
 Photo of 2 women shaking hands

Our vision is to be the world-leading centre for research and education, working to improve health and wellbeing through better decision-making. 

We work continually to strengthen our existing research portfolio by focusing on synergistic working across our research themes.

Completed Projects


Project TitleHEHTA PIFromToTotal Project ValueFunderResearch Theme
TRends and Inequalities in Prescribing for Alcohol Dependence in Scotland (TRIPADS)  James Lewsey  2018 2021 107,842  Alcohol Research UK  ALDA
Development of a fully Bayesian framework for the identification and estimation of subgroup effects in Randomised Controlled Trials  Neil Hawkins  2017 2021 462,108  MRC  EEACT
Developing a Scottish Type 2 Diabetes Policy Model and piloting a web based decision aid “dashboard”  James Lewsey  2017  2021 228,989  CSO  ALDA 
Estimating the value of Precision Medicine Technologies: Developing A Scottish Toolkit  Neil Hawkins  2018  2021 119,396  University of Glasgow  PM
An Introduction to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for Decision-Makers: the Philippines Context  Olivia Wu   2020  2021 41,000  Price Waterhouse Cooper /British Council   
Validation of a Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) Tool for Young Boys with Hypospadias  James Lewsey  2020  2021 3,138  GCRF  ES 


New Projects (2021)

Project TitleHEHTA PIFromToTotal Project Value (£)FunderResearch Theme
Optimising a digital diagnostic pathway for Heart Failure in the community (OPERA) Olivia Wu 2021 2022  768,000 Astra Zeneca  DAMSEL, ES 
A Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial of Antenatal Corticosteroids for Planned Birth in Twins: STOPPIT-3

Kathleen Boyd

2021 2025  346,604 NIHR  DAMSEL 
Economic Case for Self-Reporting Vascular Grafts Neil Hawkins 2021 2022  30,000  University of Glasgow  PM 
Quantum-Inspired Imaging for Remote Monitoring of Health & Disease in Community Healthcare Emma McIntosh 2021 2026  4,713,164  ESPRC  PM, EPH 
REDIRECT: REmote Diet Intervention to REduce long Covid symptoms Trial Emma McIntosh 2021 2023  1,009,963  NIHR  EPH 
KTP Health Economics to assist translation of molecular pathology tests Neil Hawkins 2021 2023  180,131  Innovate UK  PM 
KTP Health Economics to assist translation of molecular pathology tests Neil Hawkins 2021 2023  88,721  BioClavis Ltd  PM 
GECO Manuela Deidda 2021 2023  800,000  NIHR   EPH 
The clinical utility of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with angina but no obstructive coronary disease (CorCMR): a diagnostic study and nested randomised trial Olivia Wu 2021 2024  296,404  BHF  DAMSEL 
A randomised controlled trial of a facilitated home-based rehabilitation intervention in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and their caregivers: the REACHHFpEF Study Emma McIntosh 2021 2024  2,078,742  NIHR  EPH 
Personalised ExerciseRehabilitation FOR people with Multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity)-The PERFORM trial Emma McIntosh 2021 2027  2,561,774  NIHR  EPH 
Clinical and economic burden associated with not anticoagulating eligible patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) Claudia Geue 2021 2022  90,744  BMS Pfizer  ALDA 
Impact of OAC discontinuation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) Emma McIntosh 2021 2022  83,562  BMS Pfizer  ALDA 
Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an automated text message intervention for weight management in postpartum women with overweight or obesity: the Supporting MumS (SMS) Randomised Controlled Trial Emma McIntosh 2021 2025  2,563,509  NIHR  EPH 

Ongoing Projects

Project title HEHTA PI From To Total Project Value (£) Funder Research Theme
Randomised control trial of surveillance and no surveillance for patients with Barrett's oesophagus - BOSS (Barrett's Oesophagus Surveillance Study) Andrew Briggs 2009 2023  1,710,981 NIHR EEACT
SurgiCal Obesity Treatment Study (SCOTS) Andrew Briggs 2012 2026  1,443,837 NIHR EEACT
SYSTEMS 2: a randomised phase II trial of standard versus dose escalated radiotherapy in the treatment of pain in malignant pleural mesothelioma Kathleen Boyd 2014 2022  130,312 CRUK ,BEATSON CANCER CHARITY   EEACT
NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU) Olivia Wu 2015 2023  2,000,000 NIHR ES
The Best Services Trial (BeST?): Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the New Orleans Intervention Model for Infant Mental Health Emma McIntosh, Kathleen Boyd  2016 2024  3,437,346 NIHR EPH, EEACT
No to Na. Tackling cardiovascular risk in the adolescent life-course through a schools' salt-reduction intervention in sub-Saharan Africa Emma McIntosh 2018 2022  1,031,458 Medical Research Council (MRC) GHTA, EPH
Novel low cost diagnostic tools and their impact in Africa Emma McIntosh 2018 2022  1,686,271 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC) GHTA, EPH
How can we increase the number of people cycling regularly? Emma McIntosh 2018 2022  164,952 British Cycling Federation EPH,  IPE
Supporting the National Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance (SNAP-AMR) in Tanzania Emma McIntosh 2018 2022  140,789 Medical Research Council (MRC) GHTA
NIHR Global Health Research Group on estimating the prevalence, quality and life, economic and societal impact of arthritis in Tanzania: a mixed methods study at University of Glasgow Emma McIntosh 2018 2022  2,018,520 NIHR GHTA
The BHF FAMOUS-NSTEMI long-term follow-up study Olivia Wu 2018 2022  144,306 British Heart Foundation DAMSEL
Health Economics Analysis to Scottish Medicines Consortium Olivia Wu 2019 2022  69,420 Healthcare Improvement Scotland ES DAMSEL
Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy Incentives Trial (CPIT): A phase III Randomised Controlled Trial Kathleen Boyd 2017 2022  294,974 CSO DAMSEL
BALLAD - A global study to evaluate the potential benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy for small bowel adenocarcinoma. Kathleen Boyd 2013 2025  686,749 CRUK EEACT
Cancer Medicines Outcomes programme Olivia Wu 2019 2023  1,000,000 Scottish Government ES
Living Lab: Driving Economic Growth in Glasgow through Real-World Implementation of Precision Medicine Neil Hawkins 2020 2005  38,076,472.00  UKRI PM 
Reversal of T2DM to normal glucose tolerance using non-surgical weight management with low-energy liquid- diet and long-term maintenance, within routine NHS care: study extension Neil Hawkins 2020 2022  250,742.00  Diabetes Uk DAMSEL
Understanding the mechanisms and effectiveness of lifestyle modification interventions in adults with learning disabilities. Olivia Wu 2020 2022  306,449.00  NIHR ES
Early Supported Discharge in patient admitted to hospital with Heart Failure; ESD-HF Olivia Wu 2020 2023  519,122.00  SQ innovation AG ES
Football and gambling: a feasibility study and pilot for an intervention to reduce gambling involvement among football fans Manuela Deidda  2020 2022  521,442.00  NIHR EPH
Integrating digital pathology and genomic analysis to optimise and streamline colonic surveillance within the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme (SBoSP) to enable early detection of Colorectal neoplasia. Neil Hawkins 2020 2023  1,134,505.00  Innovate  PM
Tailored Intervention at home for patients with moderate-to-severe COPD and Co-morbidities by Pharmacists and Consultant Physicians (TICC PCP): pilot randomised controlled trial Emma McIntosh 2020 2022  158,862.00  CSO EPH
Evaluating later or expanded premises hours for alcohol in the night-time economy (ELEPHANT) James Lewsey 2020 2023  1,042,653.00  NIHR ALDA
A clinical trial of FFR-CT guided management vs standard invasive management in patients with known or suspected coronary heart disease Olivia Wu 2020 2025  2,367,658.00  BHF DAMSEL
Ambulance callouts to drug overdoses  in Scotland James Lewsey 2020 2022  99,996.00  Scottish Govt ALDA
A feasibility study to test the peer-led `A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial' intervention (ASSIST) in three culturally different middle income countries Nicola McMeekin 2020 2023  351,026.00  MRC DAMSEL
Healthy Dads Healthy Kids in Prisons: a feasibility study and pilot for a intervention to improve mental health and wellbeing and father-child relationships Nicola McMeekin 2020 2023  276,327.00  NIHR DAMSEL
Saeboglove therapy for severe Upper limb disability and Severe Hand Impairment after stroke Olivia Wu 2020 2023  277,075.00  CSO ES
BEhavioural weight management: COMponents for Effectiveness Olivia Wu 2020 2023  500,000.00  NIHR ES
accelerated cardiovascular magnetic  resonance in coronary artery disease Olivia Wu 2020 2022  246,761.00  NIHR DAMSEL
New care home admission after hospitalisation - understanding trajectories and predictors using linked health and social care data Claudia Geue 2020 2022  72,342.00  Dunhill Medical Trust  ALDA
A phase II RCT to measure the cost and consequences of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy compared with 'usual treatment' for children referred with maltreatment-associated psychiatric problems Kathleen Boyd 2020 2024  2,628,211.00  NIHR DAMSEL
Cervical Ripening at Home or In-Hospital prospective cohort study and process evaluation (CHOICE Study) Kathleen Boyd 2020 2022  782,967.00  NIHR DAMSEL
A randomised, double-blind placebo controlled trial of the effectiveness of the beta-blocker bisoprolol in preventing exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (BICS) Olivia Wu 2018 2023  2,535,731.00  NIHR DAMSEL
The Impact of Minimum Pricing of Alcohol on Ambulance Call-outs in Scotland  James Lewsey 2019 2021  240,321.00  NIHR ALDA
Scottish Ambulance Service drug overdose call-outs (mixed-methods study). James Lewsey 2020 2022  99,996.00  NIHR ALDA 
PD med extension Emma McIntosh, Kathleen Boyd 2018-2021 2018 2022  3093251 NIHR


Research Themes:

ALDA Analysis of Linked Health Data
DAMSEL Decision Analytic Modelling and Simulation for Evaluation in Health
EEACT Economic Evaluation alongside Clinical Trials
EPH Economics of Population Health
EPM Economics of Precision Medicine
ES Evidence Synthesis
IPE Incorporating Perspectives and Experience


CHSS Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
CRUK Cancer Research UK
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EC European Commission
DFID UK Department for International Development
MRC Medical Research Council NIHR National Institute for Health Research
SEHD Scottish Executive Health Department
CSO Chief Scientists Office