Publications: Industrial Minerals in the Aegean in Antiquity
Publications: Industrial Minerals in the Aegean in Antiquity
Demonstration of Pliny’s test for the purity of alumen using pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice is a very sensitive (~40 ppm) test for iron impurity dissolved as iron sulphate.
Hall and Photos-Jones (in press 2004)
Click link given for pdf of abstract in new additional window.
Photos-Jones, E., Cottier, A, Hall, A.J. & Mendoni, L.G. 1997. Kean Miltos: the well-known iron oxides of antiquity. The Annual of British School at Athens. 92, 359-371 and colour plate B.
Photos-Jones, E., Hall, A.J., Atkinson, J.A., Tompsett, G., Cottier, A. and Sanders, G.D.R. 1999. The Aghia Kyriaki, Melos, Survey: prospecting for the elusive earths in the Roman period in the Aegean. The Annual of the British School at Athens. 94. 377-413.
McNulty, Arbory Elizabeth 2000. Industrial Minerals in Antiquity: Melos in the Classical and Roman Periods. Unpubl. PhD. Thesis. Department of Archaeology and Division of Earth Sciences. University of Glasgow.
Atkinson, J.A. and Photos-Jones, E. 2001. Atkinson 2001A site with a 'special purpose': mining activity on Melos in the Late Roman Period. In: J.E. Fell, P.D. Nicolaou and G.D. Xydous, 5th International Mining History Congress, 12-15 Sept 2000, Milos Island, Greece: Book of Proceedings. Milos Conference Center - George Eliopoulos. 77-85.
Hansom, J.D., Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. 2001. Hansom et al 2001Rapid environmental change during industrial minerals exploitation in the Aegean: the case of Roman Aghia Kyriaki, Melos, Greece. In: J.E. Fell, P.D. Nicolaou and G.D. Xydous, 5th International Mining History Congress, 12-15 Sept 2000, Milos Island, Greece: Book of Proceedings. Milos Conference Center - George Eliopoulos. 92-100.
McNulty, A. and Hall, A.J. 2001. McNulty & Hall 2001Divine Theion: the exploitation of sulphur in Melos and Italy. In: J.E. Fell, P.D. Nicolaou and G.D. Xydous, 5th International Mining History Congress, 12-15 Sept 2000, Milos Island, Greece: Book of Proceedings. Milos Conference Center - George Eliopoulos. 86-91.
Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E., Perdikatsis, V. and Photos-Jones, E. 2003. A model for the origin of aluminium-rich efflorescences near fumaroles, Melos, Greece: enhanced weathering in a geothermal setting. Mineralogical Magazine. 67. 363-379.
Hall, A.J., Photos-Jones, E., McNulty, A., Turner, D. and McRobb, A. 2003. Geothermal activity at the archaeological site of Aghia Kyriaki and its significance to Roman industrial mineral exploitation on Melos, Greece. Geoarchaeology. 18. 333-357.
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. 2005. The nature of Melian alumen and its potential for exploitation in antiquity. In: Borgard, P., Brun, J-P. and Picon, M. (Eds) L'Alun de Meditérranée. Colloque International, Naples, Lipari juin 2003. Naples, Aix-en-Provence: Centre Jean Bérard. 77-84.
Papers in review/press ( 2007)
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. (in press 2004) The juice of the pomegranate: processing and quality control of alumen in antiquity, and making sense of Pliny's phorimon and paraphoron. Mike Tite Festshcrift. (see above image)
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. (in press 2007) Accessing past beliefs and practices: the case of Lemnian Earth. Archaeometry.
Conference Abstracts
Photos-Jones, E. 1998. "The Aghia Kyriaki, Melos Survey: industrial minerals exploitation in the Aegean, in the Roman period." Public lecture and publicly available abstract; on opening of the Melos Mining Museum, Voudia, Melos, May 23rd 1998.
Photos-Jones, E. and Hall, A.J. 2000. Melos and the "Chemical Industries" of Antiquity: Energy sources and natural resources. 5th International Mining History Congress. Milos, Greece, 12-15 Sept. 2000. p89.
Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E., Perdikatsis, V. and Photos-Jones, E. 2001. Enhanced weathering in a geothermal setting: a preliminary model for the origin of aluminium-rich sulfate efflorescences exploited in antiquity on Melos, Greece. Metals in the Weathering Environment: from ores to the biosphere. 22-23 Oct. 2001. Mineral Deposits Studies Group (Geological Society) and Applied Mineralogy Group (Mineralogical Society). Geological Society London. Programme with abstracts pp 25-26.
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. 2001. Hall & Photos-Jones 2001Industrial minerals in antiquity: Towards understanding Pliny's praise of Melian alumen. Early Materials Forum. 1 &2 Nov. 2001. Univ of Bradford. Abstracts p6.
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones, E. 2002. Hall & Photos-Jones 2002The juice of the pomegranate: Quality control for the processing and distribution of alumen in antiquity. 33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry. 22-26 April 2002 Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Program and Abstracts. Abstract 049, p42.
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones E. 2003. The nature of Melian alum deposits and their potential for exploitation in antiquity. Colloquium on L'Alun de Mediterranee, Naples, June 2003.
Hall, A.J. and Photos-Jones E. 2003. Geothermally altered sediments at archaeological sites in SE Melos: evidence for Roman exploitation of geothermal energy? UK Archaeological Science 2003. 2-5 April 2003. Oxford University.
In preparation (2004)
Photos-Jones, E. and Hall, A.J. (in prep) Tu-ru-pte-ri-ja, stypteria and alumen: stamping an island polity's industrial past.