Seminars and Workshops
We run various seminars and workshops throughout the year. You can see our past events listed below. We have been fortunate to be able to host speakers from all over the world. We also run the Glasgow health Economics Seminar Series (GhESS) alongside Glasgow Caledonian and Strathclyde universities.
Our seminars and workshops are advertised on our social media platforms and via our mailing list.
We hold various internal seminars throughout the year. Along with Glasgow Caledonian and Strathclyde universities, we also run the Glasgow Health Economics Seminar Series (GhESS), which has been running since 2013. You can see our most recent seminars below:
Date | Speaker | Title |
11/09/2023 | Professor Phillip Clarke, University of Oxford | The benefits of allocating research funding via a lottery?: The impact of winning funding on researcher productivity results from a randomised trial |
09/01/2023 | Professor Chris McCabe, Queen's Univeristy | Healthcare resource allocation using a cost-effectiveness threshold: K OR V? |
26/04/2022 | James Gaughan, University of York | Does Containing Costs Reduce Hospital Quality |
22/02/2022 | Dr Janneke Grutters, Radboud Medical Centre | The Early Evaluation of Healthcare Innovation |
22/11/2021 | Dr Abigail Colson, Ryan Field, Dr Neil McHugh | GhESS Internal Seminar |
13/09/2021 | Ieva Skarda, Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York | Full Lifecourse Evaluation of Childhood Policies |
12/05/2021 | Yot Teerawattananon, Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) | Preparing for the new future of HTA after the pandemic |
02/03/2021 | Dr Sergi Alonso, Research Associate (Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health & Comparative Medicine) | Combination of indoor residual spraying with long-lasting insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in Zambezi, Mozambique: a cluster randomised trial and cost-effectiveness study |
16/02/2021 | Quantifying the impact of health system capacity constraints in economic evaluations using value of implementation analysis | Dr Stuart Wright, Manchester Centre for Health Economics |
26/11/2020 | Network meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes in the presence of non-proportional hazards | Dr Suzanne Freeman, University of Leicester |
24/11/202 | Relaunch of GhESS Seminars, Glasgow health Economics Seminar Series (GhESS) | Itmar Megiddo, University of Strathclyde Helen Mason, Glasgow Caledonian University Olivia Wu, University of Glasgow |
01/08/2019 | Distributional consequences of including survivor costs in economic evaluations Glasgow Health Economics Seminar Series (GhESS) | Professor William Padula, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, University of Southern California School of Pharmacy |
We have hosted and taken part in numerous workshops and webinars. We also regularly run internal workshops for staff.
Date | Title | Description |
21/09/2022 | Modelling Surgery | Half-day, face-to-face open modelling surgery for staff held by Kathleen Boyd, Andrew Davies and Neil Hawkins |
12/11/2020 | Grant-Writing Workshop | Emma McIntosh held an internal grant-writing workshop to showcase HEHTA’s grant portfolio over the last five years and give/share tailored advice on the grant-writing process for health economists and HTA researchers. The workshop featured a presentation to give the team a full insight into sources of funding and the types of grants HEHTA is involved in, including research, programme, global groups, methodological and fellowship grants. After the presentation there was a session on the grant-writing process followed by final group sessions facilitated by HEHTA grant holders. |
22/09/2020 | NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU) Webinar - Living Systematic Reviews: Opportunities and Challenges | NIHR CRSU webinar explored a broad perspective of Living Systematic Reviews (LSR), from the process of living search, inclusion and update of the analysis, to issues around multiple testing in a LSR and the risks of stopping when the analysis gives an (erroneous) ‘positive result’, and finally, looking at LSR in the context of our vision for a greater marriage of evidence synthesis and original research. How can the LSR inform the next trial and how will that trial feed into the LSR? We will share our experience of using the CRSU Covid-19 MetaInsight App (particularly the automation aspects) to aid the visualisation of living network meta-analysis. |
20/01/2017 | Improving the Focus of Precision Medicine: The Role of HTA | HEHTA hosted an afternoon workshop, Improving the focus of Precision Medicine: the role of Health Technology Assessment (HTA). The workshop comprised a series of talks given by invited speakers. These considered issues related to the successful development of precision medicine technologies and the potential role of HTA analysis and thinking in the selection of candidate technologies and the design of studies that will provide compelling evidence |