Recent Publications
Kidd, S. (2025) ‘Cumha do Mhuinntir a’ Bharra-Bhric’: an eye-witness account of evictions in 1840s Argyll. Scottish Studies, 41, pp. 85-102. (doi: 10.2218/wbqzxe58)
MacCoinnich, A. (2025) Clanship, Faith and Jacobitism: a Scottish Gaelic poetry collection, 1688-93. In: Davis, Leith and James, Kevin (eds.) Shaping Jacobitism: Memory, Culture, Networks. Edinburgh University Press. (Accepted for Publication)
Parsons, G. (2025) Soldiers’ songs: the Rev. James McLagan and Ossianic material. In: Innes, Sim and Parsons, Geraldine (eds.) The Rev. James McLagan (1728-1805) and his Manuscripts. CLOG: Glasgow. (In Press)
Reddy, K. (2025) S. Karly Kehoe, Chris Dalglish and Annie Tindley (editors), Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)
Clancy, T. (2024) Cellach mac Ailella and the Pictish king-list. Scottish Historical Review, 103(2), pp. 354-359. (doi: 10.3366/shr.2024.0671)
Clancy, T. (2024) Saints, druids and sea-gods: imagining the past in Iona’s Namescape. In: Alessandrini, Lorena, Brady, Colin, Martin, Rachel, Muirthile, Oisín Ó and O'Toole, Graham (eds.) Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 41: 2022. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674295780 (In Press)
Dalglish, C. and Whyte, A. C. (2024) Gaelic Cultural Experiences in Mull, Iona, Ulva and the Surrounding Islands: Scoping Research. Other. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Innes, S. (2024) The banarach (milkmaid) and Scottish Gaelic Pastoral. Aiste, 7, pp. 43-92. (doi: 10.36399/Aiste.Vol7.2024.331)
Innes, S. (2024) Gaelic plays for children 1900-1950. In: Farrell, Maureen A. and Davis, Robert A. (eds.) International Companion to Scottish Children’s Literature. Series: International Companion (9). Scottish Literature International, pp. 99-114. ISBN 9781908980410
Innes, S. , Reid, S. J. and Verweij, S. (2024) Towards a first-line index of premodern poetry in Scots, Latin, and Scottish Gaelic. Studies in Scottish Literature, 50(2), (Accepted for Publication)
Kidd, S. (2024) Black, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) Campbell, Daniel. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) Connell, Duncan. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacDonell, Farquhar Dougall. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacDougall, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Alexander. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacLachlan, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacLeod, Norman. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacPhail, Malcolm Campbell. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) MacRury, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) Munro, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)
Kidd, S. (2024) ‘You seem a very intelligent man, and can speak English’: Gaels and government inquiries in the later nineteenth century. Scottish Historical Review, (doi: 10.3366/shr.2024.0699) (Early Online Publication)
MacCoinnich, A. (2024) All-utterly barbarous? Gille-Chaluim Garbh, laird of Raasay, and a 16th century Gaelic poem from the Fernaig Manuscript. Northern Studies, 55, pp. 52-78.
MacCoinnich, A. (2024) Fiddling, dancing, the Presbytery of Lewis and the ‘Merry people at Shabost’ in 1759. A note and a query. West Highland Notes and Queries, (Accepted for Publication)
MacCoinnich, A. (2024) Gabhsann: Eachdraidh a’ bhaile, 1573-1851. Documentation. Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, North Dell.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2024) Lost Gaelic manuscripts found. West Highland Notes and Queries, 5(10), p. 18.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2024) Lost MacNicol and Irvine Gaelic manuscripts discovered. Aiste, 7, i. (doi: 10.36399/Aiste.Vol7.2024.328)
O Maolalaigh, R. (2024) Palaeography and identifying the hand of the Rev. John Stuart of Luss in the Rev. James McLagan’s manuscript collection. Aiste, 7, pp. 93-155. (doi: 10.36399/Aiste.Vol7.2024.332)
O Maolalaigh, R. and Mandic, D. (2024) Aspects of Gaelic Grammar (Appendix to LEACAN 2024 Report). Working Paper. Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Inverness.
O Maolalaigh, R. and McConville, M. (2024) LEACAN A’ Co-òrdanachadh Leasachadh ann an Corpas na Gàidhlig Coordinating Developments in the Corpus of Scottish Gaelic (PR20-01). Project Report. Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Inverness.
Whyte, A. (2024) Doc Flo: a biographical note. Glasgow Naturalist, 28(Suppl), pp. 63-64. (doi: 10.37208/tgn28S22)
Whyte, A. (2024) Iain Mac a’ Ghobhainn (edited by Iain MacDhòmhnaill and Moray Watson) Na Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig. Northern Scotland, 15(1), pp. 129-131. (doi: 10.3366/nor.2024.0310)[Book Review]
Whyte, A. and Wilson, R. (2024) Òrain Teonaidh Chailein. [Audio]
Evemalm Graham, S. (2023) A hill of angels and fairies: Sìthean Mòr, Iona and the dynamics of Scottish onomastics. Namn og Nemne, 39, pp. 51-67.
Evemalm-Graham, S. (2023) Norse Women in Uist Place-names: An Onomastic Perspective. In: 27th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS 2021), Krakow, Poland, 22-27 Aug 2021, pp. 141-155. ISBN 9788323353058
Kasten, M. (2023) 3D and RTI: Shedding Light on Damaged Ogham. [Website]
Kidd, S. (2023) ‘Drochaid eadar mis’ agus mo dhùthaich’ [‘A bridge between me and my country’]: transatlantic networks and the nineteenth-century Gaelic periodical press. In: Kehoe, S. Karly, Dalglish, Chris and Tindley, Annie (eds.) Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Series: Histories of the Scottish Atlantic. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781474494304
Kidd, S. (2023) 'Jabbering continuously in Gaelic': Language and care of the insane in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 32, pp. 1-22.
Kidd, S. M. (2023) Revisiting ‘Aoir air Pàdraig Sellar’ (‘A Satire on Patrick Sellar’) by Dòmhnall Bàillidh. Aiste, 6, pp. 109-128.
MacCoinnich, A. (2023) Macquarrie and Green (eds), The Poems of Roderick MacLean (Ruairidh MacEachainn MhicIllEathain). Scottish Historical Review, 102(3), pp. 457-458. (doi: 10.3366/shr.2023.0628)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A. (2023) Murchadh Mòr MacCoinnich, Fear Aicheallaidh (c. 1610–c. 1689): Am Bàrd agus a Shaoghal. Aiste, 6, pp. 1-50.
MacCoinnich, A. (2023) Vincent McKee, Gaelic Neighbours: Scotland and Northern Ireland, 1918-2021: comparative politics of language and culture – worlds apart! (Takahe Publishing, Coventry, 2022). ISBN 978-1-908837-25-7, ga reic aig £19.95. Stornoway Gazette, 26 Jan, [Book Review]
MacMillan, G. (2023) Sèimh: The State of Calm. [Audio]
Nzabampema, P., Convery, S., Mackillop, A. , Rankin, M., Ashworth, S. and O Maolalaigh, R. (2023) Glasgow University Diversity History Report, c.1850–c.1950. Other. University of Glasgow. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.326136).
Parsons, G. (2023) Ancient Ireland. In: Arrington, Lauren and Campbell, Matthew (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press, pp. 115-133. ISBN 9780198834670 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198834670.013.10)
Stifter, D., White, N. and Forsyth, K. (2023) Early literacy and multilingualism in Ireland and Britain. In: Mullen, Alex and Woudhuysen, George (eds.) Languages and Communities in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial Western Provinces. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 203-235. ISBN 9780198888956
Taylor, S. (2023) From kestrels to foul marshes: light on a parish in the Merse c.1200. In: Oram, Richard (ed.) ‘With Our Backs to the Ocean’: Land, Lordship, Climate Change, and Environment in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross. Brepols. ISBN 9782503596990
Whyte, A. C. , Forsyth, K. and Taylor, S. (2023) Glasgow’s Gaelic Place-Names. Birlinn. ISBN 9781839830464
Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2023) An Old Gaelic conjunction rediscovered: Old Gaelic ceni, Scottish Gaelic gar an and related concessive conjunctions in Gaelic. North American Journal of Celtic Studies, 7(1), pp. 1-87. (doi: 10.1353/cel.2023.0007)
Carty, N. , MacLeod, M. and Ross, S. (2022) Comasan Labhairt ann an Gàidhlig – Final Project Report. Project Report. Bòrd na Gàidhlig. (Unpublished)
Clancy, T. (2022) Place-Names and Gaelic in Galloway: Names containing cill and kirk. In: Ansell, Michael, Black, Ronald and Cowan, Edward (eds.) Galloway: The Lost province of Gaelic Scotland. John Dewar: Edinburgh, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781399926928
Clancy, T. (2022) Settlement names of the Galloway Glens. Scottish Place-Name News, 52, pp. 8-10.
Clancy, T. (2022) St Cadog in Scotland. In: Parsons, David N. and Russell, Paul (eds.) Seintiau Cymru, Sancti Cambrensis: Astudiaethau ar Seintiau Cymru/Studies in the Saints of Wales. Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru: Aberystwyth. ISBN 9781907029325
Forsyth, K. and Parsons, G. (2022) Battle of the sexes: women and boardgames in early Irish literature and society. Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire(56), pp. 67-90.
Forsyth, K. and Parsons, G. (2022) Joutes entre les sexes. Les jeux de plateau dans les textes gaéliques anciens. Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 56, pp. 69-91.
Gow-Smith, E., McConville, M. , Gillies, W., Scott, J. and Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2022) Use of Transformer-Based Models for Word-Level Transliteration of the Book of the Dean of Lismore. In: 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) within LREC2022, Marseille, France, 20-25 June 2022, pp. 94-98. ISBN 9791095546733
Innes, S. (2022) Dùsgadh na Féinne (1908): Katherine Whyte Grant’s Scottish Gaelic kinderspiel. In: Arbuthnot, Sharon J., Ní Mhurchú, Síle and Parsons, Geraldine (eds.) The Gaelic Finn Tradition II. Four Courts Press: Dublin, pp. 197-210. ISBN 9781846827952
Kasten, M. (2022) ‘Selective Authenticity’: Ogham in Video Games and Tabletop RPGs. [Website]
Kasten, M. (2022) Three Approaches to Digital Imaging. [Website]
Kidd, S. M. (2022) Gaelic literature of the diaspora. In: Kidd, Sheila M., McCracken-Flesher, Caroline and McNeil, Kenneth (eds.) The International Companion to nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Association for Scottish Literature: Glasgow, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9781908980359
Mac Craith, M. and Parsons, G. (2022) Reformation, Conquest and Exile 1534–1611 = An Reifirméisean, an Concas Eilíseach agus Deoraíocht thar lear 1534–1611. In: Ó Conchubhair, Brian and Fisher, Samuel (eds.) Bone and Marrow: Cnámh agus Smior. An anthology of Irish poetry from medieval to modern. Wake Forest University Press. ISBN 9781943667000
MacCoinnich, A. (2022) Looking for a Gàidhealtachd in the south-west. Identifying Gaels in the historical record, c. 1400-1805. In: Cowan, E.J., Ansell, M. and Black, R. (eds.) Galloway: The Lost Province of Gaelic Scotland. John Dewar Publishers: Aberdeen, pp. 125-172. ISBN 9781399926928
O Maolalaigh, R. (2022) Carroly and McCarroly (MacFhearghaile). West Highland Notes and Queries, 5(5), pp. 26-29.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2022) The Gaelic element in the lexicon of Galloway Scots. In: Black, Ronald, Ansell, Michael and Cowan, Edward J. (eds.) Galloway: The Lost Province of Gaelic Scotland. John Dewar: Peebles, pp. 76-124.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2022) Gaelic telach and tulach and an Early Northern Dialect Feature. In: Clancy, Thomas Owen, Hough, Carole, Whyte, Alasdair and Williamson, Eila (eds.) Onomastications: A Festschrift for Simon Taylor. CLOG: Glasgow. (Accepted for Publication)
O Maolalaigh, R. (2022) Galloway Gaelic and place-names: linguistic characteristics and dialect affinities. In: Black, Ronald, Ansell, Michael and Cowan, Edward J. (eds.) Galloway: The Lost Province of Gaelic Scotland. John Dewar: Peebles, pp. 281-383.
Reddy, K. (2022) Tha an Ceò air Èirigh / The Fog has Lifted; Uisge / Rain. In: NicEòghainn, Eimilidh and NicDhòmhnaill, Seoige (eds.) Òr a Mhaireas / Lasting Gold. Bradan Press: Halifax. ISBN 9781988747996
Whyte, A. (2022) Coastal dogs and wolves in Scottish place-names. In: Onomastications: A Festschrift for Simon Taylor. Clò Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. (Accepted for Publication)
Whyte, A. (2022) Understanding the Norse period through place-names evidence: a case study from the island of Mull. In: Horne, Tom, Pierce, Elizabeth and Barrowman, Rachel (eds.) The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 135-142. ISBN 9781474485852
Clancy, T. (2021) The church and the domains of Gaelic in early medieval Scotland. In: McLeod, Wilson, Gunderloch, Anja and Dunbar, Rob (eds.) C`anan & Cultar / Language & Culture. Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen, pp. 19-46. ISBN 9781857520880
Course, M. and MacMillan, G. (2021) Fishing, Gaelic and environment in the Outer Hebrides. In: McLeod, Wilson, Gunderloch, Anja and Dunbar, Rob (eds.) C`anan & Cultar / Language & Culture. Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen. ISBN 9781857520880
Forsyth, K. (2021) Ogham inscriptions from the Brough of Birsay. In: Morris, Christopher D. and Barrowman, Rachel C. (eds.) The Birsay Bay Project Volume 3: The Brough of Birsay, Orkney: Investigations 1954-2014. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 375-388. ISBN 9781789256079
Innes, S. (2021) Scottish Enlightenment inquiry in Gaelic poetry: ‘Air Fàsachadh na Gàidhealtachd Albannaich’. In: Davis, Leith and Sorensen, Janet (eds.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century. Series: International companions to Scottish literature. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 234-245. ISBN 9781908980311
Kasten, M. (2021) Julianna Grigg, The Picts Re-Imagined. Innes Review, 72(1), pp. 54-56. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2021.0282)[Book Review]
Klehm, C., Casana, J., Cothren, J., Green, V., Hill, A. C., Kasten, M. , Limp, W. F., Payne, A. and Williamson, M. (2021) Spatial archaeometry in the time of COVID-19: recent research from CAST and the SPARC program. SAA Archaeological Record, 5(1), pp. 26-34.
MacAilpein, T. and O Maolalaigh, R. (2021) Gairm: Ùghdar is Dealbh, Rosg is Rann, 1952–2002. Dachaigh airson Stòras na Gàidhlig and Clò Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glaschu. ISBN 9781527246072
MacArthur, E. M. (2021) A little cave but a big mystery: Uamh Anna Bhig a ’Phuinnsein’. Round and About Mull and Iona, 27(12),
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Fraser, Mr John (Mgr Iain Friseal), Dean of the Isles and minister of Tiree, Coll and Iona, born, c. 1647. Died c.1702. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) MacFarlane, Malcolm (Calum MacPàrlain), born Dalvaich, Argyll, 1853, died Greenock, 1931, Gaelic writer and poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Mackenzie, Alexander, of Achilty (Alasdair mac Mhurchaidh), Ross-shire & Lewis, d. c. 1642, Gaelic poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Mackenzie, Murdo, of Achilty (Murchadh Mòr mac mhic Mhurchaidh), Ross-shire & Lewis, c. 1689, Gaelic poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Mackenzie, William (Uilleam MacCoinnich, Bàrd Chnoc Chùsbaig), Lewis & Canada, 1857-1907, Gaelic poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) MacRae, Duncan (Donnchadh ‘nam Pìos’ MacRath), Inverinate, Kintail, c. 1640-c.1700, Gaelic poet and verse collector. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Monro [or Munro], Donald, Archdeacon of the Isles (Dòmhnall Rothach), born, Kiltearn parish, Ross-shire, c. 1505; died c. 1575. Priest, Church of Scotland minister, writer in Scots. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Monro, Alexander/Sandy (Alasdair/Sandaidh Rothach), born Inverness c. 1605, died, Durness, 1653. Schoolteacher, catechist, minister and Gaelic religious poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Morrison [or Morison], Donald (Dòmhnall Bàn Sgoileir / Dòmhnall MacGilleMhuire), clan tradition bearer and historian (in English), born, Dirisgil, Loch Reasort, Isle of Harris, c. 1787, died, Stornoway 1834. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Morrison [or Morison], John (Iain mac Mhurch’ ’ic Ailein / Iain MacGilleMhoire), tacksman of Bragar, born, Isle of Lewis, c. 1630; died, Bragar, Lewis, 1708. Tacksman, poet & songmaker (Gaelic), writer (in English). In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Morrison, Angus Rev. (Aonghas Dubh MacGilleMhoire), b. Lewis, c. 1665, died 1740, Castle Leoid. Minister of Contin and Gaelic poet. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Rachel Barrowman, ed., Eachraidh le Càirdeas is Cridhe. Ainmean-àite Ceann a Tuath Leòdhais, Nis gu Baile an Truiseil = History with Heart and Soul. The Place-names of North Lewis, Ness to Ballantrushal. West Highland Notes and Queries, 50(3), pp. 30-32. [Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A. (2021) Rev. John MacRae (alias Mgr Iain MacRath). Minister at Dingwall, born c. 1640, died, Dingwall, 1704. In: McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
Mathis, K. L. (2021) Gaelic women's poetry. In: Davis, Leith and Sorensen, Janet (eds.) International Companion to the Scottish Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, UK. ISBN 9781908980311
Nance, C. and Maolalaigh, R. Ó. (2021) Scottish Gaelic. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 51(2), pp. 261-275. (doi: 10.1017/S002510031900015X)
Taylor, S. (2021) ‘Flemish’ settlement in Upper Clydesdale in the 12th and 13th centuries: the evidence of place-names. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 15, pp. 32-62.
Taylor, S. (2021) A tour of the North in seven languages. In: Bevan, Gareth A., Fychan, G. Angharad, Wyn Owen, Hywel and Parry Owen, Ann (eds.) Ar Drywydd Enwau Lleoedd: Ysgrifau i Anrhydeddu/ Essays to Honour Gwynedd O. Pierce. Y Lolfa Cyf.: Talybont, Ceredigion, Wales. ISBN 9781800990883
Whyte, A. C. (2021) Maim-slè. Theatre Gu Leòr. ISBN 9781739945305
Whyte, A. C. and Whyte, R. (2021) Maim. [Audio]
Williamson, E. (2021) The Ordnance Survey Name Books: a 'treasure-trove' for toponymists. Scottish Archives, 25-26, pp. 42-55.
Busset, A. and Evemalm-Graham, S. (2020) Places of belief in Medieval Glen Lyon and beyond: onomastic and archaeological perspectives. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 59-120. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.04)
Campbell, E. , Hamilton, D. , Taylor, S. , Gondek, M., Noble, G. and Evans, N. (2020) A powerful place in Pictland: interdisciplinary perspectives on a power centre of the 4th to 6th centuries AD. Medieval Archaeology, 63(1), pp. 56-94. (doi: 10.1080/00766097.2019.1588529)
Driscoll, S. , Campbell, E. , Forsyth, K. , Hall, M. and Scott, I. (2020) Early medieval sculpture of the Forteviot area. In: Royal Forteviot: Excavations of a Pictish Power Centre in Strathearn, Eastern Scotland. Series: Council for British Archaeology research reports, 177. Council for British Archaeology: York, pp. 129-170. ISBN 9781909990050
Forsyth, K. (2020) Protecting a Pict?: Further thoughts on the inscribed silver chape from St Ninian’s Isle, Shetland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 149, pp. 249-276. (doi: 10.9750/PSAS.149.1294)
Forsyth, K. and Hall, M. A. (2020) Rhetoric and reality in the visual culture of Medieval Celtic board games: literary and archaeological evidence combined. In: Lapina, Elizabeth and Kopp, Vanina (eds.) Games and Visual Culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Series: Studies in the history of daily life (800-1600), 8. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 33-75. ISBN 9782503588728 (doi: 10.1484/M.HDL-EB.5.120702)
Kidd, S. (2020) ‘Gaelic a recommendation’: language and employment in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 40(2), pp. 77-102. (doi: 10.3366/jshs.2020.0298)
Kidd, S. M. (2020) Gaelic Writing from the Bible to the Stage: The Role of the Còmhradh. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903586122
Kidd, S. M. (2020) The Scottish Gaelic Press. In: Finkelstein, David (ed.) The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 337-356. ISBN 9781474424882
Kuenzler, S. (2020) Sites of memory in the Irish landscape? Approaching ogham stones through memory studies. Memory Studies, 13(6), pp. 1284-1304. (doi: 10.1177/1750698018818226)
Künzler, S. (2020) Mapping the settlement period: mnemotopographies in Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar. Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, 1, pp. 4-21.
Künzler, S. (2020) Once upon a place-name: diversifying approaches to onomastics in Scotland. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.02)
MacCoinnich, A. (2020) James Petre, Tiree and the Dukes of Argyll, 1674–1922. Innes Review, 71(1), pp. 127-129. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0257)[Book Review]
MacCoinnich, A. (2020) Why was Hector Maclean, 11th Laird of Coll (1689-1754) a Hanoverian? West Highland Notes and Queries, 4(13), pp. 21-22.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2020) Cumhachd Àireamhan: Cinneachadh nan Taobhach Caola agus Eisimpleir Eile de Ro-chainnteachd. In: Kidd, Sheila, Clancy, Thomas Owen and O Maolalaigh, Roibeard (eds.) Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 7. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 320-381. ISBN 9780903204262
O'Gallagher, N., Watt, R. and Ross, D. (2020) Best Scottish Poems 2019. [Website]
Reddy, K. (2020) Alasdair Roberts, The people and Gentry of Morar. Innes Review, 71(2), pp. 296-297. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0273)[Book Review]
Reddy, K. (2020) Betraying beetles and guarding geese: animal apocrypha in Scottish and Nova Scotian Gaelic folklore. In: Sumner, Natasha and Doyle, Aidan (eds.) North American Gaels: Speech, Story, and Song in the Diaspora. Series: McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history (2.49). McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago, pp. 400-423. ISBN 9780228003786
Taylor, S. (2020) Bibliography of Scottish names studies for 2019. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 176-180. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.08)
Taylor, S. (2020) Coldon / Cowden – place-names: trees, coos, fuel or assembly-sites? In: Kidd, Sheila M., Clancy, Thomas O. and Ó Maolalaigh, Roibeard (eds.) Litreachas, Eachdraidh & Cànan: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 7. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 398-427. ISBN 9780903204262
Taylor, S. , Clancy, T. O. , McNiven, P. and Williamson, E. (2020) The Place-Names of Clackmannanshire. Series: The survey of Scottish place-names, VIII. Shaun Tyas: Donington. ISBN 9781907730863
Whyte, A. (2020) MAIM. [Performance]
Whyte, A. C. (2020) The Cailleach in place-names and place-lore. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 14(1), pp. 16-58. (doi: 10.36399/JSNS.014.01.03)
Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2020) Lexical and phonological variation in words for ‘ankle’ in Gaelic. In: Ó Corráin, Ailbhe, de Brún, Fionntán and Fomin, Maxim (eds.) Scotha cennderca cen on: A Festschrift for Séamus Mac Mathúna. Series: Studia Celtica Upsaliensia (10). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Uppsala, pp. 247-288. ISBN 9789151309361
Ó Maolalaigh, R. and McConville, M. (2020) 'Risk-free' corpus-planning for Scottish Gaelic? Collaborative development of basic grammatical norms for 21st century speakers. In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Millar, Robert McColl (eds.) Language on the Move Across Contexts and Communities. Series: The languages of Scotland and Ulster (6). Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster: Aberdeen, pp. 13-36. ISBN 9780956654953
Clancy, T. O. (2019) Exhibition: Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Art, Word, War (British Library, 19 October 2018-19 February 2019). Innes Review, 70(1), pp. 65-69. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2019.0203)[Book Review]
Clancy, T. O. and Hammond, M. (2019) The romance of names: literary personal names in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Scotland. In: Hammond, Matthew (ed.) Personal Names and Naming Practices in Medieval Scotland. Series: Studies in Celtic history (39). Boydell Press: Woodbridge, pp. 166-186. ISBN 9781783274284 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctvb937m5.14)
Forsyth, K. (2019) Handpins and puzzlelocks: some eighth-century literary evidence for Late Roman material culture in Ireland. In: Ljung, Cecilia, Andreasson Sjögren, Anna, Berg, Ingrid, Engström, Elin, Hållans Stenholm, Ann-Mari, Jonsson, Kristina, Klevnäs, Alison, Qviström, Linda and Zachrisson, Torun (eds.) Tidens landskap. En vänbok till Anders Andrén. Nordic Academic Press: Lund, pp. 24-26. ISBN 9789188909121
Given, M. , Aldred, O., Grant, K., McNiven, P. and Poller, T. (2019) Interdisciplinary approaches to a connected landscape: upland survey in the Northern Ochils. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 148, pp. 83-111. (doi: 10.9750/PSAS.148.1268)
Innes, S. and Mathis, K. (2019) Gaelic tradition and the Celtic Revival in children’s literature in Scottish Gaelic and English. In: Dunnigan, Sarah and Lai, Shu-Fang (eds.) The Land of Story Books: Scottish Children's Literature in the Nineteenth Century. Series: Occasional Papers No. 23. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 107-157. ISBN 9781908980298
Kasten, M. (2019) Digital Discoveries: New insights into the Govan-Inchinnan school of carving. In: Christie, Heather and Kasten, Megan (eds.) Current Approaches to People, Places and Things in the Early Medieval Period: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium. BAR Publishing, pp. 57-64. ISBN 9781407356501
Kasten, M. (2019) Inchinnan 5: The discovery and reconstruction of an early medieval carved stone. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 148, pp. 177-188. (doi: 10.9750/PSAS.148.1269)
Kidd, S. M. and Byrne, M. (2019) Vintners and criminal officers: two nineteenth-century poetry collections and their subscribers. In: Byrne, Michel and Kidd, Sheila M. (eds.) Lìontan Lìonmhor: Local, National and Global Gaelic Networks from the 18th to the 20th Century. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 85-107. ISBN 9780903204255
MacCoinnich, A. (2019) The maritime dimension to Scotland's "Highland Problem", ca. 1540-1630. Journal of the North Atlantic, 12(Spec.), pp. 44-72. (doi: 10.3721/037.012.sp1210)
Mathis, K. (2019) “Tha Mulad Air M’Inntinn” and early modern Gaelic dialogue poetry. Aiste, 5, pp. 90-140.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2019) Fadó: A Conservative Survival in Irish? Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies, 40, pp. 207-225.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2019) Gaelic personal names and name elements in Scottish charters 1093–1286. In: Hammond, Matthew (ed.) Personal Names and Naming Practices in Medieval Scotland. Series: Studies in Celtic History. Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, Suffolk, pp. 41-99. ISBN 9781783274284
O'Gallagher, N. (2019) Dàin le Séamus Barra Ó Súilleabháin (Scottish Gaelic verse translations of five poems from the Irish). In: STEALL 05. Clàr, pp. 55-66. ISBN 9781900901987
Serjeantson, D. and Parsons, G. (2019) The Hill of Allen: a Memory Map Project. Project Report. Kildare County Council Arts Grant.
Taylor, S. , MacLean, R., King, J. and MacDonald, M. (2019) Place-Names of the Aird and Strathglass, Inverness-shire (Kiltarlity: Kiltarlity Community Council). For The Right Reasons Printing and Publishing. ISBN 9781912270224
Whyte, C. and O'Gallagher, N. (2019) Ceum air Cheum: Cruinneachadh de dhàintean nas fhaide = Step by Step: A Book of Longer Poems. Acair: Steòrnabhagh. ISBN 9781789070170
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Carty, N. (2018) New speakers, potential new speakers, and their experiences and abilities in Scottish Gaelic. In: Smith-Christmas, Cassie, Ó Murchadha, Noel, Hornsby, Michael and Moriarty, Máiréad (eds.) New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 253-270. ISBN 9781137575579
Clancy, T. (2018) Sequencing Dafydd ap Gwliym. In: Jacques, Michaela, Leach, Katherine, Shack, Joseph and Wolf, Joe (eds.) Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 2016. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass. ISBN 9780674979444
Clancy, T. and Evemalm Kalamakis, S. (2018) Eòlas nan Naomh: Early Christianity in Uist. [Website]
Clancy, T. and Markus, G. (2018) Place-Names of Kirkcudbrightshire: Project Blogs. [Website]
Clancy, T. O. (2018) Elmslie. Scottish Place-Name News, 45, pp. 6-7.
Clancy, T. O. (2018) Hebridean connections: in Ibdone Insula, Ibdaig, Eboudai, Uist. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 12, pp. 27-40.
Clancy, T. O. (2018) Review: Making Christian Landscapes in Atlantic Europe: Conversion andConsolidation in the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Tomás Ó Carragáin and Sam Turner. Cork University Press: Cork, 2016. Innes Review, 69(2), pp. 178-184. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2018.0176)[Book Review]
Innes, S. (2018) Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy (c. 1443-1513). In: McCracken-Flesher, Caroline and Riach, Alan (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641598 (In Press)
Innes, S. and Reid, S. (2018) Expressions of faith: religious writing. In: Royan, Nicola (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature 1400-1650. Series: International companions to Scottish literature (6). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 60-78. ISBN 9781908980236
Kidd, S. (2018) Electioneering in Gaelic in Perthshire. [Website]
Künzler, S. (2018) Memory and skin. In: Glauser, Jürg, Hermann, Pernille and Mitchell, Stephen (eds.) Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. De Gruyter, pp. 414-420. ISBN 9783110431360
Künzler, S. (2018) Perspectives, disciplines and traditions. Memory in Celtic Studies. In: Glauser, Jürg, Hermann, Pernille and Mitchell, Stephen A. (eds.) Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. De Gruyter, pp. 341-347. ISBN 9783110431360
MacLeod, M., Smith-Christmas, C. and Carty, N. (2018) Introduction. In: MacLeod, Marsaili and Smith-Christmas, Cassie (eds.) Gaelic in Contemporary Scotland: The Revitalisation of an Endangered Language. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781474420655
MacMillan, G. (2018) Aig an Iasgach. [Audio]
MacMillan, G. (2018) Sinbad: Tionndadh Gàidhlig. Giglets. (In Press)
MacMillan, G. (2018) Freumhan Falaichte. [Audio]
Markus, G. (2018) Rock-Rider: Saint Conval and his Church at Inchinnan. Inchinnan Historical Interest Group: Inchinnan, Scotland.
Martin, J. and Mathis, K. L. (2018) Elegy and commemorative writing. In: Royan, Nicola (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature 1400-1650. Series: International companions to Scottish literature (6). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 173-199. ISBN 9781908980236
Mathis, K. (2018) Campbell, Marioun (Mòr nighean Dhonnchaidh), fl. 1560s. In: Ewan, Elizabeth, Pipes, Rose, Rendall, Jane and Reynolds, Siân (eds.) The New Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474436274
Mathis, K. (2018) Ross, Elizabeth Jane, 1789‒1875. In: Ewan, Elizabeth, Pipes, Rose, Rendall, Jane and Reynolds, Siân (eds.) The New Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474436274
Mathis, K. L. (2018) Presence, absence, and audience: the elegies of Sìleas na Ceapaich “At Home” and “Abroad”. In: Dye, Sierra, Ewan, Elizabeth and Glaze, Alice (eds.) Gender and Mobility in Scotland and Abroad. Series: Guelph series in Scottish studies (4). Centre for Scottish Studies, University of Guelph: Guelph, Ontario, pp. 183-200. ISBN 9780889556355
Pons-Sanz, S. and MacCoinnich, A. (2018) The languages of Scotland. In: Royan, Nicola (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature, 1400-1650. Series: International companions to Scottish literature (6). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 19-37. ISBN 9781908980236
Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2018) An archaic survival? Initial h- in Scottish Gaelic thig, thug, thàinig, fhuair revisited. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 31, pp. 42-51.
Byrne, M. (2017) À la claire Fontaine : un poète gaélique au Maghreb. Bretagne Linguistique, 21, pp. 209-238.
Clancy, T. (2017) VIG001 (the Drosten stone): the inscription. In: Geddes, Jane (ed.) Hunting Picts: Medieval Sculpture at St Vigeans, Angus. Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 107-118. ISBN 9781849172264
Gallagher, J. M. (2017) Grounds for divorce? Applying Nau Kynywedi Teithiauc to Math uab Mathonwy. Peritia, 28, pp. 77-90. (doi: 10.1484/J.PERIT.5.114563)
Innes, S. (2017) Text, translation and context of the Scottish Gaelic songs in The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil (John Mackenzie, GB, 1974). In: The Cheviot the Stag and the Black Black Oil Blu-ray [video]. Panamint.
Innes, S. (2017) Tromdámh Guaire and Obscuritas in late-medieval Irish bardic poetry. In: Croizy-Naquet, Catherine and Szkilnik, Michelle (eds.) Rencontres du vers et de la prose: conscience poétique et mise en texte. Opus II. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris, pp. 281-300. ISBN 9782878549164
Kidd, S. (2017) Kangaroos and Cockatoos: Gaelic literature in the nineteenth-century Antipodes. Scottish Literary Review, 9(2), pp. 1-18.
Künzler, S. (2017) Mother remembers best: remembering and forgetting in Ála Flekks Saga. In: Müller-Wille, Klaus, Heslop, Kate, Richter, Anna Katharina and Rösli, Lukas (eds.) Skandinavische Schriftlandschaften: Vänbok till Jürg Glauser. Series: Beiträge zur nordischen Philologie (59). Narr Francke Attempto: Tübingen, pp. 184-188. ISBN 9783772086281
Markus, G. (2017) Adomnán, two saints, and the paschal controversy. Innes Review, 68(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2017.0127)
O'Gallagher, N. (2017) Crìsdean MacIlleBhàin (Christopher Whyte), three poems. In: Modern Poetry in Translation: A Blossom Shroud. Modern Poetry in Translation: Wakefield, pp. 41-48. ISBN 9781910485170
O'Gallagher, N. (2017) Sealg Dealain-Dè. In: STEALL 02. Clàr, pp. 151-155. ISBN 9781900901895
Parsons, G. (2017) Aisling (vision). In: Echard, Sian and Rouse, Robert (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9781118396988 (doi: 10.1002/9781118396957.wbemlb067)
Parsons, G. (2017) Longes Mac nUislenn. In: Echard, Sian and Rouse, Robert (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Medieval Literature in Britain. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9781118396988 (doi: 10.1002/9781118396957.wbemlb638)
Parsons, G. (2017) Tochmarc Étaíne. In: Echard, Siân and Rouse, Robert (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain. Wiley Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 9781118396988
Parsons, G. (2017) Verse-capping, truth and identity in some medieval Irish prosimetric narratives. In: Croizy-Naquet, Catherine and Szkilnik, Michelle (eds.) Recontres du vers et de la prose: Conscience poétique et mise en texte. Les Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris, pp. 263-278. ISBN 9782878549164
Taylor, S. (2017) St Vigeans: place, place-names and saints. In: Geddes, Jane (ed.) Hunting Picts: Medieval Sculpture at St Vigeans, Angus. Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 38-51. ISBN 9781849172264
Taylor, S. and Edmonds, F. (2017) Language and names. In: Stringer, Keith J. and Winchester, Angus J.L. (eds.) Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages. Boydell & Brewer: Martlesham. ISBN 9781783272662
Taylor, S. , McNiven, P. and Williamson, E. (2017) The Place-Names of Kinross-shire. Series: Survey of Scottish place-names, 7. Shaun Tyas. ISBN 9781907730580
Clancy, T. O. (2016) Logie: an ecclesiastical place-name element in eastern Scotland. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 10, pp. 25-88.
Forsyth, K. and Thickpenny, C. (2016) The rock carvings. In: Toolis, Ronan and Bowles, Christopher (eds.) The Lost Dark Age Kingdom of Rheged: the Discovery of a Royal Stronghold at Trusty's Hill, Galloway. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 83-102. ISBN 9781785703119
Foster, S., Forsyth, K., Jeffrey, S. and Buckham, S. (2016) Future thinking on carved stones. History Scotland, 16(6), pp. 8-10.
Foster, S., Forsyth, K. , Jeffrey, S. and Buckham, S. (2016) Scottish Archaeological Research Framework: Future Thinking on Carved Stones. [Website]
Innes, S. (2016) Fionn and Ailbhe's riddles between Ireland and Scotland. In: Boyd, Matthieu (ed.) Ollam: A Festschrift for Tomás Ó Cathasaigh. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, NJ, pp. 271-285. ISBN 9781611478341
Innes, S. (2016) Translated drama in Gaelic in Scotland to c.1950. International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen, 9, pp. 61-88.
Innes, S. and Macleod, M. (2016) Editorial: On the study and promotion of drama in Scottish Gaelic. International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen, 9, pp. 1-12.
Innes, S. and Macleod, M. (2016) Special Issue: Scottish Gaelic Drama [Guest editors]. International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen, 9, pp. 1-147.
Innes, S. and Petrina, A. (2016) The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. In: Sassi, Carla (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Poetry. Series: International Companions to Scottish Literature. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 44-53. ISBN 9781908980151
Künzler, S. (2016) Flesh and Word: Reading Bodies in Old Norse-Icelandic and Early Irish Literature. Series: Trends in medieval philology (31). Walter de Gruyter GmbH: Berlin. ISBN 9783110455380
MacCoinnich, A. (2016) Rex-Dollars in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland during the 17th century. West Highland Notes and Queries, 4(2), pp. 19-23.
MacMillan, G. (2016) Na Ròmanaich. Cuilean Craicte: Edinburgh.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2016) DASG: Digital Archive of Scottish Gaelic / Dachaigh airson Stòras na Gàidhlig. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 30, pp. 242-262.
O Maolalaigh, R. (2016) Mutational effects of the preposition ós: Bile ós Chrannaibh and related matters. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 30, pp. 73-111.
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) Agallamh Còmhla ri Crìsdean MacIlleBhàin. In: STEALL 01. Clàr, pp. 25-32. ISBN 9781900901888
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) Ireland's eternal Easter: Sorley Maclean and 1916. Irish Studies Review, 24(4), pp. 441-454. (doi: 10.1080/09670882.2016.1226678)
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) MacLean in the museum: James Connolly and 'Àrd-Mhusaeum na h-Èireann'. In: Lusk, Kirsty and Maley, Willy (eds.) Scotland and the Easter Rising: Fresh Perspectives on 1916. Luath: Edinburgh, pp. 149-152. ISBN 9781910745366
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) Ochd Dàin le Biddy Jenkinson (Scottish Gaelic verse translations of eight early poems by the Irish writer). In: STEALL 01. Clàr, pp. 42-50. ISBN 9781900901888
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) Suain nan Trì Latha: Dàin. Clàr: Inbhir Nis. ISBN 978900901857
O'Gallagher, N. (2016) Vuillard's Mother (English verse translation of Gaelic poem by Christopher Whyte). In: Cambridge, Gerry and Hendry, Diana (eds.) Talking About Lobsters. Series: New writing Scotland (34). Association for Scottish Literary Studies: Glasgow, pp. 66-72. ISBN 9781906841263
Taylor, S. (2016) Charting a course through the Scottish namescape. In: Hough, Carole and Izdebska, Daria (eds.) 'Names and their Environment'. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Glasgow, 25-29 August 2014. Volume 1, Toponomastics I. University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 2-24. ISBN 9780852619476
Taylor, S. (2016) Methodologies in place-name research. In: Hough, Carole (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Series: Oxford handbooks in linguistics. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 69-86. ISBN 9780199656431 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199656431.013.17)
Whyte, A. C. (2016) Alan Macniven, The Vikings in Islay: the place of names in Hebridean settlement history. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 10, pp. 213-218. [Book Review]