Number of items: 50.
Walker, H. et al.
Analysis of the kidney failure risk equation implementation in routine clinical practice
and health inequalities in chronic kidney disease care: a retrospective cohort study.
BMC Nephrology, 26,
(doi: 10.1186/s12882-025-04043-0)
Walker, H., Sullivan, M. K. , Jani, B. D. and Gallacher, K.
Chronic kidney disease management in primary care: challenges and possible developments.
British Journal of General Practice, 75(752),
pp. 104-106.
(doi: 10.3399/bjgp25X740829)
Jones, C., Cairns, R., Walker, H., Welsh, S., Edgar, B., Stevenson, K., Jani, B. D. , Mark, P. B. , Kingsmore, D. and Gallacher, K. I.
Exploration of treatment burden through examination of workload and patient capacity during transition onto kidney replacement therapy: a systematic review of qualitative research.
BMC Medicine, 23,
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-025-03904-7)
Walker, H., Sullivan, M. K. , Jani, B. D. , Mark, P. B. and Gallacher, K. I.
Exploration of patients’ and health care professionals’ perspectives of kidney failure risk and the use of the kidney failure risk equation in MULTIPle lOng-term condItions aNd frailTy (MULTIPOINT) study: a qualitative interview and focus group study protocol.
BMJ Open, 14(10),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-085843)
Walker, H., Day, S., Grant, C. H. , Jones, C., Ker, R., Sullivan, M. K. , Jani, B. D. , Gallacher, K. and Mark, P. B.
Representation of multimorbidity and frailty in the development and validation of kidney failure prognostic prediction models: a systematic review.
BMC Medicine, 22,
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-024-03649-9)
Gallacher, K. I. , Petrie, D., Rasmussen McAdie, D., McGuire, P. and Quinn, T. J.
Stroke recovery – what are people talking about on Twitter? A content analysis.
Disability and Rehabilitation,
(doi: 10.1080/09638288.2024.2403722)
(Early Online Publication)
Kidd, L. et al.
A realist evaluation of mechanisms and contexts for facilitating the implementation of supported self-management in community stroke care (the IMPETUS study).
Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024(1),
(doi: 10.1155/2024/9198768)
Minnis, M., Burton, J. K. , Kelbling, E., Gallacher, K. I. and Quinn, T. J.
Not daily, sometimes not ever – mixed methods exploration of the contemporary relevance of tasks contained in extended activities of daily living scales.
Age and Ageing, 53(8),
(doi: 10.1093/ageing/afae185)
Erhahiemen, P. , O'Donnell, C. A. , Gallacher, K. and Nicholl, B. I.
A systematic review of the experience of treatment burden of digital health for military personnel in primary healthcare.
Health Open Research, 6(9),
(doi: 10.12688/healthopenres.13599.1)
McMahon, D., Dixon, D., Quinn, T. and Gallacher, K. I.
The Acceptability of post-stroke cognitive testing through the lens of the theory of acceptability, a qualitative study.
Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 6,
(doi: 10.1016/j.cccb.2023.100197)
Burton, J. K. , Drummond, M., Gallacher, K. I. and Quinn, T. J.
Listening and learning: a qualitative study of Scottish care home staff experiences of managing COVID-19 between March 2020-August 2022.
BMC Geriatrics, 23(1),
(doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04251-z)
Wood, K., Sardar, A., Eton, D. T., Mair, F. S. , Kidd, L. , Quinn, T. J. and Gallacher, K. I.
Adaptation and content validation of a patient-reported measure of treatment burden for use in stroke survivors: the patient experience with treatment and self-management in stroke (PETS-stroke) measure.
Disability and Rehabilitation,
(doi: 10.1080/09638288.2023.2241360)
(Early Online Publication)
Hanlon, P. , Burton, J. K. , Quinn, T. J. , Mair, F. S. , McAllister, D. , Lewsey, J. and Gallacher, K. I.
Prevalence, measurement and implications of frailty in stroke survivors: an analysis of three global aging cohorts.
International Journal of Stroke, 18(6),
pp. 720-727.
(doi: 10.1177/17474930231151847)
May, C. R., Chew-Graham, C. A., Gallacher, K. I. , Gravenhorst, K. C., Mair, F. S., Nolte, E. and Richardson, A.
EXPERTS II - How are patient and caregiver participation in health and social care shaped by experienced burden of treatment and social inequalities? Protocol for a qualitative synthesis.
NIHR Open Research, 3,
(doi: 10.3310/nihropenres.13411.1)
Gallacher, K. I. , Taylor-Rowan, M. , Eton, D. T., McLeod, H. , Kidd, L. , Wood, K., Sardar, A., Quinn, T. J. and Mair, F. S.
Protocol for the development and validation of a patient reported measure (PRM) of treatment burden in stroke.
Health Open Research, 5,
(doi: 10.12688/healthopenres.13334.1)
Adam, R., Nair, R., Duncan, L. F., Yeoh, E., Chan, J., Vilenskaya, V. and Gallacher, K. I.
Treatment burden in individuals living with and beyond cancer: a systematic review of qualitative literature.
PLoS ONE, 18(5),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286308)
Boehmer, K. R., Gallacher, K. I. , Lippiett, K. A., Mair, F. S. , May, C. R. and Montori, V. M.
Minimally disruptive medicine – progress 10 years later.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 97(2),
pp. 210-220.
(doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.09.003)
Kidd, L. et al.
Supported self-management in community stroke rehabilitation: what is it and how does it work? A protocol for a realist evaluation study.
BMJ Open, 12(1),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055491)
Stewart, C., Gallacher, K. , Nakham, A., Cruickshank, M., Newlands, R., Bond, C., Myint, P. K., Bhattacharya, D. and Mair, F. S.
Barriers and facilitators to reducing anticholinergic burden: a qualitative systematic review.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 43(6),
pp. 1451-1460.
(doi: 10.1007/s11096-021-01293-4)
Cunningham, Y. et al.
Understanding stakeholder views regarding the design of an intervention trial to reduce anticholinergic burden: a qualitative study.
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12,
(doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.608208)
Mason, B. et al.
Core outcome measures for palliative and end-of-life research after severe stroke: mixed-method Delphi study.
Stroke, 52(11),
pp. 3507-3513.
(doi: 10.1161/strokeaha.120.032650)
Hanlon, P. et al.
Self-management interventions for Type 2 Diabetes: systematic review protocol focusing on patient workload and capacity support.
Wellcome Open Research, 6,
(doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17238.1)
Jani, B. D. , McQueenie, R., Nicholl, B. I. , Field, R. , Hanlon, P. , Gallacher, K. I. , Mair, F. S. and Lewsey, J.
Association between patterns of alcohol consumption (beverage type, frequency and consumption with food) and risk of adverse health outcomes: a prospective cohort study.
BMC Medicine, 19,
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01878-2)
Hanlon, P. et al.
Assessing risks of polypharmacy involving medications with anticholinergic properties.
Annals of Family Medicine, 18(2),
pp. 148-155.
(doi: 10.1370/afm.2501)
Kyle, J., Skleparis, D. , Mair, F. S. and Gallacher, K. I.
What helps and hinders the provision of healthcare that minimises treatment burden and maximises patient capacity? A qualitative study of stroke health professional perspectives.
BMJ Open, 10(3),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034113)
Gallacher, K. , Quinn, T. , Kidd, L. , Eton, D., Elliot, J., Johnston, N., Erwin, P. J. and Mair, F.
Systematic review of patient-reported measures of treatment burden in stroke.
BMJ Open, 9(9),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029258)
Stewart, C., Gallacher, K. , Nakham, A., Cruickshank, M., Newlands, R., Bond, C., Myint, P. K., Bhattacharya, D. and Mair, F. S.
Barriers and facilitators to reducing anticholinergic burden from the perspectives of patients, their carers, and healthcare professionals: a protocol for qualitative evidence synthesis.
Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 12(3),
pp. 227-231.
Gallacher, K. I. , Jani, B. D. , Hanlon, P. , Nicholl, B. I. and Mair, F. S.
Multimorbidity in stroke.
Stroke, 50(7),
pp. 1919-1926.
(doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.020376)
Jani, B. D. , Hanlon, P. , Nicholl, B. I. , McQueenie, R., Gallacher, K. I. , Lee, D. and Mair, F. S.
Relationship between multimorbidity, demographic factors and mortality: findings from the UK Biobank Cohort.
BMC Medicine, 17,
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1305-x)
Quinn, T. J. , Mooijaart, S. P., Gallacher, K. and Burton, J. K.
Acute care assessment of older adults living with frailty.
British Medical Journal, 364,
(doi: 10.1136/bmj.l13)
Jani, B. D. , Nicholl, B. I. , McQueenie, R., Connelly, D. T., Hanlon, P. , Gallacher, K. I. , Lee, D. and Mair, F. S.
Multimorbidity and co-morbidity in atrial fibrillation and effects on survival: findings from UK Biobank cohort.
Europace, 20,
(doi: 10.1093/europace/eux322)
Gallacher, K. I. , McQueenie, R., Nicholl, B. , Jani, B. D. , Lee, D. and Mair, F. S.
Risk factors and mortality associated with multimorbidity in people with stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a study of 8,751 UK Biobank participants.
Journal of Comorbidity, 8(1),
pp. 1-8.
(doi: 10.15256/joc.2018.8.129)
Gallacher, K. and Quinn, T. J.
The LAST word on coaching as a stroke intervention?
Stroke, 49(2),
pp. 279-280.
(doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.020001)
Gallacher, K. L. , May, C. R., Langhorne, P. and Mair, F. S.
A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke.
BMC Family Practice, 19(1),
(doi: 10.1186/s12875-017-0691-4)
Hanlon, P. , Nicholl, B. I. , Jani, B. D. , McQueenie, R., Lee, D. , Gallacher, K. I. and Mair, F. S.
Examining patterns of multimorbidity, polypharmacy and risk of adverse drug reactions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional UK Biobank study.
BMJ Open, 8(1),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018404)
Mair, F. S. and Gallacher, K. I.
Multimorbidity: what next?
British Journal of General Practice, 67(659),
pp. 248-249.
(doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X690965)
Mair, F. and Gallacher, K.
Treatment Burden.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Abu Dabrh, A.M., Gallacher, K. , Boehmer, K.R., Hargraves, I.G. and Mair, F.S.
Minimally disruptive medicine: the evidence and conceptual progress supporting a new era of healthcare.
Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 45(2),
pp. 114-117.
(doi: 10.4997/JRCPE.2015.205)
Gallacher, K.
Final Report of Clinical Academic Training Fellowship, CAF 10/03.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gallacher, K. I. , Montori, V. M., May, C. R. and Mair, F. S.
Treatment burden and multimorbidity.
In: Mercer, S. W., Salisbury, C. and Fortin, M. (eds.)
ABC of Multimorbidity.
Series: ABC Series.
Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 30-33.
ISBN 9781118383889
Gallacher, K. I. , Batty, G. D., McLean, G., Mercer, S. W. , Guthrie, B., May, C. R., Langhorne, P. and Mair, F. S.
Stroke, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in a nationally representative sample of 1,424,378 patients in Scotland: implications for treatment burden.
BMC Medicine, 12(151),
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0151-0)
Leppin, A. L. et al.
Preventing 30-day hospital readmissions.
JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(7),
pp. 1095-1107.
(doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1608)
May, C. R. et al.
Rethinking the patient: using Burden of Treatment Theory to understand the changing dynamics of illness.
BMC Health Services Research, 14(281),
(doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-281)
Cameron, E.J. et al.
Randomised controlled trial of azithromycin in smokers with asthma.
European Respiratory Journal, 42(5),
pp. 1412-1415.
(doi: 10.1183/09031936.00093913)
Gallacher, K. et al.
Qualitative systematic reviews of treatment burden in stroke, heart failure and diabetes: methodological challenges and solutions.
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 13(10),
(doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-10)
Gallacher, K. et al.
Uncovering treatment burden as a key concept for stroke care: a systematic review of qualitative research.
PLoS Medicine, 10(6),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001473)
Gallacher, K. , May, C.R., Montori, V.M. and Mair, F.S.
Understanding patients' experiences of treatment burden in chronic heart failure using normalization process theory.
Annals of Family Medicine, 9(3),
pp. 235-243.
(doi: 10.1370/afm.1249)
Mair, F.S. , Browne, S. , Morrison, D. , Gallacher, K. , Macleod, U. and May, C.R.
Treatment burden in end stage heart failure (ESHF): a qualitative study.
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 1(s1),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2011-000020.21)
Gallacher, K.I. , May, C.R., Montori, V.M. and Mair, F.S.
Assessing treatment burden in chronic heart failure patients.
Heart, 96(s1),
(doi: 10.1136/hrt.2010.195966.11)
Gallacher, K. and Mair, F.
Final Report, Chief Scientist Office CAF CZG/3/22.
[Research Reports or Papers]
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 10:20:32 2025 GMT.