Professor Matthew Fox awarded the Hugh Last Fellowship by the British School at Rome

Published: 5 June 2024

He will spend three months in Rome in the autumn

Professor Matthew Fox has been awarded the Hugh Last Fellowship by the British School at Rome, one of two senior fellowships awarded for a three-month period of research carried out in Rome, and relating to the study of Classical antiquity.

While there he will be completing his monograph on Roman Materialism, research which began with a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship from 2014-2017. The project focusses on the central role of ideas about the relationship between economics and history as conceived of in Roman literature, and also explores the influence of these ideas on the thinkers of the 18th and 19th century, who developed more systematic ideas of historical materialism: Marx, Engels, and Weber,  all of whom were deeply interested in Roman literature and history. 

A detail from a wall painting from an elite Roman house, the interior preserved in the Palazzo Massimo museum in Rome

First published: 5 June 2024

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