Not everyone experiences the same opportunities to lead a long and healthy life.
At MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, we conduct high quality research that has a real impact on health and wellbeing, and on reducing health inequalities – both at home and across the globe.
We have a particular focus on developing and using cutting-edge methods to understand how social, behavioural, economic, political and environmental factors influence health. We work with decision makers, practitioners and the public to identify interventions and policies that can have an effective and sustained impact on health and wellbeing, particularly among those most in need.
25 SepNew data from the WHO Regional Office for Europe reveals a sharp rise in problematic social media use among adolescents in Scotland.
29 Aug
New WHO/Europe report reveals high rates of unprotected sex among adolescents
A new report from the WHO Regional Office for Europe reveals that condom use among sexually active adolescents has declined significantly since 2014, with rates of unprotected sex worryingly high.