Good Practice Scheme
Aimed at promoting gender equality, and launched in 2019, the School’s Good Practice Scheme comprises the following components:
- six guides, in this document,
- a simple procedure for Subject and School engagement, in the same document, and
- the “one-stop shop” below for all the links and resources cited in the guides.
1. Subject and School Culture
- Equality and Diversity Training
- Understanding Unconscious Bias Training
- Diversifying our syllabi
- Dignity at Work & Study Policy
- Unacceptable Behaviour Policy
- Respect Advisers Network
- Counselling for Staff
- Help a Student (for staff concerned about a student’s mental health)
- Bullying, discrimination, harassment & sexual misconduct reporting tool (for students)
- Big White Wall (anonymous online counselling forum for students)
- “My Mental Health” (for students)
- Counselling and Pyschological Services (CAPS)
- Glasgow University LGBTQ+ Students’ Association
2. Research: Conferences, Workshops, Seminars
3. Research: Journals, Societies, Projects
4. Staff Careers: Hiring and New Starters
- Gender decoder
- Understanding Unconscious Bias Training
- Redeployment Register
- School Mentoring Scheme (on Moodle)
- College Early Career Researchers network
- ArtsLab training sessions
- Workshops on gender and academic careers
(right click on logo to download it)