Submit a story or other newsletter content

HAWKEYE banner newsletter featuring photo of hawk plus school, Athena Swan and research theme logos

Our monthly newsletter, HAWKEYE (Health and Wellbeing Knowledge Exchange Your E-newsletter), is your opportunity to share with others your research and teaching activity, highlight any achievements, publicise your events, or reflect on aspects of working/studying in the School of Health and Wellbeing/University of Glasgow that you think would be interesting or helpful to colleagues. 

Who can contribute to HAWKEYE? 

Any member of staff or student within School of Health and Wellbeing may contribute to HAWKEYE. We try to ensure that there is a good balance of stories, with all units and areas of activity represented. 

We also invite content from guest contributors from other areas of UofG, if there is a topic or initiative that is likely to be of interest to our readers e.g. equality, diversity and inclusion activities.  

What types of content do you publish? 

We welcome any of the following types of content. For accessibility, we encourage all contributors to use plain language. 

  1. Quick updates for SHW colleagues
    Information relating to policy, procedures, practical or other key matters that members of SHW will find useful. 2 or 3 sentences maximum, with up to 3 links to further information. 
  2. News in brief 
    Short snippets of news about research, teaching or other activity within our school. 2 or 3 sentences maximum with up to 3 links to further information.
  3. Longer reads
    • We publish a handful of longer articles each month (one article per unit/research group, for balance).
    • Recommended length is 3 or 4 short paragraphs, although there is no strict word limit.
    • Please also supply a title (up to 100 characters) and a brief summary (up to 200 characters) – something that will encourage people to click into your story and find out more. 
    • High resolution photos can be included but please ensure that anyone identifiable has given consent.
    • Text should be ready to add to HAWKEYE with minimal editing required.
  4. SHW voices
    Content written from a more personal perspective reflecting on a work-related experience, including aspects of equality, diversity or inclusion. Volunteers for our "5 minutes with..." feature (where we invite colleagues to tell us a bit about themselves, their work, their interests, and their aspirations) are also sought. 
  5. Athena Swan, equality, diversity and inclusion 
    Updates from our Athena Swan champions and working groups on current activity and future plans
  6. ECR corner
    Content relating to the interests and concerns or our early career researchers 
  7. Congratulations to... 
    Awards and achievements, big or small 
  8. Welcome to new staff and students 
  9. Knowledge exchange and public engagement
  10. Staff and student noticeboard items 

PLEASE NOTE It is the responsibility of individual contributors to ensure the accuracy of the information they provide. If a story concerns an activity, project or output that involves more than one SHW unit/research group, or to which other UofG staff, departments or schools have contributed, please make sure that all relevant parties are acknowledged. Please also ensure that there are no copyright or GDPR issues associated with the content you submit. 

How do I submit content?

Please email your text and any accompanying images to SHW-hawkeye@glasgow.ac.uk. Short snippets of news can also be submitted via MS Forms

What is the deadline for submitting content for the next edition?

Newsletter content is usually required by the penultimate Monday in the month to be included in the forthcoming edition. The exact deadline is always available at the foot of the previous month's newsletter, in the section entitled "Tell us about you and your work". 

What permissions are needed for any images I ask to be published in HAWKEYE?

For any images you would like accompany your article, please ensure that you have the email permission of all who are identifiable in photos, which is required for data protection purposes. Please forward any consent emails to SHW-hawkeye@glasgow.ac.uk when you send in your story.

What about copyright? 

As above, please ensure that you have permission to use any text or photos you submit, if you are not the author or originator.

We are unable to reproduce text that has been published elsewhere unless with the permission of the copyright holder, and full acknowledgment of this. 

Who should I contact to discuss an idea for a HAWKEYE article?

To talk through an idea for an article or feature, please contact HAWKEYE's editor, Jane Goodfellow.

Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to contribute to our newsletter.

Jane, Asha and Audrey