Archive of activity and additions
If you would like a copy of a document or resource for which there is no link, please email
- Albanese, A., Blane, D. N. and Williamson, A. E. (2021) Mental health in context: structural vulnerability and support in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 71(713), pp. 565-567. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp21X717965) (PMID:34824078)
- Patterson, D. and Blane, D. N. (2021) Training for purpose – a blueprint for social accountability and health equity focused GP training. Education for Primary Care, 32(6), pp. 318-321. (doi: 10.1080/14739879.2021.1966652) (PMID:34486945)
- CPG Health Inequalities: Responses to the inverse care law in Scotland
Dr David Blane was a speaker at the Voluntary Health Scotland Health Inequalities Cross Party Group on 06 December 2021 - Dr Carey Lunan was part of the panel for this year’s Edinburgh Medical Debate (06 Dec 2021), presenting a primary care perspective on "Surviving Covid-19: the future of the NHS"
- CONFERENCE REPORT 50 years of the inverse care law (May 2021)
- Deep End International Bulletin No 6
- Dr Carey Lunan was part of the debate for the Leaders in Healthcare Conference 2021 (11 Nov 2021): The Great Debate Part 2: General Practice and the Public Pandemic Perception
- DEEP END REPORT 38 Climate change and health inequalities
Summary | Full report
- Addressing inequalities in our everyday work: learning from the Scottish Deep End Project
Talk delivered by Dr Carey Lunan [starts at 1.08.28] at "Working together to address health inequalities" BMA Conference, October 2021
- GPs and staff face abuse, workforce figures and health inequalities [podcast]
GP Online speaks to Dr Carey Lunan and Dr David Blane about how they are trying to tackle health inequalities and what other practices can learn from their work - Health inequalities in Scotland and how the Deep End Project aims to balance them [podcast]
Scotland compares very poorly with other countries in Europe and even within the UK when it comes to health inequalities, but why? In S03E02 of the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Tea and Talk Podcast, RSE Chief Executive Rebekah Widdowfield talks to Professor Graham Watt CBE FRSE about the reasons and possible answers.
- Williamson AE, McQueenie R, Ellis DA, McConnachie A, Wilson P (2021) ‘Missingness’ in health care: Associations between hospital utilization and missed appointments in general practice. A retrospective cohort study. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253163.
- The exceptional and equitable potential of family practice
(Keynote address given via Zoom by Professor Graham Watt at the Annual Leaders Forum of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, May 2021)
- Learning from the Scottish Deep End Project
(Talk given by Professor Graham Watt at a session on "Social Inequality and Health" at the annual meeting of the College of the Norwegian Medical Association, coordinated virtually from Oslo on 20 April 2021) - DEEP END REPORT 37 COVID-19 vaccine deployment for marginalised groups in Scotland
Summary | Full report
- Deep End Zoom Meeting 2 (January 2021)
Report on meeting of international Deep End colleagues (Scotland, Ireland, England, Belgium, Australia, Canada, US) - Key lessons from 10 years of the Scottish Deep End GP project
Slides from webinar with Deep End NW London group by Dr Anne Mullin and Dr David Blane (September 2020)
- Govan SHIP Project
- Govan SHIP report and evaluation (June 2020)
- Govan SHIP report appendices
- Govan SHIP infographics
Dr John Montgomery Project GP Lead
Vince McGarry Project Manager
- Deep End International Bulletin No 4
- COVID-19, homelessness and implications for end of life care
(Presentation by Dr Andrea Williamson to Marie Curie Homelessness and End of Life Care Summit, 28 October 2020)
- GPs at the Deep End [video]
Three academic GPs and members of the Deep End group talk about the importance and value of the group, ahead of the UofG Knowledge Exchange and Public Engagement Awards 2020
- Health inequalities in Scotland: a GP view
(This account from a frontline GP, Dr Catriona Morton, reflects on the experience of a professional lifetime in practices serving socio-economically deprived populations. It refers to the evidence base, is a call to action, and offers pragmatic solutions and recommendations for resource distribution. The paper is rooted in the current Scottish General Practice architecture, unapologetically using that, and Edinburgh-based approaches, as case studies. It is a document of its place and time: it will achieve its purpose if colleagues feel free to use it as a resource to change things for the better, in the service of our patients.)
- 2020 07 Deep End Zoom Meeting 1
Brief summary of the first Deep End International Zoom Meeting held on 09 July 2020 and exploring the shared agenda of Deep End Projects
- Ashwell, G., Blane, D. , Lunan, C. and Matheson, J. (2020) General practice post-COVID-19: time to put equity at the heart of health systems? British Journal of General Practice, 70(697), p. 400. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp20X712001) (PMID:32732207)
- Deep End International Bulletin No 3
- DEEP END REPORT 36 General Practice in the time of COVID-19
Deep End Summary 36 General Practice in the time of Covid-19 | Deep End Report 36 General Practice in the time of Covid-19
- How primary care has adapted to new ways of working during the COVID-19 pandemic
Vlog by Glasgow GP Dr Maria Duffy (08/05/2020) - Poverty, health and COVID-19: emerging lessons in Scotland
Dr Anne Mullin participated in this webinar hosted by Poverty Alliance with Dr Gerry McCartney, Head of the Public Health Observatory, Public Health Scotland and Linda Bauld, Professor of Public Health, University of Edinburgh - Rizwan Din, Colette Montgomery Sardar, Graeme Bryson, Vince McGarry Evaluation of the impact of pharmacist polypharmacy reviews within the Govan Social and Healthcare Integration Partnership (SHIP) Project The Pharmaceutical Journal 12 May 2020
- Delivering Opioid Substitution Treatment in Edinburgh during COVID-19 [BBC News, 27/04/2020]
Dr John Budd talks about innovative work in the Edinburgh Access Practice during the COVID-19 pandemic with patients prescribed Methadone - Allyson M Pollock, Luke Clements, Louisa Harding-Edgar Covid-19: why we need a national health and social care service BMJ 2020 369
Editorial on the need for a fully integrated health and social care system
- The story of GPs at the Deep End - primary care serving areas of socioeconomic deprivation [video]
- Martina Zeitler, Andrea E Williamson, John Budd, Ruth Spencer, Anton Queen, and Richard Lowrie Comparing the Impact of Primary Care Practice Design in Two Inner City UK Homelessness Services Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2020 11, 1-13
- Andrea E Williamson, Ross McQueenie, David A Ellis, Alex McConnachie and Philip Wilson General practice recording of adverse childhood experiences: a retrospective cohort study of GP records BJGP Open 18 February 2020
This research shows that recording of ACEs is very sparse in the GP record. There is nevertheless an association between any recorded ACE and the likelihood of missing GP appointments. - RCGP Inequality Scale Sub-Group Report
(This short report reflects on the historic and current barriers to implementing interventions in general practice at scale that reduce health inequalities. It was produced as an informative piece for a larger meeting on health inequalities that was hosted by RCGP in Scotland.) - Population Health Joint Working approach in Clyde Gateway
(Video and podcast by Public Health Reform)
- DEEP END REPORT 35 Plans for advocacy and engagement by the Scottish Deep End Project
Deep End Summary 35 Advocacy and engagement by the Scottish Deep End Project | Deep End Report 35 Advocacy and engagement by the Scottish Deep End Project
- Mentoring for hard to reach people with hepatitis C
(Christopher Weatherburn, Neil Sneddon, Nancy Sturrock, Alessandro Insalaco, David Shaw) - Effectiveness of Community-Links Practitioners in Areas of High Socioeconomic Deprivation Stewart W. Mercer, Bridie Fitzpatrick, Lesley Grant, Nai Rui Chng, Alex McConnachie, Andisheh Bakhshi, Greg James-Rae, Catherine A. O’Donnell, Sally Wyke. Annals of Family Medicine 2019 17(6)
Further evaluation of the Deep End Link Worker programme suggests that ongoing engagement with the community link worker is essential in uptake of suggested community resources and improved patient outcomes - Overview of Glasgow HSCP Community Link Worker Programme [video]
A GP and Community Link Worker discuss practical aspects of the CLW role in the primary care team. - GPs at the Deep End: identifying and addressing social disadvantage wherever it lies Elizabeth Sturgiss, Peter Tait, Kirsty Douglas, Joo-Inn Chew, Susan Baglow, Graham Watt. Australian Journal of General Practice 48(11) 2019
- Report of the Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament
Dr Anne Mullin gave evidence on behalf of the GPs at the Deep End to the Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament on on 01 October 2019 - Key learning from Deep End GP projects
(Presentation by Dr David Blane and Dr Lisa Robins at European Forum for Primary Care Conference, Nanterre, Paris, October 2019)
- Deep End Newsletter No 2 (August 2019)
- Deep End response to the One Year Care Consultation
The Deep End group response to the second phase of the Scottish Government inquiry into what primary care should look like for the next generation - "Move Pollok" GPs promoting community engagement and health in a Deep End community [YouTube video]
- Deep End GPs as institutional entrepreneurs and political navigators
Summary of a dissertation carried out in partial fulfillment for the degree of BA (Hons) Business Enterprise at the University of Strathclyde. The aim of the study was to investigate the connection between traditional entrepreneurial concepts within the context of the healthcare sector. The study looks at the concept of ‘institutional entrepreneurship’, which sees frontline actors attempt to initiate change within already established institutions through unconventional behaviour for that particular field. The GPs at the Deep End project was used as the focus of the study to understand how intuitional entrepreneurship was being carried out within the context of primary healthcare to narrow healthcare inequalities through strategic navigation of the medical political system.
- Building equity in the NHS: the role of general practice Graham Watt (BJGP paper)
- Presentations from "Exceptional potential of general practice" conference (Feb 2019) on YouTube
- Morbidity, mortality and missed appointments in healthcare: a national retrospective data linkage study Ross McQueenie, David A. Ellis, Alex McConnachie, Philip Wilson, Andrea Williamson (BMC Medicine paper reporting on morbidity and mortality outcomes)
- Demographic and practice factors predicting repeated non-attendance in primary care: a national retrospective cohort analysis David Ellis, Ross McQueenie, Alex McConnachie, Philip Wilson, Andrea Williamson (Lancer paper examining patient and practice demographic factors)
- DEEP END REPORT 34 The Deep End Project for 2019-2022
Summary | Full report - From remote and rural general practice to the Deep End: Benbecula to Pollok [VIDEO]
Dr Kate Dawson, GP, describes her exchange journey to one of Glasgow's 'deep end' practices in Pollok, from her own, remote practice on the Isle of Benbecula in the Western Isles, Scotland
- GP speciality training in areas of deprivation: factors influencing engagement. A qualitative study Marianne McCallum, Sara MacDonald and John McKay. BJGP Open May 2019
- Developing a Deep End project (Paper by Professor Graham Watt)
Integrating money advice workers into primary care settings: an evaluation - POWERPOINT PRESENTATION
Integrating money advice workers into primary care settings
(James Egan, Glasgow Centre for Population Health, January 2019) - BLOG
At the Deep End: integrating money advice workers into GP practices
- Medical education in (and for) areas of socio-economic deprivation in the UK David Blane. Education for Primary Care 2018 29 (5)
- Slides presented at RCEM Scottish Policy Forum (20 November 2018)
All aboard the Govan SHIP (Dr Anne Mullin)
The PATHWAY approach: addressing the revolving door of homelessness and hospital (Dr John Budd) - Slides presented at Scottish Policy Conference on Child Poverty (29 November 2018)
The Govan SHIP Project (Social & Health Integration Project) (Dr John Montgomery)
- Professor Graham Watt receives Fletcher of Saltoun award
- DEEP END REPORT 33 Increasing undergraduate education in primary care in areas of socio-economic deprivation
Summary | Full report
- Glasgow Deep End practice
Slides | Transcript
Slides presented by Dr Anne Mullin at King's Fund Conference (19 June 2018) - Deep End GP Pioneer Scheme
Slides presented by Dr Petra Sambale at King's Fund Conference (19 June 2018) - Deep End to Remote and Rural GP: Pollok to Stornoway [VIDEO]
Dr Pamela Blair, GP registrar working in a Deep End medical practice in Glasgow, talks about her experience of working in Broadbay Medical Practice in Stornoway
- GPs in at the Deep End - supporting Scotland's families. Rights, Respect, Relationships.
Slides | Transcript
Slides presented by Dr Anne Mullin at the Parenting Across Scotland Conference (Dundee, 26 April 2018)
- Deep End GP Pioneer Scheme
Slides presented by Dr David Blane at the RCGP Innovative General Practice Meeting: Bright Ideas section (Edinburgh, 21 March 2018)
- Priorities for primary care in Scotland: best practice, integration and the new GP contract
Slides | Transcript
Slides presented by Dr Anne Mullin at a Scotland Policy Conference (Edinburgh, 17 January 2018) - GPs at the Deep End: beyond the inverse care law
Slides presented by Dr David Blane at the Scottish Medical Sociology Conference (Edinburgh, 09 January 2018)
- Levelling up: providing equitable GP care to children/young people in Scotland (Nov 2017)
Slides presented by Dr Anne Mullin at "Child healthcare in Scotland: overcoming the challenges to equality" (Children's Health Scotland Conference, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 10 Nov 2017) - (Sep 2017)
- DEEP END REPORT 32 8 years of the Deep End project (Nov 2017)
Summary | Full report
- Wise by experience - a holistic workforce
Slides presented by Dr Anne Mullin at one of the workshops at the 'Polishing our Gems: A call for action on childhood adversity' event, 28 November 2016, Surgeon’s Hall, Edinburgh - DEEP END REPORT 31 Attached Alcohol Nurse Deep End Pilot (Dec 2016)
Summary | Full report - Re-imagining the NHS - Learning from General Practice at the Deep End
Slides from a seminar delivered by Professor Graham Watt as part of the 2016/2017 Seminar Series of the Glasgow Centre for Population Health
- Primary care support for problem alcohol use in areas of highest deprivation
Presentation by Andrea Williamson at Medical Council on Alcohol (Nov 2016) - Update mailing to Deep End practices, November 2016
- DEEP END REPORT 30 A role for Members of the Scottish Parliament in addressing inequalities in healthcare in Scotland (Nov 2016)
Summary | Full report
- A new future for social security: consultation on social security in Scotland A response from GPs at the Deep End (October 2016)
- Lessons from the Deep End
Text and slides of a presentation given by Professor Graham Watt at Manchester on 28 September 2016 and Dublin on 6 October 2016 - RCGP West of Scotland Faculty Willie Fulton Lecture 2016
“The monstrous longevity of the inverse care law”
Professor Graham Watt, 12 October 2016
- Deep End briefing for Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament
Text and slides of a presentation given by Professor Graham Watt to the Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament on its away day on 04 September 2016 - "Patterns of health care use of frequent attenders at very deprived general practices in Glasgow BSc dissertation and poster presentation by Alice Harry, medical student, at UK RCGP Conference, Harrogate, 2016
- DEEP END REPORT 29 GP use of additional time as part of the SHIP project (June 2016)
Summary | Full report - DEEP END REPORT 28 GP recruitment and retention in deprived areas (April 2016)
Summary | Full report - Political lobbying by Deep End GPs
- Deep End response to the Scottish Government's draft Mental Health Strategy
- DEEP END REPORT 27 Improving partnership working between general practices and financial advice services in Glasgow: one year on (Dec 2015)
Summary | Full report
- Welfare benefits and general practice (A study at Keppoch Medical Practice, Possilpark Health and Care Centre) Sarah Littler, University of Edinburgh
- Improving physical health outcomes of those with severe and enduring mental health problems: learning exchange. Professor Graham Watt, Conference on Mental Health arranged by the Scottish Government Health Department, Thistle Hotel, Glasgow, Wednesday 04 March 2015
- Scottish Parliament, Official Report, Equal Opportunities Committee 23 April 2015, contribution by Professor Graham Watt
- Bridging the gaps in cardiovascular care. Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Hypertension Society, University of Greenwich, 10 September 2013
- Dr Peter Cawston, Dr Susan Langridge and Professor Graham Watt give evidence on Health Inequalities to the Public Audit Committee at the Scottish Parliament on 30th January 2013 [evidence begins 57 minutes into the recording]
- DEEP END REPORT 26 Generalist and specialist views of mental health issues in very deprived areas
Summary | Full report
- DEEP END REPORT 25 Strengthening primary care partnership responses to the welfare reforms
Summary | Full report
- DEEPEND REPORT 24 What are the CPD needs of GPs working in Deep End practices?
Summary | Full report - DEEP END REPORT 23 The contribution of general practice to improving the health of vulnerable families
Summary | Full report - DEEP END REPORT 22 Mental health issues in the Deep End
Summary | Full report