Video recordings of conference presentations
Professor Roderick McDonald, Rider University.
Plenary Lecture: ‘Slavery and emancipation in the Caribbean: manuscript sources and interpretive opportunities in Scottish archives and libraries’
Scottish archives and sources
Stuart Nisbet (University of Glasgow)
‘Scots and plantation slavery in the early British Caribbean, c.1650-1750’
Professor Stephen Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
‘The Cart of Darkness: archaeological explorations at Nether Pollok’
Eric Graham (University of Edinburgh)
‘Scottish archives relating to the slave trade and the West Indies plantations’
Scottish case studies
Professor Sir Hilary Beckles (University of West Indies, Cave Hill)
‘The good Scottish Lady and her Bad West Indian Negroes: Mrs. A.C. Carmichael’s proslavery contribution’
Professor Trevor Burnard (University of Warwick]
‘From periphery to periphery: The Pennants of Bangor and the Hamiltons of Ayrshire’
Iain Whyte (University of Edinburgh)
‘“The Perfect Plantation”? William Dickson and the Hon. Joshua Steele of Barbados’
Slavery studies
Inge Dornan (Brunel University)
‘A war of words: slave women’s opposition to the transatlantic slave trade’
Professor Kenneth Morgan (Brunel University)
‘Labour relations and the apprenticeship system: Amity Hall, Jamaica, 1834-1840’
Professor Philip Morgan (Johns Hopkins University)
‘The slave population of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1792-1805’
Diana Paton (University of Newcastle)
‘Child death and spiritual power in early-nineteenth century Jamaica’
Professor Justin Roberts (Dalhousie University)
‘Labour and industry: the work routines of skilled slaves on Chesapeake and West Indian Plantations, 1750-1807’
Professor Jenny Shaw (University of Alabama)
‘Rewriting plantation histories by rethinking colonial space’
Professor Verene Shepherd (University of West Indies, Mona)
‘Slavery without sugar: alternative husbandry in colonial Jamaica’
Lucia Stanton (Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies)
‘From hogsheads to harvests: The transition from tobacco to wheat culture at Jefferson’s Monticello’
Nuala Zahedieh (University of Edinburgh)
‘Colonial merchants and the country house, c. 1680-1730’