Ceramic views of Scotland and northern England from the Neolithic to the 20th century: issues of method, practice and theory
An inter-disciplinary meeting at the University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, Lecture Theatre, July 1-2, 2010
Ceramics feature, if unevenly, among the finds from most archaeological
excavations in Scotland and northern England. Some groups of ceramic
materials are both well known and intensively studied, while others have
often received less attention. Although period-based specialisms
continue to dominate the study of ceramics in Scotland, as elsewhere in
Britain, these studies are commonly focussed upon the same issues of
date, function and contact. The last two decades have seen major changes
in the study of ceramics. These changes, which have affected the study
of pottery of the different time periods to contrasting extents, are
multifarious; they range from the introduction of an explicitly
theoretical element to the interpretation of the ceramic evidence, to a
reappraisal of the ‘traditional’ objectives of pottery study, and to the
application of science-based techniques.
In light of this situation, and building crucially on the efforts of the
national pottery research groups (for prehistory, Roman and the
Medieval), the time is right to examine methodological and theoretical
issues confronting current study of specifically Northern Britain
ceramics on a period by period basis and then to cut across the period
divide and consider how practices, approaches and priorities evident in
the study in a particular period could benefit those adopted in another
period. We hope this meeting, which has received financial support from
the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and the National Museums of
Scotland, will be a unique opportunity to encourage greater dialogue
between period specialists as well as greater coordination in ceramic
study in northern Britain. At the very least it should act as a forum
and help to raise the profile of this branch of artefact study.
In addition to the talks, there will be separate discussion sessions.
Meeting Summary and Extended Abstracts (July 2011)
Introduction and Schedule
Richard Jones, Daniel Sahlén and Louisa Hammersley