Guidelines and policies
Facility for SHW staff to take unpaid leave for caring responsibilities in single days
Staff may take unpaid leave for caring responsibilities in single days.
Some staff have indicated that they sometimes need to take single days of ordinary unpaid parental leave, rather than a full week block of unpaid leave, but that this is not allowed within the policy.
We have considered this carefully, and feel that it is a very reasonable request that should be supported. Therefore, if anyone with caring responsibilities for children or dependent adults needs to take single days of unpaid leave, line managers should always approve this, unless there is a very strong conflict with essential university business on the specified day. We are in the process of updating our induction materials to include this information.
Staff wishing to take single days of unpaid leave due to caring responsibilities should request it via their "CoreHR", selecting "book time off", then in the "leave type" box selecting "unpaid leave" (rather than ordinary unpaid parental leave).
Please note that there is also the option to take unpaid leave as half days (rather than full days).
SHW executive group