Number of items: 62.
Owusu Achiaw, S. , Geue, C. and Grieve, E.
The role of universal health coverage in secondary prevention: a case study of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme and early-onset hypertension.
SSM - Health Systems,
(doi: 10.1016/j.ssmhs.2025.100053)
(Early Online Publication)
Sanya, R. E. et al.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes care and factors associated with care disruption in Kenya and Tanzania.
Global Health Action, 17(1),
(doi: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2345970)
Jakubowski, S. et al.
Clinical and non-clinical aspects of reimbursement policy for orphan drugs in selected European countries.
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15,
(doi: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1498386)
Desai, H., Grieve, E. and Wright, C.
What is the opportunity cost of funding ready-to-use supplementary foods compared to counselling for moderate malnutrition?
Society for Social Medicine & Population Health 68th Annual Scientific meeting, Glasgow, UK, 04-06 Sep 2024.
(doi: 10.1136/jech-2024-SSMabstracts.39)
Karugu, C. H. et al.
Economic Impact of COVID-19 on patients with Type 2 diabetes in Kenya and Tanzania: a costing analysis.
BMJ Public Health, 2(2),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjph-2023-000383)
Manca, F., Ciminata, G., Grieve, E. , Reboud, J. , Cooper, J. and McIntosh, E.
Cost-effectiveness of sentinel screening of endemic diseases alongside malaria diagnosis: a case study in schistosomiasis.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18(7),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0012339)
MacKenzie, R. M. et al.
Clinical outcomes and adverse events of bariatric surgery in adults with severe obesity in Scotland: the SCOTS observational cohort study.
Health Technology Assessment, 28(7),
(doi: 10.3310/UNAW6331)
Laurie, E. , Siebert, S. , Yongolo, N., Halliday, J. , Biswaro, S., Krauth, S. J. , Kilonzo, K., Mmbaga, B. T., McIntosh, E. and NIHR Global Health Group, .
Evidencing the clinical and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: Paving the way for urgent rheumatology service development.
Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(1),
(doi: 10.1093/rap/rkad110)
Kamaruzaman, H. F., Grieve, E. , Rahim, K. N. K. A., Ghazali, I. M. M., Wai, L. S., Romli, E. Z., Abdullah, M. H. and Wu, O.
Stakeholders’ perspectives on disinvestment of low-value healthcare interventions and practices in Malaysia: an online survey.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 40(1),
(doi: 10.1017/S0266462324004665)
Deidda, M. et al.
Estimating the Economic Impact of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Tanzania: Results from a Community-Based Survey.
Diversity in Health Economics, 15th International Health Economics Association World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 08-12 Jul 2023.
Grieve, E. et al.
Estimating the Quality-of-Life Impact of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Tanzania: Results from a Cross-Sectional Community-Based Survey.
Diversity in Health Economics, 15th International Health Economics Association World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 08-12 Jul 2023.
Grieve, E. , Gulliver, S., Mehndiratta, A., Tyagi, K., Baker, P. and Guzman, J.
Evaluation of Health Technology Assessment in India.
Diversity in Health Economics, 15th International Health Economics Association World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 08-12 Jul 2023.
Owusu Achiaw, S. , Geue, C. and Grieve, E.
The Role of Universal Health Coverage in Secondary Prevention: A Case Study of Ghana’s National Health Insurance and Early-Onset Hypertension.
Diversity in Health Economics, 15th International Health Economics Association World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 08-12 Jul 2023.
Karugu, C., Binyaruka, P., Mohammed, S., Sanya, R., Mtenga, S., Asiki, G., Grieve, E. and Diedda, M.
Economic Impacts of Covid-19 on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Tanzania and Kenya: a Costing Analysis.
17th World Congress on Public Health, Rome, Italy, 2-6 May 2023.
(doi: 10.18332/popmed/164432)
Ara, G. et al.
Factors affecting the micronutrient status of adolescent girls living in complex agro-aquatic ecological zones of Bangladesh.
Scientific Reports, 13,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33636-8)
Williamson, K. , Blane, D. N. , Grieve, E. and Lean, M. E. J.
Overlooked and under-evidenced: community health and long-term care service needs, utilization, and costs incurred by people with severe obesity.
Clinical Obesity, 13(2),
(doi: 10.1111/cob.12570)
Grieve, E. , Bahuguna, P. , Gulliver, S., Mehndiratta, A., Baker, P. and Guzman, J.
Estimating the Return on Investment of Health Technology Assessment India (HTAIn).
Center for Global Development.
Grieve, E. et al.
Adolescent girls in aquaculture ecozones at risk of nutrient deficiency in Bangladesh development and validation of an integrated metric.
BMC Public Health, 23,
(doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15175-z)
Falkowski, A. et al.
How least developed to lower-middle income countries use health technology assessment: a scoping review.
Pathogens and Global Health, 117(2),
pp. 104-119.
(doi: 10.1080/20477724.2022.2106108)
Kamaruzaman, H., Grieve, E. and Wu, O.
PP132 Disinvestment Initiatives In Health Care: A Scoping Review Of Systematic Reviews.
HTAi 2022 Annual Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands, 25-29 Jun 2022.
(doi: 10.1017/S0266462322002525)
Wu, T. et al.
The comparative effects of metabolic surgery, SGLT2i, or GLP-1RA in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study.
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 18(6),
pp. 762-771.
(doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2022.02.008)
Grieve, E. , Hsieh, P. H., McIntosh, E. and Deidda, M.
Estimating the Quality of Life and Economic Impact of Arthritis in Tanzania.
British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference (BSR 2022), Glasgow, UK, 25-27 April 2022.
(doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac133.100)
Kamaruzaman, H., Grieve, E. and Wu, O.
Disinvestment in healthcare: a scoping review of systematic reviews.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 38(1),
(doi: 10.1017/S0266462322000514)
Mackenzie, R. M. et al.
SurgiCal Obesity Treatment Study (SCOTS): a prospective, observational cohort study on health and socioeconomic burden in treatment-seeking individuals with severe obesity in Scotland, UK.
BMJ Open, 11(8),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046441)
Wong, C. K.H., Wu, T., Wong, S. K.H., Law, B. T.T., Grieve, E. , Ng, E. K.W., Wu, O. and Lam, C. L.K.
Effects of bariatric surgery on kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mortality and severe hypoglycaemia among patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 36(8),
pp. 1440-1451.
(doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa075)
Grieve, E. , Hesselgreaves, H., Wu, O. and Briggs, A.
Bridging the Perceived Disconnect between Health Technology Assessment and Delivery Systems.
2021 World Congress on Health Economics, 12-15 Jul 2021.
Wu, T., Wong, S.K.H., Law, B.T.T., Grieve, E. , Wu, O. , Tong, D.K.H., Leung, D.K.W., Ng, E.K.W., Lam, C.L.K. and Wong, C.K.H.
Bariatric surgery is expensive but improves co-morbidity: 5-year assessment of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.
British Journal of Surgery, 108(5),
pp. 554-565.
(doi: 10.1002/bjs.11970)
Bouttell, J. , Hawkins, N. and Grieve, E.
Maximizing the value of engineering and technology research in healthcare: development‐focused health technology assessment.
In: Imran, M. A., Ghannam, R. and Abbasi, Q. H. (eds.)
Engineering and Technology for Healthcare.
Wiley-IEEE: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 1-27.
ISBN 9781119644248
(doi: 10.1002/9781119644316.ch1)
de Roos, B., Roos, N., Ara, G., Ahmed, T., Mamun, A.-A., Sneddon, A. A., Murray, F., Grieve, E. and Little, D.
Linkages of agroecosystems producing farmed seafood on food security, nutritional status and adolescent health in Bangladesh.
Maternal and Child Nutrition, 16(S3),
(doi: 10.1111/mcn.13017)
Xin, Y. , Davies, A., Briggs, A. , McCombie, L., Messow, C. M. , Grieve, E. , Leslie, W. S., Taylor, R. and Lean, M. E.J.
Type 2 diabetes remission: 2 year within-trial and lifetime-horizon cost-effectiveness of the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT)/Counterweight-Plus weight management programme.
Diabetologia, 63,
pp. 2112-2122.
(doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05224-2)
Bouttell, J. , Grieve, E. and Hawkins, N.
The role of development-focused health technology assessment in optimizing science, technology, and innovation to achieve sustainable development goal 3.
In: Adenle, A. A., Chertow, M. R., Moors, E. H.M. and Pannell, D. J. (eds.)
Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Agriculture, Health, Environment, and Energy.
Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
ISBN 9780190949501
Wu, T., Wong, S. K. H., Law, B. T. T., Grieve, E. , Wu, O. , Tong, D. K. H., Leung, D. K. W., Lam, C. L. K. and Wong, C. K. H.
Five‐year effectiveness of bariatric surgery on disease remission, weight loss, and changes of metabolic parameters in obese patients with type 2 diabetes: A population‐based propensity score‐matched cohort study.
Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 36(3),
(doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3236)
Kimani-Murage, E., Donfouet, H. P., Garcia, A. , Grieve, E. , Mutoro, A. and Wright, C.
The Cost of a Counseling-Based Intervention for Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) in Kenya Compared to Treatment with Ready-to-Use Foods (RUF).
Nutrition Live Online 2020, 01-04 Jun 2020.
(doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_131)
de Roos, B., Roos, N., Mamun, A.-A., Ahmed, T., Sneddon, A. A., Murray, F., Grieve, E. and Little, D. C.
Linking agroecosystems producing farmed seafood with food security and health status to better address the nutritional challenges in Bangladesh.
Public Health Nutrition, 22(16),
pp. 2941-2949.
(doi: 10.1017/S1368980019002295)
Changalucha, J. et al.
The need to improve access to rabies post-exposure vaccines: lessons from Tanzania.
Vaccine, 37(S1),
(doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.08.086)
Xin, Y. , Davies, A., McCombie, L., Briggs, A. , Messow, C.-M. , Grieve, E. , Leslie, W.S., Taylor, R. and Lean, M.E.J.
Type 2 diabetes remission: economic evaluation of the DiRECT/Counterweight‐Plus weight management programme within a primary care randomized controlled trial.
Diabetic Medicine, 36(8),
pp. 1003-1012.
(doi: 10.1111/dme.13981)
Grieve, E. and Briggs, A.
IDSI Reference Case work stream.
F1000Research, 8,
(doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1116834.1)
Xin, Y. , Davies, A., McCombie, L., Briggs, A. , Messow, C.-M. , Grieve, E. , Leslie, W. S., Taylor, R. and Lean, M. E.J.
Within-trial cost and 1-year cost-effectiveness of the DiRECT/Counterweight-Plus weight-management programme to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes.
Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 7(3),
pp. 169-172.
(doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30346-2)
Somers, C., Grieve, E. , Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M.-M., Mair, F. S. and McIntosh, E.
Valuing mobile health: An open-ended contingent valuation survey of a national digital health program.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(1),
(doi: 10.2196/mhealth.9990)
Grieve, E. , MacKenzie, R. M., Munro, J., O'Donnell, J., Stewart, S., Ali, A., Bruce, D., Trevor, M. and Logue, J.
Variations in bariatric surgical care pathways: a national costing study on the variability of services and impact on costs.
BMC Obesity, 5,
(doi: 10.1186/s40608-018-0223-3)
Gray, C. M. et al.
Long-term weight loss following a randomised controlled trial of a weight management programme for men delivered through professional football clubs: the Football Fans in Training follow-up study.
Public Health Research, 6(9),
(doi: 10.3310/phr06090)
Gray, C. M. et al.
Long-term weight loss trajectories following participation in a randomised controlled trial of a weight management programme for men delivered through professional football clubs: A longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 15,
(doi: 10.1186/s12966-018-0683-3)
McCombie, L. and Grieve, E.
Economic cost of obesity and the
cost‐effectiveness of weight management.
In: Hankey, C. and Whelan, K. (eds.)
Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 252-259.
ISBN 9780470670767
(doi: 10.1002/9781118857991.ch4)
Grieve, E. , Hesselgreaves, H., Wu, O. , Chalkidou, K., Ruiz, F., Smith, P., Li, R., Morris, L. and Briggs, A.
The Value of Health Technology Assessment: a mixed methods framework.
F1000Research, 6,
(doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1115169.1)
Grieve, E. and Briggs, A.
A Methodological Approach for Measuring the Impact of HTA.
Technical Report.
(doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1113738.1).
Lennon, M. R. et al.
Readiness for delivering digital health at scale: lessons from a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of a national digital health innovation program in the United Kingdom.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(2),
(doi: 10.2196/jmir.6900)
Wildman, J., McMeekin, P., Grieve, E. and Briggs, A.
Economic evaluation of integrated new technologies for health and social care: Suggestions for policy makers, users and evaluators.
Social Science and Medicine, 169,
pp. 141-148.
(doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.09.033)
McGee-Lennon, M. et al.
A flexible toolkit for evaluating person-centred digital health and wellness at scale.
In: Duffy, V. G. and Lightner, N. (eds.)
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare.
Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (482).
Springer: Cham, pp. 105-118.
ISBN 9783319416519
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-41652-6_11)
Mercer, S. W. et al.
The Care Plus study- a whole system intervention to improve quality of life of primary care patients with multimorbidity in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation: exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-utility analysis.
BMC Medicine, 14,
(doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0634-2)
Hansen, K. S. et al.
Cost-effectiveness of malaria diagnosis using rapid diagnostic tests compared to microscopy or clinical symptoms alone in Afghanistan.
Malaria Journal, 14,
(doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0696-1)
Wyke, S. et al.
Football Fans in Training (FFIT): a randomised controlled trial of a gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for men – end of study report.
Public Health Research, 3(2),
pp. 1-129.
(doi: 10.3310/phr03020)
Devlin, A. M. et al.
Delivering digital health and well-being at scale: lessons learned during the implementation of the dallas program in the United Kingdom.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(1),
pp. 48-59.
(doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocv097)
Logue, J. et al.
SurgiCal Obesity Treatment Study (SCOTS): protocol for a national prospective cohort study of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in Scotland.
BMJ Open, 5(5),
(doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008106)
Cooper, S.-A. et al.
Practice nurse health checks for adults with intellectual disabilities: a cluster-design, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet Psychiatry, 1(7),
pp. 511-521.
(doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(14)00078-9)
Hunt, K. et al.
A gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for overweight and obese men delivered by Scottish Premier League football clubs (FFIT): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
Lancet, 383(9924),
pp. 1211-1221.
(doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62420-4)
Lean, M.E.J. et al.
Feasibility and indicative results from a 12 month low-energy-liquid-diet treatment and maintenance programme for severe obesity.
British Journal of General Practice, 63(607),
pp. 115-124.
(doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X663073)
Grieve, E. , Fenwick, E., Yang, H.-C. and Lean, M.
The disproportionate economic burden associated with severe and complicated obesity: a systematic review.
Obesity Reviews, 14(11),
pp. 883-894.
(doi: 10.1111/obr.12059)
Lawson, K., Mercer, S. , Wyke, S. , Grieve, E. , Guthrie, B., Watt, G.C.M. and Fenwick, E.
Double trouble: the impact of multimorbidity and deprivation on preference-weighted health related quality of life - a cross sectional analysis of the Scottish Health Survey.
International Journal for Equity in Health, 12(67),
(doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-12-67)
McGee-Lennon, M. et al.
Evaluating the Delivery of Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale (Dallas).
In: 26th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Birmingham, UK, 12-14 Sep 2012,
(doi: 10.14236/ewic/HCI2012.58)
Grieve, E. , Fenwick, E. and Lean, M.
Estimating the Extent of the Morbidly Obese Population in Scotland.
European Congress on Obesity (ECO2012), Lyon, France, 9-12 May 2012.
Grieve, E. , Fenwick, E. and Lean, M.
Literature Review of the Economic Burden Associated with Severe and Complicated Obesity.
European Congress on Obesity (ECO2012), Lyon, France, 9-12 May 2012.
Grieve, E. , Fenwick, E. and Lean, M.
Statistical Analysis to Establish the Economic Burden Associated with Severe and Complicated Obesity.
European Congress on Obesity (ECO2012), Lyon, France, 9-12 May 2012.
This list was generated on Mon Jan 20 14:43:51 2025 GMT.