Guidelines and policies
SHW flexible model
Whilst University of Glasgow has no formal policy on flexitime in the workplace, flexitime schemes are currently in operation across the university. There are some variations in these, and this is an amended version of a scheme which has been in use very effectively in Public Health and HEHTA for a number of years.
Changes to this scheme following COVID-19
There have been significant changes post COVID to the working practices of SHW staff and our overall culture.
- increased flexibility for all staff, irrespective of job family, role or grade;
- adoption of the underlying principle of "finish your work not your hours", focussing on the output (doing the work) rather than the process (when/where we do it) See SHW guidance on good practice for remote working and UofG best practice for working from home;
- renewed commitment to helping staff achieve good work/life balance, including an acknowledgement of non-work responsibilities, priorities and challenges, and the importance of making time to look after our physical and emotional wellbeing.
In the light of these changes, at least some of which may become permanent, we will be reviewing and revising this flexitime scheme to ensure that it remains useful and workable.
The current working model
The aim of this model is to formalise a flexible system of attendance, with anticipated benefits for both individuals (improved work-life balance/management of caring responsibilities, increased sense of wellbeing in the workplace, reduced stress) and teams or units (increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, a positive workforce, improved staff retention).
It is fundamental that this should not interfere with, or reduce the efficiency of, normal activities or levels of service. Line manager approval must be obtained for any change in working hours.
This scheme should not be confused with the formal UofG flexible working policy which is available across the university.
Staff to whom model applies
All PSS staff up to and including grade 6.
Hybrid working
PSS staff in SHW have a 60/40 balance, 60% in the office and 40% from home. Staff are welcome to work in the office 100% of their time.
PSS staff can start their normal working hours at 8.00am and finish at 6.00pm (the period between the earliest start time and latest finish time). Staff are required to make themselves aware of locking up procedures at their local site and the UofG Lone Working Policy prior to working flexibly.
Core time (the time when staff must be at work)
2 blocks: 10.00am to 12 noon and 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
Cover for reception areas
The Reception area supports the requirements of the School between 8.00am-4.00pm Monday to Friday.
Flexible working hours
8.00am and 6.00pm including an hour's lunch break.
Lunch break
In the interests of health, safety and wellbeing, adequate time should be taken for breaks during the day. Lunch will normally be taken between 12 noon and 2.00pm.
There is no budget provision for overtime. Paid overtime (outwith the flexitime bandwidth) will only be possible in exceptional circumstances and will require prior approval from line managers. In accordance with UofG policy, staff on grades 6 and above are not eligible to receive overtime payments for additional hours worked.
SHW Athena SWAN professional services group
December 2025