Centre for Gender History: double book launch

Published: 25 November 2021

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary approaches to text, place and agency

Centre for Gender History: double book launch

Wednesday 8 December 2021, 2-4pm GMT

Lynn Abrams, Ade Kearns, Barry Hazley, Valerie Wright, Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period (Routledge, 2020)

Maud Anne Bracke, Julia Bullock, Penelope Morris, Kristina Schulz, eds. Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary approaches to text, place and agency (Palgrave 2021)

This is a hybrid event:

  • Online: register by emailing us; the zoomlink will be sent the day before the event. Places are not capped.
  • On campus: GRAHAM KERR Building, 224 - Places capped at 30. 

If you'd like to attend please email arts-genderhistory@glasgow.ac.uk - specifying whether you will attend online or in person.

There will be Q&A with the authors of both books. Celebratory refreshments will be available in the room.

First published: 25 November 2021

<< 2021