About us
History at Glasgow has been ranked 4th in the UK for research excellence and impact. The world-leading quality of our historical research has been confirmed in the results of the .
We have advanced knowledge of specialisms including:
- American history and culture
- social and gender history
- history of medicine; and
- the history of business and banking.
Other areas of research excellence are:
- medieval Europe
- medieval Scotland, Ireland and the British Isles [leading the Paradox of Medieval Scotland project, jointly with the University of Edinburgh and Kings College London]
- war studies
- early modern culture, beliefs and ideas
We have long-standing student and staff exchanges with universities in the United States, Australia and Europe. All permanent staff are active researchers and we have a very active programme of research .
The University of Glasgow has taught history since 1897, when the Chair in History was founded. Chairs in Scottish History and Literature and in Medieval History followed.
History has a range of research projects, with support from the British Academy, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust.
Related links
- Contact us
- Our staff A-Z
- How to find us
- History in Schools
- School of Humanities | Sgoil nan Daonnachdan
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