Ms Emma Steel
- Research Assistant (Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment)
I joined the Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment (HEHTA) team as a Research Assistant at the start of 2024. My background is in genetic counselling with a BSc (Genetics) from the University of Glasgow in 2008 and a MGenCouns from the University of Melbourne in 2010. I have worked on a number of qualitative research projects across different healthcare settings in Australia and Scotland, conducting interviews, focus groups and surveys with a range of individuals, including healthcare professionals, vulnerable patients, and consumers.
Research interests
- Capturing patient and clinical perspectives through qualitative methodology to improve patient experiences and outcomes
- Incorporating qualitative methodology into the development, testing, and acceptability of health technology
Prior publications
Ashley Shepherd, Emma Steel, Anne Taylor, William Mackay, Suzanne Hagen, (2019) Patient and community nurse perspectives on recruitment to a randomized controlled trial of urinary catheter washout solutions Nursing Open (doi: 10.1002/nop2.285)(issn: 2054-1058)(issn: 2054-1058); source: Emma Steel
Cruickshank S, Steel E, Fenlon D, Armes J, Banks E, Humphris G, (2019) Specialist breast cancer nurses' views on implementing a fear of cancer recurrence intervention in practice: a mixed methods study. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (pmid: 30997595)(doi: 10.1007/s00520-019-04762-9); source: Europe PubMed Central
(2019) Consumer and clinician perspectives on personalising breast cancer prevention information The Breast (doi:; source: Emma Steel
Louisa L Lo, Ian M Collins, Mathias Bressel, Phyllis Butow, Jon Emery, Louise Keogh, Prue Weideman, Emma Steel, John L Hopper, Alison H Trainer, Gregory B Mann, Adrian Bickerstaffe, Antonis C Antoniou, Jack Cuzick, Kelly-Anne Phillips, (2018) The iPrevent Online Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Risk Management Tool: Usability and Acceptability Testing JMIR Formative Research (doi: 10.2196/formative.9935); source: Crossref
(2017) How does genetic risk information for Lynch syndrome translate to risk management behaviours? Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice (doi: 10.1186/s13053-016-0061-6); source: Emma Steel
(2017) A feasibility study of the Mini-AFTER telephone intervention for the management of fear of recurrence in breast cancer survivors: a mixed-methods study protocol Pilot and Feasibility Studies (doi: 10.1186/s40814-017-0161-8); source: Emma Steel
(2016) The experience of extended bowel resection in individuals with a high metachronous colorectal cancer risk: A qualitative study Oncology Nursing Forum ; source: Emma Steel
(2016) iPrevent®: a tailored, web-based, decision support tool for breast cancer risk assessment and management Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (doi: 10.1007/s10549-016-3726-y); source: Emma Steel
Phillips KA, Steel EJ, Collins I, Emery J, Pirotta M, Mann GB, Butow P, Hopper JL, Trainer A, Moreton J, Antoniou AC, Cuzick J, Keogh L, (2015) Transitioning to routine breast cancer risk assessment and management in primary care: what can we learn from cardiovascular disease? (pmid: 25705982)(doi: 10.1071/PY14156); source: Europe PubMed Central
Steel EJ, Hodgson J, Stirling L, White SM, (2014) An exploration of the communication patterns and language used between clinical geneticists and parents of children with dysmorphic features. (pmid: 25250868)(doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.36749); source: Europe PubMed Central
Collins, I.M., Steel, E., Mann, G.B., Emery, J.D., Bickerstaffe, A., Trainer, A., Butow, P., Pirotta, M., Antoniou, A.C., Cuzick, J., Hopper, J., Phillips, K.-A., Keogh, L.A., (2014) Assessing and managing breast cancer risk: Clinicians' current practice and future needs (doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2014.06.014)(eid: 2-s2.0-84908207570); source: Scopus - Elsevier