The Cairns - seminar 160322

Archaeology research seminar

Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 4pm BST

Join us at 4pm for our seminar: the speaker will be Martin Carruthers, Archaeology Institute, UHI and his topic is Biography of a Broch: Excavating The Cairns, Orkney

Situated on the Isle of South Ronaldsay in Orkney, The Cairns is a large, well-preserved, deeply stratified, multi-phase prehistoric and early historic. The main research focus of the current excavation is a substantial broch or Complex Atlantic Roundhouse of the Iron Age period, and its associated extramural village complex. To date, 21 buildings have been identified and partly or wholly excavated, providing evidence for the range of past activities within the settlement, including food processing and consumption, metalworking, bone-working, textile production, and animal husbandry.

The artefact assemblage of the site is substantial and will undoubtedly help to elucidate artefactual sequences of the Scottish Atlantic Iron Age. At the same time, the networks of people, animals, buildings and artefacts at the site, also provide an excellent opportunity to adopt a richly biographical approach and discuss the development of the specific quality of the place and to contemplate the community’s understanding of the past material remains that undergirded their lives.

Please register on Eventbrite for the zoom details:

First published: 10 March 2022

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