Dr Beverly Bergman
- Honorary Clinical Associate Professor (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Dr Beverly Bergman trained in medicine at the University of Birmingham. She worked as an Army doctor, initially in general practice before transferring into public health in 1996. She was appointed Senior Lecturer in Preventive Medicine at the Royal Army Medical College in 1997, and was Honorary Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Epidemiology at the University of Birmingham 2002-2009. Appointed Army Parkes Professor of Preventive Medicine in 2007, she was a member of the Army Medical Services Research Ethics Committee, the Surgeon General’s Research Strategy Group and the Army Scientific Advisory Committee. She worked in the Army’s health policy unit at the Ministry of Defence before moving to Scotland where she was seconded to the Scottish Government as Military Medical Liaison Officer. Since retiring from the Army in 2012, she has been at the Institute (now School) of Health & Wellbeing where, after completing a PhD study on the long-term health of military veterans in Scotland in 2016, she was an Honorary Senior Research Fellow before being appointed Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in 2021. She was appointed OBE for Services to Veterans in Scotland in the New Year Honours list 2021.
Research interests
- Epidemiology
- Military and veterans’ health
- History of medicine
- History of military public health
- Earth Sciences and the interface with medicine and health
Bricknell, M. and Bergman, B. (2025) Two hundred years of British Army casualties and statistics. British Journal for Military History, 11(1), pp. 28-56. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.bjmh.v11i1.1871)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2024) The impact of COVID-19 on the veteran population: evidence from the Trends in Scottish Veterans Health study. BMJ Military Health, (doi: 10.1136/military-2024-002677) (PMID:38697753) (Early Online Publication)
Tulloch, G., Bergman, B. P., Stone, P. and Togher, M. (2023) Archives in lockdown: the curious case of the BGS ‘Wilson Collection’. Geological Curator, 11(8), pp. 508-516. (doi: 10.55468/GC1466)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2023) Hip and knee replacement as a proxy measure for lower limb osteoarthritis in Scottish military veterans. BMJ Military Health, 169, pp. 321-326. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001913) (PMID:34373348)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. , Fear, N.T. and Pell, J.P. (2023) Age at entry to UK military service and long-term mental health. BMJ Military Health, 169(3), pp. 212-217. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001786) (PMID:33879527) (PMCID:PMC10313945)
Jones, M., Jones, N., Burdett, H., Bergman, B. P., Fear, N.T., Wessely, S. and Rona, R.J. (2023) Do Junior Entrants to the UK Armed Forces have worse outcomes than Standard Entrants? BMJ Military Health, 169, pp. 218-224. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001787) (PMID:33879526)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2023) Dementia in Scottish military veterans: early evidence from a retrospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 53(3), pp. 1015-1020. (doi: 10.1017/S0033291721002440) (PMID:34165055) (PMCID:PMC9975994)
Bergman, B. P., Ross, D. A. and Mackay, D. F. (2022) Trends in Scottish Veteran's Health. [Research Reports or Papers]
Bergman, B. P., Demou, E. , Lewsey, J. and Macdonald, E. (2022) A comparison of routine and case-managed pathways for recovery from musculoskeletal disorders in people in employment. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(17), pp. 4648-4655. (doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1912837) (PMID:33896322)
Ross, D., Mackay, D.F. and Bergman, B.P. (2022) Risk factors for mental ill health in UK Army personnel: an overview. BMJ Military Health, 168(2), pp. 166-172. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001679) (PMID:33911013)
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2022) Suicide among Scottish military veterans: follow-up and trends. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 79(2), pp. 88-93. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-107713) (PMID:34649999) (PMCID:PMC8784996)
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2022) Type 2 diabetes in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(2), e057431. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057431) (PMID:35115360) (PMCID:PMC8814809)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2022) Postservice lower limb amputation in Scottish military veterans. BMJ Military Health, 168(1), pp. 25-28. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001720) (PMID:33495277)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2021) Trends in cardiovascular disease in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 11(7), e044465. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044465) (PMID:34244251)
Tulloch, G., Stone, P., Bergman, B. and Togher, M. (2021) The BGS "Wilson Collection" of geological materials from the Wanlockhead-Leadhills mining field, southern Scotland. Russell Society Newsletter(78),
Bergman, B.P., Macdonald, E.B. , Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2019) Healthy workers or less healthy leavers? Mortality in military veterans. Occupational Medicine, 69(8-9), pp. 570-576. (doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqz023) (PMID:30869774)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2019) Peripheral arterial disease in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57 000 veterans and 173 000 matched non-veterans. Journal of Public Health, 41(1), e9-e15. (doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy046) (PMID:29534220)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Smith, D. J. and Pell, J. P. (2019) Non-fatal self-harm in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched non-veterans. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(1), pp. 81-87. (doi: 10.1007/s00127-018-1588-9) (PMID:30145625)
Bergman, B.P., Laing, F., Chandler, A.S. and Calman, K.C. (2018) Witnessing history: a personal view of half a century in public health. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 48(2), pp. 181-191. (doi: 10.4997/JRCPE.2018.214)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2018) Road traffic accidents in Scottish military veterans. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 113, pp. 287-291. (doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2018.02.010) (PMID:29455117)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2018) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Scottish military veterans. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 164(1), pp. 25-29. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2016-000729) (PMID:28500141)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. , Smith, D.J. and Pell, J.P. (2017) Suicide in Scottish military veterans: a 30-year retrospective cohort study. Occupational Medicine, 67(5), pp. 350-355. (doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqx047) (PMID:28486642)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2017) Lymphohaematopoietic malignancies in Scottish military veterans: Retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 non-veterans. Cancer Epidemiology, 47, pp. 100-105. (doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2017.02.001) (PMID:28236754)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2017) Tuberculosis in Scottish military veterans: evidence from a retrospective cohort study of 57 000 veterans and 173 000 matched non-veterans. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 163(1), pp. 53-57. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2015-000610) (PMID:27006373)
Bergman, B. P. (2017) Lead, isotopes and ice: a deadly legacy revealed. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 452, pp. 283-291. (doi: 10.1144/sp452.2)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Early adoption of screening and the changing pattern of cervical cancer in UK Military women: evidence from the Scottish Veterans Health Study. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 162(5), pp. 379-382. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2015-000544) (PMID:26684200)
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. and Pell, J. (2016) Understanding the Early Service Leaver. Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally (EPICOH 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 Sept 2016. A99-A100. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103951.268)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Smith, D. J. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Long-term mental health outcomes of military service: national linkage study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched nonveterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(6), pp. 793-798. (doi: 10.4088/JCP.15m09837)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Morrison, D. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Smoking-related cancer in military veterans: retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched non-veterans. BMC Cancer, 16, 311. (doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2347-5) (PMID:27178424) (PMCID:PMC4868009)
Wessely, S., Sim, M., Bergman, B., Castro, C., MacManus, D., Armour, C., Venables, K. and Fear, N. (2016) Panel Discussion and Summing-Up: Opportunities for Epidemiology in Studying the Transition from Military to Civilian Life. Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally (EPICOH 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 Sept 2016. A101.1-A101. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103951.272)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2015) Motor neurone disease and military service: evidence from the Scottish Veterans Health Study: Table 1. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(12), pp. 877-879. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2015-103066) (PMID:26468494)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2014) Smoking-related Cancer in Scottish Military Veterans. 7th European Public Health Conference Mind the Gap: Reducing Inequalities in Health and Health Care, Glasgow, Scotland, 19-22 Nov 2014. (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cku162.038)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2014) Acute myocardial infarction in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched nonveterans. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(12), pp. 1434-1441. (doi: 10.1093/aje/kwu082)
Bergman, B. P., Burdett, H. J. and Greenberg, N. (2014) Service life and beyond: institution or culture? RUSI Journal, 159(5), pp. 60-68. (doi: 10.1080/03071847.2014.969946)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2014) Long-term consequences of alcohol misuse in Scottish military veterans. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(1), pp. 28-32. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102234)
Bergman, B. P. (2013) Commentary: Edmund Alexander Parkes, John Snow and the miasma controversy. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(6), pp. 1562-1565. (doi: 10.1093/ije/dyt212)
Bergman, B. P. (2013) The influence of geology in the development of public health. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 375(1), pp. 279-287. (doi: 10.1144/SP375.6)
Bricknell, M. and Bergman, B. (2025) Two hundred years of British Army casualties and statistics. British Journal for Military History, 11(1), pp. 28-56. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.bjmh.v11i1.1871)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2024) The impact of COVID-19 on the veteran population: evidence from the Trends in Scottish Veterans Health study. BMJ Military Health, (doi: 10.1136/military-2024-002677) (PMID:38697753) (Early Online Publication)
Tulloch, G., Bergman, B. P., Stone, P. and Togher, M. (2023) Archives in lockdown: the curious case of the BGS ‘Wilson Collection’. Geological Curator, 11(8), pp. 508-516. (doi: 10.55468/GC1466)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2023) Hip and knee replacement as a proxy measure for lower limb osteoarthritis in Scottish military veterans. BMJ Military Health, 169, pp. 321-326. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001913) (PMID:34373348)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. , Fear, N.T. and Pell, J.P. (2023) Age at entry to UK military service and long-term mental health. BMJ Military Health, 169(3), pp. 212-217. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001786) (PMID:33879527) (PMCID:PMC10313945)
Jones, M., Jones, N., Burdett, H., Bergman, B. P., Fear, N.T., Wessely, S. and Rona, R.J. (2023) Do Junior Entrants to the UK Armed Forces have worse outcomes than Standard Entrants? BMJ Military Health, 169, pp. 218-224. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001787) (PMID:33879526)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2023) Dementia in Scottish military veterans: early evidence from a retrospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 53(3), pp. 1015-1020. (doi: 10.1017/S0033291721002440) (PMID:34165055) (PMCID:PMC9975994)
Bergman, B. P., Demou, E. , Lewsey, J. and Macdonald, E. (2022) A comparison of routine and case-managed pathways for recovery from musculoskeletal disorders in people in employment. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(17), pp. 4648-4655. (doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1912837) (PMID:33896322)
Ross, D., Mackay, D.F. and Bergman, B.P. (2022) Risk factors for mental ill health in UK Army personnel: an overview. BMJ Military Health, 168(2), pp. 166-172. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001679) (PMID:33911013)
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2022) Suicide among Scottish military veterans: follow-up and trends. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 79(2), pp. 88-93. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-107713) (PMID:34649999) (PMCID:PMC8784996)
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2022) Type 2 diabetes in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(2), e057431. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057431) (PMID:35115360) (PMCID:PMC8814809)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2022) Postservice lower limb amputation in Scottish military veterans. BMJ Military Health, 168(1), pp. 25-28. (doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001720) (PMID:33495277)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2021) Trends in cardiovascular disease in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 11(7), e044465. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044465) (PMID:34244251)
Tulloch, G., Stone, P., Bergman, B. and Togher, M. (2021) The BGS "Wilson Collection" of geological materials from the Wanlockhead-Leadhills mining field, southern Scotland. Russell Society Newsletter(78),
Bergman, B.P., Macdonald, E.B. , Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2019) Healthy workers or less healthy leavers? Mortality in military veterans. Occupational Medicine, 69(8-9), pp. 570-576. (doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqz023) (PMID:30869774)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2019) Peripheral arterial disease in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57 000 veterans and 173 000 matched non-veterans. Journal of Public Health, 41(1), e9-e15. (doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy046) (PMID:29534220)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Smith, D. J. and Pell, J. P. (2019) Non-fatal self-harm in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched non-veterans. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(1), pp. 81-87. (doi: 10.1007/s00127-018-1588-9) (PMID:30145625)
Bergman, B.P., Laing, F., Chandler, A.S. and Calman, K.C. (2018) Witnessing history: a personal view of half a century in public health. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 48(2), pp. 181-191. (doi: 10.4997/JRCPE.2018.214)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2018) Road traffic accidents in Scottish military veterans. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 113, pp. 287-291. (doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2018.02.010) (PMID:29455117)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2018) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Scottish military veterans. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 164(1), pp. 25-29. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2016-000729) (PMID:28500141)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. , Smith, D.J. and Pell, J.P. (2017) Suicide in Scottish military veterans: a 30-year retrospective cohort study. Occupational Medicine, 67(5), pp. 350-355. (doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqx047) (PMID:28486642)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2017) Lymphohaematopoietic malignancies in Scottish military veterans: Retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 non-veterans. Cancer Epidemiology, 47, pp. 100-105. (doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2017.02.001) (PMID:28236754)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2017) Tuberculosis in Scottish military veterans: evidence from a retrospective cohort study of 57 000 veterans and 173 000 matched non-veterans. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 163(1), pp. 53-57. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2015-000610) (PMID:27006373)
Bergman, B. P. (2017) Lead, isotopes and ice: a deadly legacy revealed. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 452, pp. 283-291. (doi: 10.1144/sp452.2)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Early adoption of screening and the changing pattern of cervical cancer in UK Military women: evidence from the Scottish Veterans Health Study. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 162(5), pp. 379-382. (doi: 10.1136/jramc-2015-000544) (PMID:26684200)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Smith, D. J. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Long-term mental health outcomes of military service: national linkage study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched nonveterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(6), pp. 793-798. (doi: 10.4088/JCP.15m09837)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. , Morrison, D. and Pell, J. P. (2016) Smoking-related cancer in military veterans: retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched non-veterans. BMC Cancer, 16, 311. (doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2347-5) (PMID:27178424) (PMCID:PMC4868009)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2015) Motor neurone disease and military service: evidence from the Scottish Veterans Health Study: Table 1. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(12), pp. 877-879. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2015-103066) (PMID:26468494)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2014) Acute myocardial infarction in Scottish military veterans: a retrospective cohort study of 57,000 veterans and 173,000 matched nonveterans. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(12), pp. 1434-1441. (doi: 10.1093/aje/kwu082)
Bergman, B. P., Burdett, H. J. and Greenberg, N. (2014) Service life and beyond: institution or culture? RUSI Journal, 159(5), pp. 60-68. (doi: 10.1080/03071847.2014.969946)
Bergman, B. P., Mackay, D. F. and Pell, J. P. (2014) Long-term consequences of alcohol misuse in Scottish military veterans. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(1), pp. 28-32. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102234)
Bergman, B. P. (2013) Commentary: Edmund Alexander Parkes, John Snow and the miasma controversy. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(6), pp. 1562-1565. (doi: 10.1093/ije/dyt212)
Bergman, B. P. (2013) The influence of geology in the development of public health. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 375(1), pp. 279-287. (doi: 10.1144/SP375.6)
Research Reports or Papers
Bergman, B. P., Ross, D. A. and Mackay, D. F. (2022) Trends in Scottish Veteran's Health. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference or Workshop Item
Bergman, B., Mackay, D. and Pell, J. (2016) Understanding the Early Service Leaver. Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally (EPICOH 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 Sept 2016. A99-A100. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103951.268)
Wessely, S., Sim, M., Bergman, B., Castro, C., MacManus, D., Armour, C., Venables, K. and Fear, N. (2016) Panel Discussion and Summing-Up: Opportunities for Epidemiology in Studying the Transition from Military to Civilian Life. Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally (EPICOH 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 Sept 2016. A101.1-A101. (doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103951.272)
Bergman, B.P., Mackay, D.F. and Pell, J.P. (2014) Smoking-related Cancer in Scottish Military Veterans. 7th European Public Health Conference Mind the Gap: Reducing Inequalities in Health and Health Care, Glasgow, Scotland, 19-22 Nov 2014. (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cku162.038)
Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.
- Health Outcomes in Female Military Veterans in Scotland.
The Colt Foundation
2025 - 2026
- Trends in Scottish Veterans' Health
Forces in Mind Trust
2018 - 2021
An Exploration of Gender Differences in Risk Factors for
Mental Ill Health & Functional Capability in UK Army
Personnel – A Through Life Approach