S. (2016) Stop, drop, and roll with it: curating participatory media art. In: Bianchini, Samuel and Verhagen, Erik (eds.) Practicable : From Participation to Interaction in Contemporary Art. Series: Leonardo. MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 377-395. ISBN 9780262034753

Cook, S. and Barkley, A. K. (2016) The digital arts in and out of the institution-where to now? In: Paul, Christine (ed.) A Companion to Digital Art. Series: Blackwell companions to art history (9). John Wiley & Sons Inc.: Hoboken, pp. 494-515. ISBN 9781118475201 (doi: 10.1002/9781118475249.ch23)

Cook, S. and Brennan, C. (2016) All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: NEoN Digital Arts Festival Exhibition. [Exhibitions]

Cook, S. and V2_, (2016) The Gig is Up: How New Technologies Are Reshaping The Future Of Work. [Exhibitions]


Davidson, J. (2016) Fostering open science practice through recognising and rewarding research data management and curation skills. In: Bisto, Connie and Raju, Reggie (eds.) LIS Education and Research in a Dynamic Information Landscape: Proceedings of the Library and Information Studies Centre 75 Years Commemorative Conference. University of Cape Town Libraries: Cape Town, pp. 63-75. ISBN 9780799225266 (doi: 10.15641/0-7992-2526-6)

Dee, H.M., Hughes, L.M. , Roderick, G.L. and Brown, A.D. (2016) Visual digital humanities: using image data to derive approximate metadata. In: Foster, Allen and Rafferty, Pauline (eds.) Managing Digital Cultural Objects. facet publishing. ISBN 9781783301027

Duguid, T. (2016) MuSO: Aggregation and Peer Review in Music. Working Paper. Texas A&M University.


Economou, M. (2016) Evaluating Digital Resources in Cultural Heritage: Lessons from the ScotDigiCH Network. In: 22nd International Conference on Virtual System and Multimedia (VSMM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-21 Oct 2016, pp. 99-105. ISBN 9781467389945 (doi: 10.1109/VSMM.2016.7863188)

Economou, M. (2016) The Scottish Network on Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation. D-Lib Magazine, 22(7/8),

Economou, M. and Rankin, M. (2016) Spinning the Wheel of Knowledge, Weaving the Web of Information: the Role of the Curatorial Professions in the Knowledge Economy. DCDC16, Salford, United Kingdom, 10-12 Oct 2016.

Ell, P., Hughes, L. and Southall, H. (2016) Digitally exposing the place names of England and Wales. In: Berman, Merrick Lee, Mostern, Ruth and Southall, Humphrey (eds.) Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253022448


Glisson, W. B., Storer, T. , Blyth, A., Grispos, G. and Campbell, M. (2016) In-the-wild residual data research and privacy. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 11(1), pp. 77-98.

Gooding, P. (2016) Exploring the information behaviour of users of Welsh newspapers online through web log analysis. Journal of Documentation, 72(2), pp. 232-246. (doi: 10.1108/JD-10-2014-0149)

Gooding, P. (2016) Historic Newspapers in the Digital Age: 'Search All About It!'. Series: Digital research in the arts and humanities. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9781472463388 (doi: 10.4324/9781315586830)

Gooding, P. , Benatti, F. and Sillence, M. (2016) Collaborative Digital Humanities Training: the CHASE Arts and Humanities in the Digital Age Programme. Digital Humanities Congress 2016, Sheffield, UK, 08-10 Sep 2016.

Green, J.M.E. (2016) Textuality in transition: digital manuscripts as cultural artefacts. In: Hulsman, Gregory and Whelan, Caoimhe (eds.) Occupying Space in Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Ireland. Series: Court cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Peter Lang: Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien. ISBN 9783035397260 (doi: 10.3726/978-3-0353-0774-0)

Gurrin, C., Joho, H., Hopfgartner, F. , Zhou, L. and Albatal, R. (2016) NTCIR Lifelog: The First Test Collection for Lifelog Research. In: SIGIR 2016, Pisa, Italy, 17-21 July 2016,

Gurrin, C., Joho, H., Hopfgartner, F. , Zhou, L. and Albatal, R. (2016) Overview of NTCIR-12 Lifelog Task. In: Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, Tokyo, Japan, 07-10 Jun 2016, pp. 354-360. ISBN 9784860490713


Hopfgartner, F. , Lommatzsch, A., Kille, B., Larson, M., Brodt, T., Cremonesi, P. and Karatzoglou, A. (2016) The Potentials of Recommender Systems Challenges for Student Learning. Proceedings of CiML'16: Challenges in Machine Learning: Gaming and Education, Barcelona, Spain, 9 Dec 2016.

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Hughes, L. , Constantopoulos, P. and Dallas, C. (2016) Digital methods in the humanities: understanding and describing their use across the disciplines. In: Schreibman, Susan, Siemens, Ray and Unsworth, John (eds.) A New Companion to Digital Humanities [2nd ed.]. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture (93). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 150-170. ISBN 9781118680599 (doi: 10.1002/9781118680605.ch11)


Joho, H., Gurrin, C. and Hopfgartner, F. (2016) Interaction and Engagement for Information Research and Learning with Lifelogging Devices. iConference'16: The Annual Conference of the iSchools Organization, Philadelphia, PA USA, 20-23 March 2016. (doi: 10.9776/16604)


Katifori, A., Perry, S., Vayanou, M., Pujol, L., Chrysan, A., Kourtis, V. and Ioannidis, Y. (2016) Cultivating Mobile-Mediated Social Interaction in the Museum: Towards Group-Based Digital Storytelling Experiences. In: Annual Conference of Museums and the Web: MW2016, Los Angeles, CA USA, 6-9 April 2016,

Kille, B., Lommatzsch, A., Gebremeskel, G. G., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M., Brodt, T., Seiler, J., Malagoli, D., Sereny, A. and De Vries, A. P. (2016) Overview of NewsREEL’16: Multi-dimensional Evaluation of Real-Time Stream-Recommendation Algorithms. In: CLEF 2016: 7th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Evora, Portugal, 5-8 Sept 2016, pp. 311-331. ISBN 9783319445632 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44564-9_27)

Kille, B., Lommatzsch, A., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M., Seiler, J., Malagoli, D., Sereny, A. and Brodt, T. (2016) CLEF NewsREEL 2016: Comparing Multi-Dimensional Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems. CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Evora, Portugal, 05-08 Sep 2016.


Li, N. and Hopfgartner, F. (2016) To log or not to log? SWOT analysis of self-tracking. In: Selke, Stefan (ed.) Lifelogging: Digital self-tracking and Lifelogging - Between Disruptive Technology and Cultural Transformation. Springer Verlag: Zurish, pp. 305-325. ISBN 9783658131364 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-13137-1_17)

Lloyd, K. (2016) Co-curation in the classroom: networked learning and digital participation in North East England. Historic Environment, 28(2), pp. 70-83.


Martinez, M., Kruschwitz, U., Kazai, G., Hopfgartner, F. , Corney, D., Campos, R. and Albakour, D. (2016) Report on the 1st International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval (NewsIR16). SIGIR Forum, 50(1), pp. 58-67.

Martinez-Alvarez, M., Kruschwitz, U., Kazai, G., Hopfgartner, F. , Corney, D., Campos, R. and Albakour, D. (2016) First International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval (NewsIR'16). In: 38th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2016), Padua, Italy, 20-23 Mar 2016, pp. 878-882. ISBN 9783319306704 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-30671-1_85)

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McMenemy, D. (2016) Rights to Privacy and Freedom of Expression in Public Libraries: Squaring the Circle. World Library and Information Congress: 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Columbus, OH, USA, 13-19 Aug 2016.

Meder, M., Hopfgartner, F. , Kazai, G. and Kruschwitz, U. (2016) GamifIR 2016 - SIGIR 2016 Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval. SIGIR Forum, 50(2), pp. 47-50. (doi: 10.1145/3053408.3053419)

Meder, M., Hopfgartner, F. , Kazai, G. and Kruschwitz, U. (2016) Third International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR'16). In: 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Pisa, Italy, 17-21 Jul 2016, pp. 1239-1240. (doi: 10.1145/2911451.2917759)

Motajcsek, T. et al. (2016) Algorithms Aside: Recommendation as the Lens of Life. In: RecSYS 2016: 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Boston, MA, USA, 15-19 Sept. 2016, pp. 215-219. ISBN 9781450340359 (doi: 10.1145/2959100.2959164)

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Rapp, A., Cena, F., Hopfgartner, F. , Hamari, J. and Linehan, C. (2016) Fictional Game Elements: Critical Perspectives on Gamification Design. In: Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, Austin, TX, USA, 16-19 Oct 2016, pp. 373-377. ISBN 9781450344586 (doi: 10.1145/2968120.2968125)

Rawles, S. (2016) The 1691 shelf catalogue: a snapshot of an academic library at the end of the seventeenth century. In: Davies, Peter V., Ashworth, Susan, Durndell, Helen, Hoare, Peter, Richmond, Lesley and Smith, Graeme (eds.) The University of Glasgow Library: Friendly Shelves. The Friends of Glasgow University Library in association with the University Library: Glasgow, pp. 34-45. ISBN 9780993518508

Redhead, A. (2016) Continuing Professional Development in Information and Records Management - The University of Glasgow. IRMS Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 Oct 2016. (Unpublished)

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Scriminaci, M., Lommatzsch, A., Kille, B., Hopfgartner, F. , Larson, M., Malagoli, D. and Sereny, A. (2016) Idomaar: A Framework for Multi-dimensional Benchmarking of Recommender Algorithms. 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Baltimore, MA, USA, 15-19 Sept 2016.

Smith, L. and McMenemy, D. (2016) Enhancing Agency Through Information: a Phenomenographic Exploration of Young People's Political Information Experiences. In: 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology (ASIST '16), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-18 Oct 2016, p. 53. ISBN 9780877155485

Spooner, R. (2016) The Exhibition as City and the City as Spectacle. Association for Art History Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 Apr 2016.

Spooner, R. (2016) Glasgow Calling: International Exhibitions in a Faraway Town. History of Art Research Seminar Series, Glasgow, UK, 12 Oct 2016.

Spooner, R. (2016) Review of Cultures of International Exhibitions 1840-1940: Great Exhibitions on the Margins, edited by Marta Filipová (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015). Journal of Curatorial Studies, 5(3), pp. 421-433. [Book Review]

Spooner, R. (2016) To See and Be Seen: The Allure of the Crowd at Nineteenth-century International Exhibitions. The Global City: Past and Present, London, UK, 26-27 May 2016.


Thorp, N. (2016) The Nineteenth century: industrial expansion and migration. In: Davies, Peter V., Ashworth, Susan, Durndell, Helen, Hoare, Peter, Richmond, Lesley and Smith, Graeme (eds.) The University of Glasgow Library: Friendly Shelves. The Friends of Glasgow University Library in association with the University Library: Glasgow, pp. 73-97. ISBN 9780993518508

Thorp, N. (2016) The Twentieth century: war, peace and opportunity: part 1 (1901-1919). In: Davies, Peter V., Ashworth, Susan, Durndell, Helen, Hoare, Peter, Richmond, Lesley and Smith, Graeme (eds.) The University of Glasgow Library: Friendly Shelves. The Friends of Glasgow University Library in association with the University Library: Glasgow, pp. 99-104. ISBN 9780993518508


Zhou, L., Gurrin, C., Albatal, R., Joho, H. and Hopfgartner, F. (2016) NTCIR12-Lifelog: a test collection to support collaborative benchmarking. iConference 2016 SIE on Lifelogging: Information Retrieval and Learning with Lifelogging Devices, Philadelphia, USA, 20-23 Mar 2016. ISBN 9781873769584

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