Number of items: 23.
Olsen, J. R. et al.
Individual, social and area level factors associated with older people’s walking: analysis of an UK household panel study (Understanding Society).
Social Science and Medicine, 358,
(doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117083)
Ncube, N. , Goodfellow, C. , McCann, M. , Allen, J., Cameron, J., White, C., Long, E. , Riddell, J. and Elsenbroich, C.
Stress, Loneliness & Mental Health stigma: a SOCITS Approach to School Interactions.
Society for Social Medicine & Population Health 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow, UK, 04-06 Sep 2024.
(doi: 10.1136/jech-2024-SSMabstracts.62)
Letina, S., Long, E. , Mccrorie, P. , Mitchell, K. , Zucca, C., Riddell, J. , Simpson, S. A. , Moore, L. and McCann, M.
Cross-sectional social network study of adolescent peer group variation in substance use and mental wellbeing: the importance of the meso-level.
Social Networks, 78,
pp. 119-137.
(doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2023.12.002)
Long, E. , Thomson, M. , Milicev, J. , Goodfellow, C. , Letina, S., Bradley, S. and McCann, M.
Loneliness, social support, and social networks: Urban-rural variation and links to wellbeing in Scotland.
Journal of Public Health,
(doi: 10.1007/s10389-024-02236-9)
(Early Online Publication)
Richardson, L., Long, E. , Goodfellow, C. , Milicev, J. and Gardani, M.
Starting an undergraduate degree amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-method egocentric network study on student loneliness.
PLoS ONE, 19(2),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297953)
Anderson, M. , Long, E. and McCann, M.
Social Network Characteristics Associated with Physical Activity in Adults Aged 55-75 Living in Two Deprived Communities in Scotland.
7th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2023), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04-08 Sep 2023.
Milicev, J. , Qualter, P., Goodfellow, C. , Inchley, J. , Simpson, S. A. , Leyland, A. H. , Kharicha, K. and Long, E.
The prospective relationship between loneliness, life satisfaction, and psychological distress before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.
Journal of Public Health, 31(9),
pp. 1417-1431.
(doi: 10.1007/s10389-022-01719-x)
Goodfellow, C. , Willis, M. , Inchley, J. , Kharicha, K., Leyland, A. H. , Qualter, P., Simpson, S. and Long, E.
Mental health and loneliness in Scottish schools: a multilevel analysis of data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(2),
pp. 608-625.
(doi: 10.1111/bjep.12581)
Marquez, J., Goodfellow, C. , Hardoon, D., Inchley, J. , Leyland, A.H. , Qualter, P., Simpson, S.A. and Long, E.
Loneliness in young people: a multilevel exploration of social ecological influences and geographic variation.
Journal of Public Health, 45(1),
pp. 109-117.
(doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdab402)
Long, E. , Stevens, S., Topciu, R., Williams, A. J., Taylor, T. J. and Morrissey, K.
Wellbeing and social network characteristics in rural communities: findings from a cohort in social housing in Cornwall, United Kingdom.
International Journal of Community Well-Being, 5(3),
pp. 559-570.
(doi: 10.1007/s42413-022-00167-5)
Marquez, J., Inchley, J. and Long, E.
Cross-country and gender differences in factors associated with population-level declines in adolescent life satisfaction.
Child Indicators Research, 15(4),
pp. 1405-1428.
(doi: 10.1007/s12187-022-09930-8)
Goodfellow, C. , Hardoon, D., Inchley, J. , Leyland, A. H. , Qualter, P., Simpson, S. A. and Long, E.
Loneliness and personal well-being in young people: moderating effects of individual, interpersonal, and community factors.
Journal of Adolescence, 94(4),
pp. 554-568.
(doi: 10.1002/jad.12046)
Thomson, M. , Martin, A. , Long, E. , Logue, J. and Simpson, S. A.
A qualitative exploration of weight management during COVID-19.
Clinical Obesity, 12(3),
(doi: 10.1111/cob.12512)
Long, E. et al.
COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(2),
pp. 128-132.
(doi: 10.1136/jech-2021-216690)
McGlone, M. and Long, E.
Are young adults with long-standing illness or disability at increased risk of loneliness? evidence from the UK Longitudinal Household Study.
Journal of Public Health Research, 9(4),
(doi: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1861)
Long, E. , Zucca, C. and Sweeting, H.
School climate, peer relationships, and adolescent mental health: a social ecological perspective.
Youth and Society, 53(8),
pp. 1400-1415.
(doi: 10.1177/0044118X20970232)
Long, E. , Barrett, T. and Lockhart, G.
Chronic health conditions and adolescent friendships: perspectives from social network analysis.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 33(5),
(doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2018-0293)
Zucca, C. , Long, E. , Hilton, J. and McCann, M.
Appraising the implementation of complexity approaches within the Public Health Sector in Scotland. An assessment framework for pre-implementation policy evaluation.
Frontiers in Public Health, 9,
(doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.653588)
Marquez, J. and Long, E.
A global decline in adolescents’ subjective well-being: a comparative study exploring patterns of change in the life satisfaction of 15-year-old students in 46 countries.
Child Indicators Research, 14(3),
pp. 1251-1292.
(doi: 10.1007/s12187-020-09788-8)
Long, E. , Gardani, M. , McCann, M. , Sweeting, H. , Tranmer, M. and Moore, L.
Mental health disorders and adolescent peer relationships.
Social Science and Medicine, 253,
(doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112973)
Long, E. and Valente, T. W.
Perceived social acceptability and longitudinal trends in adolescent cigarette smoking.
Prevention Science, 20(6),
pp. 824-832.
(doi: 10.1007/s11121-018-0945-y)
Simone, M., Long, E. and Lockhart, G.
The dynamic relationship between unhealthy weight control and adolescent friendships: a social network approach.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(7),
pp. 1373-1384.
(doi: 10.1007/s10964-017-0796-z)
Long, E. , Barrett, T. S. and Lockhart, G.
Network-behavior dynamics of adolescent friendships, alcohol use, and physical activity.
Health Psychology, 36(6),
pp. 577-586.
(doi: 10.1037/hea0000483)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:36:57 2025 GMT.